How do I add a 'where not' to a QueryBuilder Query - aem

I want to search the entire content tree but not specific tress that have a 'Do Not Search' property at their base.
The Query Builder API page does not reference anything besides AND and OR.
Is it possible to exclude paths from the search or can I only explicitly include paths?
The first three lines are "/content AND /content/path/es". I want "/content AND NOT(/content/path/es)"
map.put("group.1_path", "/content");
map.put("group.2_path", "/content/path/es");
I have tried the next two both true and false and they have no effect.
map.put("group.2_path.p.not", "true");
map.put("group.2_path.not", "true");
map.put("group.2_path", "not('/content/path/es')");
I can't find any documentation that mentions any other name that 'not' or '!' might be used instead.

Yes it is possible. But not exactly in the way you are trying.
You can exclude the pages with certain properties using the property predicate evaluator.
For ex. If you want to exclude pages which have the property "donotsearch" in its jcr:content node, then you can query it using property operation as exists
map.put("path", "/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar");
map.put("type", "cq:Page");
/* Relative path to the property to check for */
map.put("property", "jcr:content/donotsearch");
/* Operation to perform on the value of the prop, in this case existence check */
map.put("property.operation", "exists");
/* Value for the prop, false = not, by default it is true */
map.put("property.value", "false");
This would result in the following XPath Query
/jcr:root/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar//element(*, cq:Page)
But in case you would like to exclude pages with certain value for the property donotsearch, then you can change the above query as shown below
map.put("property", "jcr:content/donotsearch"); //the property to check for
map.put("property.operation", "equals"); // or unequals or like etc..
map.put("property.value", "/*the value of the property*/");
You can find a lot other info regarding querying by referring to the docs.

I'm not sure what version of CQ you're using (you linked to the 5.4 docs), but in 5.5 and above, the PredicateGroup class has a setNegated method to exclude results that would match the group defined.
You can't set negation on an individual Predicate, but there would be nothing to stop you creating a group with just the predicate that you wish to negate:
Predicate pathPredicate = new Predicate("path").set("path", "/content/path/es");
PredicateGroup doNotSearchGroup = new PredicateGroup();
Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(doNotSearchGroup);
EDIT: Just to update in relation to your comment, you should be able to add a PredicateGroup to another PredicateGroup (as PredicateGroup is a subclass of Predicate). So once you have your negated group, combine it with the path search:
Predicate pathPredicate = new Predicate("path");
pathPredicate.set("path", "/content");
PredicateGroup combinedPredicate = new PredicateGroup();
Query query - queryBuilder.createQuery(combinedPredicate);

It is pretty straightforward implementation.

I've run into the same problem and while I couldn't fully solve it I was able to come up with a workaround using groups and the unequals operator. Something like:
Btw, map.put("group.p.not",true) did not work for me.
This link has a lot of useful information:


Add SQL restriction to predicates in JPA query

I have to filter entities according to some parameters sent by client. For this purpose, i create a list of predicates like this:
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if (filters != null && StringUtils.hasText(filters.getName())) {
"%" + filters.getName().trim().toUpperCase() + "%"));
Now the problem is to add a criteria that is sql syntax. In particular i have to find entities that are located into a particular polygon. So i should add a restriction like this:
and within(point, :bounds) = true //bounds is the geometry drawn by client
I have read that i could use #Formula to define an sql filter but this annotation works everytime even if filter in input(about localization) is not setted.
Can anyone help me?
You should be able to call database functions using CriteriaBuilder.function(...). Try cb.equal(cb.function("within", Boolean.class, root.get("point"), bounds), cb.literal(true)).
This may or may not work out of the box depending on the type of the bounds parameter, because Hibernate needs to recognize it to know its SQL representation, though. You might need to create a custom LiteralType

Retrieve a parent node using AEM query builder

I need to retrieve a parent node using AEM Query builder.
For instance, this is my query:
This query allow me to retrieve the following elements:
1) /content/test/us/bar/table/jcr:content/releated/product/2
2) /content/test/us/bar/chair/jcr:content/releated/product/1
Using this query, one can retrieve all elements placed under /content/test/us/bar which contain 8003170008212 as value of product property.
Starting from the previous bullet points I need to return just the parent, so for example:
1) /content/test/us/bar/table
2) /content/test/us/bar/chair
I can achieve my target programmatically, iterating the results and using 3 times the getParent() method.
I'am wondering: is there a way to get it with query builder?
If the property that you are searching for is always present at a known path, the query can be rewritten as
This would then result in
which avoids looping through the result and finding the parent nodes.
For e.g., the following query in my local environment
results in
But rewriting the following query to
results in

AEM CQ5 Query Builder: How to get result by searching for 2 different values in same property?

I want to get result matches with all nodes contains property 'abc' value as 'xyz' or 'pqr'.
I am trying in below ways:
But none of them served my purpose. Any thing that I am missing in this?
The query looks right and as such should work. However if it is just xyz or pqr you would like to match in the query, you may not need the / in the values.
For eg.
path.self=true //In order to include the current path as well for searching
Possible things which you can check
Check if the path that you are trying to search contains the desired nodes/properties.
Check if the property name that you are using is right.
If you want to match exact values, you can avoid using the like operator and remove the wild cards from the values.
You can actually use the 'OR' operator in your query to combine two or more values of a property.
For example in the query debug interface : http:///libs/cq/search/content/querydebug.html
It worked with below query:
Note: property name should be fully specified form the type of node we are expecting.
Ex: jcr:content/par/nodeName/xyz above instead of just xyz

Sensenet length filter Not working

I want to query the Field which are empty and which are not empty using Sensenet Odata Rest API. Their documentation mentions a filter function called 'length'. I have tried to query the field with the length operation but it fails with the error.
This is the filter I have used
$filter=length(Name) eq 2
"code": "NotSpecified",
"exceptiontype": "SnNotSupportedException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Unknown method: length"
Wiki Link
The length operation was included in the list of supported methods incorrectly, we apologise for that. SenseNet compiles these filters to Lucene queries and it is not possible to compose such a query in Lucene that performs an operation on a field.
(the remaining methods, like substringof or startswith can be compiled to a wildcard expression easily, so that should work)
Unfortunately 'empty' expressions are also not supported by Lucene, because of their document/term structure. So the following expression does not work either:
Description eq ''
Edit: as a workaround, developers may create a custom field index handler.
For every field you want to check for emptiness (e.g. Description), you may create a technical hidden bool field (IsDescriptionEmpty) in the content type definition. The only thing you have to create and define is a custom field index handler class. In your case it would inherit from the built-in bool field index handler and you could return a boolean index value based on whether the target field (in this case Description) is empty or not.
After this you would be able to define search exressions like the following:
+Type:File +IsDescriptionEmpty:true
Please check the wiki article below and the source code for index handler examples.
How to create a field indexhandler

How to search across all the fields?

In Lucene, we can use TermQuery to search a text with a field. I am wondering how to search a keyword across a bunch of fields or all the searchable fields?
Another approach, which doesn't require to index anything more than what you already have, nor to combine different queries, is using the MultiFieldQueryParser.
You can provide a list of fields where you want to search on and your query, that's all.
MultiFieldQueryParser queryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(
new String[]{"title", "content", "description"},
new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_41));
Query query = queryParser.parse("here goes your query");
This is how I would do it with the original lucene library written in Java. I'm not sure whether the MultiFieldQueryParser is available in too.
Two approaches
1) Index-time approach: Use a catch-all field. This is nothing but appending all the text from all the fields (total text from your input doc) and place that resulting huge text in a single field. You've to add an additional field while indexing to act as a catch-all field.
2) Search-time approach: Use a BooleanQuery to combine multiple queries, for example TermQuery instances. Those multiple queries can be formed to cover all the target fields.
Example check at the end of the article.
Use approach 2 if you know the target-field list at runtime. Otherwise, you've got to use the 1st approach.
Another easy approach to search across all fields using "MultifieldQueryParser" is use IndexReader.FieldOption.ALL in your query.
Here is example in c#.
Directory directory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(VirtualIndexPath)));
//get analyzer
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_29);
//get index reader and searcher
IndexReader indexReader__1 = IndexReader.Open(directory, true);
Searcher indexSearch = new IndexSearcher(indexReader__1);
//add all possible fileds in multifieldqueryparser using indexreader getFieldNames method
var queryParser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_29, indexReader__1.GetFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption.ALL).ToArray(), analyzer);
var query = queryParser.Parse(Criteria);
TopDocs resultDocs = null;
//perform search
resultDocs = indexSearch.Search(query, indexReader__1.MaxDoc());
var hits = resultDocs.scoreDocs;
click here to check out my pervious answer to same quesiton in