Plotting slice 3D matlab - matlab

i'm working in a tomography project and i would like to plot 3d slice of a velocity model using meshgrid and slice. Something like this or this
Here's my code
c=100 %grid
r= 5 %radius
rt= 8 %height
for i = 1:c
for j = 1:c
for k = 1:c
jarak1 = sqrt(((i-1)-r)^2+((j-1)-r)^2);
jarak2 = sqrt((i-r)^2+((j-1)-r)^2);
jarak3 = sqrt(((i-1)-r)^2+(j-r)^2);
jarak4 = sqrt((i-r)^2+(j-r)^2);
jarak5 = k;
if (jarak1 < r) &&(jarak2 < r) &&(jarak3 < r) &&(jarak4 < r) && (jarak5 < (rt+1))
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(0:c,0:c,0:c);
xslice = 50; yslice = 50; zslice = 50;
I expected a cylinder, got error message instead.
??? Error using ==> interp3 at 128
Matrices X,Y and Z must be the same size as V.
Error in ==> slice at 104
vi = interp3(x,y,z,v,xi,yi,zi,method);
Any thought?


Is there a possibility to have a quiver plot with vectors of same length?

I am using a quiver plot in MATLAB to simulate a velocity field. Now I would like the vectors produced by the quiver plot to be all the same length, so that they just indicate the vectors direction. The value of the velocity in each point should be illustrated by different colors then.
Is there a possibility to have quiver plotting vectors of same length?
That's my current code:
%defining parameters:
age = 900;
vis= 15;
turbulences = zeros(9,3);
a = 0.01;
spacing = 1000;
[x,y] = meshgrid(-100000:spacing:100000);%, 0:spacing:10000);
u = a;
v = 0;
n = 0;
for i = 1:4
turbulences(i,1) = -80000 + n;
turbulences(i,2) = 15000;
n = 15000 * i;
n = 0;
for i = 5:9
turbulences(i,1) = -15000 + n*5000;
turbulences(i,2) = 4000;
n = n+1;
for i = 1:4
turbulences(i,3) = -1000;
for i = 5:9
turbulences(i,3) = 800;
%compute velocities in x and y direction
for k = 1:9
xc = turbulences(k,1);
yc = turbulences(k,2);
r1 = ((x-xc).^2 + (y-yc).^2);
r2 = ((x-xc).^2 + (y+yc).^2);
u = u + turbulences(k,3)/2*pi * (((y-yc)./r1).*(1-exp(-(r1./(4*vis*age)))) - ((y+yc)./r2).*(1-exp(-(r2./(4*vis*age)))));
v = v - turbulences(k,3)/2*pi* (((x-xc)./r1).*(1-exp(-(r1./(4*vis*age)))) - ((x-xc)./r2).*(1-exp(-(r2./(4*vis*age)))));
grid on;
Thank you for your help!
One way to do this would be to normalize each component of your vectors to +- 1 just to keep their direction.
un = u./abs(u); % normalized u
vn = v./abs(v); % normalized v
quiver(x, y, un, vn)

Matlab Error: Index in Position 1 exceeds array bounds

I am attempting to create a gamma distribution in MATLAB; however, I keep receiving the error:
Index in Position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 100).
Assuming I am reading this correctly, it is referring to variable M that is simply = 2500 (the number of pseudo-random variables I am using for this project).
I was hoping someone can explain what is wrong with my logic and possibly a solution.
alpha = 0.5;
w = gamma_rdn(M,alpha);
x1 = (0.0001:0.001:1); % For plot
subplot(2,1,1);hist(w);title('Histogram of Gamma RDN');
subplot(2,1,2);plot(x1,pdf('gam',x1,alpha,1));title('Theoretical Gamma Density with \alpha = 0.5');
axis([0 1 0 100]);
% The gamma_rdn function is implemented as follows:
function[w] = gamma_rdn(M,alpha)
% Generate random numbers from the gamma distribution with parameter
% alpha <= 1, beta = 1
pe = exp(1);
w = zeros(M,1);
u = rand(100,1);
b = (alpha + pe)/pe;
i = 0;
j = 0;
while j < M
i = i+1;
y = b*u(i,1);
if y <= 1
z = y^(1/alpha);
i = i+1;
if u(i,1) <= exp(-z)
j = j+1;
w(j,1) = z;
i = i+1;
z = -log((b-y)/alpha);
i = i+1;
if u(i,1) <= z^(alpha - 1)
j = j+1;
w(j,1) = z;
i = i+1;
if i > 95
u = rand(100,1);
i = 0;
Is there a particular reason you chose u = rand(100,1)?
The problem is coming because in while loop, as soon as variable i exceeds 100 (say i=101), y = b*u(i,1) becomes invalid. That is, you are trying to access u(101,1) while the size of u is (100,1).
If there's not particular reason, try a large enough size, like, u = rand(10000,1).

Finding correct index value for matrix in Matlab using meshgrid

I'm trying to build make a code where an equation is not calculated for some certain values. I have a meshgrid with several values for x and y and I want to include a for loop that will calculate some values for most of the points in the meshgrid but I'm trying to include in that loop a condition that if the points have a specified index, the value will not be calculated. In my second group of for/if loops, I want to say that for all values of i and k (row and column), the value for z and phi are calculated with the exception of the specified i and k values (in the if loop). What I'm doing at the moment is not working...
The error I'm getting is:
The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Here is my code at the moment. I'd really appreciate any advice on this! Thanks in advance
U_i = 20;
a = 4;
c = -a*5;
b = a*10;
d = -20;
e = 20;
n = a*10;
[x,y] = meshgrid([c:(b-c)/n:b],[d:(e-d)/n:e]');
for i = 1:length(x)
for k = 1:length(x)
% Zeroing values where cylinder is
if sqrt(x(i,k).^2 + y(i,k).^2) < a
x(i,k) = 0;
y(i,k) = 0;
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
theta = atan2(y,x);
z = zeros(length(x));
phi = zeros(length(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
for k = 1:length(x)
if (i > 16 && i < 24 && k > 16 && k <= length(x))
z = 0;
phi = 0;
z = U_i.*r.*(1-a^2./r.^2).*sin(theta); % Stream function
phi = U_i*r.*(1+a^2./r.^2).*cos(theta); % Velocity potential
The original code in the question can be rewritten as seen below. Pay attention in the line with ind(17:24,:) since your edit now excludes 24 and you original question included 24.
U_i = 20;
a = 4;
c = -a*5;
b = a*10;
d = -20;
e = 20;
n = a*10;
[x,y] = meshgrid([c:(b-c)/n:b],[d:(e-d)/n:e]');
ind = find(sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2) < a);
x(ind) = 0;
y(ind) = 0;
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
theta = atan2(y,x);
ind = true(size(x));
ind(17:24,17:length(x)) = false;
z = zeros(size(x));
phi = zeros(size(x));
z(ind) = U_i.*r(ind).*(1-a^2./r(ind).^2).*sin(theta(ind)); % Stream function
phi(ind) = U_i.*r(ind).*(1+a^2./r(ind).^2).*cos(theta(ind)); % Velocity potential

How to plot a vector array having symbolic variables?

**I want to plot an array vector having symbolic variables in it. But I am getting an error which is given below.
??? Error using ==> plot
Conversion to double from sym is not possible.
Error in ==> dsolvenew at 36
plot(t2,qn2) **
The code is given below.
syms A Epsilon0 k1 k2 e s d R s f T c0 v0 v
An = 0.5*10^(-9);
Epsilon0n = 8.85*10^-12;
k1n = 10;
k2n = 10;
en = 1.6*10^-19;
sn = 1.8*10^(-9);%m gap size%
dn = 3*sn; % total distance
Rn = 1;
inits = 'q(0)=(20*10^(-20)),Q(0)=0';
[q,Q] = dsolve('Dq=((v/R)-(1/R)*(((d*q)+(s*Q))/(c0*d)))','DQ= (((q+Q)/(A*Epsilon0*k1))*s)',inits);
qn1=vpa(subs(q,{A,Epsilon0,k1,k2,e,s,d,R,c0}, {An,Epsilon0n,k1n,k2n,en,sn,dn,Rn,c0n}),3);
while i<length(t1);
qn2(i)=subs(qn1, v, vn(i));

Undefined variable in 'if' statement

I'm writing a script for an aerodynamics class and I'm getting the following error:
Undefined function or variable 'dCt_dx'.
Error in Project2_Iteration (line 81)
Ct = trapz(x,dCt_dx)
I'm not sure what the cause is. It's something to do with my if statement. My script is below:
clear all
global dr a n Vinf Vr w rho k x c cl dr B R beta t
%Environmental Parameters
n = 2400; %rpm
Vinf = 154; %KTAS
rho = 0.07647 * (.7429/.9450); %from mattingly for 8kft
a = 1084; %speed of sound, ft/s, 8000 ft
n = n/60; %convert to rps
w = 2*pi*n;
Vinf = (Vinf*6076.12)/3600; %convert from KTAS to ft/s
k = length(c);
dr = R/k; %length of each blade element
for i = 1:k
r(i) = i*dr - (.5*dr); %radius at center of blade element
dA = 2*pi*r*dr; %Planform area of blade element
x(i) = r(i)/R;
if x(i) > .15 && x(i-1) < .15
i_15 = i;
if x(i) > .75 && x(i-1) < .75
i_75h = i;
i_75l = i-1;
Vr(i) = w*r(i) + Vinf;
%Aerodynamic Parameters
M = Vr(i)/a;
if M > 0.9
M = 0.9;
m0 = 0.9*(2*pi/(1-M^2)^0.5); %lift-curve slope (2pi/rad)
%1: Calculate phi
phi = atan(Vinf/(2*pi*n*r(i)));
%2: Choose Vo
Vo = .00175*Vinf;
%3: Calculate Theta
theta = atan((Vinf + Vo)/(2*pi*n*r(i)))-phi;
if option == 1
%calculate cl(i) from c(i)
sigma = (B*c(i))/(pi*R);
if sigma > 0
cl(i) = (8*x(i)*theta*cos(phi)*tan(phi+theta))/sigma;
cl(i) = 0;
else %option == 2
%calculate c(i) from cl(i)
if cl(i) ~= 0
sigma = (8*x(i)*theta*cos(phi)*tan(phi+theta))/cl(i);
sigma = 0;
c(i) = (sigma*pi*R)/B;
if c(i) < 0
c(i) = 0;
%5: Calculate cd
cd(i) = 0.0090 + 0.0055*(cl(i)-0.1)^2;
%6: calculate alpha
alpha = cl(i)/m0;
%7: calculate beta
beta(i) = phi + alpha + theta;
%8: calculate dCt/dx and dCq/dx
phi0 = phi+theta;
lambda_t = (1/(cos(phi)^2))*(cl(i)*cos(phi0) - cd(i)*sin(phi0));
lambda_q = (1/(cos(phi)^2))*(cl(i)*sin(phi0) + cd(i)*cos(phi0));
if x(i) >= 0.15
dCt_dx(i) = ((pi^3)*(x(i)^2)*sigma*lambda_t)/8; %Roskam eq. 7.47, pg. 280
dCq_dx(i) = ((pi^3)*(x(i)^3)*sigma*lambda_q)/16; %Roskam eq. 7.48, pg 280
dCt_dx(i) = 0;
dCq_dx(i) = 0;
%calculate Mdd
t(i) = (0.04/(x(i)^1.2))*c(i);
Mdd(i) = 0.94 - (t(i)/c(i)) - cl(i)/10;
%9: calculate Ct, Cq, Cd
Ct = trapz(x,dCt_dx)
Cq = trapz(x,dCq_dx)
D = 2*R;
When I step through your script, I see that the the entire for i = 1:k loop is skipped because k=0. You set k = length(c), but c was never initialized to a value, so it has length zero.
Because of this, dCt_dx is never given a value--and more importantly the majority of your script is never run.
If you're going to be using MATLAB in the future, I really suggest learning how to do this. It makes it a lot easier to find bugs. Try looking at this video.