Trying to disable layout in zend - zend-framework

I try to disable layout in zend action in this way:
But it doesn't work:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Application_Controller_Helper_Layout::disableLayout() in application/controllers/AssetController.php on line 18
I reckon that its, because I made my own helper.
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initMyActionHelpers()
$layout = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('Layout');
resources.frontController.actionhelperpaths.Application_Controller_Helper = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers/helpers"
and my helper
class Application_Controller_Helper_Layout extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function preDispatch()

If you want to rewrite Zend default layout helper, please extend Zend_Layout_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout.
class Application_Controller_Helper_Layout extends Zend_Layout_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout
Then you will still be able to use default disableLayout() function if you are not overwriting it in your own helper.
Try testing it using:
class Application_Controller_Helper_Layout extends Zend_Layout_Controller_Action_Helper_Layout
public function preDispatch(){}
public function disableLayout(){
echo "I won't disable layout anymore, because I overwrote the action with displaying this string.";


I can't pass parameters to the component Wire Elements Modal

I can't pass parameters to the component.
I have 3 files:
Inside Livewire/test.blade.php
onclick='Livewire.emit("openModal", "test-modal", {{ json_encode(["id_code" => $client->id_code]) }})'>
Inside /Http/Livewire/TestModal.php
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function render($id_code)
return view('livewire.test-modal');
And livewire.test-modal which displays the content of the modal window.
But I can't get the id_code.
Let's see if someone can help me with this. Thanks.
So I had the same issue pretty much.
I solved it by adding the $id_code to the mount method. I hope it helps
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
public function mount($id_code){
$this->id_code = $id_code
public function render()
$elCliente = Client::where("erp_code", $this->id_code)->first();
return view('livewire.test-modal');
Livewire.emit("openModal") will emit an event that you can listen to in your components. The render() method in Livewire does not accept a parameter, so instead you need to listen to that event, and do your actions in a separate method instead.
By adding
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
the component will now listen to the event openModal (key in the array) being dispatched, and then fire the method openModal() (value in the array). Since you pass in two parameters, "test-modal" and a JSON parameter, you can accept those in that method.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use LivewireUI\Modal\ModalComponent;
use App\Models\Client;
class TestModal extends ModalComponent
public $id_code;
protected $listeners = ['openModal' => 'openModal'];
public function openModal($name, $data)
$this->id_code = $data['id_code'];
public function render()
return view('livewire.test-modal');

Rendering Custom View in SuiteCRM not working

I have a controller that calls my custom view, but the custom view is not getting rendered.
I cant understand the issue, everything looks correct to me.
Neither is it displaying any errors or warnings.
My module name is SCRV_SSRS_CRM_Reports_View
I have below code in:
class SCRV_SSRS_CRM_Reports_ViewController extends SugarController
function action_test(){
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Am in Controller');
$this->view = "test";
And in
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class SCRV_SSRS_CRM_Reports_ViewViewtest extends ViewList
public function display()
echo "HIIII";
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Am in View');
Cant see the view getting rendered when I access it by
I cant see HIIII displayed on screen or the log entry.
Controller should be
class CustomMeetingsController extends SugarController {
$this->view = 'invite';
and View should be like
class CustomMeetingsViewinvite extends ViewList {
public function display() {
echo 'hiiiii';

Suitecrm custom template for custom module

I built a custom module using the module builder.
I want to modify templates of my module (edit, detail, subpanel).
How can I tell Suitecrm to use an other template?
(Suitecrm 7.7)
it's work for me.
class AccountsViewEdit extends SugarView {
private $smarty;
public function __construct() {
public function display() {
$this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$data = ['a'=> 'a', 'b'=>'b'];
You need to create a SugarView in the module and then override the display() method to return the path to your custom template. The convention is keep your templates in a 'tpl' folder in the module.
For example if you look at the 'modules/Accounts/views/view.edit.php' you would just need to add
class AccountsViewEdit extends ViewEdit
public function __construct()
$this->useForSubpanel = true;
$this->useModuleQuickCreateTemplate = true;
public function display() {
parent::display(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
return $this->ss->fetch('path/to/your/smarty/template.tpl');
it's almost the same for the subpanels except the location is in the Dashlets folder. Take a look at modules/Accounts/Dashlets/MyAccountsDashlet/MyAccountsDashlet.php for example.

can't access resource plugin

I have included plugin SecurityCheck.php (Login_Plugin_SecurityCheck) in bootstrap.php. its giving error -> Call to undefined method Zend_Application::getResource() in Bootstrap.php on line 9. Below is my code.
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initPlugins()
$bootstrap = $this->getApplication();
$front = $bootstrap->getResource('frontcontroller');
$front->registerPlugin(new Login_Plugin_SecurityCheck());
How to solve this error.
Try this
protected function _initPlugins() {
$this->bootstrap('frontController')->getResource('frontController')->registerPlugin(new Login_Plugin_SecurityCheck());
C of frontcontroller should be captial.

can't access helper file

My helper file Acl.php is in library/Helper and I have included it in bootstrap file as below:-
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initPlugins()
$helper= new Helper_Acl();
// $helper->setRoles();
// $helper->setResources();
// $helper->setPrivilages();
// $helper->setAcl();
but its giving error, Saying -> Fatal error: Class 'Helper_Acl' not found in Bootstrap.php.
Below is my helper file
class Helper_Acl
public $acl;
public function __construct()
$this->acl = new Zend_Acl();
in the bootstrap.php , try this , provided your class is in a Helper folder in the library :
protected function _initHelpers() {
if it doesnt work tell me , there are other methods.
You need to add Helper_ to your autoloadernamespaces. Typically, this is done in application/configs/application.ini:
autoloadernamespaces[] = "Helper_"