SoapUI WADL authentication - rest

In order to view wadl file from my server in an internet browser it's necessary to authenticate.
I would like to test my webservices using soapui however when I add new project and in initial wadl/wsdl I enter path to wadl file on my server the project is created but operations are not listed. How to authenticate user and password in order to get valid wadl?

If you are using a SOAPUI version 4.6.4, there is a bug importing authentication protected wsdl which provokes that the basic credentials prompt is not showed up. You can see more details here.
There is a maintenance build for SOAPUI PRO where this bug is solved:


Is there a way to import a Bamboo Spec file via the REST API?

I currently try to automate the process of creating a new Bamboo linked repository and start the scan. I've already looked over the documentation of the REST API, tried to generate a new plan and enabling a scan, but that didn't work.
I also tried the Java Maven Package from Atlassian, but that needs user credentials as an authentication method, whilst I need to authenticate via a Security token. There is a link to an API in that Maven Package, which I tried to send a request to with the yaml code, but it always responds with the status code 500 and a Java Stacktrace. It's probably due to a wrong request body, but I can't figure out, how to include the yaml content the same way, as the maven package.
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
Thanks in advance!
Is there a way to create a linked repository via the REST API?
No and there won't ever be one because they're deprecating the Bamboo server in favour of their cloud-based alternative (which is based on a totally different API). See
Java Maven Package from Atlassian
What package is that? Based on what I said earlier the only way for you to programmatically create a linked repo is to mimic the browser POST request to updateLinkedRepository.action. That means that you'll need to login first to get a JSESSIONID cookie (xsrf token can be disabled, see Ping me if you need help, I still have ansible code for the login part.

How to configure eclipse to access an endpoint over the SSL protocol?

When I access EndPoint within Google Chrome I get a response. Can you see in picture below:
When I try to access EndPoint from within eclipse. The following error occurs:
I configured the EndPoint certificate in eclipse. As shown in the figure below:
Is there another configuration needed to access the Endpoint within eclipse?
The Internet proxy was not configured in eclipse.
After configuring the proxy in eclipse it worked perfectly.
thanks :D

Does SoapUI support PKI/certificate authentication?

Does SoapUI support PKI authentication? I currently have version SoapUI 5.0.0 available to me.
If so then...
What versions support it?
Are any of the versions free?
How do I configure the tool to use PKI?
If anyone can, please assist with details or a link to another forum posting that I cannot find.
All authentication done to the server is done via certificate. I can use HttpRequester plugin with Firefox but find it to be lacking and want to use SoapUI. In order to do so I need to have SoapUI present my cert to the server but cannot find information on how this is done.
Additionally, to be more precise I have .p12 and a .ppk file to work with. What do I need to do to get this to function? I posted this to the SmartBear forum site almost a week ago but have not gotten any response.
The answer to this is (when using SoapUI 5.0.0)
File > Preferences
Click SSL Settings tab
KeyStore: C:\pathToYour\fileName.p12
KeyStore Password: password to your p12 file
Click OK

Jenkins Github oAuth 404 error in callback

i am trying to use Jenkins' Github oAuth plugin (
Name: Name of app
URL: http://server:8080
Cacllback: http://server:8080/securityRealm/finishLogin
When i enable Github oAuth, it did pop up to say whether I want to allow this Appliation from Github, then I click Allow.
So the authenticate step went through, but I hit 404 because The requested resource (/securityRealm/finishLogin) is not available.
There is nothing in Tomcat manager that says securityRealm, is there something else I need to set up to use this plugin?
If you do not have jenkins served at server:port then the callback will not be present. More than likely you are serving from server:port/jenkins because you are using tomcat and this is what is specified in the web.xml for the jenkins war.
The callback location for your server is going to be
if you are using a Servlet container like tomcat or jetty.
Be sure to have the plugin correctly configured in your settings.
After entering the Client ID and Client Secret you get from github and restarting Jenkins it should work.
I ran into the same problem and this worked for me.
When I was in the process of setting up the OAUTH plugin, I found it handy to check the /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml file for correct settings:
<securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.GithubSecurityRealm">
It seems the issue is you need to have a Security Realm set beforehand for the route to be available. I did the following steps to get it working:
Install Github Oauth plugin (restarted Jenkins for good measure)
Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
Tick Enable Security and choose Github Authentication Plugin
Under "Authorization", make sure "Anyone can do anything" and click Save at the bottom. (Previously, I filled in all of the settings and hit save, however I was still receiving a 404 and locked myself out).
At this point, I tried to hit http://:8080/securityRealm/finishLogin and it responded with a HTTP/1.1 302 Found.
After I confirmed I was not receiving a 404 any longer for the resource, I went back into "Configure Global Security" and setup the rest of the plugin with the Client ID and Client Secret, selected "Github Commiter Authorization Strategy" for Authorization, added my username, saved and now able to auth via Github.
Hope this helps.
Jenkins Version: version 1.558
Github Auth plugin: version 0.14

Exploring web service through WSDL that require authentication

I'm working with SOAP based web services that require authentication. I usually use the Eclipse Web Service explorer to explore the offered services but for the services requiring authentication, there does not seem to be an authentication option and I keep getting the 401 response.
I tried online clients as well. There is one at but it also exhibits the same behavior.
When I try to access the web services through the browser I get the username/password prompt and it works.
I have also tried using https://username:password#webserviceURL. Again, this works in the browser but not in Eclipse or the online SoapClient utility.
Any ideas how I can get do this ?
It was pretty trivial in SoapUI.
I also found an online client that works with the http://username:password#webserviceURL pattern. Its at :