How to configure eclipse to access an endpoint over the SSL protocol? - eclipse

When I access EndPoint within Google Chrome I get a response. Can you see in picture below:
When I try to access EndPoint from within eclipse. The following error occurs:
I configured the EndPoint certificate in eclipse. As shown in the figure below:
Is there another configuration needed to access the Endpoint within eclipse?

The Internet proxy was not configured in eclipse.
After configuring the proxy in eclipse it worked perfectly.
thanks :D


Web service consumer SOAP version is showing error by default

I am trying to configure a SOAP service using web service consumer, as soon as I click on new configuration in the connector configuration, I see SOAP version column is turning into error and when I hover on it, it is showing some tooling related error and when i check my tooling stats in preferences, it shows in running state.
My studio version is 7.11.1
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
The information is not complete to identify the root cause. Having said that it is possible that the error is happening when the Web Service Consumer connector is trying to download the WSDL if the access is restricted in some way. For example if the server has whitelisted the IPs of authorized clients, or there is an access restriction in your network, or some other permission issue.
In that case you may resolve the issue if you can download the WSDL locally and add it to the application in the src/main/resources folder, and reference it by the file name (with no path) instead of an URL.

API requests doesn't work on my computer but the other

I have a very simple API created by using Laravel 5.2.22, when calling GET methods I am getting the error 404, calling DELETE method I am getting the error 405 (same thing using postman or curl). The point is that the same project works perfectly on another machine.
Is there anything that I have to configure in my Xampp to make this works?
Could anybody help?
Thank you
AS you said, the cause can be in wrong web server configuration. You should point your web server to a public directory of Laravel project. For example, if you've installed Laravel in C:/xampp/htdocs/ directory, you need to use these settings:
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/public"
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/public">
After that restart web server. Also, make sure storage directory has right permissions.
Do this, if you'll get similar error message, please turn on Debug and post full error message.

Cannot connect to SonarQube from Eclipse

I'm trying to connect my Eclipse IDE to my company's sonar server instance, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work.
When I access the server (, for example purposes) through the browser, it works perfectly. In Eclipse, I added the url to the servers section of SonarQube and the same credentials I used in the browser. When I hit Test Connection, I get the error message:
Unable to connect: Query:
I'm using the native option in Eclipse's network settings, since I'm not behind any proxy. The company SonarQube server version is 4.5.5.
Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: the certificate is also added to JRE
I suspect the /api/aut is due to some UI truncation, just expand the 'Add SonarQube Server' window to verify that.
You are trying to connect to an HTTPS URL, is the server certificate trusted by Java ? Use keytool to do that, as explained in this post.
Check the sonar link you have configured in eclipse -**//**api/authentication/validate
You need to give the url and not

Problems with Proxy in Eclipse

I have a proxy in my clipse. The settings are all ok, it's the same proxy I have on Chrome.
When I debug my application and try to acess a webservice from my client's application, the proxy should let me through.
The problem is that there's no request being sent to the proxy. I've been monitoring the network traffic with WireShark and I see no request to the proxy when I debug my application.
When I open Chrome and the proxy asks for authentication, the request appears on WireShark.
Anyone has any idea why??
Tks in advance
The Eclipse proxy setting is just for Eclipse itself.
You need to explicitly configure your own applications to use the same proxy settings.

Jenkins Github oAuth 404 error in callback

i am trying to use Jenkins' Github oAuth plugin (
Name: Name of app
URL: http://server:8080
Cacllback: http://server:8080/securityRealm/finishLogin
When i enable Github oAuth, it did pop up to say whether I want to allow this Appliation from Github, then I click Allow.
So the authenticate step went through, but I hit 404 because The requested resource (/securityRealm/finishLogin) is not available.
There is nothing in Tomcat manager that says securityRealm, is there something else I need to set up to use this plugin?
If you do not have jenkins served at server:port then the callback will not be present. More than likely you are serving from server:port/jenkins because you are using tomcat and this is what is specified in the web.xml for the jenkins war.
The callback location for your server is going to be
if you are using a Servlet container like tomcat or jetty.
Be sure to have the plugin correctly configured in your settings.
After entering the Client ID and Client Secret you get from github and restarting Jenkins it should work.
I ran into the same problem and this worked for me.
When I was in the process of setting up the OAUTH plugin, I found it handy to check the /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml file for correct settings:
<securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.GithubSecurityRealm">
It seems the issue is you need to have a Security Realm set beforehand for the route to be available. I did the following steps to get it working:
Install Github Oauth plugin (restarted Jenkins for good measure)
Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
Tick Enable Security and choose Github Authentication Plugin
Under "Authorization", make sure "Anyone can do anything" and click Save at the bottom. (Previously, I filled in all of the settings and hit save, however I was still receiving a 404 and locked myself out).
At this point, I tried to hit http://:8080/securityRealm/finishLogin and it responded with a HTTP/1.1 302 Found.
After I confirmed I was not receiving a 404 any longer for the resource, I went back into "Configure Global Security" and setup the rest of the plugin with the Client ID and Client Secret, selected "Github Commiter Authorization Strategy" for Authorization, added my username, saved and now able to auth via Github.
Hope this helps.
Jenkins Version: version 1.558
Github Auth plugin: version 0.14