Activity 01] Unable to resolve target 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:5' - eclipse

problem while it is installed at sdk manager
i installed project and it shows error like this plz help me out of thisActivity 01] Unable to resolve target 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:5'

You might have to clean and build the project again so that eclipse/ADT will generate a new file.
Before the clean, you might want to also use the Android Context menu when you right click your project and select 'Fix Project Properties'.

After install crashlytics I had a path Google Inc./Google APIs/17 in After change it to Google Inc.:Google APIs:17 the app worked.


Unity Ads with Mediation causes Android builds to fail

When I install "Advertisement with Mediation (ver. 1.5.0)" in a project, I can no longer build for Android.
This applies to new, empty projects as well as legacy projects.
The following error message appears:
“…It looks like there are a few files missing from Assets\Plugins\Android. You can fix this by resolving dependencies again…”
When I click Resolve, the build process starts right away and hangs. I have to force quit Unity. If I don’t click Resolve, the build hangs up on building the first scene in the project and I have to force quit.
Nothing at all happens via Assets -> Mobile Dependency Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolver.
I am using Unity 2021.3.13.
Does anyone know what is occurring and how to fix it?
I attempted to resolve as stated in the pop up and it causes Unity to hang. I attempted to resolve beforehand and it appears to do nothing.
I attempted to delete my library folder and it had no effect on reimport.
I attempted to export the project, and the project hangs.
I have a similar issue with both Unity Ads with Mediation and the newer Ironsource Ads Mediation( When I run Assets -> Mobile Dependency Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Resolve I get the following error on the console:
Win32Exception: ApplicationName='C:\Users\D\Documents\app\Test\Temp\PlayServicesResolverGradle\gradlew.bat', CommandLine='--daemon -b "C:\Users\D\Documents\app\Test\Temp\PlayServicesResolverGradle\PlayServicesResolver.scripts.download_artifacts.gradle" "-PANDROID_HOME=C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.14f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer\SDK" "-PTARGET_DIR=C:\Users\D\Documents\app\Test\Assets\Plugins\Android" "-PMAVEN_REPOS=;" "-PPACKAGES_TO_COPY=com.ironsource.sdk:mediationsdk:7.2.5;;" "-PUSE_JETIFIER=0" "-PDATA_BINDING_VERSION=4.0.1"', CurrentDirectory='C:\Users\D\Documents\app\Test\Temp\PlayServicesResolverGradle', Native error= The system cannot find the file specified.
The file gradlew.bat doesn't exist. I found a gradlew.bat here: I copied the file into: C:\Users\D\Documents\app\Test\Temp\PlayServicesResolverGradle and then I could run the the resolver from Unity.
But it leads to this questions: Why does Unity MobileDependencyResolver not create gradlew.bat? It does create gradlew, the gradle start up script for Unix. Why the Unix script and not the Windows script?
Advertisement with Mediation is not being properly supported by Unity anymore post IronSource merger. They suggest using Ironsource’s mediation platform. We use AdMob given I already know how to deal with its obvious bugs.

How do I access the "New Module" option in Android Studio?

I'm attempting to follow these instructions to integrate the Bolt Mobile SDK into my Flutter project, where step 5a is, after opening my project in Android Studio:
Click File, select New, then select New Module.
However, I do not appear to have any such option:
Is there something I need to do to enable it? Was it moved somewhere else, or merged into another option (Import Module doesn't seem to cover it)? The Android web site confirms that it should be there, and that page was last updated 8 days ago as of this writing.
If you are trying to access the module into the main project than follow the instructions:
Move the module in your project directory.
Suppose if your module name is - library
In setting.gradle file add this lines
include ':library'
In build.gradle file, inside the dependencies block add this lines
implementation project (':library')
Happy coding :)
Follow the instructions on image
After that you will find multiple options, go to new and then at the top you will find New Module option. From there you can create new module or you can import, do as per your requirement.
Happy coding :)
I give a solution for this issue,
Just follow my steps :
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Feel free to ask if any problem comes.
Happy coding :)
I think you have to check your flutter sdk set up because when you set up your flutter sdk it will be added automatically.
And If you done this.
Then check that did you add flutter plugin into android studio ? If not then follow this step.
Go to setings
Then search plugin
then search flutter into plugin
Then click on install on install button into flutter plugin
Then restart your android studio
I hope this problem will be solved because this is probable solution for this problem .
Thank you .

"Unable to create project" error in Unity hub 3.1.2

I've been having some issues with Unity so I installed the latest hub but now I can't create any new projects and I don't know what to do. Does anyone know how I can solve this?
Here is what happens when I try to create a new project
Check the version on the top, this happened to me when I uninstalled the editor and installed a previous version. There's a drop down menu where you can select the correct editor version.
This is a path issue. All paths should be select.
enter image description here
In macos it is for permissions, I solved it by following these two tutorials
Enable root user
Execute Unity Hub as root user,a%20la%20aplicaci%C3%B3n%20o%20computadora.
When the editor is installed in a non-C drive, the editor has no right to create objects in any path
Unistall Unity Editor and install it in C:*
report bug

Showing Recent Messages error: Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment

Just shown up on my Xcode a couple of hours ago and none of the other stack overflow answers are working. Anybody know how to fix this? My project won't build or archive(currently using Xcode 10.2) Thank you!
To fix this error, Make sure you have firebase script above the "Copy bundle resources" in Build phases section of your target in Xcode.
I assume you are using Google Firebase.
As the error say your GOOGLE_APP_ID could not be found.
Drag "GoogleService-Info.plist" in your project folder. This configuration file is generated when creating your project. If you don't have it you might want to regenerate it again as described on Firebase Console

phonegap cordova unable to locate blackberry-nativepackager

I am trying to create a blackberry10 project with phonegap cordova command line tool. I am following through the phonegap document ( but keep running into the same problem.
When I run "cordova platform add blackberry10" in the terminal, it returns [Error: blackberry-nativepackager cannot be found on the path. Aborting]
Does anyone know why and what am I missing? Why is it trying to locate the blackberry-nativepackager, instead of the webwork sdk?
All I want to do its just loading up an external url in bb10. Any better suggestion? Does anyone has any good tutorial/walkthrough on how to create a blackberry10 project?
I'm pretty sure the nativepackager thing is needed to create a package, even with WebWorks. You'll find it in $BBNDK/host_10_x_xx_xxxx/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-nativepackager (adapt to your OS). You'll need to add this folder to your path. Doing this depends on your OS.
The easiest way to do this is to run the bbndk-env script, located in your NDK root directory.
Here's some updated documentation to align with Cordova 3.0. It will cover all the steps needed (including the NDK setup, which seems to be currently missing in your environment).