In my Project I would like to scroll list-view animated like in MS power-point animation '
Can anyone suggest me lib for that..
I would like to display list like
The DevBytes Videos of Chet Haase and Daniel Olshansky are definitly worth watching when you are thinking about ListView animation.
Start here and click through the videos (on inserting, expanding, deletion animation...). Downloadable resources included, look at for download links if not linked in the videos.
I need to create the following video player for my app: Screenshot from Netflix. I need a start/pause button, a back button, the title of the video, and a time indicator. The video should also always be in landscape mode. I've already found a lot of video players in flutter but I haven't found a way to modify them. If anybody knows a good library, a tutorial, or has some source code it would really help me out, thanks.
I think your best bet is using the video_player package, as it's the most bare-bones package out there. You can make the player all to your liking by using the Stack Widget, having the video at its base and any other elements on top of it. It should be very doable; only the progress indicator is kind of complex, but it's not too bad.
I am losing most of my work time stucking at scrollview,autolayout issues.And now,when i found TNImageSliderViewController.I see that i have hope in scrolling images with no autolayout issue.Thanks to the developer who write TNImageSliderViewController.But,after that I want to do another thing which still keep making me stuck.I tried many tutorial and video and which keep making me stuck.
Here is what i need to do...
1.When I clicked one of my image in scrollview,i want to see full screen of that images i click at another view.
2.That another view should also have capabilities like TNImageSliderViewController which we can slide images.
3.I want to add zoom with pinch or tapped zoom at full screen image that i clicked.
Any Idea?or suggestion or library which it can do it easily and completely with no autolayout issue which we can rotate as we like?
Please help...Please,I really need help.Also all newbie like us might want the same answer like me.
I recently came across this app, tinder, which has a really cool functionality.
You start off with X images. User can swipe left or right to go through each image to signal whether the user likes or dislikes something.
An image can be seen here:
I have been looking at UICollectionView to do this, but I am a little confused about the custom layout I should be using.
I have been thinking of generating a bunch of cells and then setting different z-index and stacking them on top of one another with the same frame.x.
Any tutorial/advise/help available?
This is simple UIImageviews. and tinder only showing two top images and set a background frame just like facebook image gallery.
When you swipe top image current thread fire next image and it replace current image with new image. And you can add like, comment views as you want.
This sounded like fun, so I built an open-source library that mimics the interface you described.
The sample app included in the project is nearly identical to the UI in your screenshot.
In an iPhone application I want to create an UI that just look like iPhoto application where photos will be loaded like iPhoto's tile view.
I am planning to use UITableView To achieve this.
How can I manage showing random sizes images just like iPhoto app shows in there gallery view?
Any library which will help to achieve it? Can you please provide code sample url's?
Shiv you can try AQGridView that may help you to achieve what you are looking for.
You can also wait for IOS 6 and see photo tools.
check out as well and may help you. Probably you may have hit iPhone show photos/images sliding (like photo library and Facebook app)? link. but be sure to check this link.
Hope this many things would help you; I tried to give answer in noon but it take me late and it's evening now.
I'm creating an app which would provide the user with a list of audio files and let them sample a small piece of audio when they select the song (just like the iTunes iOS app).
I love the way the iTunes iOS App has implemented it (image attached); wherein I can click on a cell and the album cover flips over to show a progress indicator and a stop button. I can select a cell and the sample starts to play, and the moment I stop it, the progress indicator flips back over to show the album/song art.
I'd like to create something like that for my app. Any suggestions on how I can go ahead with it.
Thanks a ton in advance! :D
EDIT: Based on Till's suggestion, I'm adding this edit. What I wish to get by asking this question is suggestions for the best approach to make the flip animation, showing a custom view in a UITableViewCell image space, possible. Currently, I'm not worried about playing the audio or displaying the progress of the playback. I simply need suggestions on the best approach to perform the flip animation and substitute the image with a custom UIView. :) Thanks again! :D
You will need to create it. I suggest making it as a custom tablecell. If you polish it well enought, you can put it on CodeCanyon and make it worth your while.
Also, I can recommend looking at the works on - It might not have exactly this one, but it has many interesting controls and inspirations.
This is exactly what u looking for:
You can also refer to some Sources :