I'm trying to make a character "Player" to Idle and then Run when he's moving.
I decided to use an Animator Controller, when I my character have to change his animation, in the Animator Window it does, but nothing is animated. I used 3DS max to export my model / animation into .FBX
I have already made a sequence frame animation in Unity with Mecanim system. But I do not want to setup Mecanim's animator component and animator controller. I think Legacy Animation System is much lighter and easier for my project.
I first added Animation and Sprite Renderer component to an object.
And then using Animation window to create a property of Sprite Renderer's sprite.
Finally, added every sprite to key frame and make sequence as usual.
But After the settings, I found the sprite renderer or image component can not work. The animation component could not drive the SpriteRenderer.sprite or Image.sprite.
So is it must be achieved by script?
I have a character made in blender together with some basic animations. When i drag the character prefab inside my scene in Unity and press play the character clips halfway down in the terrain. When i disable the "Animator" from the prefab the character does not clip down, but stays in its given position. It also rotates the character 90 degrees.
How can i fix so that the animations made in blender does not move down or rotates my character? I will provide images of the issue together with values from the inspector.
Go to the animation clip(s) and click "Bake Into Pose" under "Root Transform Position (Y)" do that for Root Transform Rotation aswell
I have a character with one animation. the animation is running. So during the animation start, my character will run one position to other position, but my camera doesnt follow the character.
Do you have a script controlling the position of the camera or is it just parented to your player object?
If the camera is parented to the player object, it'll follow it everywhere.
However, it'll follow the root of the player object, regardless of the animation currently playing. If during the animation, the player steps forward, its root won't change. The animation of an object has no effects on its position.
You should make your player move through code, not through animation. You shouldn't have any problem then.
I want to know that if it's possible to have a game scene in your game that allows any player to animate a character?
Let's ignore the cognitive load a player will face while animating a character and assume that, somehow, we manage to abstractly present it in a game scene. Can we make it happen that after player's making of certain animation, unity stores that in a .anim file and in the next game scene the player can play a character having that specific animation?
I think calling it real time in-game animation creation would describe it.
I have a GameObject for Chest(with Collider and SpriteRenderer)
By default it is a static sprite on the screen
now i want to add animation to this game object when open is triggered (by script), I do not have Idle animation, idle animation must be the sprite itself
what is the best to add an animation(no looping, 1 time and then show the animated sprite) to sprite?
I can do it by adding the sprite array and using an coroutine to set the sprite periodically with 0.2f delay (it work fine but not sure if it is the only way which using coroutine with delays to simulate an animation by myself...).
I can do it by create 1 more GameObject with the Animator, when the box open event is triggered, I set the original GameObject to inactive and instantiate the GameObject with the animation (but it requires to create 2 prefabs for two different gameObject).
But none of them look proper way to do this. What is the best solution for this?