Blender animations move character down halfway below terrain in Unity - unity3d

I have a character made in blender together with some basic animations. When i drag the character prefab inside my scene in Unity and press play the character clips halfway down in the terrain. When i disable the "Animator" from the prefab the character does not clip down, but stays in its given position. It also rotates the character 90 degrees.
How can i fix so that the animations made in blender does not move down or rotates my character? I will provide images of the issue together with values from the inspector.

Go to the animation clip(s) and click "Bake Into Pose" under "Root Transform Position (Y)" do that for Root Transform Rotation aswell


Unity 2D Animation takes my character floats

My 2D character floating when animation starts, the collider is correct and Physics 2D too. How I solve this problem?
Edit Mode
Floating during animation
Idle Animation
Walk Animation
On your screenshots, I don't see the collider moving: transform of your Player and the offset/size of the collider don't change.
It's more probably a problem with your sprite directly.
Maybe take a look at the Sprite editor and check were are pivot points.

Unity rigidbody always falling when on another rigidbody. (Unity 2D)

I'm relatively new to Unity, I have a player character and a box sprite, I want the box to be movable by the player and for it to fall, so I gave the box a box collider 2D and a rigidbody2D, the box moves fine and the player can move it OK, however whenever the player is touching the box in any way (standing on it or pushing it) the characters Y velocity begins fluctuating uncontrollably making it play the falling animation. Through some testing I found the problem was the player's rigidbody and boxes rigidbody interaction, I don't know how to fix it. Any help would be great thanks
I think u just need to set both the player character and box sprite 's rigidbody2D to dynamic with 1 gravity scale... u can change their mass to manipulate the motion...

Camera not follow my 3d character during animation Unity

I have a character with one animation. the animation is running. So during the animation start, my character will run one position to other position, but my camera doesnt follow the character.
Do you have a script controlling the position of the camera or is it just parented to your player object?
If the camera is parented to the player object, it'll follow it everywhere.
However, it'll follow the root of the player object, regardless of the animation currently playing. If during the animation, the player steps forward, its root won't change. The animation of an object has no effects on its position.
You should make your player move through code, not through animation. You shouldn't have any problem then.

Problems with mixamo animation. The mixamo character end with some different rotation. How can I fix the rotation and fit my own character?

The first problem happen when I'm playing a stand up animation took from including a character from mixamo. The animation is working fine and the character does stand up but in the end when the animation finish some parts of the character are rotated not to 0,0,0 so the character seems a but standing on the side. Maybe this is how it should be but I wonder if there is any way to make the character standing right like 0,0,0 ?
The mixamo character is Medea. And this is a screenshot of it before running the game :
And this is the character after the animation ended :
When you arel ooking on the left scene view window the character seems to be standing fine also on the right in the Inspector the rotation is fine 0,0,0
But when you are looking on the left on the game view window you see that the view rotation is not like 0,0,0
When I'm looking on some of the mixamo character childs like the mixamorig:Head or the neck and other childs some of them the rotation is not 0,0,0 and if I will play with it and change some of them to 0,0,0 then the character will looks like standing fine looking forward straight :
I tried now and changing only the head rotation to 0,0,0 make it looks fine.
The problem is how to change the head to 0,0,0 when the animation end ? It will looks bad like the head is turning strange at once to 0,0,0
My problem is not how to change the head rotation at the end of the animation but that it will look bad that the head is suddenly change rotation.
Seems like you're building a first-person game and using the ready to use animations from Mixamo. If this is the case, don't attach the camera on the head. Head will move based on the animation which is not in your control.
If you want to give a realistic feeling for cutscenes for example, at the beginning of the game, the character is standing up, etc., then you can add 2 cameras, one to the character, and a second one is on the head. So during the cutscenes, you can use the head-mounted camera and for the gameplay, you can switch to the normal camera.
You can also use just one camera mounted on the character (not the head) and try to update the position of the camera based on the position of the head until the cutscene ends, then set the camera to the default position (you can set an animation event at the end of the animation to do that).

Unity 3D character playing only one animation

I'm trying to make a character "Player" to Idle and then Run when he's moving.
I decided to use an Animator Controller, when I my character have to change his animation, in the Animator Window it does, but nothing is animated. I used 3DS max to export my model / animation into .FBX