Change style_formats title - TinyMCE - tinymce

I am new to TinyMCE but have done most of my required work.
I am stuck at one place. I want to change the title of the dropdown which comes by "style_formats". The current title it is showing is "Formats". I want to make it like WordPress Panel. I mean if i select "paragraph" from the drop down, it must shows paragraph, if i select "Heading 1" from the drop down, the title must be changed to "Heading 1" and so on.
I have already checked this link but it was not that much useful
Note: I am using TinyMCE 4

This is not possible out of the box.
For this you will have to write an own plugin that takes care of this.
You may want to have a look at the tinymce source file FormatControls.js .

What you need is a listbox, this is not exactly an answer, but it will help your cause, I'm not sure, how you are going to mix it up with Formats(style_formats), check the fiddle and this answer, you get an idea of listbox.
You can add listbox in menubar of tinymce editor .


MS Word: change existing captions name

this is my first post, so I would like to say hello :)
I have a very large document, it consists of ~150 captions.
I would like to change name of the captions, for example from 'Picture' to 'Pic.'
Is there any simple method to do it? I can't imagine changing all of the existing captions and cross-references manualy.
Best regards,
Here is the way:
Select the caption with a number that has the label that you want to change.
For example, if you have "Picture 1", select the entire caption including label, sequence number, and the caption text.
On the References tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption.
In the Label dropdown, select the label that you want or click New Label and add a new one.
Solution found on Word Tips:
"If you want to change some of the text in the captions, you need to modify the fields used to create the captions. (Automatic captions are implemented through the use of fields in the document.) You can change the text in the fields by first displaying the field codes in your document (press Shift+F9). You should be able to see what the field codes look like for your captions; examine one to see how it is constructed, looking specifically for the text you want to change.
Next press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. Use the controls in the dialog box to specify the caption text you want to change (from within the field you examined) and what you want the text to be. You can then use the controls to step through all the occurrences of the text and change it, as desired.
There are other things you can change in the fields using this same technique. For instance, you may want to change the numbering of your captions from Arabic to Roman. If you examine the field code used for a caption, it may appear similar to this:
{Seq Figure *\ arabic}
You can easily use the Find and Replace method to change the word "arabic" to "roman." When you are done making the changes, press Alt+F9 to change the field codes back to their results.
If your caption changing needs are a bit more complex (perhaps, for example, you want to change the caption to appear above a figure instead of below it, or vice-versa), then the best bet is to change the settings for automatic captions and then delete all the existing captions. You can then use cut and paste (cut the figure and paste it back in the same position) to force Word to automatically add the caption with the new settings."
you can edit individual captions by using Outline view.
(Update) To clarify: to edit an existing table (or I assume figure) individual caption, open your word doc in Outline View and select the caption you'd like to change.
If you want to batch edit you may be able to use find/replace in Outline view to batch find/replace all.
(Caveat: I was not able to easily edit a table caption while in Print View, so tested Outline View and it worked.)
Using the Find and Replace function changes both the cross references in the main text and in the captions.

Can't edit text on Google Web Designer after I've played with keyframes

Normally I can select the layer I want then select the text tool and edit it but for some reason, after putting in some key frames so the texts fades in and out I can't seem to select the text to edit.
I've locked all the other layers so only the text layer I want to edit is editable but I can't change it. All I can do is move it about.
I know this question is old but for future searchers - I think this is a bug so I don't have a "solution", but a workaround.
To make a change to your text:
Switch to 'Code View',
Search (ctrl + F) for your text
Change your text
Switch back to design view
This is a hack, but its the best option - especially if you've already invested lots of time into this and now find yourself stuck.
Okay, I figured out the actual bug causing this and have a solution that is less of a hack. The reason you can't select text is because there are visible layers above your text layer blocking your click. You would assume that if those visible layers are locked, you can click through but that isn't how Google Web Designer works (right now).
So, make all layers invisible, then make just your text layer visible and then you can click to edit it.
I have encounter this problem when editing a template. I could only edit the text of first layer... In order to edit the second layer text and so on you must hide the fist layer.
I have just found out there is another way: Try to copy all layers to a new document with the same preferences. sometimes it`s rather easier than change the code

How to disable hover effect to highlight menu items in GWT MenuBar?

I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep that menu item selected which was clicked last and whose content is loaded on the right.
I am open to any comments, if you have a better solution to implement this, using some other components(with-in) GWT, please drop in a comment with your suggestions, I'll really appreciate that.
Or if you can just tell me how can I disable this effect, of hovering and sticking to only that selection, That would be awesome too..
Thanks to everyone, taking time to read this and suggesting a solution.
It's all defined in the CSS of your GWT's theme (probably the default one), so it's a matter of overriding those styles - make sure it's not the other way around :) Inspect the code with a tool like Firebug to see what's exactly being set and change that.

Confluence not showing tips on wiki markup

After an upgrade, our confluence installation doesnt show the "Help Tips" on wiki markup (a box on the right side of the edit pane which give basic informations on wiki markup). If I view the source, I see that the div is there, but with a display:none attribute. This lead me to think that there is an option somewhere to activate or deactivate this, but I cant find it.
Any idea ?
If you cannot find an option to show it again, and I can't but we are not using the default theme and it is visible
Try adding custom css to show it seems to have an id of helpcontent so you could do that.
Although this will affect other views if not precisely targeted
If it is a route you want to persue !

GWT text inputs with spell-check like behavior?

Does anyone know of a GWT widget that works like a spelling suggestor?
Ideally it would be similar to this:
I need a click-triggered popup on user generated text so that I can suggest replacements (I am not building a spell-checker, but something similar). I also really like the way the polishmywriting menu is set up (when you click on an underlined word).
Is there a widget that would allow me to make something similar?
Basically I'm trying to clone the little popups used by spellchecking in Gmail and polishmywriting.
If not, what would be my first step to make it?
Thanks for your time and answers,
Have you had any luck yet? I know it's been quite a lot of time, but found this just now.
It is a very specific widget, so maybe you won't be able to find exactly what you are looking for. In that case, making one from scratch might prove as a challenge.
The first thing you will notice is that a regular gwt TextArea won't do the job of holding the text. You will need something more flexible to dynamically put clickable labels in the text itself.
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control, released as Open Source.
There is also a gwt wrapper available, so you might find that useful:
If you check the polishmywriting editor after the spell checking markup is displayed, you will notice it is not a TextArea. The text is a series of paragraphs and the labeled parts are span elements. This are the elements you can easily access with gwt and put some click handlers there to open the popup.
And for the popups, it shouldn't be difficult. Use a standard gwt PopupPanel. The popup panel can be displayed in a relative position to other elements displayed on the page:
If you did find something useful in the mean time, feel free to share.