Tableau Legend Highlighting - tableau-api

I have created Tableau worksheet and color coded my chart by Department name and added legend to my workbook. Usually Tableau allows legend highlighting - you can select an item in the legend and all related items in workbook are highlighted. For some reason "Highlight Selected Items" option is disabled for the legend in my workbook.
Any idea why this is happening?

Ok, I finally figured out the answer myself. On Dashboard pane toolbar there is option (one on the left to presentation mode icon) to enable/disable workbook highlighting. For some reason it was disabled. I have re-enabled it and I'm able to use legend highlighting now.


How do I remove this tooltip in header?

This special header tooltip appears when I click on the row header. The sum is not a useful aggregation here. How can I edit it or turn it off? Regular tooltips for this worksheet are turned off.
My last resort will be to hover a blank box over the header region so it cannot be clicked by a user, but I'd rather them be able to click to highlight.
The best way to achieve this is by turning off the tooltip features as follows:
This will remove the tooltips completely

DataGrip diagram: remove labels from arrows?

When DataGrip draws a diagram ("organic" layout, if that matters), the arrows between tables are labelled. Sometimes the labels add only clutter, not meaning.
How can the labels be removed?
Sure, you need to enable access through the keyboard for this type of features .. see the following photo:
1- Ctrl+S
2- Search Show Edge Labels
3- Define a Keymap
or the easy way:
Right click in an area where a table does not appear in the diagram, and click Show Edge Labels

How to remove chart symbol from legend in ArcMap Desktop

I am creating several maps for a client with pie charts as the symbology. However, in the legend there is an additional pie chart with a number after it. I have searched through the settings of both the legend and the data points, but cannot find an option to remove it. Here is a picture of legend.
When in the layout mode you can right click on the legend and select "Convert to Graphics" and then right click on the objects you wish to delete and select "Ungroup" then click on the object you wish to delete to remove them!

LibreOffice tooltip for disabled control

In LibreOffice Calc I have a form with checkbox controls. I use the Help Text property to display tooltips for them, but this only works when the control is enabled. How can I make a tooltip display also for a disabled control?
Libreoffice version
It could be that this is not possible to do, at least not the way I originally intended.
My solution: Remove the label text from the checkbox control, instead add it in a separate label control. Then put the tooltip (help text) on the label instead. It will not be as obvious as before when the checkbox is disabled as the label text is not greyed out, but the tooltip will always display.

How to deselect points after simplification in QGIS

I've simplified a layer in QGIS but all the points are selected afterwards (or have special lines for other reasons), making it really difficult to see the results. I've tried using the normal selection tool to deselect these but it has no effect.
So is there a way to get rid of the red "selections"?
I see the answer now.
The red lines indicate it's in editing mode. To turn off, select the editing (pencil) icon on the digitizing toolbar.
To turn on the digitizing toolbar, go to View > Toolbars > Digitizing.