Force mails to be in the same conversation in Outlook client - email

I have a system that sends out periodic job status emails. It would be great if in Outlook they were grouped by conversation for each instance of the job instead of showing up individually.
How does Outlook decide if things are in the same conversation and is there any simple way via metadata/headers to influence/force that?

You will need to update the PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX MAPI property (see
Unfortunately, OOM does not allow to set the ConversationID and ConversationIndex proeprties, so you would need to use MailItem.PorpertyAccessor.SetProperty.


Dynamics CRM Email management

I want to learn different ways how you guys handle incoming emails in Dynamics CRM.
How you make sure that everyone is responding to their emails?
Can we filter incoming emails to get the ones which are not yet
replied? On daily basis we are getting a lot of emails and we want
to have a filtered view where we can only see the emails which are
not yet replied yet.
How you deal with incoming emails which are sent to sales#
accounting# etc.
3A. How you distribute them among different users?
Assigning to them?
Forwarding to them?
3B. And how you make sure that they are replying to those emails?
I will appreciate if you I can learn from your experience on this subject
Use the existing Customer Service module which Microsoft has built for this purpose. Incoming emails create Case records, which are actionable items with associated statuses.
How you make sure that everyone is responding to their emails?
Set up workflows so that unassigned cases cause escalation of some sort (i.e. an email sent to a manager)
Can we filter incoming emails to get the ones which are not yet replied? On daily basis we are getting a lot of emails and we want to have a filtered view where we can only see the emails which are not yet replied yet.
Filter by Case status
How you deal with incoming emails which are sent to sales# accounting# etc.
- How you distribute them among different users?
You can set up routing logic so that cases are tagged with specific attributes, or assigned to specific users based on what address the originating email targeted.
Assigning to them?
This is out of the box case functionality
Forwarding to them?
Set up a workflow to send an email to the case owner or other user
And how you make sure that they are replying to those emails?
A simple option is to review the email history associated with the case. Automating this task is certainly possible but can get complicated.
You could add each email into a queue, and have users process emails out of the queue.
There is a setting to enable this on the entity configuration with the customisations area.
Emails when tracked or synchronised then appear within Dynamics within the queue.
Users then process the queue. This also caters for the scenario where emails do not need a reply - they can be removed from the queue. In this model, the emphasis switches from checking emails are replied to, to checking queues are cleared.
Reply email are linked back to the original email via the Parent Activity Id. So you could build a filter around this.
Create a queue for these to receive email.
The email address that you enter in the Incoming Email field receives all messages sent to the queue.
A) Users can pick items from the queue, a team leader can assign queue items to others, or use bespoke customisation or development to automatically route items.
B) As above.

Subscribe to incoming mails for all users (MTA/EWS API or else?)

My goal is to develop an Exchange listener that will intercept the organization mail box for new mails and for each mail it would do some logic.
After i've researched the subject online - i saw that there are two primary ways to do that:
Configure a new MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) that will be situated before the exchange server and will intercept the SMTP messages.
Use EWS API to subscribe to a new mail event and run the login on the listener
in this way i have 2 basic problems:
Is there a way to subscribe to all mailboxes on the exchange server? without looping all the users ?
How i can block a client to read his email before my listener handled it ? (can i move the whole incoming mail to a special default folder that the users wouldn't have an access to it - some king of hidden folder ?
Is there other way besides the two that i mentioned to fulfill the demand ?
You can use a Transport Agent on Exchange which allows you to capture/proces messages while they are in the Transport pipeline. The advantage of this over what you have described in 1. is that you capture every message sent/received on the server including internal messages.
Is there a way to subscribe to all mailboxes on the exchange server? without looping all the users ?
No you need to managed your subscriptions per mailbox folder
How i can block a client to read his email before my listener handled it ? (can i move the whole incoming mail to a special default folder that the users wouldn't have an access to it - some king of hidden folder ?
All clients are equal on Exchange so you cant prioritise a client or block access to a new messages (you can block the client entirely) , in theory you could move all messages that arrive to NON_IPM_Root folder with an Inbox rule which means the user couldn't see them but you might want to consider the implications of what happens when your process fails, this could also be disabled by the user at any time when they create a Inbox rule themselves.

Zimbra - scheduled mail sending

I was thinking about making a Zimlet that would send mails on specific dates(name dates automatically etc.)m but can't find any way to do so.
I know that exporting from zimbra is not a problem, but is importing scheduled events like this even possible?
Thanks for answers!
Zimbra has no built-in Event system. Still, using cronjobs, a zimlet and a script, that uses the Zimbra-API, this could be achieved.
The Zimlet would function as a setup ui, where users can create the mails, that should be sent regularly.
The script then uses the Zimbra-API to fetch these informations and send the mails.
The script, in turn, is called via a cronjob.
It is possible to schedule emails in Zimbra, on the send button if you click on the arrow next to it a drop down list appears with an option to schedule email for some time in the future, you will see it then in the drafts section until the time is reached to send it

Sugarcrm - Send only checked Queued Campaign emails

In Email Queue, when I send queued campaign emails all emails are sent. I want it to send only the emails which are checked(selected checkboxes). Does any one know the way to do the same.
That's the default behavior, to modify it you'd check in /modules/EmailMan and ideally copy code/customization to the custom directory to try to stay as upgrade-safe as possible. Really, though, my experience with Campaign and Email customization is that there is heavy copy-paste from core files which are technically upgrade-safe but may not be upgrade-aware later on.
Also, the number of outgoing emails in a single blast can be controlled with Campaign Email Settings :
On a more basic level though, why would you queue emails you don't want to send?

Coldfusion : Listening to the Email messages

I am trying to have a kind of observer pattern in ColdFusion
We want to listen to the incoming Email messages and act on them. Scenario is something like this :
Application sends email to the helpdesk system
Helpdesk system automatically generates a ticket and responds with an email to the email address of the application
The application's email is configured in the Lotus notes
Now the application should listen to this incoming email message, decode that and update the coressponding ticketid
I see there is a possibility with Event Gateways, but I am unable to realize the whole picture.
Thoughts or suggestions?
One way is to setup an email server with IMAP support, and use some sort of polling (every minute, good enough?) in CF using <cfimap> to get the emails.
We have a system like this.
We have a postfix server configured to handle mail for a domain. A small script (Perl) on the postfix server places each email on an ActiveMQ queue.
We have a cluster of CF boxes with the ActiveMQ event gateway listener that takes the messages off the queue and processes them using Java Mail.
The delay between postfix receiving the email and a CF server processing it is generally under 1s.
We needed to do it this way for a number of reasons, processing delay being one of them, dealing with a large cluster of CF which made the POP/IMAP solution complicated, and CF's mail handling not being quite what we wanted were others.
It works great.
I've created similar applications in the past using cfpop to interogate a mailbox on a scheduled basis.
It was pretty easy to write, but usually gets thrown for a loop when "users" start being "helpful" with the email content.
The other thing is that this isn't instantaneous, but is the process really time critical to the second?