Apply patch in liferay - liferay-6

I have liferay 5.2.3. I am in to the process of migrating from 5.2.3 to 6.2. The portal says we need to migrate to major release for example, 5.2.3 to 6.0 to 6.1 and finally to 6.2.
I have successfully migrated from 5.2.3 to 6.0. When migrating to 6.1, while oracle db upgrading I got the following error.
12:23:40,589 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][MainServlet:217] com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException: com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table SYSMAN.AQ$_MGMT_LOADER_QTABLE_G com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException: com.liferay.portal.verify.VerifyException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table SYSMAN.AQ$_MGMT_LOADER_QTABLE_G
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.MainServlet.processStartupEvents(
at com.liferay.portal.servlet.MainServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.initServlet(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(
When I was searching for a solution I got a patch here
Now I am confused how to apply patch in liferay? Can someone help me on this?

How does the patch look like? the link you provided is not a direct link to the patch. I just wanted to have a look at the files in the patch. I once had to apply a patch from here I had an ext-environment which had similar file names as those in the patch. I made changes to the corresponding files in the ext-env and it worked perfectly fine. I was also told it was the correct way to do that if you have an ext environment.


Upgrading hybris from 6.4 to 6.7

I am upgrading our b2b website to 6.7 hybris version. We have copied the config and custom folders to new 6.7 setup. We have also copied the data and media. Updated the system.
After server startup the entire WCMS section is not rendering due to which the components on home page do not open. It gives me the below error on console
**WARN [hybrisHTTP37] [DefaultCMSComponentRendererRegistry] Error processing component tag. currentComponent [TKNavigationBarComponentModel (8796148630588#1)] exception: Missing extension info for given extension name
Dec 30, 2019 11:12:31 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [DispatcherServlet] threw exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Missing extension info for given extension name
The localextensions.xml is same as 6.4 version. We have also tried querying tables to check if CMSNavigationNodes are present in the DB . In backoffice to the WCMS node is missing.
Can you please suggest what could have gone wrong here ?
There are documentation for upgrading. You need a lot of work for every version. For example check 6.6 to 6.7 guide (This link private, you need account on SAP).
I was able to fix this using
I had to manually change the Resolver file in my custom storefront extension as it was a copy of 6.4 and had the bug mentioned in the above link.

Kentico V8.2 to V9.0 upgrade missing ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx

I'm recently going through my first Kentico upgrade on a site that was previously handed to me from somebody else. There were some hinks initially, but I have to say the V8.2 to V9.0 upgrade is gone off with a degree of success. There is one last issue I'm tackling. Initially the issue was with images stored in the database, but I resolved that with setting custom URL extensions. The style sheet we have in the database is returning a 404, so the entire site is without style.
I did some digging, and found the following:
While we were using ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx in V8.2, that appears to have been deprecated/obsolete for some time now. The CSS references in the master page all point to ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx.
In V8.2, I can confirm the presence of ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx, but that appears to be missing after the V9.0 upgrade. I installed a blank template site as well to confirm, and it's not there either. I verified I am using the latest upgrade package. I had already hit an issue with the pre-12/15 edition.
The V8.2 ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx does not work in a V9.0 as the API for CMS.UIControls no longer contains the ResourceHandler class (which is also used in ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx).
I can confirm in the V8.2 codebase that ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx works, returning the specified stylesheet.
TL;DR - Upgrading from V8.2 to V9.0, I appear to be missing ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx, and am not sure where it got off to.
Environment Information
Test Server: Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 on IIS 7.5 w/ .NET 4.5.2, MSSQL 2008R2 Database backend
Dev Server: Windows 8.1 with IIS 8.5, VS 2015 and MSSQL 2008R2
Kentico V8.2 Site in Portal Mode
I appreciate any ideas you have.
Most of the .ashx were moved to the CMS.UIControls assembly and adjusted to implement IHttpHandler.
This way the handlers can be used by any application that references the Kentico libraries, specifically the UIControls. This approach has been utilized e.g. in the new MVC support in Kentico 9.
If you need to customize the handlers you can take advantage of the GetFileHandler and AdvancedGetFileHandler abstract classes implementing IHttpHandler.
I was receiving a 404 on GetResource.ashx in v8 when deploying my site. I have my site setup as a web application. My problem was I was only deploying CMSApp using Visual Studio. I needed to also deploy CMSApp_AppCode.
when I upgraded to v9 from v8.2 I was getting a 500 Error on GetResource.ashx. After my upgrade I just re-deployed. I don't know what the issue was, but getting the errors, I cleared out all the files on the Azure server then deployed. This fixed my error.
Maybe one of these two items will help you.
If I read the release notes correctly, they moved the files to the UIControls library and you can still utilize the old references without issue. I've upgraded my website from 8.0.48 to 9.0.1 and 9.0.4 and had no issues. In fact, I still use the /CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=/path/to/file.js I believe the change was specifically to accommodate the MVC model.

MobileFirst authenticationConfig.xml 7.1 migration error on Security Access Manager sample project - how to resolve?

I'm working with IBM MobileFirst 7.1, and trying to get integration for ISAM working. So far I've been working with the sample application provided here, but I'm having issues with it when working with 7.1 MobileFirst client-side tools.
If I download and unzip the v3.5 integration package, and unzip the ISAMforMobileFirst test project, and I build it with the v7.0 CLI, it builds successfully. However, if I build it with the v7.1 CLI, I get an error like this:
Migrating project from version to version
/Applications/IBM/MobileFirst-CLI-7.1/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/lib/build.xml:497: com.worklight.upgrader.UpgradeEngineException: FWLPL0019E: Migrating the ISAMforMobileFirst project from version to version has failed because Cannot parse /Users/ferriera/Downloads/AmWorklightAdapter-3.5/sample/ISAMforMobileFirst/server/conf/authenticationConfig.xml
at com.worklight.upgrader.WLUpgradeEngine.upgradeProject(
at com.worklight.upgrader.ant.UpgraderTask.execute(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
A colleague also sees this exact error in MobileFirst Studio 7.1 (in Eclipse) so I'm guessing it's not a CLI-specific error.
I would assume that support for something has changed in authenticationConfig.xml in 7.1, and this hasn't been reflected in the migrator.
A few questions:
Is ISAM integration supported in 7.1?
Whilst I realise the sample application isn't technically supported in 7.1, if/since ISAM integration is, in theory it should be feasible to make it work. What's changed in authenticationConfig.xml syntax?
Edit: looks like the failure happens due to the following: <parameter name="embedded-pki-bridge-ca-p12-file-path" value="<file-path>"/> and more specifically: <file-path>.
Change it to the actual file path, and it will not fail importing.
Nothing in the authenticationConfig.xml file is about ISAM really; it's all declarations of realms, login modules, security tests...
There is a clear failure, and a PMR should be opened.
As for a local workaround, I've attempted to remove segments in the file that I thought might trigger it, but did not succeed to find a pattern that causes it...

Adding QueryDSL to STS

I am trying to follow O'Reilly's Spring Data book (2012) and it states that we can add QueryDSL to STS via (which is indicated as the current latest version), but no updates are made to STS and also when pointing to this link, I get a '404 There isn't a GitHub Page here'. I have also tried using the book's used version of 0.0.3 and I face the exact same problem.
Does anyone know if support for P2 QueryDSL has stopped or if it has moved to another location? I need this QueryDSL to be added to STS, so that I can follow the examples in the book that makes use of QueryDSL. Any help would be appreciated. Note: My STS version is 3.4.0.RELEASE.

Magento Upgrade Path?

Where can I find information about upgrading Magento Enterprise 1.7. to the latest 1.9. ?
There's no such documentation.
Your general approach:
1. Close production server
2. Backup all DBs and Magento installation
3. Turn off all your custom extensions and themes
4. Delete from HDD: core Magento modules, their layouts, all standard themes and cache.
5. Get 1.9 EE, copy it over your installation
6. Request Magento through http
7. Walk at your site, notice errors and warnings, fix them
8. Check documentation and update for your theme, whether it supports EE 1.9. Turn it on if it supports, otherwise you'll need another theme.
9. Check documentation and updates for all your custom extensions - whether they support 1.9. Turn them on - one by one.
You won't have any problem with upgrading all core DB data - it's made automatically.
You'll have problems with your custom theme, as you'll need new version with support for 1.9. And you'll need to check your custom extensions and upgrade their source and DB data to fit 1.9.
Generally all Magento upgrades work by running the updated code with the old database. The differences will be detected and incorporated automatically on the next page request. Magento keeps track of every module's version number for this reason.
Because there is a chance some modification will break it is best to do this on a new (temporary) site then add the modifications back in gradually. That way the old site is still active and uninterrupted.
I think there is no official documentation. The best way is to figure out what core functionality is used in your customizations and after that look at theirs realization in new version: does it changed or not.
To know what was changed in new version you could check changeslist