How to retrieve certain entries only - filemaker

this is what I´m trying to achieve:
As per buttonclick I want to populate a textfield in table A with all records from table B that have a certain value.
Kind of:
"Catch all records in B where field XYZ is 99 and put them in this textfield."
Thanks for your help! I am using FM13!
I have an "orders" table where the order-id is a serial number. I use it to write bills from the exact order to another table.
In certain cases an order is too less for one bill, so for them i create entries in another table called "smalljobs".
But: In the smalljobs table there is one field where i can enter a specific order-id - where i write the bill on, in my case say "5".
Let´s say orders "10, 12, and 13" are small-jobs. I have one big order where I can bill smalljobs onto - in my case maybe order "5".
All I want to do: add one script to populate a certain textfield with entries from "smalljobs" where my current order-id ("5") is identified as fitting, and get Title, Costs, etc.

I was wrong from the beginning. I had to relate the "smalljobs" to a certain specific order-id, and get the informations I wanted via GetNthRecord(fieldName;recordNumber).


How can I use Crystal Reports record selection to choose from a list AND included a specific field

I am trying to figure out how to write a formula in the record selector that would allow me to select records in a specified list....but ONLY if there is also a specific record.
In My example. I am pulling earnings codes for employees from specific payroll transactions. For each Transaction date...each employee will have up to 10 codes.
I have my record selection set as this to narrow down the codes I want to see:
{UPCHKD.EARNDED} in ["01", "02", "BNSQT", "BVMT", "CASHBO", "FLAT", "HOL", "HOLPAY", "WAPFML"]
The issue is that I only want to see the first 8 codes IF there is also the WAPFML code. I can't figure out how to tell the record Selector to pick records that have BOTH WAPFML and any of those other 8 codes.
{UPCHKD.EARNDED} in ["01", "02","BNSQT", "BVMT", "CASHBO", "FLAT", "HOL", "HOLPAY", "WAPFML"] and
{UPCHKH.TRANSDATE} in {?Beginning Check Date} to {?Ending Check Date}
I hoped to see only checks where the WAPFML code existed. But I'm obviously returning checks that may not have that code. Using Group selection doesn't work as then I don't see the lines for the other codes.
Assuming you are grouping on {Employee_ID}, Add a group selection formula of MAX({UPCHKD.EARNDED}, {Employee_ID} ) = "WAPFML"
This takes advantage of the fact that "WAPFML" happens to be the largest alpha value in the set. If that is not the case, a more robust approach is to add the UPCHKD table a second time (with an alias), join on same Emp_ID to the first alias, and add a record selection condition on the 2nd alias forcing it to be "WAPFML"
OH I GOT IT! I was grouping by Employee and then transaction date. I entered Maximum ({UPCHKD.EARNDED}, {UPCHKH.TRANSDATE}) = "WAPFML" and took maximum of each transaction date and BOOM. Which now makes all the sense in the world. Thanks so much MilletSoftware for helping me!

Grouping By with missing data

Image of Data and desired result:
I'm trying to aggregate volunteer hours from a Google spreadsheet a non-profit I volunteer for. We collect volunteer e-mail information and the time that each volunteer has contributed. Each volunteer only puts in their e-mail the first time. I've found examples online on how to send e-mails, but I'm having trouble aggregating the data. I think the trouble might be that not every row has an e-mail address associated with it.
I've been able to get the sum of hours worked by volunteer using QUERY(data, "select A, sum(C) Group By A", ) but can't figure out how to get the e-mail associated with each individual.
Thanks for the advice! The VLOOKUP and ArrayFormula functions were new to me. Here's how I solved it:
QUERY(data, "select A, B where B <>'' ", -1)
This allowed me to get the Key-Value pair (Name, Email) for each volunteer (solving the problem of people who volunteered multiple times, but only left their e-mail once). From there, I was able to generate the 'Name:Hours Worked' table off to the right with:
QUERY(data, "select A, sum(C) Group By A", ).
Then, I used VLOOKUP to query my Name-Email table to get the desired result of:
You can't achieve this with query. But you could apply vlookup to sorted table:
and get email list for unique names.
First, clean up your data. You shoud be certain that at least one column has no typos an that this column appropiate identify which data corresponds to each volunteer. This is called key value. This also could be done by, but not limited to, filling up the missing values for each row. If this will be hard, then
Create a volunteer list without missing data.
Calculate the time contributed by each volunteer. If you was able to fill up the missing values, then you could use QUERY, I this case the QUERY formula should have to group by name and email, if not, then use SUMIF

Tableau table filter for one column only in table

I have a really basic question that I can't figure out. I need to create a table that has multiple calculated fields, but I need only one of the calculated fields to be filtered for a specific dimension value. For example, I have the following data set (dummy data) and I want to create a table that will include total clicks for both companies, but [cost per click] from one company only, company B.
Company| Clicks| $ Cost
Comp A | 100 | $20
Comp B | 200 | $40
TOTAL 300 | $0.13
$0.13 comes from 40/300; $40 from company B and 300 clicks from both company A and B.
How do you create a table that has multiple calculations but with one of those calculations filtered on one dimension value only?
One simple calculated field:
sum(if [Company] = 'B' then [Cost] end )/sum([Click])
This should get you in the right direction.
Based on your question and your comment, you want to divide the cost by the TOTAL number of clicks in your dataset.
Create a calculated field called "TotalClicks" and enter this formula
window_sum(sum([Clicks])) // This formula will sum the clicks field for all rows
Create a calculated field called Cost / Clicks and enter this formula
sum([Cost]) / [TotalClicks]
Add the Cost / Clicks field to the sheet and it should look like this
NOTE: If you need to partition / group your report, you may have to play around with this some. I don't use window functions within tableau very often since I usually handle the aggregation at the datasource level instead.
NOTE: Since you mentioned filtering, I will add this statement -- If you filter out any of your data, that data will not (cannot) be included in any calculated fields (To the best of my knowledge and experience, anyway). If you need to include that data (total clicks), I think the only option is to add that aggregated total to your dataset - otherwise, tableau can't calculate it if you are filtering it out.
Edit2: If you cannot change the underlying dataset, you could accomplish this by creating another datasource and joining it to your inital data source --
Data > Add Datasource, add the datasource again and change the name so you can identify it
Click Data > Edit Relationships. Click Custom and REMOVE any linked fields -- this will essentially produce a Cartesian join (every record in your first DataSource will have every reocrd from your second Datasource)
Select the second datasource and create a calculated field (ClicksTotal_DS2) using the same window_sum function
Select the first datasource and create a calculated field (named Cost / Clicks_DS2) using this formula
sum([Cost])/ [Sheet1 (test) (2)].[ClicksTotal_DS2]
Now you can apply a filter to your first data source, and your second data source will still calculate the total.

Insert multiple records into fact table based on fields in single record

I'm working in Pentaho 4.4.1-GA (Kettle / PDI). The database is Postgres.
I need to be able to insert multiple records into a fact table based on the fields that come from a single record. The single record contains fields:
productcode1, price1
productcode2, price2
productcode3, price3
So if there was a value for each of the 10 productcode / prices then I'd need to insert a total of 10 records into the fact table. If there were values for 4 of the combinations, then I'd need to insert 4 records into the fact table, etcetera. All field values for the fact records would be identical except for the PK (generated by sequence), product codes, and prices.
I figure that I need some type of looping construct which would let me check whether or not a value was present for each productx field, and if so, do an insert/update step on the fact table with the desired field values. I'm just not sure how to do this in Pentaho.
Any ideas? All suggestions are welcome :)
Thank You,
Could you give a sample input and output for your scenario??
From your example data I can infer that if there are 10 different product codes and only 4 product prices you want to have 4 records inserted into your table. Is that so?
Well for a start you can add a constant value of 1 to those records by filtering for NOT NULL and then use an Group BY Step to count the number of 1's. This would give you the count. BTW it would be helpful if you could provide more details on what columns you would be loading as there are ways to make a PDI transformation execute multiple times

Display Records Horizontally Instead of Vertical in Cells, SSRS

I'm trying to display multiple values for one drive by adding a column for each additional record assigned to a drive. For example, a drive ID is unique but can have multiple promotional incentives assigned to it.
For example, if we go to a university on 1/23/2015, that will a unique event or record in the DriveMaster table, but if we are giving away T-Shirts and Pizza, those two records will be assigned to the drive in the EquipmentDetail table.
In SSRS, I'm trying to create a sub-report that will display the promotional items on one line instead of adding additional lines for each promotional item. See screenshot below.
What I'd like to have happen is have the each drive only account for 1 row, and each promotional item listed in a new column to the right. See mockup in Excel.
Is there a way to handle this? I know there is in Crytal Reports, but I can't figure this out in SSRS. I've tried using a Matrix, but I can't see to get the columns to grow if there are multiple incentives.
I added a column group on the Description field, and it looks like that it is close, but that the grouping will create blank spaces (cells) in it.
You have to set a Column Group for your promotional item in your Matrix.
Hope that helps.
It looks like there are some areas that contain no data (because of your groupings)
We can do something like the following:
In your query you can use the 'over'
Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... ,
ROW_NUMBER() Over(Partition by Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... Order by PromotionItem)
AS ColumnGroupNumber
Then in the Promotion Item group that you have change the field it groups on to the ColumnGroupNumber (or whatever you are going to call it). Just don't change the field in the detail row, or you will not see the details.
I have used this solution before. I found it here.