Locate touching pixels of two objects - matlab

Suppose I have matrix, where each cell of this matrix describes a location (e.g. a bin of a histogram) in a two dimensional space. Lets say, some of these cells contain a '1' and some a '2', indicating where object number 1 and 2 are located, respectively.
I now want to find those cells that describe the "touching points" between the two objects. How do I do that efficiently?
Here is a naive solution:
X = locations of object number 1 (x,y)
Y = locations of object number 2 (x,y)
distances = pdist2(X,Y,'cityblock');
Locations (x,y) and (u,v) touch, iff the respective entry in distances is 1. I believe that should work, however does not seem very clever and efficient.
Does anyone have a better solution? :)
Thank you!

Use morphological operations.
Let M be your matrix with zeros (no object) ones and twos indicating the locations of different objects.
M1 = M == 1; % create a logical mask of the first object
M2 = M == 2; % logical mask of second object
dM1 = imdilate( M1, [0 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 0] ); % "expand" the mask to the neighboring pixels
[touchesY touchesX] =...
find( dM1 & M2 ); % locations where the expansion of first object overlap with second one

%%// Label matrix
L = [
0 0 2 0 0;
2 2 2 1 1;
2 2 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1]
[X_row,X_col] = find(L==1);
[Y_row,Y_col] = find(L==2);
X = [X_row X_col];
Y = [Y_row Y_col];
%%// You code works till this point to get X and Y
%%// Peform subtractions so that later on could be used to detect
%%// where Y has any index that touches X
%%// Subtract all Y from all X. This can be done by getting one
%%//of them and in this case Y into the third dimension and then subtracting
%%// from all X using bsxfun. The output would be used to index into Y.
Y_touch = abs(bsxfun(#minus,X,permute(Y,[3 2 1])));
%%// Perform similar subtractions, but this time subtracting all X from Y
%%// by putting X into the third dimension. The idea this time is to index
%%// into X.
X_touch = abs(bsxfun(#minus,Y,permute(X,[3 2 1]))); %%// for X too
%%// Find all touching indices for X, which would be [1 1] from X_touch.
%%// Thus, their row-sum would be 2, which can then detected and using `all`
%%// command. The output from that can be "squeezed" into a 2D matrix using
%%// `squeeze` command and then the touching indices would be any `ones`
%%// columnwise.
ind_X = any(squeeze(all(X_touch==1,2)),1)
%%// Similarly for Y
ind_Y = any(squeeze(all(Y_touch==1,2)),1)
%%// Get the touching locations for X and Y
touching_loc = [X(ind_X,:) ; Y(ind_Y,:)]
%%// To verify, let us make the touching indices 10
L =
0 0 2 0 0
2 2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1
L =
0 0 10 0 0
2 10 10 10 1
10 10 10 10 0
0 10 10 1 1


How do I get rid of zeroes in a pascal's triangle matrix in matlab?

I have managed to code a function for plotting a pascal's triangle in the form of a matrix, but want to make it look like a triangle.
When I ask for a pascal's triangle with four rows, it gives
1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
1 2 1 0
1 3 3 1
Is there a possible way to make this
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
function x = testfunc(n)
x = eye(n);
x(:, 1) = 1;
for j=3:n
for i = 2 : n - 1
x(j, i) = x(j - 1, i - 1) + x(j - 1, i);
This is my code so far
If you are just interested in the visuals then you can turn it into an cell-array and then use cellfun to loop over all cells and then only display the values that are not 0.
a= mat2cell(x,ones(n,1),n); %turn into cell array
cellfun(#(a)disp(a(a~=0)),a) %loop over cells and print only nonzero elements
If you are interested in saving memory, you can either use cell arrays from the beginning or turn it into a sparse matrix, e.g.
x = sparse(eye(n));
Then only non-zero elements will be represented

Applying median filter to data with 2 axes

I have the following code:
x = VarName3;
y = VarName4;
x = (x/6000)/60;
plot(x, y)
Where VarName3 and VarName4 are 3000x1. I would like to apply a median filter to this in MATLAB. However, the problem I am having is that, if I use medfilt1, then I can only enter a single array of variables as the first argument. And for medfilt2, I can only enter a matrix as the first argument. But the data looks very obscured if I convert x and y into a matrix.
The x is time and y is a list of integers. I'd like to be able to filter out spikes and dips. How do I go about doing this? I was thinking of just eliminating the erroneous data points by direct manipulation of the data file. But then, I don't really get the effect of a median filter.
I found a solution using sort.
Median is the center element, so you can sort three elements, and take the middle element as median.
sort function also returns the index of the previous syntaxes.
I used the index information for restoring the matching value of X.
Here is my code sample:
%X - simulates time.
X = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
%Y - simulates data
Y = [0 1 2 0 100 1 1 1 2 3];
%Create three vectors:
Y0 = [0, Y(1:end-1)]; %Left elements [0 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2]
Y1 = Y; %Center elements [0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 3]
Y2 = [Y(2:end), 0]; %Right elements [1 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 3 0]
%Concatenate Y0, Y1 and Y2.
YYY = [Y0; Y1; Y2];
%Sort YYY:
%sortedYYY(2, :) equals medfilt1(Y)
%I(2, :) equals the index: value 1 for Y0, 2 for Y1 and 3 for Y2.
[sortedYYY, I] = sort(YYY);
%Median is the center of sorted 3 elements.
medY = sortedYYY(2, :);
%Corrected X index of medY
medX = X + I(2, :) - 2;
%Protect X from exceeding original boundries.
medX = min(max(medX, min(X)), max(X));
medX =
1 2 2 3 6 7 7 8 9 9
>> medY
medY =
0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
Use a sliding window on the data vector centred at a given time. The value of your filtered output at that time is the median value of the data in the sliding window. The size of the sliding window is an odd value, not necessarily fixed to 3.

Nodes that form a loop in adjacency matrix (Matlab)

I have an adjacency matrix with directed edges. Computing A^3, would help me detect if there are any cycles of length 3 (triangle) in the matrix. But, I want to know which nodes form the triangle. How can I achieve this in Matlab?
The problem with matrix multiplication is that it adds up all the rows. When you multiply the first row of matrix P by the first column of matrix Q, it does an element-wise multiplication and then generates the sum of the resulting vector, throwing away all of the data about the intermediate nodes. Well, we want that vector, so let's stop it from adding them up.
Say we have our adjacency matrix A:
A =
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
and we want to find out if there are any paths (not cycles, yet) from node x to node z passing through node y. Row x tells us what nodes have edges from x to y, and column z tells us what nodes have edges from y to z. If we do an element-wise AND of row x and column z, we should get a vector of all of the nodes y that are connected to both x and z.
For example, if we AND row 1 and column 3 for this adjacency matrix:
A =
0 1 0 0 0
x x 1 x x
x x 0 x x
x x 0 x x
x x 0 x x
>> A(1,:) & A(:,3).' %// remember to transpose the column first...
ans =
0 1 0 0 0
We see that they're connected by node 2. Awesome, now we know that for this case we have a path 1->2->3. In general though, there could be multiple paths from 1 to 3, so we're going to use the whole vector.
Now all we have to do is make sure that there's a path from node 3 back to node 1. Well, that's row 3, column 1 in our adjacency matrix. If we AND A(3,1) with our vector, we should the same vector back if there's an edge from 3 to 1 and get zeros back if there isn't (and thus, no cycle).
>> (A(1,:) & A(:,3).') & A(3,1)
ans =
0 1 0 0 0
Generalizing this, the vector for each path from x to z is
C(x,:,z) = (A(x,:) & A(:,z).') & A(z,x);
Unfortunately I have been unable to find a way to vectorize this, so a double for loop will have to suffice for now:
for x = 1:size(A,1)
for z = 1:size(A,2)
C(x,:,z) = (A(x,:) & A(:,z).') & A(z,x);
The resulting matrix will have C(x,y,z) = 1 if there is a cycle from x to y to z (and back), and 0 otherwise. Note that each cycle will be listed 3 times:
C(x,y,z) == C(y,z,x) == C(z,x,y)

Create a 3D matrix

How can I define a 3D matrix in MATLAB?
For example a matrix of size (8 x 4 x 20) or add a 3rd dimension to an existing 2D matrix?
Create a 3D matrix
A = zeros(20, 10, 3); %# Creates a 20x10x3 matrix
Add a 3rd dimension to a matrix
B = zeros(4,4);
C = zeros(size(B,1), size(B,2), 4); %# New matrix with B's size, and 3rd dimension of size 4
C(:,:,1) = B; %# Copy the content of B into C's first set of values
zeros is just one way of making a new matrix. Another could be A(1:20,1:10,1:3) = 0 for a 3D matrix. To confirm the size of your matrices you can run: size(A) which gives 20 10 3.
There is no explicit bound on the number of dimensions a matrix may have.
If you want to define a 3D matrix containing all zeros, you write
A = zeros(8,4,20);
All ones uses ones, all NaN's uses NaN, all false uses false instead of zeros.
If you have an existing 2D matrix, you can assign an element in the "3rd dimension" and the matrix is augmented to contain the new element. All other new matrix elements that have to be added to do that are set to zero.
For example
B = magic(3); %# creates a 3x3 magic square
B(2,1,2) = 1; %# and you have a 3x3x2 array
I use Octave, but Matlab has the same syntax.
Create 3d matrix:
octave:3> m = ones(2,3,2)
m =
ans(:,:,1) =
1 1 1
1 1 1
ans(:,:,2) =
1 1 1
1 1 1
Now, say I have a 2D matrix that I want to expand in a new dimension:
octave:4> Two_D = ones(2,3)
Two_D =
1 1 1
1 1 1
I can expand it by creating a 3D matrix, setting the first 2D in it to my old
(here I have size two of the third dimension):
octave:11> Three_D = zeros(2,3,2)
Three_D =
ans(:,:,1) =
0 0 0
0 0 0
ans(:,:,2) =
0 0 0
0 0 0
octave:12> Three_D(:,:,1) = Two_D
Three_D =
ans(:,:,1) =
1 1 1
1 1 1
ans(:,:,2) =
0 0 0
0 0 0

Getting all pixel coordinates of a vector inside a image

I have an intensity/greyscale image, and I have chosen a pixel inside this image. I want to send vectors starting from this pixel in all directions/angles, and I want to sum all the intensities of the pixels touching one vector, for all vectors.
After this step I would like to plot a histogram with the intensities on one axis and the angle on the other axis. I think I can do this last step on my own, but I don't know how to create these vectors inside my greyscale image and how to get the coordinates of the pixels a vector touches.
I previously did this in C++, which required a lot of code. I am sure this can be done with less effort in MATLAB, but I am quite new to MATLAB, so any help would be appreciated, since I haven't found anything helpful in the documentation.
It might not be the best way to solve it, but you can do it using a bit of algebra, heres how...
We know the Point-Slope formula of a line passing through point (a,b) with angle theta is:
y = tan(theta) * (x-a) + b
Therefore a simple idea is to compute the intersection of this line with y=const for all const, and read the intensity values at the intersection. You would repeat this for all angles...
A sample code to illustrate the concept:
%% input
point = [128 128]; % pixel location
I = imread('cameraman.tif'); % sample grayscale image
%% calculations
[r c] = size(I);
angles = linspace(0, 2*pi, 4) + rand;
angles(end) = [];
clr = lines( length(angles) ); % get some colors
figure(1), imshow(I), hold on
figure(2), hold on
for i=1:length(angles)
% line equation
f = #(x) tan(angles(i))*(x-point(1)) + point(2);
% get intensities along line
x = 1:c;
y = round(f(x));
idx = ( y<1 | y>r ); % indices of outside intersections
vals = diag(I(x(~idx), y(~idx)));
figure(1), plot(x, y, 'Color', clr(i,:)) % plot line
figure(2), plot(vals, 'Color', clr(i,:)) % plot profile
hold off
This example will be similar to Amro's, but it is a slightly different implementation that should work for an arbitrary coordinate system assigned to the image...
Let's assume that you have matrices of regularly-spaced x and y coordinates that are the same size as your image, such that the coordinates of pixel (i,j) are given by (x(i,j),y(i,j)). As an example, I'll create a sample 5-by-5 set of integer coordinates using MESHGRID:
>> [xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid(1:5)
xGrid =
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
yGrid =
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
Next we can define a line y = m*(x - a) + b passing through the coordinate system by selecting some values for the constants and computing y using the x coordinates of the grid:
>> a = 0;
>> b = 1;
>> m = rand
m =
>> y = m.*(xGrid(1,:)-a)+b
y =
1.5469 2.0938 2.6406 3.1875 3.7344
Finally, we find the y points in the grid that differ from the points computed above by less than the grid size:
>> index = abs(yGrid-repmat(y,size(yGrid,1),1)) <= yGrid(2,1)-yGrid(1,1)
index =
1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
and use this index matrix to get the x and y coordinates for the pixels crossed by the line:
>> xCrossed = xGrid(index);
>> yCrossed = yGrid(index);