Joomla! 2.5+: Abuse a system plugin to create an URI addressable view - plugins

As it is fairly simple to create frontend views into the content area using Joomla!'s component infrastructure and a menu item, I wonder if it is not possible to abuse a system plugin to achive the same goal. Reason: keep the code slim (A plugin can consist only of two files.)
Suppose having, the system plugin should catch myuri, than override the content by a special content using onAfterRender.
My approach is to set some class variable within the derived plugin class to true, if the URI was hit. How can this be done, and which onEvent should be used?


Aurelia - How to do composite applications that can be loaded at runtime

What I'm trying to do in Aurelia, is something like Prism is doing in WPF- Composite applications.
So lets say I have a "shell" application that defines the main application layout, then i have modules that I can plugin at run-time. Those modules can be an Aurelia application per se or Aurelia plugin (don't know what to use - need recommendation).
When loaded, the module needs to add it's menu items to the main application menu to expose it's features.
This is a mockup of the application:
Each module can have multiple menu items and can be pretty complex.
I'm using latest Typescript, Aurelia-CLI to create the application, and I'm using the built-in bundler : Aurelia's new built-in bundler.
So What I don't know is:
Those modules/features - what must they be? (Maybe Aurelia Plugins, or another Aurelia application?)
How to load those modules/features at run-time? (like deploy it in some plugins folder and tell the main shell application to load them)
How to modify the main menu and add new menu items from the loaded module?
Please help
Aurelia supports ultra dynamic applications. Also, there have been other community members who have had similar requirements and was able to resolve it. So I think the scenario is possible.
It seems the sub-application can just be a route.How/where to load the route should be determined based on the application URL
Those modules doesn't need to do anything specific, they can just be a normal, plain JS/TS class with lifecycle methods to handle activation/deactivation. I guess that main shell and all sub-applications need to share a common URL, you cannot have more than one router.
There could be a singleton/central store for new route to register information about loaded features, or it can be loaded upfront by a configuration file/metadata file or a database fetch.
Here is a similar question from another community member that I think can help you see how to glue things to

How to add short description in ATG Component?

How to add short description for component property in ATG.
Ex: If we see loggingDebug property in a Nucleus componenet Short description will shown as True if debug log events should be generated. How to create such description for my property in component>
Simple Answer:
You cannot add a description for an individual property.
You can add a description for a component by specifying a $description in the .properties file
More Complex Answer:
For viewing in the dyn/admin screens, each Nucleus component is associated with an Admin Servlet. It is the Admin Servlet of the component that renders the admin screen (not a JSP or JHTML page).
For a given component, the admin interface determines the admin servlet to use for rendering the screen by querying the component.
ATG packages a number of admin servlets with the platform. The default one is ServiceAdminServlet and is associated with the GenericService. So anything that extends from GenericService - most of the components you write - gets an admin screen that is rendered by ServiceAdminServlet. There is a different one for the Repository class - which is why the admin screen for a repository component looks different to that for most other components.
You can implement your own admin interface for your components by implementing your own AdminServlet class, and overwriting the getAdminService() method (defined in the AdminableService interface) on your component to return an instance of your custom admin servlet.
However, GenericService already implements the interface, and provides a convenient extensible hook method createAdminServlet(), and it is preferable to extend ServiceAdminServlet than creating your own AdminServlet from scratch.
The ServiceAdminServlet class defines a printAdmin(...) method which you override to output the custom HTML needed.
In my original answer, I had missed out the More Complex section, because I think that it is far more effort for little gain. However, I have updated my answer to be more complete.
I have been working, very hands-on, with the ATG platform since 1998, and never once have I had reason to create my own admin interface.
I think what you need is create the
if you look inside the ATG_PATH\DAS\src\Java\atg\droplet, will see something like this: and your descriptor
i have searched in oracle docs and i found this link:Oracle Docs: BeanInfo Example
inside in your componente will be:
paramDescriptors[0] = new ParamDescriptor("myProperty",
"this is my short description",
false, true, outputDescriptors);
beanDescriptor = new BeanDescriptor(MyComponent.class);
beanDescriptor.setShortDescription("A custom servlet bean.");
beanDescriptor.setValue("paramDescriptors", paramDescriptors);
beanDescriptor.setValue("componentCategory", "Servlet Beans");

Xamarin: MVVMCross info

Adapting the MVVMCross framework in Xamarin crossplatform application development, we have PCL (containing Model and View Model) and View (for each platform) as in here.
a) Where does the (for gaining single set of API access) reside? I think inside the PCL. But, i see different binaries for (eg: Android and IOS), do we put all the library inside the PCL? They all have the same name, won't there be any conflict?
b) Where do we keep codes like accessing bluetooth (not available in Using MVVMCross decouples the view and business logic, so do all the codes for creating view items after an event has occured (btn click), reside in the view?
c) Where can we use the conditional compilation adapting MVVMCross? I guess in the Model, but is it only used for file access or can it also be used to show view items (toast message on Android) according to the target platform, by placing it on the PCL?
(Excuses if inappropriate, just gathered some information on MVVMCross and and had some reasonings/confusions in mind)
Thank You!
a) Where does the (for gaining single set of API access) reside? I think inside the PCL. But, i see different binaries for (eg: Android and IOS), do we put all the library inside the PCL? They all have the same name, won't there be any conflict?
Xamarin.Mobile is not portable code - it can't be called directly from PCLs.
For many Xamarin.Mobile functions (and many, many functions which Xamarin.Mobile does not cover) then MvvmCross provides Plugins - you can see some of that in
For the remaining few methods that X.M has but we haven't already included - e.g. contacts lookup - then you can either:
access the Xamarin.Mobile functions by writing a portable interface (a facade) through which to access them
write a new plugin to implement them
For more on plugins:
see N=8 - adding the location plugin - from the N+1 videos in
for writing a plugin see
b) Where do we keep codes like accessing bluetooth (not available in
Generally this is done the same way as above. For example, for Bluetooth take a look at the Sphero example:
Using MVVMCross decouples the view and business logic, so do all the codes for creating view items after an event has occured (btn click), reside in the view?
Yes - if it's a 'view concern', then it belongs in the view (this is the same as any Mvvm code)
c) Where can we use the conditional compilation adapting MVVMCross?
I try not to use 'conditional compilation' including #if and partial classes. Sometimes I'll use it in plugin platform-specific modules, but generally I try to use inheritance or abstraction instead - the reason for this is because I use tools like 'refactoring' and 'unit tests' a lot and conditional compilation simply does not work with these.
For more on the benefits (and disadvantages) of using PCLs rather than file-linking and other project-based techniques, see What is the advantage of using portable class libraries instead of using "Add as Link"?

Migrate custom Facebook util library to Yii framework

I have a facebook app developed in plain PHP, I'm migrating the app to YII framework.
The thing is that I use a class call "utilsFacebook" where I have the object facebook(of the fb sdk) and all the methods that I need to get data from facebook, getUserId, getUserFriendList, etc.
I don't know how to handle all the operations that I do in utilsFacebook with Yii.
Create a controller with the functions of utilsFacebook is the correct think to do?
Every time that I instance the controller would create a new Facebook object, Should I store that object in a SESSION to get a better performance or is a bad idea?
Q. Create a controller with the functions of utilsFacebook is the correct think to do?
Having done a facebook app using yii as the framework, i would recommend you to make this library either a component, or an extension.
But definitely don't put these functions in the controller directly. Whenever a controller needs them call the functions using your custom facebook util class.
Components can be put in the folder: projectrootfolder/protected/components
Extensions can be put in the folder: projectrootfolder/protected/extensions
If you don't believe that either of these make semantic sense, you can always create a new folder within protected, say utils and put the class there. However i think extensions is the best way to go.
Q. Should I store that object in a SESSION to get a better performance or is a bad idea?
I don't think it's necessary to store the object in a session, because there will be no visible performance gain. Further you'll complicate your code unnecessarily.
What i had done was, created an app level component and used this component throughout the app, in any controller.
In your application's config, protected/config/main.php :
'fbHelper'=>array( // gave the component this name
'class'=>'ext.utils.FacebookHelper', // had stored the helper class in extensions/utils folder
// more parameters
// standard yii app components
This will allow you to use the component like this: Yii::app()->fbHelper->getFriends();
Take a look at the facebook-opengraph extension, which could help you, on the way.

layout initialisation peculiarity in Zend Framework

I've noticed something interesting about Zend Framework's bootstrap. I created a new project and then used
zf enable layout
to enable the layout engine. It worked out of the box, woo!
But then I tried creating a function called _initLayout in the bootstrap to set some options. Interestingly, this seems to disable the layout again, even if the function body is actually empty. No errors are thrown, but the layout script is not used anymore (exception being the case when I actually set the options again and manually call Zend_Layout::startMvc()).
Renaming the function to anything else, like _initFoo makes the layout work again.
So, my question is: is this a function name that is somehow recognised by Zend Framework and extra actions are applied to it, such as cancelling the layout config from application.ini? Are there other cases where I should avoid certain _init* function names in the bootstrap?
The main purpose of the Bootstrap is to setup resources that the application uses. These can either be setup by lines in the config file ( or by methods in the bootstrap class (_initResourceName()). I assume zf enable layout has added some resources.layout.* lines to the application.ini. By adding an _initLayout method to the bootstrap, ZF will use this to setup the layout resource instead of the configuration lines.
Are there other cases where I should avoid certain _init* function names in the bootstrap?
The resource plugins are detailed in the manual:, _init<resourcename>() will always override any corresponding lines in the config.