Xamarin: MVVMCross info - mvvm

Adapting the MVVMCross framework in Xamarin crossplatform application development, we have PCL (containing Model and View Model) and View (for each platform) as in here.
a) Where does the Xamarin.mobile (for gaining single set of API access) reside? I think inside the PCL. But, i see different binaries for Xamarin.mobile (eg: Android and IOS), do we put all the Xamarin.mobile library inside the PCL? They all have the same name, won't there be any conflict?
b) Where do we keep codes like accessing bluetooth (not available in Xamarin.mobile)? Using MVVMCross decouples the view and business logic, so do all the codes for creating view items after an event has occured (btn click), reside in the view?
c) Where can we use the conditional compilation adapting MVVMCross? I guess in the Model, but is it only used for file access or can it also be used to show view items (toast message on Android) according to the target platform, by placing it on the PCL?
(Excuses if inappropriate, just gathered some information on MVVMCross and Xamarin.mobile and had some reasonings/confusions in mind)
Thank You!

a) Where does the Xamarin.mobile (for gaining single set of API access) reside? I think inside the PCL. But, i see different binaries for Xamarin.mobile (eg: Android and IOS), do we put all the Xamarin.mobile library inside the PCL? They all have the same name, won't there be any conflict?
Xamarin.Mobile is not portable code - it can't be called directly from PCLs.
For many Xamarin.Mobile functions (and many, many functions which Xamarin.Mobile does not cover) then MvvmCross provides Plugins - you can see some of that in https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=mvvmcross
For the remaining few methods that X.M has but we haven't already included - e.g. contacts lookup - then you can either:
access the Xamarin.Mobile functions by writing a portable interface (a facade) through which to access them
write a new plugin to implement them
For more on plugins:
see N=8 - adding the location plugin - from the N+1 videos in http://mvvmcross.wordpress.com/
for writing a plugin see https://speakerdeck.com/cirrious/plugins-in-mvvmcross
b) Where do we keep codes like accessing bluetooth (not available in Xamarin.mobile)?
Generally this is done the same way as above. For example, for Bluetooth take a look at the Sphero example:
Using MVVMCross decouples the view and business logic, so do all the codes for creating view items after an event has occured (btn click), reside in the view?
Yes - if it's a 'view concern', then it belongs in the view (this is the same as any Mvvm code)
c) Where can we use the conditional compilation adapting MVVMCross?
I try not to use 'conditional compilation' including #if and partial classes. Sometimes I'll use it in plugin platform-specific modules, but generally I try to use inheritance or abstraction instead - the reason for this is because I use tools like 'refactoring' and 'unit tests' a lot and conditional compilation simply does not work with these.
For more on the benefits (and disadvantages) of using PCLs rather than file-linking and other project-based techniques, see What is the advantage of using portable class libraries instead of using "Add as Link"?


StoreKit SKStoreProductViewController in React Native

I'm looking to add StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController into a React Native project (without using a third-party library). Would like the Store view to show up as a modal when the user taps a "get app" button, which will pass the iTunesID of the product to be displayed.
While RN's documentation explains how to integrate a native view component into a project, I'm not sure I'm understanding how this would translate to a view controller.
While I prefer a solution in objective-c, I can accept a solution that uses Swift.
I was able to parse what I needed from https://github.com/rh389/react-native-store-view. Though I had tried installing the package, it had some breaking issues - but I extracted the key elements and documented them in this Gist:
In a nutshell:
Pull in native libraries and StoreKit component in new header and Obj-C files in your root app directory (RCTStoreViewManager.m and RCTStoreViewManager.h);
Create a bridge file to connect js methods with the Obj-C / native methods (index.ts);
Pull the js methods into your RN component (Component.js)

Aurelia - How to do composite applications that can be loaded at runtime

What I'm trying to do in Aurelia, is something like Prism is doing in WPF- Composite applications.
So lets say I have a "shell" application that defines the main application layout, then i have modules that I can plugin at run-time. Those modules can be an Aurelia application per se or Aurelia plugin (don't know what to use - need recommendation).
When loaded, the module needs to add it's menu items to the main application menu to expose it's features.
This is a mockup of the application:
Each module can have multiple menu items and can be pretty complex.
I'm using latest Typescript, Aurelia-CLI to create the application, and I'm using the built-in bundler : Aurelia's new built-in bundler.
So What I don't know is:
Those modules/features - what must they be? (Maybe Aurelia Plugins, or another Aurelia application?)
How to load those modules/features at run-time? (like deploy it in some plugins folder and tell the main shell application to load them)
How to modify the main menu and add new menu items from the loaded module?
Please help
Aurelia supports ultra dynamic applications. Also, there have been other community members who have had similar requirements and was able to resolve it. So I think the scenario is possible.
It seems the sub-application can just be a route.How/where to load the route should be determined based on the application URL
Those modules doesn't need to do anything specific, they can just be a normal, plain JS/TS class with lifecycle methods to handle activation/deactivation. I guess that main shell and all sub-applications need to share a common URL, you cannot have more than one router.
There could be a singleton/central store for new route to register information about loaded features, or it can be loaded upfront by a configuration file/metadata file or a database fetch.
Here is a similar question from another community member that I think can help you see how to glue things to https://discourse.aurelia.io/t/dynamicaly-load-routes/1906

Managing an iphone app from another app

We have an architecture where we have a library that we use to automate the application A, which is closely coupled with the app. (Directly linked within A). We had to write a wrapper around the library for customizations within A.
Now we want to separate the library from the application A's code and port wrapper out of A.
For this, we thought of creating a workspace and managing multiple projects there.
Now, the part where I am stuck is, I have to write an app B that links this library and application A. All the wrapper code we wrote for A should reside in this app B. None of the code should reside in the A's repository. B can be anything, that helps Automate A without effecting A's repository. A will have no reference of library / B.
Is there any way we can do it?
Can we do this by making B as a plugin for A? If so, is there any way to support this? I am very new to this, so any kind of guidance is greatly appreciated.
PS: I do not want to launch an app from other. Instead, I want an app to be running, and a way to manipulate it via external source than the application itself.
If any information is missing, please let me know.
You can register a custom URL scheme in application A.
In application B simply call [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openUrl:myURL].
Finally application A get called through application:handleOpenURL:
See also:
Communicating with Other Apps
URL scheme index
Finally figured out a way to do this. Here is how it goes:
* Generic library
* Application Code
* Library overriding Application specific code, where all the extensions / additions reside.
Created a scheme for the workspace, with following settings:
* Application Specific library with Generic library added as a dependent build
* Application Code having BOTH libraries added as dependent.
It works Wonders!!! :)

Create an App within an App

I am being presented with a very interesting project. The task that I must complete is to figure out a way to allow a partner to be involved in an app without giving up their source code. The code will be included in the main bundle of the app so it is not dynamically stored. The partner has a fully functional app that is needed to be ran in a window within the main app at the appropriate time. I know having the partners create a web app would be ideal so it is treated like a webpage but I am more concerned with codes that must be written natively in iOS.
My question is what is the best way to go about solving this? In theory it is like an App within an App. Is there a way if they gave up their .app file I can include this in the bundle and then run it when I catch a certain event? Should I have the partners create their code in a framework and then import into the shell project? What is the best way to approach this problem?
If your 2nd-party doesn't want to provide you with the source code, why doesn't he compile it to object code then let you simply link it to your app?
By the way, at least on official (non-jailbroken) iDevices, apps can't 'embed' or 'open' one another in such a way - you can open an app programmatically if 1. it's a separate app 2. it has a registered special URL associated to its bundle.
Is there a way if they gave up their .app file I can include this in
the bundle and then run it when I catch a certain event?
No, you'll want to have them create a library instead. You can then include that library in your project.
Creating a library is as simple as:
Choose File->New...->Project... in Xcode.
Select the "Cocoa Touch Static Library" project template.
Add your code.
The result is a static library that you can add to your application(s). The library will contain the compiled code that you added, but doesn't include the source code. The library developer should provide whatever header files are necessary to use the code in the library.
An App within an App is possible however it requires a common data framework that allows one app to reference the same data without confusing the the source of and destination of the data.
Such a framework allows one app to interact with another app referencing the same data.

Implementing multiple views via GWT-platform?

I'm implementing a web application which will support different views according to different browsers. For example, In mobile browsers, it will show a smaller view to users with less UI elements. But we'd like to use same presenters.
I have a solution on hand - adding browser type detecting logic in ClientModule, e.g:
if (browser == "iphone") {
bindPresenter(HomePresenter.class, HomePresenter.MyView.class, HomeView.class, HomePresenter.MyProxy.class);
} else if (browser == "ipad") {
bindPresenter(HomePresenter.class, HomePresenter.MyView.class, IPadHomeView.class, HomePresenter.MyProxy.class);
} else {
bindPresenter(HomePresenter.class, HomePresenter.MyView.class, IPhoneHomeView.class, HomePresenter.MyProxy.class);
I'm wondering if it is possible to use some ways like deferred binding in GWT-platform. (but I'd like to follow GWT-plarform's structure rather than adding deferred binding code in xxx.gwt.xml).
So my questions are:
1) Are there any other ways to implement the feature mentioned above?
2) Which way is the best, and why?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Jiakuan W
There is an example in the gwt samples folder that does something like you are wanting. I use a version of the sample code in my project -except using Gin to handle the clientfactory functionality. The sample is called mobilewebapp. It involves using a formfactor method in your .gwt.xml to determine which system you are on - in this case it breaks it down into desktop, mobile, and tablet. Then later in your gwt.xml it trades out client factories based on the form factor - I trade out gin models instead. Here is a link to the source for mobilwebapp
GWT does not allow you to set custom user agent types. You're limited to their set of gecko, gecko1_7, safari, IE6, IE7, IE8, and opera.
That being said, you can access the user agent directly and set your logic to switch accordingly with Window.Navigator.getUserAgent(), or via a property provider.
See this similar question on how to do mobile browser detection in GWT for MVP.
Check the gwtp google group, its a good source, and someone posted a pdf about his efforts regarding the sake problem in there.
Anyway, if I recall correctly, he holds multiple gin modules for each client with the presenters and views, runs custom js code on loading and than installs the correct module on the the ginClinet class.