Doctrine ODM: How to select Mongo DB database - mongodb

I use doctrine ODM to persist and load documents from my Mongo DB. I followed this guide:
Following this guide all documents get stored in the database "doctrine" by default. But what if I have my own database? How do I select the database? I couldn't find anything use in the documentation nor google.

you can use the Configuration class.


How to open a collection in mongodb

A database is created in MongoDB using mongoengine, documents were updated to that database, now I want to open that database in MongoDB, MongoDB is showing the database but not showing any documents from that database(collection).
Ensure you are looking at the same database and collection (names) that were used for data entry.

Do we have to create db and schema in mongodb before using it in node app using mongoose?

I am a beginner to MEAN stack,I have one doubt that if I want to use any database and schema in my app using mongoose .Is it important that the same database and schema should exist in mongo db before?
Mongodb is schema-less. In other words the schema lives in the application. So no separate schema definitely is required in Mongodb prior to using it. Both database and collection (schema) gets created on the fly while using it.
However if authentication is enabled in Mongodb, then the userid should have sufficient privilege to access the database and create collections within them.

Drupal7 data in Mongo Db

I am trying to sync Drupal 7 with MongoDB using MongoDB module. When I add a node, the body (Description) field is saving in MySQL. Is there any way to add node body description field in MongoDB itself .?.
Please take a look here.
You have to be sure about migrating your fields to MongoDB, to do it you have to do some configuration on /sites/default/settings.php file like in the link.
$Conf[‘field_storage_default’] = ‘mongodb_field_storage’;
Yo have to know, because of the original data "relationed", you can not build Views from MongoDB fields with default SQL Query backend, yo have to use EFQ Views


I'm newbie in mongo database ,I want to know if can create database and tables with values create,update,validate.I created Documents classes but Database didn't created.
Well, you cannot use the regular hibernate with NoSQL DBs like MongoDB. You can try Hibernate OGM or Morphia. Personally, I have used Morphia and it does it's job.
Morphia -
I assume you use Hibernate OGM to access MongoDB. In this case specify the following property to have the database automatically created:
You can find a list with all available options in the reference guide. You also might be interested in issue OGM-571 which is about honoring the existing hbm2ddl setting.

Automatic schema generation of mongoDB with the use of Hibernate property

In hibernate,There is property for Relational Database.
The option turns on automatic generation of database
schemas directly into the database.
In Relational Database we can use this property.
Is there any property in hibernate for MongoDB through which we can directly generate MongoDB schemas into Mongo server?