How to open a collection in mongodb - mongodb

A database is created in MongoDB using mongoengine, documents were updated to that database, now I want to open that database in MongoDB, MongoDB is showing the database but not showing any documents from that database(collection).

Ensure you are looking at the same database and collection (names) that were used for data entry.


I want to connect firebase with mongodb as alternative of algolia search?

I have a big project and I want to use firebase storage and full Text search like algolia or elastic search search but want to use mongoDb due to price and some more issue so how can my firebase database send data to mongoDb and How can I pass query to mongoDb
Please use the firebase cloud function to save data on MongoDB on data insert and update in firebase.then you can easily query on mongodb for full text search.
you can not perform a search on Firestore or Realtime Database, it's totally fine to have searchable data duplicated in a different DB. Algolia and Mongo Atlas search are good solutions to use. You need to keep in sync a firestore collection with whatever solution you want to use for search, just create a function the triggers onWrite and insert/update the record.
"" has ready to use function the keep collection sync with Algolia

How much data that Mongodb can hold

I'm using MongoDB NoSQL Database for my project and using MongoDB compass to visualize data. When I'm trying to insert data into the database, documents are inserted at the console level. But I could not see the same data in MongoDB compass. is there a specific size for MongoDB compass?
Info about my MongoDB database: Total size: 36.9 MB and 900.3k Documents

MongoDB : How to exclude a collection from generating oplog

I am working on processing the mongodb oplog and I create a collection in mongodb to add the processed data and I don't want this collection to again generate oplog.
I want all other collection to generate oplog but need to exclude one of the collection. How can I achieve this. Is there any settings to let mongodb know not to generate oplog for a collection.
Any help is appreciated.
Collection in local database are not part of replication. So, If you create a collection in the local database and insert records to that, oplog entries are not created.

How to update document in NoSQL database like mongo db?

We are using mongo dB in our application with C# as language.
Currently we are loading entire document as object in C#.
Make changes to document which happens in memory, and look like very costly.
and then call ReplaceOrSave method on mongo collection.
Is there a way in mongoDB, where can just update few fields directly in mongoDB server, without loading entire document in memory. Like we do in SQL database with update statement.

Do we have to create db and schema in mongodb before using it in node app using mongoose?

I am a beginner to MEAN stack,I have one doubt that if I want to use any database and schema in my app using mongoose .Is it important that the same database and schema should exist in mongo db before?
Mongodb is schema-less. In other words the schema lives in the application. So no separate schema definitely is required in Mongodb prior to using it. Both database and collection (schema) gets created on the fly while using it.
However if authentication is enabled in Mongodb, then the userid should have sufficient privilege to access the database and create collections within them.