Handling Faults in Akka actors - scala

I've a very simple example where I've an Actor (SimpleActor) that perform a periodic task by sending a message to itself. The message is scheduled in the constructor for the actor. In the normal case (i.e., without faults) everything works fine.
But what if the Actor has to deal with faults. I've another Actor (SimpleActorWithFault). This actor could have faults. In this case, I'm generating one myself by throwing an exception. When a fault happens (i.e., SimpleActorWithFault throws an exception) it is automatically restarted. However, this restart messes up the scheduler inside the Actor which no longer functions as excepted. And if the faults happens rapidly enough it generates more unexpected behavior.
My question is what's the preferred way to dealing with faults in such cases? I know I can use Try blocks to handle exceptions. But what if I'm extending another actor where I cannot put a Try in the super class or some case when I'm an excepted fault happens in the actor.
import akka.actor.{Props, ActorLogging}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.actor.Actor
case object MessageA
case object MessageToSelf
class SimpleActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
//schedule a message to self every second
context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 1 seconds, self, MessageToSelf)
//keeps track of some internal state
var count: Int = 0
def receive: Receive = {
case MessageA => {
log.info("[SimpleActor] Got MessageA at %d".format(count))
case MessageToSelf => {
//update state and tell the world about its current state
count = count + 1
log.info("[SimpleActor] Got scheduled message at %d".format(count))
class SimpleActorWithFault extends Actor with ActorLogging {
//schedule a message to self every second
context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 1 seconds, self, MessageToSelf)
var count: Int = 0
def receive: Receive = {
case MessageA => {
log.info("[SimpleActorWithFault] Got MessageA at %d".format(count))
case MessageToSelf => {
count = count + 1
log.info("[SimpleActorWithFault] Got scheduled message at %d".format(count))
//at some point generate a fault
if (count > 5) {
log.info("[SimpleActorWithFault] Going to throw an exception now %d".format(count))
throw new Exception("Excepttttttiooooooon")
object MainApp extends App {
implicit val akkaSystem = akka.actor.ActorSystem()
//Run the Actor without any faults or exceptions
//comment the above line and uncomment the following to run the actor with faults

The correct way is to push down the risky behavior into it's own actor. This pattern is called the Error Kernel pattern (see Akka Concurrency, Section 8.5):
This pattern describes a very common-sense approach to supervision
that differentiates actors from one another based on any volatile
state that they may hold.
In a nutshell, it means that actors whose state is precious should not
be allowed to fail or restart. Any actor that holds precious data is
protected such that any risky operations are relegated to a slave
actor who, if restarted, only causes good things to happen.
The error kernel pattern implies pushing levels of risk further down
the tree.
See also another tutorial here.
So in your case it would be something like this:
|- ActorWithFault
Here SimpleActor acts as a supervisor for ActorWithFault. The default supervising strategy of any actor is to restart a child on Exception and escalate on anything else:
Escalating means that the actor itself may get restarted. Since you really don't want to restart SimpleActor you could make it always restart the ActorWithFault and never escalate by overriding the supervisor strategy:
class SimpleActor {
override def preStart(){
// our faulty actor --- we will supervise it from now on
context.actorOf(Props[ActorWithFault], "FaultyActor")
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy () {
case _: ActorKilledException => Escalate
case _: ActorInitializationException => Escalate
case _ => Restart // keep restarting faulty actor

To avoid messing up the scheduler:
class SimpleActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
private var cancellable: Option[Cancellable] = None
override def preStart() = {
//schedule a message to self every second
cancellable = Option(context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 1 seconds, self, MessageToSelf))
override def postStop() = {
cancellable = None
To correctly handle exceptions (akka.actor.Status.Failure is for correct answer to an ask in case of Ask pattern usage by sender):
def receive: Receive = {
case MessageA => {
try {
log.info("[SimpleActor] Got MessageA at %d".format(count))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
sender ! akka.actor.Status.Failure(e)
log.error(e.getMessage, e)


Akka test - wait for actor initialization

case class FeatureFilter(s3Client: AmazonS3) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
self ! Initialize
override def receive: Receive = {
case Initialize =>
// long running operaton
val tryfile = S3Connection(s3Client).downloadObject(...)
tryfile match {
case Success(file) =>
case Failure(exception) =>
self ! PoisonPill
def active(file: File): Receive = {
case Query(key) =>
// do some processing and reply to sender
I am using below test for above actor:
"an actor" should {
// mocked S3 client
val client = ...
"test for presence of keys" in {
val actor = system.actorOf(Props(FeatureFilter(client)))
for (i <- 1 to 100) {
actor ! Query("test_string")
The above test fails with
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMsg while waiting ...
I think this is because when the message actor ! Query("test_string") is sent to actor, it's handler is still receive, and so it doesn't respond, and hence the timeout.
But I even tried adding the handler for Query(key) in the receive method (just like in active method). Still I am getting the same error.
Could someone please point what is the issue here ?
Also when I move the S3 download task to preStart(), still the issue remains same. Isn't preStart() a blocking call ? How would the code in the test proceed until the preStart() is completed ?
akka stash sounds like the way you looking for. In case of any message that the actor support but is unhandled add on stash and unapply all if active is reached.
look at actor stash for documentation and example usage
may your code would look like
case msg => stash()

Gracefully shutdown different supervisor actors without duplicating code

I have an API that creates actor A (at runtime). Then, A creates Actor B (at runtime as well).
I have another API that creates Actor C (different from actor A, No command code between them) and C creates Actor D.
I want to gracefully shutdown A and C once B and D has finished processing their messages (A and C not necessarily run together, They are unrelated).
Sending poison pill to A/C is not good enough because the children (B/D) will still get context stop, and will not be able to finish their tasks.
I understand I need to implement a new type of message.
I didn't understand how to create an infrastructure so both A and C will know how to respond to this message without having same duplicate receive method in both.
The solution I found was to create a new trait that extends Actor and override the unhandled method.
The code looks like this:
object SuicideActor {
case class PleaseKillYourself()
case class IKilledMyself()
trait SuicideActor extends Actor {
override def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = message match {
case PleaseKillYourself =>
Logger.debug(s"Actor ${self.path} received PleaseKillYourself - stopping children and aborting...")
val livingChildren = context.children.size
if (livingChildren == 0) {
} else {
context.children.foreach(_ ! PleaseKillYourself)
context become waitForChildren(livingChildren)
case _ => super.unhandled(message)
protected[crystalball] def waitForChildren(livingChildren: Int): Receive = {
case IKilledMyself =>
val remaining = livingChildren - 1
if (remaining == 0) { endLife() }
else { context become waitForChildren(remaining) }
private def endLife(): Unit = {
context.parent ! IKilledMyself
context stop self
But this sound a bit hacky.... Is there a better (non hacky) solution ?
I think designing your own termination procedure is not necessary and potentially can cause headache for future maintainers of you code as this is nonstandard akka behaviour that needs to be yet again understood.
If A and C unrelated and can terminate independently, the following options are possible. To avoid any confusion, I'll use just actor A and B in my explanations.
Option 1.
Actor A uses context.watch on newly created actor B and reacts on Terminated message in its receive method. Actor B calls context.stop(context.self) when it's done with its task and this will generate Terminated event that will be handled by actor A that can clean up its state if needed and terminate too.
Check these docs for more details.
Option 2.
Actor B calls context.stop(context.parent) to terminate the parent directly when it's done with its own task. This option does not allow parent to react and perform additional clean up tasks if needed.
Finally, sharing this logic between actors A and C can be done with a trait in the way you did but the logic is very small and having duplicated code is not all the time a bad thing.
So it took me a bit but I find my answer.
I implemented The Reaper Pattern
The SuicideActor create a dedicated Reaper actor when it finished its block. The Reaper watch all of the SuicideActor children and once they all Terminated it send a PoisonPill to the SuicideActor and to itself
The SuicideActor code is :
trait SuicideActor extends Actor {
def killSwitch(block: => Unit): Unit = {
Logger.info(s"Actor ${self.path.name} is commencing suicide sequence...")
context become PartialFunction.empty
val children = context.children
val reaper = context.system.actorOf(ReaperActor.props(self), s"ReaperFor${self.path.name}")
reaper ! Reap(children.toSeq)
override def postStop(): Unit = Logger.debug(s"Actor ${self.path.name} is dead.")
And the Reaper is:
object ReaperActor {
case class Reap(underWatch: Seq[ActorRef])
def props(supervisor: ActorRef): Props = {
Props(new ReaperActor(supervisor))
class ReaperActor(supervisor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = Logger.info(s"Reaper for ${supervisor.path.name} started")
override def postStop(): Unit = Logger.info(s"Reaper for ${supervisor.path.name} ended")
override def receive: Receive = {
case Reap(underWatch) =>
if (underWatch.isEmpty) {
} else {
context become reapRemaining(underWatch.size)
underWatch.foreach(_ ! PoisonPill)
def reapRemaining(livingActorsNumber: Int): Receive = {
case Terminated(_) =>
val remainingActorsNumber = livingActorsNumber - 1
if (remainingActorsNumber == 0) {
} else {
context become reapRemaining(remainingActorsNumber)
private def killLeftOvers = {
Logger.debug(s"All children of ${supervisor.path.name} are dead killing supervisor")
supervisor ! PoisonPill
self ! PoisonPill

Send message to actor after restart from Supervisor

I am using BackoffSupervisor strategy to create a child actor that has to process some message. I want to implement a very simple restart strategy, in which in case of exception:
Child propagates failing message to supervisor
Supervisor restarts child and sends the failing message again.
Supervisor gives up after 3 retries
Akka persistence is not an option
So far what I have is this:
Supervisor definition:
val childProps = Props(new SenderActor())
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
childName = cmd.hashCode.toString,
minBackoff = 1.seconds,
maxBackoff = 2.seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException => {
println("caught specific message!")
case _: Exception => SupervisorStrategy.Restart
case _ ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Escalate
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
sup ! cmd
Child actor that is supposed to send the e-mail, but fails (throws some Exception) and propagates Exception back to supervisor:
class SenderActor() extends Actor {
def fakeSendMail():Unit = {
throw new Exception("surprising exception")
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
println("new mail received routee")
try {
} catch {
case t => throw MessageException(cmd, t)
In the above code I wrap any exception into custom class MessageException that gets propagated to SupervisorStrategy, but how to propagate it further to the new child to force reprocessing? Is this the right approach?
Edit. I attempted to resent the message to the Actor on preRestart hook, but somehow the hook is not being triggered:
class SenderActor() extends Actor {
def fakeSendMail():Unit = {
// println("mail sent!")
throw new Exception("surprising exception")
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println("child starting")
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
reason match {
case m: MessageException => {
message.foreach(self ! _)
case _ => println("bbbb")
override def postStop(): Unit = {
println("child stopping")
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
println("new mail received routee")
try {
} catch {
case t => throw MessageException(cmd, t)
This gives me something similar to following output:
new mail received routee
caught specific message!
child stopping
[ERROR] [01/26/2018 10:15:35.690]
[akka://example/user/persistentActor-4-scala/$a/1962829645] Could not
process message sample.persistence.MessageException:
Could not process message <stacktrace>
child starting
But no logs from preRestart hook
The reason that the child's preRestart hook is not invoked is because Backoff.onFailure uses BackoffOnRestartSupervisor underneath the covers, which replaces the default restart behavior with a stop-and-delayed-start behavior that is consistent with the backoff policy. In other words, when using Backoff.onFailure, when a child is restarted, the child's preRestart method is not called because the underlying supervisor actually stops the child, then starts it again later. (Using Backoff.onStop can trigger the child's preRestart hook, but that's tangential to the present discussion.)
The BackoffSupervisor API doesn't support the automatic resending of a message when the supervisor's child restarts: you have to implement this behavior yourself. An idea for retrying messages is to let the BackoffSupervisor's supervisor handle it. For example:
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException =>
println("caught specific message!")
self ! Error(msg.cmd) // replace cmd with whatever the property name is
case ...
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
sup ! cmd
case Error(cmd) =>
timers.startSingleTimer(cmd.id, Replay(cmd), 10.seconds)
// We assume that NewMail has an id field. Also, adjust the time as needed.
case Replay(cmd) =>
sup ! cmd
case ChildIsStopped =>
println("child is stopped")
In the above code, the NewMail message embedded in the MessageException is wrapped in a custom case class (in order to easily distinguish it from a "normal"/new NewMail message) and sent to self. In this context, self is the actor that created the BackoffSupervisor. This enclosing actor then uses a single timer to replay the original message at some point. This point in time should be far enough in the future such that the BackoffSupervisor can potentially exhaust SenderActor's restart attempts, so that the child can have ample opportunity to get in a "good" state before it receives the resent message. Obviously this example involves only one message resend regardless of the number of child restarts.
Another idea is to create a BackoffSupervisor-SenderActor pair for every NewMail message, and have the SenderActor send the NewMail message to itself in the preStart hook. One concern with this approach is the cleaning up of resources; i.e., shutting down the BackoffSupervisors (which will, in turn, shut down their respective SenderActor children) when the processing is successful or when the child restarts are exhausted. A map of NewMail ids to (ActorRef, Int) tuples (in which the ActorRef is a reference to a BackoffSupervisor actor, and the Int is the number of restart attempts) would be helpful in this case:
class Overlord extends Actor {
var state = Map[Long, (ActorRef, Int)]() // assuming the mail id is a Long
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
val childProps = Props(new SenderActor(cmd, self))
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException =>
println("caught specific message!")
self ! Error(msg.cmd)
case ...
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
state += (cmd.id -> (sup, 0))
case ProcessingDone(cmdId) =>
state.get(cmdId) match {
case Some((backoffSup, _)) =>
state -= cmdId
case None =>
println(s"${cmdId} not found")
case Error(cmd) =>
val cmdId = cmd.id
state.get(cmdId) match {
case Some((backoffSup, numRetries)) =>
if (numRetries == 3) {
println(s"${cmdId} has already been retried 3 times. Giving up.")
state -= cmdId
} else
state += (cmdId -> (backoffSup, numRetries + 1))
case None =>
println(s"${cmdId} not found")
case ...
Note that SenderActor in the above example takes a NewMail and an ActorRef as constructor arguments. The latter argument allows the SenderActor to send a custom ProcessingDone message to the enclosing actor:
class SenderActor(cmd: NewMail, target: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println(s"child starting, sending ${cmd} to self")
self ! cmd
def fakeSendMail(): Unit = ...
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail => ...
Obviously the SenderActor is set up to fail every time with the current implementation of fakeSendMail. I'll leave the additional changes needed in SenderActor to implement the happy path, in which SenderActor sends a ProcessingDone message to target, to you.
In the good solution that #chunjef provides, he alert about the risk of schedule a job resend before the backoff supervisor has started the worker
This enclosing actor then uses a single timer to replay the original message at some point. This point in time should be far enough in the future such that the BackoffSupervisor can potentially exhaust SenderActor's restart attempts, so that the child can have ample opportunity to get in a "good" state before it receives the resent message.
If this happens, the scenario will be jobs going to dead letters and no further progress will be done.
I've made a simplified fiddle with this scenario.
So, the schedule delay should be larger than the maxBackoff, and this could represent an impact in job completion time.
A possible solution to avoid this scenario is making the worker actor to send a message to his father when is ready to work, like here.
The failed child actor is available as the sender in your supervisor strategy. Quoting https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/fault-tolerance.html#creating-a-supervisor-strategy:
If the strategy is declared inside the supervising actor (as opposed
to within a companion object) its decider has access to all internal
state of the actor in a thread-safe fashion, including obtaining a
reference to the currently failed child (available as the sender of
the failure message).
Sending emails is a dangerous operation with some third party software in your case. Why not to apply Circuit Breaker pattern and skip the sender actor entirely? Also, you can still have an actor (with some Backoff Supervisor) and Circuit Breaker inside it (if that makes sense for you).

Akka: First message going to dead letters, from second message it is all fine

I have supervisor actor which selects child actor based on command received, whenever it creates a new child actor and sends message(ask pattern) it timesout as child actor tries to send back response but it goes to dead letters.
Here is the child actor code
class IdActor(id: String, injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val parent = sender()
Future(idEvent) pipeTo sender //Issue is here going to dead letters
//Future(idEvent) pipeTo parent //This also leads to same problem
//parent ! idEvent // Same issue
Here is supervisor code
class IdSupervisor(injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo sender
Second message is flowing back to originator, first response from all new child actors going to dead letters from there afterwards going good.
Working Solution
Issue is with Supervisor, fixed code
class IdSupervisor(injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val originator = sender
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo originator
I suspect that the issue doesn't actually occur when a child replies to the parent as you describe, but when the parent sends a message to a child and expects a reply:
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo sender
An actor is started asynchronously upon creation. The observation that, when a new child is created, the first message to that child results in dead letters, while subsequent messages to that child result in the intended behavior, suggests an actor initialization issue. What's probably happening is that the child actors receive their first GenerateIdCmd message before they have completely started.
Never ever pipe directly to sender from future inside actor, sender is def and at the moment when future is completed, it might be already different one than you expect. One of solution is to store sender before future call:
class IdActor(id: String, injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val originalSender = sender
Future(idEvent) pipeTo originalSender

Child actors, futures and exceptions

I'm currently working on an application with a signup process. This signup process will, at some point, communicate with external systems in an asynchronous manner. To keep this question concise, I'm showing you two important actors I've written:
class SignupActor extends PersistentFSM[SignupActor.State, Data, DomainEvt] {
private val apiActor = context.actorOf(ExternalAPIActor.props(new HttpClient))
// At a certain point, a CreateUser(data) message is sent to the apiActor
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor {
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) = {
message.foreach(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, _))
super.preRestart(reason, message)
def receive: Receive = {
case CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
Timeout(5 seconds).duration
This setup seems to work as expected. When there is an issue with the external API (such as a timeout or network problems), the Future returned by HttpClient::post fails and will result in an exception thanks to Await.result. This, in turn thanks to the SupervisorStrategy of the SignupActor parent actor, will restart the ExternalAPIActor where we can re-send the last message to itself with a small delay to avoid deadlock.
I see a couple of issues with this setup:
Within the receive method of ExternalAPIActor, blocking occurs. As far as I understand, blocking within Actors is considered an anti-pattern.
The delay used to re-send the message is static. If the API is unavailable for longer periods of time, we will keep on sending HTTP requests every 3 seconds. I'd like some kind of exponential backoff mechanism here instead.
To continue on with the latter, I've tried the following in the SignupActor:
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
ExternalAPIActor.props(new HttpClient),
childName = "external-api",
minBackoff = 3 seconds,
maxBackoff = 30 seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
private val apiActor = context.actorOf(supervisor)
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to do anything at all -- the preRestart method of ExternalAPIActor isn't called at all. When replacing Backoff.onFailure with Backoff.onStop, the preRestart method is called, but without any kind of exponential backoff at all.
Given the above, my questions are as follows:
Is using Await.result the recommended (the only?) way to make sure exceptions thrown in a Future returned from services called within actors are caught and handled accordingly? An especially important part of my particular use case is the fact that messages shouldn't be dropped but retried when something went wrong. Or is there some other (idiomatic) way that exceptions thrown in asynchronous contexts should be handled within Actors?
How would one use the BackoffSupervisor as intended in this case? Again: it is very important that the message responsible for the exception is not dropped, but retried until a N-number of times (to be determined by the maxRetries argument of SupervisorStrategy.
Is using Await.result the recommended (the only?) way to make sure
exceptions thrown in a Future returned from services called within
actors are caught and handled accordingly?
No. Generally that's not how you want to handle failures in Akka. A better alternative is to pipe the failure to your own actor, avoiding the need to use Await.result at all:
def receive: Receive = {
case CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
case Success(res) => context.parent ! res
case Failure(e) => // Invoke retry here
This would mean no restart is required to handle failure, they are all part of the normal flow of your actor.
An additional way to handle this can be to create a "supervised future". Taken from this blog post:
object SupervisedPipe {
case class SupervisedFailure(ex: Throwable)
class SupervisedPipeableFuture[T](future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) {
// implicit failure recipient goes to self when used inside an actor
def supervisedPipeTo(successRecipient: ActorRef)(implicit failureRecipient: ActorRef): Unit =
future.andThen {
case Success(result) => successRecipient ! result
case Failure(ex) => failureRecipient ! SupervisedFailure(ex)
implicit def supervisedPipeTo[T](future: Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): SupervisedPipeableFuture[T] =
new SupervisedPipeableFuture[T](future)
/* `orElse` with the actor receive logic */
val handleSupervisedFailure: Receive = {
// just throw the exception and make the actor logic handle it
case SupervisedFailure(ex) => throw ex
def supervised(receive: Receive): Receive =
handleSupervisedFailure orElse receive
This way, you only pipe to self once you get a Failure, and otherwise send it to the actor the message was meant to be sent to, avoiding the need for the case Success I added to the receive method. All you need to do is replace supervisedPipeTo with the original framework provided pipeTo.
Alright, I've done some more thinking and tinkering and I've come up with the following.
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor with Stash {
import ExternalAPIActor._
def receive: Receive = {
case msg # CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
def waitingForExternalServiceReceive(event: InputEvent): Receive = LoggingReceive {
case Failure(_) =>
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, event)
case msg:OutputEvent =>
context.parent ! msg
case _ => stash()
object ExternalAPIActor {
sealed trait InputEvent
sealed trait OutputEvent
final case class CreateUser(data: Map[String,Any]) extends InputEvent
final case class UserCreatedInAPI() extends OutputEvent
I've used this technique to prevent the original message from being lost in case there is something wrong with the external service we're calling. During the process of a request to an external service, I switch context, waiting for either a response of a failure and switch back afterwards. Thanks to the Stash trait, I can make sure other requests to external services aren't lost as well.
Since I have multiple actors in my application calling external services, I abstracted the waitingForExternalServiceReceive to its own trait:
trait WaitingForExternalServiceReceive[-tInput, +tOutput] extends Stash {
def waitingForExternalServiceReceive(event: tInput)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Receive = LoggingReceive {
case akka.actor.Status.Failure(_) =>
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(3 seconds, self, event)
case msg:tOutput =>
context.parent ! msg
case _ => stash()
Now, the ExternalAPIActor can extend this trait:
class ExternalAPIActor(apiClient: HttpClient) extends Actor with WaitingForExternalServiceReceive[InputEvent,OutputEvent] {
import ExternalAPIActor._
def receive: Receive = {
case msg # CreateUser(data) =>
.map(_ => UserCreatedInAPI())
object ExternalAPIActor {
sealed trait InputEvent
sealed trait OutputEvent
final case class CreateUser(data: Map[String,Any]) extends InputEvent
final case class UserCreatedInAPI() extends OutputEvent
Now, the actor won't get restarted in case of failures/errors and the message isn't lost. What's more, the entire flow of the actor now is non-blocking.
This setup is (most probably) far from perfect, but it seems to work exactly as I need it to.