Akka: First message going to dead letters, from second message it is all fine - scala

I have supervisor actor which selects child actor based on command received, whenever it creates a new child actor and sends message(ask pattern) it timesout as child actor tries to send back response but it goes to dead letters.
Here is the child actor code
class IdActor(id: String, injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val parent = sender()
Future(idEvent) pipeTo sender //Issue is here going to dead letters
//Future(idEvent) pipeTo parent //This also leads to same problem
//parent ! idEvent // Same issue
Here is supervisor code
class IdSupervisor(injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo sender
Second message is flowing back to originator, first response from all new child actors going to dead letters from there afterwards going good.
Working Solution
Issue is with Supervisor, fixed code
class IdSupervisor(injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val originator = sender
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo originator

I suspect that the issue doesn't actually occur when a child replies to the parent as you describe, but when the parent sends a message to a child and expects a reply:
val ref = context.child(cmd.id).getOrElse {
context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IdActor], cmd.id, injector), cmd.id)
ask(ref, cmd) pipeTo sender
An actor is started asynchronously upon creation. The observation that, when a new child is created, the first message to that child results in dead letters, while subsequent messages to that child result in the intended behavior, suggests an actor initialization issue. What's probably happening is that the child actors receive their first GenerateIdCmd message before they have completely started.

Never ever pipe directly to sender from future inside actor, sender is def and at the moment when future is completed, it might be already different one than you expect. One of solution is to store sender before future call:
class IdActor(id: String, injector: Injector) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: GenerateIdCmd =>
val originalSender = sender
Future(idEvent) pipeTo originalSender


Create child actors based on the request pattern

I am trying to create a web socket server using Play Framework where response from server should be synchronous or asynchronous based on request.
The request will be processed in Parent actor .Based on the action in the request, child actor will be created and message will be passed to child actor for processing and response will be sent back to the controller.
There are predefined actions and sample request for some actions are as follows,
["5678","Start","{"system":"EFGH", "currenTime":"1559548762638"}"]
class RequestController #Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer) extends AbstractController(cc) {
def ws = WebSocket.accept[String, String] {req =>
ActorFlow.actorRef { out =>
object ParentActor {
def props(out: ActorRef) = Props(new ParentActor(out))
class ParentActor(out : ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg: String =>
//String split opeartion to find the action.
//create child actor for the action and pass the message to the child actor
val action = msg.split(",")[2]
val bootActor: ActorRef = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[BootActor])
childActor ! msg
}else if("Start".equals(action)){
val startActor: ActorRef = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[StartActor])
startActor ! msg
case msg: Response => out ! msg
case class Response(name:String, msg:String)
class BootActor extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg : String =>
sender() ! Response("ABC",msg)
class StartActor extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg : String =>
sender() ! Response("Efgh",msg)
Right now i am getting the action from the request and create a child actor for the action and pass the message to the child actor for processing.
But i am not sure is there any better way or design pattern to process the request and create a child actor instead of String operation?
First of all, there appears to be a typo in your code:
if ("Boot".equals(action)) {
val bootActor: ActorRef = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[BootActor])
childActor ! msg
} else if ("Start".equals(action)) {
val startActor: ActorRef = actorSystem.actorOf(Props[StartActor])
startActor ! msg
The message in the first conditional clause should be sent to bootActor instead of childActor, which is undefined in your code snippet.
Another issue is that you're using actorSystem.actorOf to create the child actors. This method creates "top-level" actors, which should be kept to a minimum. Actors created with actorSystem.actorOf are under the supervision of the guardian actor. What this means in relation to your code is that when ParentActor is stopped (i.e., when a WebSocket is closed, Play stops the actor used in ActorFlow, as documented here), the multiple instances of BootActor and StartActor will not be stopped, leaving you with a bunch of idle top-level actors. The remedy is to use context.actorOf to create instances of BootActor and StartActor: doing so makes these instances children of ParentActor.
Also, you should use the == operator instead of the equals method.
Here are the aforementioned changes:
if ("Boot" == action) {
val bootActor: ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props[BootActor])
bootActor ! msg
} else if ("Start" == action) {
val startActor: ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props[StartActor])
startActor ! msg
The above could be slightly simplified to the following:
val childActor =
if (action == "Boot") context.actorOf(Props[BootActor])
else context.actorOf(Props[StartActor])
childActor ! msg
To further simplify your code, don't create child actors, which in this case aren't necessary. Move all the logic of interacting with the out actor into a single actor.

Send message to actor after restart from Supervisor

I am using BackoffSupervisor strategy to create a child actor that has to process some message. I want to implement a very simple restart strategy, in which in case of exception:
Child propagates failing message to supervisor
Supervisor restarts child and sends the failing message again.
Supervisor gives up after 3 retries
Akka persistence is not an option
So far what I have is this:
Supervisor definition:
val childProps = Props(new SenderActor())
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
childName = cmd.hashCode.toString,
minBackoff = 1.seconds,
maxBackoff = 2.seconds,
randomFactor = 0.2
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException => {
println("caught specific message!")
case _: Exception => SupervisorStrategy.Restart
case _ ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Escalate
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
sup ! cmd
Child actor that is supposed to send the e-mail, but fails (throws some Exception) and propagates Exception back to supervisor:
class SenderActor() extends Actor {
def fakeSendMail():Unit = {
throw new Exception("surprising exception")
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
println("new mail received routee")
try {
} catch {
case t => throw MessageException(cmd, t)
In the above code I wrap any exception into custom class MessageException that gets propagated to SupervisorStrategy, but how to propagate it further to the new child to force reprocessing? Is this the right approach?
Edit. I attempted to resent the message to the Actor on preRestart hook, but somehow the hook is not being triggered:
class SenderActor() extends Actor {
def fakeSendMail():Unit = {
// println("mail sent!")
throw new Exception("surprising exception")
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println("child starting")
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
reason match {
case m: MessageException => {
message.foreach(self ! _)
case _ => println("bbbb")
override def postStop(): Unit = {
println("child stopping")
override def receive: Receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
println("new mail received routee")
try {
} catch {
case t => throw MessageException(cmd, t)
This gives me something similar to following output:
new mail received routee
caught specific message!
child stopping
[ERROR] [01/26/2018 10:15:35.690]
[akka://example/user/persistentActor-4-scala/$a/1962829645] Could not
process message sample.persistence.MessageException:
Could not process message <stacktrace>
child starting
But no logs from preRestart hook
The reason that the child's preRestart hook is not invoked is because Backoff.onFailure uses BackoffOnRestartSupervisor underneath the covers, which replaces the default restart behavior with a stop-and-delayed-start behavior that is consistent with the backoff policy. In other words, when using Backoff.onFailure, when a child is restarted, the child's preRestart method is not called because the underlying supervisor actually stops the child, then starts it again later. (Using Backoff.onStop can trigger the child's preRestart hook, but that's tangential to the present discussion.)
The BackoffSupervisor API doesn't support the automatic resending of a message when the supervisor's child restarts: you have to implement this behavior yourself. An idea for retrying messages is to let the BackoffSupervisor's supervisor handle it. For example:
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException =>
println("caught specific message!")
self ! Error(msg.cmd) // replace cmd with whatever the property name is
case ...
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
sup ! cmd
case Error(cmd) =>
timers.startSingleTimer(cmd.id, Replay(cmd), 10.seconds)
// We assume that NewMail has an id field. Also, adjust the time as needed.
case Replay(cmd) =>
sup ! cmd
case ChildIsStopped =>
println("child is stopped")
In the above code, the NewMail message embedded in the MessageException is wrapped in a custom case class (in order to easily distinguish it from a "normal"/new NewMail message) and sent to self. In this context, self is the actor that created the BackoffSupervisor. This enclosing actor then uses a single timer to replay the original message at some point. This point in time should be far enough in the future such that the BackoffSupervisor can potentially exhaust SenderActor's restart attempts, so that the child can have ample opportunity to get in a "good" state before it receives the resent message. Obviously this example involves only one message resend regardless of the number of child restarts.
Another idea is to create a BackoffSupervisor-SenderActor pair for every NewMail message, and have the SenderActor send the NewMail message to itself in the preStart hook. One concern with this approach is the cleaning up of resources; i.e., shutting down the BackoffSupervisors (which will, in turn, shut down their respective SenderActor children) when the processing is successful or when the child restarts are exhausted. A map of NewMail ids to (ActorRef, Int) tuples (in which the ActorRef is a reference to a BackoffSupervisor actor, and the Int is the number of restart attempts) would be helpful in this case:
class Overlord extends Actor {
var state = Map[Long, (ActorRef, Int)]() // assuming the mail id is a Long
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail =>
val childProps = Props(new SenderActor(cmd, self))
val supervisor = BackoffSupervisor.props(
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, loggingEnabled = true) {
case msg: MessageException =>
println("caught specific message!")
self ! Error(msg.cmd)
case ...
val sup = context.actorOf(supervisor)
state += (cmd.id -> (sup, 0))
case ProcessingDone(cmdId) =>
state.get(cmdId) match {
case Some((backoffSup, _)) =>
state -= cmdId
case None =>
println(s"${cmdId} not found")
case Error(cmd) =>
val cmdId = cmd.id
state.get(cmdId) match {
case Some((backoffSup, numRetries)) =>
if (numRetries == 3) {
println(s"${cmdId} has already been retried 3 times. Giving up.")
state -= cmdId
} else
state += (cmdId -> (backoffSup, numRetries + 1))
case None =>
println(s"${cmdId} not found")
case ...
Note that SenderActor in the above example takes a NewMail and an ActorRef as constructor arguments. The latter argument allows the SenderActor to send a custom ProcessingDone message to the enclosing actor:
class SenderActor(cmd: NewMail, target: ActorRef) extends Actor {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
println(s"child starting, sending ${cmd} to self")
self ! cmd
def fakeSendMail(): Unit = ...
def receive = {
case cmd: NewMail => ...
Obviously the SenderActor is set up to fail every time with the current implementation of fakeSendMail. I'll leave the additional changes needed in SenderActor to implement the happy path, in which SenderActor sends a ProcessingDone message to target, to you.
In the good solution that #chunjef provides, he alert about the risk of schedule a job resend before the backoff supervisor has started the worker
This enclosing actor then uses a single timer to replay the original message at some point. This point in time should be far enough in the future such that the BackoffSupervisor can potentially exhaust SenderActor's restart attempts, so that the child can have ample opportunity to get in a "good" state before it receives the resent message.
If this happens, the scenario will be jobs going to dead letters and no further progress will be done.
I've made a simplified fiddle with this scenario.
So, the schedule delay should be larger than the maxBackoff, and this could represent an impact in job completion time.
A possible solution to avoid this scenario is making the worker actor to send a message to his father when is ready to work, like here.
The failed child actor is available as the sender in your supervisor strategy. Quoting https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/fault-tolerance.html#creating-a-supervisor-strategy:
If the strategy is declared inside the supervising actor (as opposed
to within a companion object) its decider has access to all internal
state of the actor in a thread-safe fashion, including obtaining a
reference to the currently failed child (available as the sender of
the failure message).
Sending emails is a dangerous operation with some third party software in your case. Why not to apply Circuit Breaker pattern and skip the sender actor entirely? Also, you can still have an actor (with some Backoff Supervisor) and Circuit Breaker inside it (if that makes sense for you).

context.become changes the behaviour of Akka Actor

I'm learning how to use context.become to control the state of my actor, i'm using this code:
class MyActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
println("Happens here")
def active(isInSet: Set[String]): Receive = {
case Add(key) =>
case Contains(key) =>
sender() ! isInSet(key)
case ShowAll =>
case class Add(key: String)
case class Contains(key: String)
object ShowAll
object DemoBecome extends App{
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val system = ActorSystem("BecomeUnbecome")
val act = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor]), "demoActor")
act ! Add("1")
act ! ShowAll
act ! Add("2")
act ! ShowAll
When i send the first message, the "receive" works and prints the message, after the second message doesn't show, this is my output:
Happens here
Vector(1, 2)
If i change the receive method, for this:
def receive = {
case a: Add => println("happens here Add" )
case c: Contains => println("happens here Contains")
case ShowAll => println("happens here Show")
I receive this output:
happens here Add
happens here Show
happens here Add
happens here Show
So i tried, to track the moment when "receive" is "blocked", but i didn't have success, my doubt is: When i uses context.become in my actor, how and when Akka handle the messages after the first one?
When you use context.become you are changing the behavior in your actor. That means, when the actor starts it using the default receive behavior. However, when it receives a message it prints the message Happens here and uses the partial function active to handle it.
Since, inside active you call context.become(active(_)) the behavior of the actor changes. From now on, when a messages gets sent to the actor it will execute the partial function active instead of the receive method and that's why you are not seeing Happens here more than once in your output.

Akka-Http: How to return a response from an actor?

I am using an actor inside a request with the "ask" pattern:
val route =
pathPrefix("myapp") {
path("search") {
get {
(mainActorRef ? DoSomething("foo")).mapTo[ReturningType].map { result =>
complete(HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, result ))
The problem is that the main actor communicates with other actors and gets an answer back from one of those actors like this:
class MainActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case d:DoSomething =>
anotherActor ! DoThis(d)
// received from anotherActor as reply to DoThis
case r:DoThisResponse =>
// how do I send the response back to my “route”?
pipe (Future{r}) to ???
How can I send this answer back to Akka-Http as response?
Using "sender()" in the main actor doesn't work as it won't be the right reference. Should I pass in the DoSomething some reference to use with "tell" (!) inside the main actor? How do I pass this reference?
Use forward instead of tell in the the MainActor when sending to anotherActor. That way anotherActor will not "see" MainActor as the sender .
So, basically, you send new messages in the intermediate steps with forward, but the actor in the line can simply respond to sender, since it does not see the intermediate actors.
Edit: a complete MainActor
class MainActor extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
//delegating some more work to another container
case d:DoSomething =>
anotherActor forward DoThis(d)
// sending a response back to "route"
case r:DoThisResponse =>
sender ! Response

Akka context.parent unexpected value

The context.parent reference does not do it, for me. In a Play project, I launch a new actor to deal with each incoming request:
val myActor: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor])
val future: Future[String] = (myActor ? Hello)(5.seconds).mapTo[String]
future.map(result => Ok(result)).recover {
case ex: AskTimeoutException => Ok("timeout expired")
case _ => Ok("error")
This triggers more actor messaging in the receive method of myActor: when anotherActor responds to myActor, the latter sends a message AllGood to its parent.
class MyActor extends Actor {
// other stuff, among which setup of anotherActor
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Hallo => anotherActor ! Hello
case HelloBack => context.parent ! AllGood
class AnotherActor extends Actor {
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Hallo => sender ! HelloBack
Everything works fine until myActor tries to send a message to context.parent. I get a deadLetters message in the console.
from Actor[xyz] to Actor[akka://my-system/user] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered.
I can make it work if myActor keeps a reference to the original sender, and the code looks like this instead:
class MyActor extends Actor {
var myDad: Option[ActorRef] = None // <--- NEW REFERENCE
// other stuff, among which setup of anotherActor
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Hallo => {
myDad = Some(sender)
anotherActor ! Hello
case HelloBack => myDad ! AllGood <-- MYDAD INSTEAD OF CONTEXT.PARENT
class AnotherActor extends Actor {
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Hallo => sender ! HelloBack
The reference myDad is actually something like Actor[akka://my-system/temp/$a], while I would expect it to be the same as the context.parent which was Actor[akka://my-system/user]. Isn't it the same actor?
Can anybody explain this behaviour to me, and suggest a cleaner way to fix this? Thanks.
Looks like you mixed up the concepts of parent and sender.
context.parent [akka://my-system/user] is normal because the actor has been created as a child of the Akka system using system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyActor]).
the sender method gives you back the actor who sent the message. The important thing here is; this is not the actor system who sent the message to your actor. When using the ask pattern Akka creates a temporary actor (in your case Actor[akka://my-system/temp/$a]) that will send the message and wait for the answer. When the response is received, the Future is completed.
If you want it is possible to forward the original sender so that your AnotherActor can reply directly HelloBack to the temporary actor created by the ask pattern.
To do so just change the way the message is passed to anotherActor.
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case Hallo => anotherActor.tell(Hello, sender)