Before I deleted my previous version of Eclipse Kepler, when I hit Ctrl+F11 in Eclipse, while using Dynamic Web Projects, Chrome opened a tab of the project .
However now when I hit Ctrl+F11, a tab inside Eclipse is opened.
How can I set Eclipse to open a tab in Chrome when running Dynamic Web Projects?
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser:
first make sure that you are using external web browser
then add or choose Chrome to make it default.
Go to windows
-> choose Preference
-> Choose General
-> WebBrowser
-> it open an external Dilouge page choose there Use External Web Browser
-> then choose chrome/Firefox/Internet Explore
you can select option windown > preference > web browser >
Use extenal web brower > Chrome
enter image description here
Hope this can help you!
The Liberty Profile Configuration Editor no longer appears. All was working great and now all I get is the XML editor. The option for the Configuration Editor is still in the context menu but I always get the XML editor.
I would like the option back. Is there a HOW TO?
Perhaps the version of the Liberty plugins you have is not compatible with Eclipse Mars. You should update it, easiest way is probably via Eclipse Marketplace. Here's what looks like the latest Liberty Profile tools in the marketplace:
This also could be as simple as the related editor for server.xml was messed up. If you click on the server.xml file, and use context menu "Open With..." Do you still see "Liberty Profile Configuration Editor" in the list?
Is the Design tab still showing but the design view displays an error when you click on it? If so, what is the error?
Are there any messages in the .log file (<your workspace>/.metadata/.log)
Is it not working on some particular files or not working at all, for instance, if you create a new file does it open with the configuration file editor? To create a new file, right click on your server folder in the explorer view and select New -> Liberty Profile Configuration File. Give it a name like test.xml and click Finish.
One thing you could try is to regenerate the runtime cache and see if that helps:
Window -> Show View -> Other -> Server -> Runtime Explorer
Right click on runtime in Runtime Explorer view and select Edit
Click on Advanced options in the dialog
Click the Refresh button
Wait for the refresh timestamp to be updated
Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environment -> SELECT YOUR RUNTIME -> CLICK Edit -> CLICK Advanced options... -> CLICK Refresh
Wait for the refresh timestamp to be updated
In Eclipse, when I right click a HTML document and select "Open with..." I am presented with a list of options including the internal browser available in Eclipse. What I want to do is open the document in Google Chrome. I can select external program and select Chrome but I have to do this each time. Is there a way to have Google Chrome automatically available as one of the options when I right click the document? Is there also a way to have Debug or Run configured to use Chrome as the default app?
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser -> Use external web browser and select Chrome
Sorry, if this question is already ansewered! I have configured my external browser and I can launch any html file via right clicking this file and choosing open with.... What I would like to do is launching any file via a shortcut in the toolbar by just clicking on this shortcut and right click on file --> open with.... So if there is any possibility to get this shortcut, please tell me how?
i guess you refer to eclipse:
had the same problem, it's really annoying that there is no default behaviour of eclipse to deal with html files.
here is how i did it with pictures! ;)
eclipse as web editor – do it yourself – howto:
eclipse is per default configured to be used for java development.
but if you want to “run” a html site in your external browser… nada. You have to configure it yourself, like this:
1. download eclipse
2. start eclipse (this was tested with Eclipse Standard/SDK Version: Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819)
3. install the plugin “web page editor” help -> new software -> select All Sites -> search for “web page editor” -> check the checkbox -> click next, next, agree, restart.
this is what you will get (when you r-click on a document and choose “open with” -> “web page editor”, reminds me of dreamweaver’s preview.
now in order to “launch” / start the website with a shortcut:
1. setup firefox as default browser: “window” -> preferences -> search for browser -> choose “external browser” and search for the firefox.exe
define external tool command
you should get a new command in your run-suitcase-symbol.
when you click it… firefox should launch your website.
in order to shortcut-this go again into preferences, search for “keys”
and asign a key-combination to the “Run Last Launched External Tool”
that’s the best way right now i know of.
Feel free to comment!
I have developed one GUI.In that when I click one button of GUI it should go to Internet Explorer.But when I launch this from Eclipse it is not directed to IE. I tried this from outside eclipse.That is working fine.Any setup is needed to open IE from GUI in eclipse?
I'm not sure if your refer to this, but inside Eclipse if you go to the Window menu -> Web Browsers and select Internet Explorer shoul done it.
I've been using Eclipse Classic with the ColdFusion Builder 2 Plug-ins and I was wondering if there was a way to launch the debugger in a browser within Eclipse. I've seen a browser in Eclipse before, but I'm not sure where it's hiding... and if it's possible to launch the debugger within it instead of the external browser.
Thanks a lot!
With Eclipse classic the only way to open the Internal Web Browser are the following.
Open the Internal web browser view:
Window > Show View > General > Internal Web Browser
Or you can do this:
Create .html file
Right-click the file and choose open-with > Web Browser
The easiest thing to do would be to install the Webtools feature from the webtools update-site and then add the "Web Browser" action set to the perspective.
Right click toolbar and choose "customize perspective"
Go to command group availability
Enable "Web Browser"
This will add a "open web browser" action on the toolbar.