Liberty Profile Configuration Editor within Eclipse MARS no longer appears - eclipse

The Liberty Profile Configuration Editor no longer appears. All was working great and now all I get is the XML editor. The option for the Configuration Editor is still in the context menu but I always get the XML editor.
I would like the option back. Is there a HOW TO?

Perhaps the version of the Liberty plugins you have is not compatible with Eclipse Mars. You should update it, easiest way is probably via Eclipse Marketplace. Here's what looks like the latest Liberty Profile tools in the marketplace:

This also could be as simple as the related editor for server.xml was messed up. If you click on the server.xml file, and use context menu "Open With..." Do you still see "Liberty Profile Configuration Editor" in the list?

Is the Design tab still showing but the design view displays an error when you click on it? If so, what is the error?
Are there any messages in the .log file (<your workspace>/.metadata/.log)
Is it not working on some particular files or not working at all, for instance, if you create a new file does it open with the configuration file editor? To create a new file, right click on your server folder in the explorer view and select New -> Liberty Profile Configuration File. Give it a name like test.xml and click Finish.
One thing you could try is to regenerate the runtime cache and see if that helps:
Window -> Show View -> Other -> Server -> Runtime Explorer
Right click on runtime in Runtime Explorer view and select Edit
Click on Advanced options in the dialog
Click the Refresh button
Wait for the refresh timestamp to be updated
Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environment -> SELECT YOUR RUNTIME -> CLICK Edit -> CLICK Advanced options... -> CLICK Refresh
Wait for the refresh timestamp to be updated


Eclipse Syntax Coloring reset after restart

I installed Ubuntu 15 new and I installed eclipse Mars.
Now, I want to have the syntax highlighting exactly like in visual studio, so i downloadet the .epf here and imported it into eclipse.
Until here, I have no problems, but when I restart eclipse the highlighting will reset after 5 seconds to default.
I don't know why, but when I start eclipse via sudo, I don't have the problem. I have no more ideas...
I saw, that eclipse run this on startup:
I dont know, how i can stop it
To disable all Oomph startup tasks
In preferences, choose Oomph | Setup Tasks. Then check the Skip automatic task execution at startup time.
To disable which preferences Oomph tracks
In preferences, choose Oomph | Setup Tasks | Preference Recorder.
Check the Record into: checkbox.
In the table uncheck the preferences you don't want synchronized. For your case it is probably the set of /instance/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/[...].
(Optional) Click Open the recorder target file button and fully edit your preferences.
If you want to use Oomph to track your syntax, you can import the .epf file into the preference recorder:
Open Window > Preferences and go to Oomph | Setup Tasks | Preference Recorder
Make sure Record into is selected and whichever profile you want to record to is selected (probably User.) Open the recorder file using the button next to the dropdown.
A .setup file will open in the editor. Close the preference window. An Oomph toolbar should have appeared. The third button is Import Preferences.
Oomph - Import Preferences Button
Click it, browse to your .epf file and open it. Move whatever preferences you want to import from Available Preferences to Selected Preferences and click OK.
The preferences will be added to the .setup file, under the root node (probably User.) Drag them into the User Preferences node (the first child node with the folder icon) and delete any existing nodes with conflicting names (it won't combine them.)
Save the file.
You should now be able to restart Eclipse and have Oomph load in your correct syntax coloring.
Answer from this eclipse forum post with a few extra steps I had to do to get it working.

How to launch an HTML file in an external web browser via a shortcut in the toolbar

Sorry, if this question is already ansewered! I have configured my external browser and I can launch any html file via right clicking this file and choosing open with.... What I would like to do is launching any file via a shortcut in the toolbar by just clicking on this shortcut and right click on file --> open with.... So if there is any possibility to get this shortcut, please tell me how?
i guess you refer to eclipse:
had the same problem, it's really annoying that there is no default behaviour of eclipse to deal with html files.
here is how i did it with pictures! ;)
eclipse as web editor – do it yourself – howto:
eclipse is per default configured to be used for java development.
but if you want to “run” a html site in your external browser… nada. You have to configure it yourself, like this:
1. download eclipse
2. start eclipse (this was tested with Eclipse Standard/SDK Version: Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819)
3. install the plugin “web page editor” help -> new software -> select All Sites -> search for “web page editor” -> check the checkbox -> click next, next, agree, restart.
this is what you will get (when you r-click on a document and choose “open with” -> “web page editor”, reminds me of dreamweaver’s preview.
now in order to “launch” / start the website with a shortcut:
1. setup firefox as default browser: “window” -> preferences -> search for browser -> choose “external browser” and search for the firefox.exe
define external tool command
you should get a new command in your run-suitcase-symbol.
when you click it… firefox should launch your website.
in order to shortcut-this go again into preferences, search for “keys”
and asign a key-combination to the “Run Last Launched External Tool”
that’s the best way right now i know of.
Feel free to comment!

Hadoop Documentation for Eclipse

I recently installed Hadoop and am able to run simple programs.
However I would like to view documentation for Hadoop classes within Javadoc browser in Eclipse.
Please let me know how to enable that (I am a little novice with Eclipse IDE).
A couple of suggestions:
If you're using maven for your dependency management, you should be able to expand out the list of Maven dependencies in your Eclipse project, right click the hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar and select Maven -> Download Javadocs
Otherwise you'll need to source the Javadocs from the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api folder and associated with your hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar in Eclipse. In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api in the Javadoc URL text box (mine is file:/opt/hadoop/hadoop-1.0.2/docs/api/)
Either way now you should be able to hover over Hadoop classes in Eclipse and the Javadoc will popup. You can also show the Javadoc window that will populate for the class you are currently viewing, or just open an internal browser window and point it at the $HADOOP_HOME/docs/api/index.html file
Another easy solution for those who want to stay updated is to edit the Javadocs path like Chris said:
"In Eclipse, right click your Java project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Now click the Libraries tab and locate the entry for hadoop-core-x.x.x.jar. Expand the entry to show options for Source, Javadoc etc locations and click the Javadoc location entry. Now click the Edit button to the right and enter the location as the path"
but instead of linking it directly to the api you have stored on your hard disk, link it to

Show dialog to choose workspace while it starts

I know its a silly question but i am stuck into it from 2 hours..Can any body tell me how should i enable the dialog which opens at the time we start eclipse and we choose workspace location from there.
See I want this window to be displayed first when eclipse starts
By mistake I have checked "Use this as the default and do not ask again".
Please guide me how to show up this dialog again
You can find it here :
Menu: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces -> Prompt for workspace on startup
Eclipse preferences has a lot of options. You can search for specific options by typing in the filter text box at the top of the preferences dialog.
If you type in 'startup' for instance the list will be much shorter.
window > preferences > general > startup and shutdown > workspaces
then check 'Prompt for workspace on startup'
If your workspace is corrupted and Eclipse doesn't startup with your currently pre-selected workspace, you may edit SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false to SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true
which is located in file
before you start the IDE.

Open directory containing a source file via Eclipse

In Visual Studio, or MyEclipse, you have a button which is able to locate a source file on disk, and open the containing directory in Windows explorer.
This is useful, for example, to browse images, or to use an other tool when a conflict occurs in CVS or SVN.
What would be the way to do it in Eclipse with a free plugin, or without any plugin ?
I found it :
"In eclipse, it is common requirement to open the folder containing source file but there is no direct method to do that like in Visual studio of Microsoft."
An actual plugin can be found at
And version 1.5 can be found here
One that I've since upgraded to & find more useful
I always do this:
right click on file/folder, show in..., system explorer. Done.
I guess we don't need a plugin to do that, or I am misunderstanding the question?? I am using Luna 4.4.2 on Windows 7.
On Mac you can follow this steps to add it without a plug-in:
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select External Tools Configuration:
The External Tools Configuration window will appear. Select Programs and then click New Launch Configuration:
This will create a new launch configuration. Enter a name of the configuration in the name field:
In the Location field enter the path to the Open Finder, "/usr/bin/open" without quotes:
In the Arguments field enter the following argument, "${container_loc}" with quotes:
Click Apply. It should look like the following:
Switch to the build tab and deselect Build before launch:
Switch to the Common tab and select the External Tools checkbox in Favorites. Click Apply again and close out of the window.
You are done. Now to use:
Select a file or folder in Eclipse Package Explorer.
Click the disclosure icon to the right of the External Tools icon:
Select the Open Containing Folder from the drop down menu:
You're file or folder should open in Finder.
PRO TIP: After you use the external tool once you can click the External Tools icon again and it will run the last used external tool. In other words, you won't need to select it from the pop up menu each time.
You can also look up the source directory by right clicking on the project, going to properties, and looking at "Location: ... "