Android development view pager show on widget - android-widget

I want shown view pager on widget.Previously i used android list at
widget but i want to show only single item on widget view this
is change on swipe. please help

You can use the AdapterViewFilper - Simple ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, can automatically flip between each child at a regular interval. - Example
And you can use:
Starting with API level 11 (Android 3.0.x) you can use "android.widget.RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory" and and assign a widget to use (from docs):
ListView: A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. For an example, see the Gmail app widget.
GridView: A view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. For an example, see the Bookmarks app widget.
StackView: A stacked card view (kind of like a rolodex), where the user can flick the front card up/down to see the previous/next card, respectively. Examples include the YouTube and Books app widgets.
See section Using App Widgets with Collections.


Refresh a widget programmatically

I'm developing an app in Flutter, and I'm stuck with this: I have a list of widgets that I generate dynamically. When I press a button, I need to show or hide one of the widgets in the list. I use the Visible widget to show or hide them.
The problem is that I need to know how to update any of the specific widgets in my widget list as they are dynamic and are separated, it is getting complicated doing int programmatically.
How can I do it?
PS: I have the same app developed in Android Studio and I do it by traversing for example the child Views of a LinearLayout and then I ask for its id programmatically.

How interactive can a component be inside of a widget?

my job is to create a few widgets using widgetkit and swiftui, however the main project is build on uikit so I am not very good with swiftUI. Nevertheless, I would like to know whether I can add a graph inside of, for example, medium sized widget, and can the graph be scrollable to reveal more information? Or could it only be clickable? Thank you.
I know how widgets work, just interested in whether it is possible to create a scrollable graph inside of a medium sized widget.
I'm only just getting started with widgets myself, so happy to be corrected. But interactivity with widgets is very limited - effectively to taps and nothing else. They're designed more to be informational displays than interactive user interfaces.
If your widget is larger than the small size (the square one that takes up the same space as 2x2 app icons on the iPhone home screen), you can have multiple tap targets. For example, if your widget had a list of calendar items, you could set it up so that a user tapping on a specific item opened the app with a view showing that item in more detail.
So no, a scrollable graph isn't feasible. But what you can do is create a graph that shows a snapshot of data that a user is most likely to find useful when glancing at their home screen – and making sure that if they tap on it, they go straight through to a more interactive version of the same data.

Flutter how to implement multiple scrolling items is same screen

I have a screen with a column that contains 2 items and a list below.
i want to make the first item (1) always scroll up below the appbar or down, doesn't care if the list is empty or full.
the second item (2) should always be visible while scrolling the list items.
see image how can i implement this in flutter
What I suggest you do is to look at Sliver* series of built-in Flutter classes. They give you a great amount of flexibility when it comes to scrolling behavior. Here is a great documentation that demonstrates what I mean:

Flutter Not able to achieve PageView like Swipeable Tabs inside Parent ListView

This is a Flutter Specific Query.
I Want to achieve the Layout Referenced in the Image above. Two Tabs
Below a Container.
The Tabs can be switched using Swipe Animation like that in a
Page View.
The Tabs Contain Dynamically Generated Widgets from Provider.
The Entire Page along with the Fixed Container must be
When Switching between the Tabs the fixed container should stay
in place and only tab Content(Column of Widgets) should swipe
left and right.
What I've Tried :
Using a Parent List View and Nesting the Fixed Container Child
and Using Tab Bar to switch the Widget using Animated Switcher and
Slide Animation. Here the Problem is i cannot swipe left and right
and create the Page View like Effect. I also tried Nesting Page-View
inside List-View but since the Page-View does not have a fixed height
( because the tab contents are dynamically generated ).
A few many more concepts i tried to tackle but the issue every time was
that the tab contents are not having a fixed height.
I really want to achieve this Layout and i want to know if there's any way.

ExpansionTile - how to collapse other tiles, hide keyboard on press

I'm new to Flutter, trying to build my first app.
my main app body contains a one level ExpansionTile list, which can be filterable by a searchbar.
I'm trying to implement the following behavior -
after a user press a tile to reveal the expanded info
1. the keyboard, if present, should hide
2. previously open tile if expanded should collapse
I have tried using GestureDetector on the root widget with on tap function taking focus, but it does not detect tapping on tiles.
using expansionList onExpansionChanged seems logical but i don't understand how to use it
advice will be greatly appreciated..