Eclipse without plugins for windows - eclipse

I am using eclipse 3.8.1 right now on Xubuntu and there were no problems until now. But 2 days ago some friends and me started a project together, they are using Windows 7 and Windows 8 (x64). When I installed eclipse in Xubuntu, it didnt have any plugins and features installed but I couldnt find any eclipse version for windows that has no plugins pre-installed.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Thanks a lot for every idea! :)

I know I'm three years late but: you can download it from here: There you can find 'clean' builds of Eclipse, which do not ship with common development tools.

If you do an apt-get install eclipse, it gets installed in a read-only directory; each user that runs Eclipse gets their own directory with the plugins he/she installs afterwards from within Eclipse.
On both Windows and Linux, you can just download a zip file of Eclipse, unzip it somewhere, and then run it directly. This is also the way to run different versions of Eclipse, and there is just one place for each version to store plugins: within its own directory.


Fix "The Eclipse Installer executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library."

I'm trying to install Eclipse Neon on a 64 bit Windows 7 computer. I download the file "eclipse-inst-win64.exe" and run as administrator. Immediately I get the following error:
The Eclipse Installer executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.
Note the "Installer" keyword. When searching on Google and StackOverflow, I find solutions only for when receiving this error launching Eclipse itself after it is installed. The solutions that worked for people in those situations usually involve editing the "eclipse.ini" file and removing absolute paths or references to uninstalled plugins. However, Eclipse has never been installed on this computer, therefore an "eclipse.ini" file does not exist and the installer does not appear to create one in any obvious place before throwing this error. There does not appear to be any "companion shared library" downloads on the Eclipse website. Any ideas on what could be going on?
Download and install the JDK and then try to install Eclipse again.
According to
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) was released on June 22, 2016. See Neon schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 JRE/JDK is required to run all Neon packages based on
Eclipse 4.6, including the Installer. The reasoning behind
requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
I found another reason for this error message. I got it when I tried to install Eclipse from the compressed installer. I extracted the installer into a folder and ran it from there. It then installed.
Try to extracted all the installer files before you run the installer.

Cannot Install Google plugin for Eclipse

I am not able to install the Google plugin for Eclipse Luna 4.4.1 on Mac. I followed all the steps, and got no errors.
Eclipse restarted after installing the plugin, but after that I don't see the Google logo on my toolbar and even in File > New, I don't see any signs of installation.
Android plugins from the same link seems to be working but rest no sign.
Java on my Mac is up to date.
after 6 long hours, it worked out for me. This is what I did
I removed eclipse from my computer. delete those file from library folder. Delete workstation.
Updated Java, Downloaded and installed latest version of JDK (its different from java, one thing I didn't know).
Installed Eclipse, installed plugin

Pydev missing after upgrading Eclipse on FreeBSD

I recently updated my ports on my FreeBSD 9.0 release machine and I think eclipse was upgraded due to a port upstream forced Eclipse to be rebuilt. Now Pydev is gone. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling Eclipse, then installing Pydev using inside Eclipse. It appears to install ok but I can't create a Pydev project or use the Pydev view. I tried removing my ~/.eclipse folder to force the creation of a new one, and reinstalling Eclipse and Pydev to no avail. What am I doing wrong? I'm running Eclipse Indigo version 3.7.1 build id: R3_7_1
This question was most similar to mine, but the solution didn't work for me. I also tried pointing my install site as: per another question on StackOverflow, to no avail.
After some more testing I finally got the newest FreeBSD port to work. I had to launch and install the plugins as root. It didn't work another time I ran it but, this great troubleshooting document helped out. I methodically went through each step one by one, and the logs indicated there was an error on my /usr/local/lib file it was trying to unzip. My user doesn't have write access to that directory but root does. I don't know why it didn't work the last time I ran it as root, perhaps I didn't install the plug-in as root. It works now, so I'm happy. Thanks Fabio, for your input.
I'm not sure how FreeBSD packages things, so, maybe an easy way out would be getting Eclipse from and installing PyDev on that fresh install (or if you're also doing web stuff, I'd suggest grabbing Aptana Studio 3, which comes with PyDev preinstalled, so, you don't have to worry about configuring it).
See: for details

Subversive not showing up in eclipse

I am trying to install subversive for eclipse helios on windows 7. I am seeing it as installed in the installation details, but it is not showing up as a perspective and also in windows/preferences/team. Can anyone help me with this.
I fixed that issue by granting my user writing access to the eclipse installation directory (default in "Program Files" is read access).
#squig - +1
changing the directory permissions (I placed it under c:\program files\eclipse in Windows 7) caused the subversive plugin to work, after spending endless hours on trying to figure out the issue.
The lame part from Eclipse side (or Subversive side, dunno) is that no error message was shown, it appeared as if the software was installed properly. Shame.
I had exactly the same problem. But in my case the problem could not be solved be granting write access to the eclipse programm directory.
The reason was that I tried to use two versions (Mars and Neon.2) of eclipse in parallel. When I tried to install both programms into one directory in "C:\Programm Files (x86)\Eclipse" it was not possible to install plugins etc. to the newer version. Therefore I uninstalled the newer version and reinstalled it under "C:\Programm Files (x86)\Eclipse-Neon".
After this everything is fine. Even without write permissions to the programm directory.

only shows php and not the other languages in netbeans 6.9?

i have installed the latest netbeans 6.9 rc2 for all languages, but i only see the php tab when i use it.
prior to this version i had 6.9 beta for only php, but i have deleted that folder.
maybe the settings are still there, so it only shows php?
how can i clean everything so that it shows all other languages?
You can check and see which plugins are installed in Netbeans in Tools > Plugins.
They might be installed, but not enabled.
If you really get stuck you might still have the old netbeans user directory, with just the PHP plugins installed as your userdir.
You can delete this directory to get a clean install of netbeans.
On linux you will find it in; ~/.netbeans/6.9rc2/ (version number might be different), on windows it will in your C:\Users\ or C:\Documents & Settings\ depending on your version. OSX i dont know, guess similar to linux.