How to store global parameter in IBM Community Server - eclipse

I need to store a global parameter in IBM Sametime Community server which can be read by all the users through a sametime plugin.. Which the best way to do it?
The main task is to store a web address from where user can pick other additional config info for the plugin.

If you haven't already you will need the IBM Sametime Software Development Kit.
Look at the stjavatkdevguide.pdf on page 56 it discussed the Storage Service, this is what you will want to use. It explains how to
In a quick simple summary: You will want to create a StoragerServiceListener and add it to the Storage Service using addStorageServiceListerner(). Then to store an attribute, create an STAttribute and assign it your values, then store the attribute with storeAttr(). To Query it use QueryAttr().


How to connect an external Django backend with IBM Watson (Notebook)?

I'm doing a small project that I don't know how-to connect IBM Watson with Django backend and even looking for the docs: I can't find examples, documentation or tutorials.
Basically, I want to create Jobs (Notebooks running) remotely, but I need to send an ID to each notebook because when I run a notebook I need to specify which file are going to process from Cloud Storage ("MY-PROJECT-COS"). The situation shown in the Figure below describes that.
The pipeline that I want to implement is like the Figure below. And this problem just stopped the whole project. I will really appreciate any suggestion, recommendations and solutions.
You should check the Watson Data APIs. Especially, Create a job and Start a run for a job API calls. Use the request body to pass the specific ID.
You can use a collection of Watson Data REST APIs associated with
Watson Studio and Watson Knowledge Catalog to manage data-related
assets and connections in analytics projects and catalogs on IBM Cloud
Pak for Data.
Catalog data Use the catalog and asset APIs to create catalogs to
administer your assets, associate properties with those assets, and
organize the users who use the assets. Assets can be notebooks or
connections to files, database sources, or data assets from a
Govern data Use the governance and workflows APIs to implement data
policies and a business glossary that fits to your organization to
control user access rights to assets and to uncover data quality and
data lineage.
Add and find data Use the discovery, search, and connections APIs to
add and find data within your projects and catalogs.
You can also access a local version of this API docs on each Cloud Pak
for Data installation:

Content Management in Bluemix

Is it possible to link a bluemix website with some kind of content mangement?
I'm trying to build a formular for an event registration website with bluemix.
It must be possible for the promoter of the events to decide which data the participants have to fill out. As an example for a business dinner there is no need to ask if he needs a flight or not and for another event it would be necessary to know it. So the content must be "adaptable" by the promoter because I don't want to write a new website for each event.
Does somebody know a solution for this problem?
Thank you very much for your help!
Deploy your site on IBM Containers and utilize the ssh capability to scp your content into the web app/site.
There are several possibilities:
create an application with a Cloudant backend. The data stored inside is free form. You then "just" need to define the valid form. I used angular.js and angular-formly (with the form definition stored in Cloudant, so you can edit it)
Use PencilBlue a Node.js CMS using a Mongo backend. Eventually it does all you need
Use a container with a common engine (e.g. Wordpress)
So you can act depending on how custom you want the solution to be. Let us know what works for you

IBM Portal Database and Authentication

I have a couple of questions regarding IBM Portal Portlets.
I have just stumbled into the realm of Portlets - and as far as I am concerned was dropped into the deep end. Having to work on a IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1
We are still in the evaluation stage - and three things that I haven't been able to find clear answers to yet.
Database - is there one single Database that also gets used by the installed Portlets - or do you configure DB individually on a per Portlet Basis?
Authorization and Authentication - how can a Portlet get hold of the User and the rights the user has?
Are there any known constraints in using JSR-301 compliant JSF Bridges instead of bog standard Portlets?
Thanks in advanced.
I haven't used Portal 7 yet, but I have used pretty much every other version, so my apologies if you are using 7 and this information doesn't fit exactly.
1) Database: when you install portal, you configure a database it uses to store portal configuration (and sometimes user rights as well, although this aspect can be set up using a custom user registry like LDAP). If you don't have an already dedicated DB, Portal will use its packaged DB, Cloudscape/Derby. This DB can be completely separate from the DB that the portlets use to manipulate data unrelated to configuration. E.g. if your portlet is displaying inventory for a bike shop, the DB holding that info can be accessed in the normal web application way through a datasource set up in the WAS GUI.
2) For a lot of scenarios, your portlet doesn't need to know the user's rights, it won't render the portlet unless the user has been assigned the correct rights via Portal Administration. But in the cases in which you would need to know the user's rights, they can be accessed via the Portal User Management Architecture. Here's a good whitepaper on the subject:
3) Known constraints? You may have to google for that specifically, but I will say that unless you use IBM's custom JSF bridge, there may not be a lot of support from IBM's technical issue team if you come up against a problem. However, the support guys are usually pretty helpful, I find. Don't let that stop you from trying though :)
The two resources that I use pretty exhaustively are the InfoCenter and the developer forums on IBM Developerworks.
Best of luck, and welcome to the dark side!

PeopleSoft logins

I'm building a web application that will have access to PeopleSoft's database via jdbc.
Is it possible that I can use PeopleSoft's id/password for my custom application, so users accessing my website will not have to have another username/password?
Peoplesoft stores user details in the table PSOPRDEFN.
You will be able to verify the username against: PSOPRDEFN.OPRID.
The password field is: OPERPSWD.
Unfortunately the encryption function used for this field: hash() is available only from within peoplecode.
If you want to use a single sign on you should be able to do so by customizing the USERMAINT.gbl component perhaps in the saveprechange peoplecode, to save the password in a second field of your choice with an encryption algorithm that you can implement from JDBC as well.
If you want to reuse PeopleSoft security, you'd need to connect at a higher level than JDBC straight into the database. You could look at a component interface (codeable in Java) or send a SOAP message into PeopleSofts Integration Gateway - both methods would authenticate you against peopleSoft using its own security mechanisms.
The old way was to customize psuser.c to your needs and recompile as a new dll, used it your program, assuming you're on a Microsoft platform. As mentioned above, you could have a peoplesoft developer create a component interface ( or use the one that is delivered ). You can export wrapper Java or C/C++ code from a CI, a template. This code can then be used in an external program to call the CI. one way or the other, you have to interface with peopletools to call their decrypt for passwords.
Depending on how dynamic your business is, whether you add lots of employees each day, you could export psoprdefn using app messaging to another database. On the send, you could encrypt passwords however you like. But as you can surmise, this would not be real-time.
One thing I remember doing long ago was have a peoplesoft tech person develop a page the sole functionality of which was to call my java class and which obtained user/pswds as needed. Once I had them, I was good to go.
You can use the psjoa.jar , in that way you can signon via app.server using the same users and passwords in the psoprdefn table.
PeopleSoft has an LDAP integration ability but it has to be configured. If you are accessing via a Java wrapper around a component interface, a special account can be set up in PeopleSoft with access only to the underlying component, but the login/password would have to be passed into the component interface. This can be encrypted or sent over https.
PeopleSoft also has what it calls "row level" security - the ability to partition data sets so that for example your code could only access employee data within a specific business unit or accounting info for a particular line of business. This is all controlled within the PeopleSoft online security application.

Help to choose Alfresco or Nuxeo for DMS

I have requirement to develop DMS(Document Managemen System) with some initial requirements:
If possible DMS should be open source
Initially DMS should support up to 500 users
System should be scalable in sence od users or content
Docuemtns/Content should be stored on a file system
Document should be able to be marked for later destruction
Mandatory to have workflow capabilities
Mandatory to have version control capability
Nice to have SSO(Single Sign On) with Liferay portal
Nice to have posibility to expose some of funccionality via portlets in Liferay
Document management should be done via the web interface
Nice to have shared drive capability
Nice to have events and notifications about add/change content
At the moment I am in doubth to choose between Alfresco and Nuxeo.
I will appreciate any help to choose between them.
Thanks in advance
I have not much experience with Nuxeo, but here is for Alfresco:
1.If possible DMS should be open source
2.Initially DMS should support up to 500 users
Yes, if you have a good server.
3.System should be scalable in sence od users or content
4.Docuemtns/Content should be stored on a file system
Yes. Only metadata is stored in a database.
5.Document should be able to be marked for later destruction
The free Records Management module has retention capabilities.
6.Mandatory to have workflow capabilities
7.Mandatory to have version control capability
8.Nice to have SSO(Single Sign On) with Liferay portal
9.Nice to have posibility to expose some of funccionality via portlets in Liferay
Alfresco and Liferay work very well together.
10.Document management should be done via the web interface
11.Nice to have shared drive capability
12.Nice to have events and notifications about add/change content
Not sure about this one. The Share module has this feature, but not sure about the main DM application.
Don't know the Nuxeo system, but we are using Alfresco as a document storage and session server. We have our own GUI and only use it as a back-end system. So far we had no problems. Plus Alfresco has a nice REST interface which makes it easy to integrate into any existing system.