Scala: Implementing a mathematical recursion with convergence - scala

Many numerical problems are of the form:
initialize: x_0 = ...
iterate: x_i+1 = function(x_i) until convergence, e.g.,
|| x_i+1 - x_i || < epsilon
I'm wondering whether there is a nice way to write such an algorithm using idiomatic Scala. The nature of the problem calls for an Iterator or Stream. However, my current take on this looks really ugly:
val xFinal = Iterator.iterate(xInit) { x_i =>
// update x_i+1
}.toList // necessary to pattern match within takeWhile
.sliding(2) // necessary since takeWhile needs pair-wise comparison
.takeWhile{ case x_i :: x_iPlus1 :: Nil => /* convergence condition */ }
.toList // since the outer container is still an Iterator
.last // to get the last element of the iteration
.last // to get x_iPlus1
This is not only ugly, the pattern matching in takeWhile also causes a warning. Obviously I do not have to pattern-match here, but I would love to keep a strong resemblance to the mathematical original.
Any ideas to make this look more beautiful?

The following minimalist (silly) example may illustrate none the less a useful framework to adapt,
def function (i:Int): Int = i+1
def iter (x0: Int): Int = {
val x1 = function(x0)
if (x1 - x0 == 1) x1 else iter(x1)

Here is my solution for the example of finding the square root using Newton's method, which reduces in this case to the Babylonian method:
import math.abs
val tol=0.00001
val desiredSqRoot=256
val xFinal = Iterator.iterate(1.0) { x => 0.5*(x+desiredSqRoot/x) }
def converged(l: Seq[Double]): Boolean = l match{
case x_old :: x_new :: Nil => if( abs(x_old-x_new)/x_old < tol ) true else false
case _ => true
xFinal.sliding(2).dropWhile( x=> !converged(x) ).next.last
which results as:
scala> xFinal.sliding(2).dropWhile( x=> !converged(x) ).next.last
res23: Double = 16.00000000000039
In this example we know the value it should converge to, yet I've written the convergence criterion without this knowledge, because in general we don't know this.


How to add to a list you're returning?

Sorry if this is a stupid question as I am a total beginner. I have a function factors which looks like this:
def factors (n:Int):List[Int] = {
var xs = List[Int]()
for(i <- 2 to (n-1)) {
if(n%i==0) {xs :+ i}
return xs
However if I do println(factors(10)) I always get List().
What am I doing wrong?
The :+ operation returns a new List, you never assign it to xs.
def factors (n:Int):List[Int] = {
var xs = List[Int]()
for (i <- 2 to (n - 1)) {
if(n%i==0) {xs = xs :+ i}
return xs
But, you really shouldn't be using var. We don't like them very much in Scala.
Also don't don't don't use return in Scala. It is a much more loaded keyword than you might think. Read about it here
Here is a better way of doing this.
def factors (n:Int): List[Int] =
for {
i <- (2 to (n - 1)).toList
if (n % i) == 0
} yield i
You don't need .toList either but didn't want to mess with your return types. You are welcome to adjust
Working link:
You can think of this problem as a filtering operation. You start with all the possible factors and you keep the ones where the remainder when dividing the input by that number is 0. The operation that does this in Scala is filter, which keeps values where a particular test is true and removes the others:
def factors(n: Int): List[Int] =
(2 until n).filter(n % _ == 0).toList
To keep the code short I have also used the short form of a function where _ stands for the argument to the function, so n % _ means n divided by the current number that is being tested.

How can I use the last result from a scala map as input to the next function?

I'm working through some project euler questions to practice my scala. For problem 7 I have to find the 10001st prime. I have a working solution, but dont feel its as functional as it could be.
def first_n_primes(n: Long) : List[Long] = {
var last_prime = 1L
(1L to n).map(x => {last_prime = get_next_prime(x, last_prime); last_prime}).toList
Specifically, I feel there might be a way to get rid of the var last_prime, but I dont know how to use the result of the nth map evaluation as the input to the n+1 evaluation. How can I do this more functionally?
You are looking for scanLeft:
(1l to n).scanLeft(1) { case (x, last) => get_next_prime(x, last) }
Or just (1l to n).scanLeft(1)(get_next_prime)
Note however that this is not a very good algorithm looking for the primes, because there is a lot of repetitive work that could be saved (to find the next prime, you need to re-discover all the previous ones).
This sort of task is better done in scala with recursive streams:
lazy val primes: Stream[Long] = 2 #:: Stream.iterate(3l)(_+1).filter { n =>
val stop = math.sqrt(n)
primes.takeWhile { _ <= stop }.forall { k => n % k != 0 }

Scala for expressions in tail recursive form

I have a bit of a problem trying to come up with a valid way to convert a for - expression N queens solution to a tail recursive form and still preserve the idiomatic nature achieved by using the for syntax. Any ideas are more than welcome.
def place(boardSize: Int, n: Int): Solutions = n match {
case 0 => List(Nil)
case _ =>
for {
queens <- place(boardSize, n - 1)
y <- 1 to boardSize
queen = (n, y)
if (isSafe(queen, queens))
} yield queen :: queens
def isSafe(queen: Queen, others: List[Queen]) = {...}
What you're writing basically corresponds to what's called Depth-First Search (DFS).
Although a recursive implementation of DFS is easily written, it is not tail-recursive. Here's a proposal for a tail-recursive one. Note that I did not test this code, but it should at least give you an idea of how to proceed.
def solve(): List[List[Int]] = {
#tailrec def solver(fringe: List[List[Int]], solutions: List[List[Int]]): List[List[Int]] = fringe match {
case Nil => solutions
case potentialSol :: fringeTail =>
if(potentialSol.length == n) // We found a solution
solver(fringe.tail, potentialSol.reverse :: solutions)
else { // Keep looking
val unused = (1 to n).toList filterNot potentialSol.contains
val children = for(u <- unused ; partial = u :: fringe.head if isValid(partial)) yield partial
solver(children ++ fringe.tail, solutions)
solver((1 to n), Nil).map(_.reverse)
If you're concerned about performances, note that this solution is very poor because it uses slow operations on immutable data structure, and because on the JVM you're better off using iteration where performance matters. This will start failing quite rapidly as n increases. Algorithmically, there are far better ways to solve NQueens than using DFS.

Scala: Best way to filter & map in one iteration

I'm new to Scala and trying to figure out the best way to filter & map a collection. Here's a toy example to explain my problem.
Approach 1: This is pretty bad since I'm iterating through the list twice and calculating the same value in each iteration.
val N = 5
val nums = 0 until 10
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums filter { x: Int => (x * x) > N } map { x: Int => (x * x).toString }
Approach 2: This is slightly better but I still need to calculate (x * x) twice.
val N = 5
val nums = 0 until 10
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums collect { case x: Int if (x * x) > N => (x * x).toString }
So, is it possible to calculate this without iterating through the collection twice and avoid repeating the same calculations?
Could use a foldRight
nums.foldRight(List.empty[Int]) {
case (i, is) =>
val s = i * i
if (s > N) s :: is else is
A foldLeft would also achieve a similar goal, but the resulting list would be in reverse order (due to the associativity of foldLeft.
Alternatively if you'd like to play with Scalaz
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.syntax.foldable._
nums.foldMap { i =>
val s = i * i
if (s > N) List(s) else List()
The typical approach is to use an iterator (if possible) or view (if iterator won't work). This doesn't exactly avoid two traversals, but it does avoid creation of a full-sized intermediate collection. You then map first and filter afterwards and then map again if needed: => x*x).filter(_ > N).map(_.toString)
The advantage of this approach is that it's really easy to read and, since there are no intermediate collections, it's reasonably efficient.
If you are asking because this is a performance bottleneck, then the answer is usually to write a tail-recursive function or use the old-style while loop method. For instance, in your case
def sumSqBigN(xs: Array[Int], N: Int): Array[String] = {
val ysb = Array.newBuilder[String]
def inner(start: Int): Array[String] = {
if (start >= xs.length) ysb.result
else {
val sq = xs(start) * xs(start)
if (sq > N) ysb += sq.toString
inner(start + 1)
You can also pass a parameter forward in inner instead of using an external builder (especially useful for sums).
I have yet to confirm that this is truly a single pass, but:
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums flatMap { x =>
val square = x * x
if (square > N) Some(x) else None
You can use collect which applies a partial function to every value of the collection that it's defined at. Your example could be rewritten as follows:
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums collect {
case (x: Int) if (x * x) > N => (x * x).toString
A very simple approach that only does the multiplication operation once. It's also lazy, so it will be executing code only when needed.>x*x).withFilter(x => x> N).map(_.toString)
Take a look here for differences between filter and withFilter.
Consider this for comprehension,
for (x <- 0 until 10; v = x*x if v > N) yield v.toString
which unfolds to a flatMap over the range and a (lazy) withFilter onto the once only calculated square, and yields a collection with filtered results. To note one iteration and one calculation of square is required (in addition to creating the range).
You can use flatMap.
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums flatMap { x =>
val square = x * x
if (square > N) Some(square.toString) else None
Or with Scalaz,
import scalaz.Scalaz._
val sqNumsLargerThanN = nums flatMap { x =>
val square = x * x
(square > N).option(square.toString)
The solves the asked question of how to do this with one iteration. This can be useful when streaming data, like with an Iterator.
However...if you are instead wanting the absolute fastest implementation, this is not it. In fact, I suspect you would use a mutable ArrayList and a while loop. But only after profiling would you know for sure. In any case, that's for another question.
Using a for comprehension would work:
val sqNumsLargerThanN = for {x <- nums if x*x > N } yield (x*x).toString
Also, I'm not sure but I think the scala compiler is smart about a filter before a map and will only do 1 pass if possible.
I am also beginner did it as follows
for(y<-(>x*x)) if y>5 ) { println(y)}

Testing whether an ordered infinite stream contains a value

I have an infinite Stream of primes primeStream (starting at 2 and increasing). I also have another stream of Ints s which increase in magnitude and I want to test whether each of these is prime.
What is an efficient way to do this? I could define
def isPrime(n: Int) = n == primeStream.dropWhile(_ < n).head
but this seems inefficient since it needs to iterate over the whole stream each time.
Implementation of primeStream (shamelessly copied from elsewhere):
val primeStream: Stream[Int] =
2 #::{ i =>
Stream.from(i + 1)
.find{ j =>
primeStream.takeWhile{ k => k * k <= j }
.forall{ j % _ > 0 }
If the question is about implementing isPrime, then you should do as suggested by rossum, even with division costing more than equality test, and with primes being more dense for lower values of n, it would be asymptotically much faster. Moreover, it is very fast when testing non primes which have a small divisor (most numbers have)
It may be different if you want to test primality of elements of another increasing Stream. You may consider something akin to a merge sort. You did not state how you want to get your result, here as a stream of Boolean, but it should not be too hard to adapt to something else.
* Returns a stream of boolean, whether element at the corresponding position
* in xs belongs in ys. xs and ys must both be increasing streams.
def belong[A: Ordering](xs: Stream[A], ys: Stream[A]): Stream[Boolean] = {
if (xs.isEmpty) Stream.empty
else if (ys.isEmpty) => true)
else Ordering[A].compare(xs.head, ys.head) match {
case less if less < 0 => false #:: belong(xs.tail, ys)
case equal if equal == 0 => true #:: belong(xs.tail, ys.tail)
case greater if greater > 0 => belong(xs, ys.tail)
So you may do belong(yourStream, primeStream)
Yet it is not obvious that this solution will be better than a separate testing of primality for each number in turn, stopping at square root. Especially if yourStream is fast increasing compared to primes, so you have to compute many primes in vain, just to keep up. And even less so if there is no reason to suspect that elements in yourStream tend to be primes or have only large divisors.
You only need to read your prime stream as far as sqrt(s).
As you retrieve each p from the prime stream check if p evenly divides s.
This will give you a trial division method of prime checking.
To solve the general question of determining whether an ordered finite list consisted entirely of element of an ordered but infinite stream:
The simplest way is
candidate.toSet subsetOf infiniteList.takeWhile( _ <= candidate.last).toSet
but if the candidate is large, that requires a lot of space and it is O(n log n) instead O(n) like it could be. The O(n) way is
def acontains(a : Int, b : Iterator[Int]) : Boolean = {
while (b hasNext) {
val c =
if (c == a) {
return true
if (c > a) {
return false
return false
def scontains(candidate: List[Int], infiniteList: Stream[Int]) : Boolean = {
val it = candidate.iterator
val il = infiniteList.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
if (!acontains(, il)) {
return false
return true
(Incidentally, if some helpful soul could propose a more Scalicious way to write the foregoing, I'd appreciate it.)
In the comments, the inestimable Luigi Plinge pointed out that I could just write:
def scontains(candidate: List[Int], infiniteStream: Stream[Int]) = {
val it = infiniteStream.iterator
candidate.forall(i => it.dropWhile(_ < i).next == i)