Return bool value in matlab - matlab

how the user defined function return bool value(true/false) in mat lab?
e.g as in any high level language:
bool function_name(int param 1, int param 2) {
if(param 1 < param 2)
return true;
return false;
I want to ask that how a function in mat lab return a bool value?

The general format of a function in MATLAB is the following:
function boolAnswer = function_name( param1, param2 )
boolAnswer = (param1 < param2);
I can then call this function later in some other code like so:
newAnswer = function_name(x, y)


Why does the identityHashCode function not work for the built-in type 'int' in Dart?

The documentation of the identityHashCode says:
And it indeed works for my custom type 'Integer':
class Integer {
int num;
int get hashCode {
return num;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if(other is Integer && this.num == other.num) {
return true;
return false;
void main() {
Integer n1 = Integer(1);
print(n1.hashCode); // print "1"
print(identityHashCode(n1)); // print "650939380", a different value!
But for the built-in type 'int', identityHashCode(int) seems to always return the same value as int.hashCode, which is the numerical value itself:
void main() {
int n = 1;
print(n.hashCode); // print "1"
print(identityHashCode(n)); // still print "1", the same value as n.hashCode!
Anyone know why this is happening? I'm confused now.😵
int is Built-in type (not a usual class)
In documentation identityHashCode has a note:
This hash code is compatible with [identical], which just means that
it's guaranteed to be stable over time.
For compiler all int values are constants. identical for the same constants shows true. So hashCode of int was made by own value (which also int).
print(identical(1, 1)); // true
According to this comment int (and double) has own condition for comparing in identical function.
By the same numeric value
Here's some code for example representation:
void main() {
int a = 1; // '1' is a constant
int b = 1;
int c = 2; // '2' is a constant
print(identical(a, b)); // true
print(identical(a, c)); // false
print(identical(1, 1)); // true
print(identical(1, 2)); // false <= 1 and 2 are constants
print(identical(a, 1)); // true
print(identical(c, 1)); // false
print(identical(c, 2)); // true
print(identityHashCode(a)); // 1
print(identityHashCode(b)); // 1
print(identityHashCode(c)); // 2
print(identityHashCode(1)); // 1
print(identityHashCode(2)); // 2

Render lit / lit-html TemplateResult as string

In lit/lit-html/lit-element, a standard component is the TemplateResult (usually HTMLTemplateResult), created like:
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<div>Hello ${msg}!</div>`;
and of course the power and efficiency of the library is that subsequent calls will reuse the same <div> Element and only replace the changed fragments.
For testing the renderMe() function above, however, it would be helpful to be able to see the return value as a standard string, like:
assert.equal(RENDER_AS_STRING(renderMe('kimiko')), '<div>Hello kimiko!</div>');
and fix any bugs in the function before testing how it renders into the browser itself.
Is there a function like RENDER_AS_STRING either in lit itself or in a testing library? I have searched and not found one.
The result of execution contains html strings and values that alternate:
We can combine them in the same order:
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<div>Hello ${msg}!</div>`;
const getRenderString = (data) => {
const {strings, values} = data;
const v = [...values, ''] // + last emtpty part
return strings.reduce((acc,s, i) => acc + s + v[i], '')
You can test it in the playground
And the recursive version
import {html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';
function renderMe(msg) {
return html`<p>Hello ${msg}!</p>`;
function renderBlock(msg) {
return html`<div>${renderMe(msg)}</div>`;
const getRenderString = (data) => {
const {strings, values} = data;
const v = [...values, ''].map(e => typeof e === 'object' ? getRenderString(e) : e )
return strings.reduce((acc,s, i) => acc + s + v[i], '')
document.getElementById('output').textContent = getRenderString(renderBlock('SO'))
#Daniil Loban's answer works great if the arguments are strings, but if they might themselves be TemplateResults or arrays of TemplateResults (which are all allowed by spec), it needs a more complex answer:
export function template_as_string(data) {
const {strings, values} = data;
const value_list = [...values, '']; // + last empty part
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
let v = value_list[i];
if (v._$litType$ !== undefined) {
v = template_as_string(v); // embedded Template
} else if (v instanceof Array) {
// array of strings or templates.
let new_v = '';
for (const inner_v of [...v]) {
new_v += template_as_string(inner_v);
v = new_v;
output += strings[i] + v;
return output;

12.0 can't be identified as double nor int or numeric in flutter

I have this problem with dart. I created a simple calculator. If the result if a calculation is equal to, for example, -12.9 or 12.9. The app gives the correct answer and no error. But, if the answer given is 12.0 or -12.0, the app crashes. Why is that? I created a function to check if the string is an int or a double. It returns false.
bool isDouble(String number) {
try {
num n = num.parse(number);
if (n % 1 == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
For the numeric, I used the isNumeric function in dart. Please help me.
As Riwen mentioned, any whole number % 1 is 0, even if it's a float. You can check the type of a variable with .runtimeType. I think when you parse the string to num, it automatically converts whole numbers to int, so you cant just check if runtimeType == "double". Also, to remove decimal values, you can just use .floor(), which will round down and convert the variable to an int.
This function seems to work:
bool isDouble(String number) {
if (int.tryParse(number) == null){
if (double.parse(number).isFinite) return true;
return false;

Converting boolean integer to string value in javascript

I am reading a boolean integer value from database (0 or 1).
Is there an simple solution to convert a boolean int to boolean string?
When I was saving the value to my database I was able convert the string to an int using a javascript ternary operator.
var i = result ? 1 : 0;
Is it possible to preform the opposite?
My current work-around is:
function boolIntToString(i) {
if (i == 1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
The expression i != 0 evaluates to boolean false if i = 0, or true otherwise, so to get true or false, you could simply write:
var theBool = i != 0;
If you want a string, you can call .toString() on that boolean result. Wrapping this into your function, you get:
function boolIntToString(i) {
return (i != 0).toString();
Note that your own function returns a boolean, not a string.

Issue with getting 2 chars from string using indexer

I am facing an issue in reading char values.
See my program below. I want to evaluate an infix expression.
As you can see I want to read '10' , '*', '20' and then use them...but if I use string indexer s[0] will be '1' and not '10' and hence I am not able to get the expected result.
Can you guys suggest me something? Code is in c#
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string infix = "10*2+20-20+3";
float result = EvaluateInfix(infix);
public static float EvaluateInfix(string s)
Stack<float> operand = new Stack<float>();
Stack<char> operator1 = new Stack<char>();
int len = s.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (isOperator(s[i])) // I am having an issue here as s[i] gives each character and I want the number 10
if (operand.Count == 2)
Compute(operand, operator1);
return operand.Pop();
public static void Compute(Stack<float> operand, Stack<char> operator1)
float operand1 = operand.Pop();
float operand2 = operand.Pop();
char op = operator1.Pop();
if (op == '+')
operand.Push(operand1 + operand2);
operand.Push(operand1 - operand2);
operand.Push(operand1 * operand2);
operand.Push(operand1 / operand2);
public static bool isOperator(char c)
bool result = false;
if (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/')
result = true;
return result;
You'll need to split the string - which means working out exactly how you want to split the string. I suspect you'll find Regex.Split to be the most appropriate splitting tool in this case, as you're dealing with patterns. Alternatively, you may want to write your own splitting routine.
Do you only need to deal with integers and operators? How about whitespace? Brackets? Leading negative numbers? Multiplication by negative numbers (e.g. "3*-5")?
Store the numerical value in a variable, and push that when you encounter an operator or the end of the string:
int num = 0;
foreach (char c in s) {
if (isOperator(c)) {
if (num != 0) {
num = 0;
if (operand.Count == 2) {
Compute(operand, operator1);
} else {
num = num * 10 + (int)(c - '0');
if (num != 0) {