How to make Parts movable within a PartStack - eclipse

I'm trying to figure out how to make the Part's movable within a Part Stack in e4.
Any ideas ?

To support drag and drop of parts you need the DndAddon and CleanupAddon specified in your Application.e4xmi.
The Class URIs are:
This requires the org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.swt plugin


eclipse RCP4 Add Toolbar to Parts

How to model a toolbar ONCE and render it in some Parts/Views (not in the default place which is the window!)? Using the model level (and maybe Addons?)
I have currently
Eclipse 2022.03-4.23
Application.e4xmi with that Toolbar but
Gets added dynamically using an Addon that listens to "PART_ADDED" event topic which
Leads to a NPE due to other event topic "UIEvents.Part.TOPIC_TOOLBAR" within a framework method in a class called LazyStackRenderer
So the guy before me had written an Addon to dynamically add the Toolbar to the parts. Maybe to make the buttons save/print per part or because the main layout has two stacks and only the parts stack is relevant.
Appreciate any help! I searched a lot but no success!
I solved it so far. The dynamically created MParts were not added as children to the container (in my case the PartStack) in the first place and also had to comment the adding of placeholder objects that carry the same information of the parts. This dynamic step was done as a reaction to the topic #UIEventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE) in some written Addon.
I am not a 100% sure that discarding the placeholders is safe but still this is the best trail I have ever reached.
I hope this would help others!
Thank you #greg-449

Drag & drop in custom tree view [duplicate]

I have successfully populated a TreeView via creating a TreeDataProvider and customized the icons and its collapse-able property. Now I want to be able to drag and drop its ViewItem(s) onto a WebView. There are unfortunately no samples for drag and drop. Reading through the TreeView source, ViewItem(s) are created in HeightMap.OnInsertItems() via the TreeView.createViewItem(), from the derived class.
The public TreeView.onInsertItem() would appear to be a great extension point, extending TreeView and onInsertItem() and capturing its ViewItem parameter. This Unfortunately, the creation of the concrete class, ExtHostTreeView, that is ultimately created, is buried in layers of private methods (createExtHostTreeViewer()).
Strangely, the ViewItem has a setter for draggable. However, how would you ever get a reference to the ViewItem to set it? If there is a way to do this please point me at an example. If there is not, I would be glad to fork and implement it. Leaving the existing onInsertItem and perhaps add an array of handlers to be added to with an addOnInsertItemListener() method? Or perhaps use RxJS?
There are so many places this could be used. You could drag template fragments into documents or code, DSL rules into a expert system, configuration file values into parameters or right hand values (generating the code to retrieve the value). Thank you for any assistance.
It seems that drag and drop in custom views is currently not supported. There's a (fairly popular) feature request for it here:
Add drag and drop for contributed tree views (#32592)
As of version 1.66 (March 2022) there is a TreeDragAndDropController which can be used for some drag & drop actions.
In April 2022, their sample focuses on drag & drop within a tree view:
It is also possible to use the text/url-list type as described in the documentation to allow for dragging files to the editor panel:
It is not clear to me yet whether it is possible to drag arbitrary data to webviews or to use standard HTML5 drag & drop API in a webview to allow dragging data to a custom tree view.

Adding drag and drop support in a custom TreeView

I have successfully populated a TreeView via creating a TreeDataProvider and customized the icons and its collapse-able property. Now I want to be able to drag and drop its ViewItem(s) onto a WebView. There are unfortunately no samples for drag and drop. Reading through the TreeView source, ViewItem(s) are created in HeightMap.OnInsertItems() via the TreeView.createViewItem(), from the derived class.
The public TreeView.onInsertItem() would appear to be a great extension point, extending TreeView and onInsertItem() and capturing its ViewItem parameter. This Unfortunately, the creation of the concrete class, ExtHostTreeView, that is ultimately created, is buried in layers of private methods (createExtHostTreeViewer()).
Strangely, the ViewItem has a setter for draggable. However, how would you ever get a reference to the ViewItem to set it? If there is a way to do this please point me at an example. If there is not, I would be glad to fork and implement it. Leaving the existing onInsertItem and perhaps add an array of handlers to be added to with an addOnInsertItemListener() method? Or perhaps use RxJS?
There are so many places this could be used. You could drag template fragments into documents or code, DSL rules into a expert system, configuration file values into parameters or right hand values (generating the code to retrieve the value). Thank you for any assistance.
It seems that drag and drop in custom views is currently not supported. There's a (fairly popular) feature request for it here:
Add drag and drop for contributed tree views (#32592)
As of version 1.66 (March 2022) there is a TreeDragAndDropController which can be used for some drag & drop actions.
In April 2022, their sample focuses on drag & drop within a tree view:
It is also possible to use the text/url-list type as described in the documentation to allow for dragging files to the editor panel:
It is not clear to me yet whether it is possible to drag arbitrary data to webviews or to use standard HTML5 drag & drop API in a webview to allow dragging data to a custom tree view.

Filtering contents in Eclipse Common Navigator Framework view

I am developing a 3.x based Eclipse RCP application. In the part of application, I am implementing Common-navigator plugin of Eclipse itself, in order to display resources in the workspace. I'have created the navigator view shown below:
But I would like display only one tree child element. More specifically, I only want clause folder and its elements to be shown.
What is the accurate way to do it?
Add dependecy of org.eclipse.ui.navigator if not exists in plugin.xml.
Add extension point org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent in extension tab.
Create CommonFilter under that and provide your values to the properties on the right.
Create a class which extends 'org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter' and implement you logic in overridden public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) (Note : return true would retain the resource in Navigator otherwise it will be hidden).
Configure this extended class in extension for class property in CommonFilter.
And you are good to go for testing.
BTW, this way is adding common filter to across all the Navigator. If you need to configure for particular navigator then you need to get its view and then get viewer out of it and attach your filter to viewer. To achieve this you may need a trigger point e.g., a menu/button/startup extension!

What is a CQ5 overlay component?

I've been asked to create a CQ5 "overlay" component by simply copying the out-of-box component from /libs/foundation/components/flash to /apps/myproject/components/flash. My question is: what happens to the original - is it just ignored?
a CQ5 "overlay" leverages sling rules for resource resolving. if /libs/foundation/components/flash needs an overlay, you "overlay" the corresponding file at location /apps/foundation/components/flash/filename This will CHANGE how the foundation component behaves in all instances. And the existing sidekick component remains, but behaves differently.
If you have a NEW component at /apps/myproject/components/flash, it can inherit from the foundation component via sling:resourceSuperType on the new component. In that case, you have a new component in the sidekick. In your new component, you could use the same values for jcr:title, componentGroup, or you could change them to distinguish your component in the sidekick. If the title, componentGroups are the same, the sidekick can distinguish them with parenthesis around the webapp (foundation) vs (myproject). However, I have seen situations where it is impossible as an author to distinguish them.
It is not ignored. Both components can show up in the authors' sidekick -- one will say flash (foundation), the other flash (myproject). When one of these is used by an author CQ will instantiate appropriately. The usual rules apply for what shows up in the sidekick (group name, selected in design mode, etc.)
Just to clarify: overlay and flash are two different things.
Sample of overlay implementation:
So if you were asked to create an Overlay component, copying a Flash one might not be the best idea.