eclipse RCP4 Add Toolbar to Parts - eclipse

How to model a toolbar ONCE and render it in some Parts/Views (not in the default place which is the window!)? Using the model level (and maybe Addons?)
I have currently
Eclipse 2022.03-4.23
Application.e4xmi with that Toolbar but
Gets added dynamically using an Addon that listens to "PART_ADDED" event topic which
Leads to a NPE due to other event topic "UIEvents.Part.TOPIC_TOOLBAR" within a framework method in a class called LazyStackRenderer
So the guy before me had written an Addon to dynamically add the Toolbar to the parts. Maybe to make the buttons save/print per part or because the main layout has two stacks and only the parts stack is relevant.
Appreciate any help! I searched a lot but no success!

I solved it so far. The dynamically created MParts were not added as children to the container (in my case the PartStack) in the first place and also had to comment the adding of placeholder objects that carry the same information of the parts. This dynamic step was done as a reaction to the topic #UIEventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE) in some written Addon.
I am not a 100% sure that discarding the placeholders is safe but still this is the best trail I have ever reached.
I hope this would help others!
Thank you #greg-449


Extending the Eclipse PropertiesView with further tabs for existing PropertySources

After a quite long struggle with the known and unfortunately one of the few help articles about controlling properties, tabbed properties etc. (links below), I have decided to ask for your help.
What I need to do seems not that hard, but, well, I just couldn't bring the pieces together. So the problem is:
I want to extend the existing properties view of Eclipse (PropertySheet) with some further tabs, which will be later on filled with certain information from EMF objects, which in the end implement IAdaptable. So they can be queried for PropertySources and there are already a few tabs, sections extended in the corresponding project in its manifest, which are being successfully gathered from the Selection Listener of the PropertiesView.
Here comes the tricky part: I don't need to extend this project further, by defining further tabbed properties in its manifest. I need to implement a seperate plug-in project, which does this extension job for the other main project. I don't need extra views or so. This existing project provides the property sources and like sad has its own designed tabbed property view via its extensions.
I have actually become quite familiar with the concept of the views and properties, I can build some Property Sources and let the Properties View gather/show/manipulate the properties.
But this idea, letting an external plug-in extend the Properties View with tabs of an another EMF-based plug-in project, just can't get to me. I am really confused and don't know with what to begin with.
I would be unbelievably glad, if you could point me to the right direction.
Thanks a lot!

kineticjs drag & drop - no release inconsistency

First of all drag and drop works correctly in my stages in version 4.3.0, so I just want to understand why I get the following problem with 4.3.3.
I have three stages. One sits in a container in a document in an iframe. The others sit in containers in the iframe's parent document, one displaying a complex layout of shapes and the other a single simple shape for testing. The document in the iframe which controls all the action has a viewfinder overlay that drags and drops correctly. However the shapes in the layout and test stages do not release on mouseup.
Any idea about what's going on would be appreciated ... I like to try and keep up to date.
Well, since I can't see any of your code I can only help so much, try doing the following.
For each shape that you have, add this attribute:
dragOnTop: false
fill: 'blue',
dragOnTop: false
Let me explain how I found an answer by first amending the structure. There is a holding file which contains shared files and two iframes - one for a machine-like index and one for a display each with its own scripts. The main shared file is nameset.json which lists all the objects and their key/value couplets. These are sent to 'fill out' the machine and display frameworks. I thought I could do the same with the Kinetic Global object, referring to the Global.stages array. It seems obvious now that each of the iframes needs its own Kinetic link (rather than pointer) and these need to be used to marry machine/display interactions like the map shown here. Anyway all the dragging and dropping works smoothly as promoted. Thanks for that!
Will mark as answered but if anyone has any comments would be pleased to read them.

Navigating hierarchical data, FrameAdapter, Frame control

I want to implement navigating a tree structure like it is done in e.g. the WinRT file picker. I then want to be able to drop this behavior as part of any page.
My current attempt, is to try and register a secondary FrameAdapter/INavigationService in the container and use that for a frame that is different from the app root frame. So far, I could not get it to work.
My motivation behind that, is, that I do not want to reimplement sth. that the INavigationService already provides.
Basic structure:
ShellView that represents the general app layout (header, footer, navigation) and is currently an OneActive conductor.
Frame control (x:Name="ActiveItem") on the ShellView inside which the hierarchical navigation should occur
The chosen conductor has no relevance yet, since I'll probably have to nest the FrameControl inside another view later to really set up a MDI interface. I'll will want to have multiple screens that should be able to hierarchically navigate
I could not find a CM WP7 example of such a scenario
Can you help me out here?
My problems so far:
How do I access the container from a view code-behind without resorting to using the Application.Current. I figured, it is in the code-behind where I would want to setup the secondary FrameAdapter, since it is here that I have access to the FrameControl
How do I setup the INavigationService so that the initial loading by CM (populating the ActiveItem) is registered with it. There does not seem to be a navigation event for this initial display of the ActiveItem.
Many thanks in advance,
PS: I have cross-posted to the Caliburn Micro discussions (Discussion over at CodePlex CM)

GWT 2.1 MVP (Activities/Places) and Tabbed Displays [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
GWT 2.1 Places example without Activities
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
On an existing project we’re using MVP (hand crafted) reasonably well. It’s understood and does mostly what we need. For a new project I'm looking at using the MVP framework built into GWT 2.1 (Activities and Places).
Our applications are mostly tabbed displays with each tab bound to a single view widget.
I’ve tried to use Activities and Places without success for this type of display. Part of the problem is that the example Hello World article ended up leaving me chasing my tail, too many new concepts for my brain to digest.
The Hello World sample IMO is not a sufficient introduction and doesn’t deal with many of the real world use cases. I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of any sample applications that use MVP for tabbed displays. Thomas Broyer has some excellent posts on his blog but these have still left me a little perplexed.
Previously I’ve used an AppController to handle tabs changes and single presenters for each tab. The new architecture in GWT 2.1 leaves me more confused that it should.
I'm using the gwt Activities/Places framework for a tabbed display, and it works great, BUT: I decided to abandon the TabLayoutPanel widget we had been using and create my own navbar (that looks like tabs) and a content pane. The effect is the same - it looks identical - but the implementation is much cleaner.
I think the problem is in trying to mix Activities/Places, which has its own idea of navigation, with a TabPanel, which has another idea of navigation. At first I tried to throw them together, overriding tab button behavior to trigger a PlaceController, which in turn switched the tabs around, but... it was messy. With the independent navbar / content pane, the PlaceController could do everything just like it wanted to. You just have to manually switch the views, instead of letting a TabPanel do it for you.
I also faced this problem but managed to make it work using one activity per Tab and each activity using a presenter (or more) to display the components of the tab.
Regarding the solution found by Riley Lark, I, instead, opted by using a Decorator pattern and, so, keep the original TabbedPanel. How ? Each activity gets injected (GIN) a presenter that contains a decorator for the TabbedPanel.
So, for example:
Tab1Activity gets injected with Tab1Presenter, which, in turn, gets injected with Tab1Decorator which decorates the TabbedPanel with a Tab1ContentPanel (this panel contains all the widgets to be displayed on the Tab1 tab)
Tab2Activity gets injected with Tab2Presenter, which, in turn, gets injected with Tab2Decorator which decorates the same TabbedPanel with a Tab2ContentPanel (this panel contains all the widgets to be displayed on the Tab2 tab)
Seems complex but, after creating the first decorator, it really paid off and I was able to keep the TabbedPanel and take advantage of the URL history management implicit in the framework.

How do you update a JFace Viewer from inside a Job?

Caveat: I'm still struggling with proper MVC in Eclipse plugin development, so if you see anything here that is most likely causing me more pain that I should be enduring, please let me know.
The question:
I have a View with a JFace Tree Viewer and a Table (not a table viewer... that will be changed down the road).
I have an action that is initialized with a reference to the View (this seems terrible to me, but I don't yet know how to do it the right way). When the action is run -- via a button on the view -- the action:
1) gets the Tree Viewer from the View
2) gets the underlying model
3) creates a Job
a) inside the job, loops over the model and does various things to it, including adding additional children into the model
b) uses a function exposed in the view that "clears" the Table in the view
4) adds a JobChangeListener that implements "done()".
a) inside the done() method, it expands the treeviewer via this code:
loadMethodsJob.addJobChangeListener(new JobChangeAdapter(){
public void done(IJobChangeEvent event){
Inside the Job, whenever I attempt to access the elements in the viewer, I get Invalid Thread Access errors. I believe I understand why I get them when running inside the job, but I'm not sure how to work around them correctly if I can't interact with the widgets in the job change listener. I can get it to work if I wrap every interaction with the widgets in a getDisplay().synchExec(....), but I seem to remember reading that this is not preferable.
I feel like I'm on the cusp of a big leap in understanding with Eclipse SWT, so I appreciate any guidance in getting there.
Any UI component in SWT can be accessed only by a UI thread.
Since the done method of the job runs in a separate non-UI thread, the invalid thread access is fired.
By wrapping every interaction in a Display.syncExec , you are making sure that it runs in the display thread (The UI thread).
There shouldn't be any problem with the above approach.