I have developed an eclipse Plugin using Java SWT. My plugin has few Wizard Pages.
Now, I need to add an image/logo on the header part of the Wizard Pages.
Can anyone give suggestions on how to do the same using SWT please.
Images in a plugin are usually placed in an images or icons folder - don't forget to add this folder to the build.properties so that it will be included in the built plugin.
You load images from the folder using:
final URL fullPathString = FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path(path), null);
ImageDescriptor imageDesc = ImageDescriptor.createFromURL(fullPathString);
Image image = imageDesc.createImage();
bundle is your plugin Bundle, you can get this from your Activator (if you have one) or using:
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("plugin id");
Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass());
path is the image path relative to the plugin - so something like images/xxx.gif
If you create an Image you must dispose of it when done (ImageDescriptor does not need to be disposed).
You can use org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry to manage the images and image descriptors.
Once you have an ImageDescriptor you set it as the title image on a wizard page by calling WizardPage.setImageDescriptor(descriptor).
I try to write a plugin for my Flutter project, I want to load an image from plugin Assets folder, do anyone know how can I load this frame.png from objective c native code?
I tried use: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"frame" ofType:#"png"];
but it getting null. Anyone here know how to load this image?
If you are developing a flutter plugin and need to have native assets these are the following things you have to do,
Add your files in Assets folder or any other folder inside ios folder
Add the following line in podspec file
s.resources = 'Assets/*.png'
Access the file using Bundle
let bundle = Bundle(for: YourPlugin.self)
let url = bundle.url(forResource: "frame", withExtension: "png")!
I am loading a html file to WKWebview from local everything is working fine but it is not showing image on iPhone.
This is the code i am using to load a html file
let fileName = try String(contentsOf: destinationURLForFile)
print("fileName is equal to\(fileName)")
webView.loadHTMLString(fileName, baseURL: destinationURLForFile)
Trying to fix since hours. Any suggestions would be helpful!
I had a very similar issue yesterday, you need to tell the build to copy this file to the device as part of the bundle.
Make sure sure you have the HTML file in the Copy Bundle Resources part of the build settings. Just go to the project settings > build phases > copy bundle resources and if your HTML file is not listed there, click the + button and add it.
This should solve your issue, if not could you please provide more information, are you getting any errors, does the file actually exist?
In my JavaFX Application I generate a barcode with barcode4j by Apache, save it as png image in the directory /data/images/ and embed it in a web page which is shown on a JavaFX WebView.
After generating the barcode I embend it into the webpage using the following Javascript-Code:
path = "file:/" + path.replace(/\\/gi,"/");
var barcodeElement = document.getElementById("productBarcode");
barcodeElement.setAttribute("src", path );
barcodeElement.style.display = "inline-block";
I use the absolute path C:\path\to\java-program\data\myimage.png and build a file-URL from it.
Using this in Eclipse works without any problems. But when I build my project and start it from my jar-file the image is not shown. But the problem is not, that the path is incorrect or that generating the picture does not work, so that there is some kind of "not found" error. The place where the image should be is just white with a light border around.
And now the strangest part: If you right click on the image and choose "open in new window" the image is shown!
Does someone has an idea about that?
Thank you very much in advance!
My understanding is that the WebView won't let a page loaded with one protocol access files using another one. This makes perfect sense when you load through http://, and forbid file://. Here, you're loading through jar:file:..., and the webview will only let you access jar:file:... resources (I just tried, I can access an image from another jar file, from the same jar file, but not from outside!).
This sounds very much like a bug to me.
One workaround mentioned here is to use "data:" URI (i.e. encode the image directly in the HTML file).
I have a bundle where i put images in it.
The contents are:
I dragged MyBundle.bundle into my project.
Now I can see these images in Interface Builder and can even use them. However, when I run the app, I don't see the images.
What's wrong?
Make sure the bundle is getting copied over in the "Build Phases" of the project settings for the target.
Also, try setting them progrmatically and see if they show:
myImageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png"];
I just tried this in my project and found that what you need to do is specify the image with the bundle name in front like this:
In the IB the image will look broken:
but when you build and run your project the image will show correctly.
So, in your case, use MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png in the actual Interface Builder Image box.
Also, when you dont put the bundle name in front, you get this warning when you load the view with the bundle image:
2011-10-12 08:22:16.360 UTDebug[721:11c03] Could not load the "map.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.companyname.myproject"
You need to put the XIB in the bundle, too. When you do that, resources for the interface will be relative to the bundle, so they'll work both in IB and when you load the interface in your app.
You might have a stray build setting from having created the bundle as a Mac OS X target.
See my other answer for the solution.
For rendering svg file on iPhone I have downloaded a project from GitHub
but it shows the following errors:
UIKit/UIKit.h No such file or directory
(I am not able to add it using add existing frameworks)
Libxml/tree.h:No such file or directory
Expected specifier-qualifier list before xmlParserCtxtPtr
Does anyone know how I can make this project work?
I have also found another framework:
It works well for some SVG files but not for all.
Is it possible to render any SVG file in iPhone without using UIWebView and are there any tutorials or sample code?
Starting Xcode 12, you can add the .svg file in your Assets Catalog and do this:
let image = UIImage(named: "SomeSVGImage")
ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/xcode-12-beta-release-notes