PyArg_ParseTuple() on arbitrary tuples - python-c-api

I am looking for confirmation on this issue:
Can I use PyArg_ParseTuple() on any Python tuple, or just on those passed as argument lists from function calls?
I see strong indication for the former, but to my reading the documentation is rather vague on this point, hence my question here.

The only problem is that the error messages, if an error occurs while parsing the tuple, will be appropriate to a function call.
Otherwise, it should work on arbitrary tuples just as well as on argument lists.


Is there a simple way to filter & narrow collections on instance type in assertj?

Can this be written as a single line?
.filteredOn(delta -> delta instanceof Replacement)
I expected asInstanceOf to do the filtering. Alternatively, I searched for extractors or other concepts, but couldn't find any simple solution.
Is that possible with assertj?
By design, the purpose of asInstanceOf is only to provide type-narrowed assertions for cases where the type of the object under assertion is not visible at compile time.
When you provide InstanceOfAssertFactories.list(Replacement.class) as a parameter for asInstanceOf, you are telling AssertJ that you expect the object under assertion to be a List with elements of type Replacement.
While asInstanceOf will make sure that the object under test is a List, it will neither filter nor enforce that all the list elements are of type Replacement. The Replacement will ensure type-safety with subsequent methods that can be chained, for example with extracting(Function).
Currently, filteredOn(Predicate) or any other filteredOn variant is the right way to take out elements that should not be part of the assertion. If the filtering would happen outside (e.g., via Stream API), no asInstanceOf call would be needed as assertThat() could detect the proper element type based on the input declaration.


I am doing some basic tasks using, sql/xml. I am currently working on an error message that I get when trying to compute a XMLQUERY() within a XMLATTRIBUTES() function. (See code below)
XMLATTRIBUTES(XMLQUERY('$t//Element/text()' PASSING Info AS "t") AS "hello"))
The error message that I get, says that there is no qualified routine that can run the function. I cant copy-paste the error message because its in Swedish, but this should be enough.
Also this might help: SQLCODE=-440, SQLSTATE=42884, DRIVER=4.18.60
So my question is (I have been looking for the answer), why doesn't this work? I will always get a value from that XMLQUERY, and it should simply translate into a value and used by XMLATTRIBUTES()
Any documentation, or link, is welcomed as well!
Thank you in advance!
The scalar function XMLQUERY returns an XML value. The function XMLATTRIBUTES expects an expression that returns a value of any type, but XML and some other types.
Thus, the functions are not compatible the way you are using them. DB2 cannot find a routine with that function signature. It results in that error -440.
How about wrapping a CAST/XMLCAST around it...?

Set Matlab function parameter as uint8

Is it possible in Matlab to say what the function expects? something like this:
function functionA( obj, uint8(param) )
Here I am saying that the function expects one parameter of type uint8.
Not on the function signature. Typically, you do this via an assert block:
function (obj, param)
assert(isa(param, 'uint8'),...
[mfilename ':invalid_datatype'],...
'Parameter ''param'' must be of class ''uint8''; received ''%s''.',...
To complement Rody's answer, there are four ways that you can do this:
Use a conditional and raise an exception if the argument is not of the expected type. The problem with this method is that you have to write a lot of code.
Use an assertion. See Rody's answer or here. One can argue that this is not what assertions are supposed to be used for, but you can certainly use them this way.
Use the validateattributesfunction. See here. This is a very good balance between simplicity and utility. It allows you to check for a number of properties in an argument (and generally, any variable at any part of code)
Use the inputParser class. See here. This is the most powerful method of parsing inputs, but may be overkill. Also, the cost of creating an inputParser object means that it may not be a good idea for functions that are called repeatedly. Nevertheless, it's very good for the public API.

What is the difference between ByRef and Output method argument modifiers?

All is in the subject, really.
I fail to see what the difference in behavior is between those two methods for x:
// first version
Method m(ByRef x As whatever)
// play with x
// second version
Method m(Output x As whatever)
// play with x
There must be some reason why both those modifiers exist, however my "mastery" (uhm) of the language is not enough to understand the difference. I have tried and read the documentation, search it etc, to no avail so far.
So, what is the difference between those two argument modifiers?
Well those are just "prettifiers", they don't do much in terms of actual language behaviour, and only used to provide documentation. Idea is that arguments documented as ByRef provide both input and output, for example you can pass an array to be sorted, and Output arguments only provide output, for example list of errors. Output modifier was introduced later, and a lot of system code still use ByRef for both use cases.
If argument is actually passed by reference is only determined by method caller, and keyword doesn't really matter. You will call your method as ..m(.parameter) to pass variable by reference, and ..m(parameter) to pass variable by value.

Why making a difference between methods and functions in Scala?

I have been reading about methods and functions in Scala. Jim's post and Daniel's complement to it do a good job of explaining what the differences between these are. Here is what I took with me:
functions are objects, methods are not;
as a consequence functions can be passed as argument, but methods can not;
methods can be type-parametrised, functions can not;
methods are faster.
I also understand the difference between def, val and var.
Now I have actually two questions:
Why can't we parametrise the apply method of a function to parametrise the function? And
Why can't the method be called by the function object to run faster? Or the caller of the function be made calling the original method directly?
Looking forward to your answers and many thanks in advance!
1 - Parameterizing functions.
It is theoretically possible for a compiler to parameterize the type of a function; one could add that as a feature. It isn't entirely trivial, though, because functions are contravariant in their argument and covariant in their return value:
trait Function1[+T,-R] { ... }
which means that another function that can take more arguments counts as a subclass (since it can process anything that the superclass can process), and if it produces a smaller set of results, that's okay (since it will also obey the superclass construct that way). But how do you encode
def fn[A](a: A) = a
in that framework? The whole point is that the return type is equal to the type passed in, whatever that type has to be. You'd need
Function1[ ThisCanBeAnything, ThisHasToMatch ]
as your function type. "This can be anything" is well-represented by Any if you want a single type, but then you could return anything as the original type is lost. This isn't to say that there is no way to implement it, but it doesn't fit nicely into the existing framework.
2 - Speed of functions.
This is really simple: a function is the apply method on another object. You have to have that object in order to call its method. This will always be slower (or at least no faster) than calling your own method, since you already have yourself.
As a practical matter, JVMs can do a very good job inlining functions these days; there is often no difference in performance as long as you're mostly using your method or function, not creating the function object over and over. If you're deeply nesting very short loops, you may find yourself creating way too many functions; moving them out into vals outside of the nested loops may save time. But don't bother until you've benchmarked and know that there's a bottleneck there; typically the JVM does the right thing.
Think about the type signature of a function. It explicitly says what types it takes. So then type-parameterizing apply() would be inconsistent.
A function is an object, which must be created, initialized, and then garbage-collected. When apply() is called, it has to grab the function object in addition to the parent.