Set Matlab function parameter as uint8 - matlab

Is it possible in Matlab to say what the function expects? something like this:
function functionA( obj, uint8(param) )
Here I am saying that the function expects one parameter of type uint8.

Not on the function signature. Typically, you do this via an assert block:
function (obj, param)
assert(isa(param, 'uint8'),...
[mfilename ':invalid_datatype'],...
'Parameter ''param'' must be of class ''uint8''; received ''%s''.',...

To complement Rody's answer, there are four ways that you can do this:
Use a conditional and raise an exception if the argument is not of the expected type. The problem with this method is that you have to write a lot of code.
Use an assertion. See Rody's answer or here. One can argue that this is not what assertions are supposed to be used for, but you can certainly use them this way.
Use the validateattributesfunction. See here. This is a very good balance between simplicity and utility. It allows you to check for a number of properties in an argument (and generally, any variable at any part of code)
Use the inputParser class. See here. This is the most powerful method of parsing inputs, but may be overkill. Also, the cost of creating an inputParser object means that it may not be a good idea for functions that are called repeatedly. Nevertheless, it's very good for the public API.


What's the point behind passing functions as arguments to other functions?

It's a rather general purpose question and not specific to any one language. I don't quite understand the point behind passing a function as an argument to another function. I understand that if a function, say, foo1() needs to use some result returned by another function foo2(), why can't the values returned/updated by foo2() be passed to foo1() as is? Or in another scenario, why can't the foo2() be called within foo1() with its results being used therein?
Also what happens under the hood when a foo2() is passed as an argument to foo1()? Is foo2() executed prior to foo1()?
Generally speaking, you pass a function foo2 to a function foo1 in cases where multiple evaluations of foo2 will be necessary - and you perhaps don't know in advance what parameters will be used for each call of foo2, so you couldn't possibly perform the calls yourself in advance.
I think that a sort() function/method on lists might be the best concrete example. Consider a list of People - you might reasonably want to sort them alphabetically by name, or numerically by age, or by geographical distance from a given point, or many other possible orders. It would hardly be practical to include every such ordering as built-in options to sort(): the usual approach taken by languages is to allow the caller to provide a function as a parameter, that defines the ordering between items of the list.
There are many reasons:
Dependency injection: if you pass a method that in production will use a database call, and you use it with different parameters, you could substitute it with some mock when unit testing.
Map, filter, reduce: you could apply the same method to a list of parameters, to map it, filter it or reduce it.
Usually to provide callbacks, or to separate interface from implementation. Look up the following:
1. Dependency Injection,
2. Callbacks,
3. Anonymous Functions (aka Lambdas),
Take a look at this book where it is used extensively in developing TDD with C:

How to safely manipulate MATLAB anonymous functions in string form

I have an anonymous function that I would like to manipulate in string form then use with fsolve.
When I do this the references in the anonymous function to constants are lost and fsolve fails.
The problem is easily illustrated.
The following works:
x = fsolve(#(x)myfun(x),[1 4],optimoptions('fsolve','Display','off'))
The following throws an error as explained here:
%string operations would go here such as strrep(mystring,'A','A^2') or whatever
x = fsolve(#(x)myfun2(x),[1 4],optimoptions('fsolve','Display','off'))
Is there some way I CAN safely manipulate an anonymous function while retaining references to constant parameters?
more info
Specifically I'm writing a simple wrapper to allow fsolve to accept imaginary numbers for simple cases. The following illustrates a working example without a constant parameter:
f3=strcat('#(x)[real(',f2,'); imag(',f2,')]');
result=arrayfun(#(cinput)[1 1i]*(real(fsolve(fc,[real(cinput);imag(cinput)],opts))),cX0)
As in the failed example above if I include a parameter in my wrapper the process fails with the same error as above.
I originally suggested to use the symbolic math toolbox, but reading your question again I realized it's just a simple substitution of input parameters. You can achieve this using function handles without any string processing.
result=arrayfun(#(cinput)[1 1i]*(real(fsolve(#(x)wrapper(x,myeqn),[real(cinput);imag(cinput)],opts))),cX0)
As much as I hate to suggest using the eval function, you could do:
myfun2 = eval(mystring);
Using eval is kinda frowned upon because it makes code hard to analyze (since arbitrary nastiness could be going on in that string), but don't let other people's coding style stop you from doing what works :)
In your longer example, this would correspond to changing the line:
Again, the use of eval is strongly discouraged, so you should consider alternatives to this type of string manipulation of function definitions.

Passing a method as argument without converting it to a Function

I've read here about the difference between functions and methods in scala. It says that methods can be slightly faster than functions. But when passing a method m as an argument using m _, m is implicitly converted to a function.
Is the performance difference significant enough to ponder avoiding Functions when it is going to be a bottleneck in my program?
Is there a way to pass a method as an argument without converting it to a Function?
Kind of irrelevant to by 2. But in general, forget about performance, methods are more readable than function declarations. They might be a little faster in some situations from compiler optimizations, but:
You cannot pass a method as an argument without converting it to a function. A method is a special language construct, and not an object itself. You must use eta-expansion to convert it to one if you want to use it as an object.
No. In the extremely rare case where this kind of microperformance was important, you'd want to pass the object that the method is on, and either modify the receiving function to accept that, or make the object implement one of the FunctionN interfaces so that it can be used as a function.
It makes just as much sense avoiding functions as it does avoiding other object allocations. There's nothing particularly special about them.
It's possible to pass and invoke methods directly using reflection, but the performance is going to be much worse than passing functions in the similar situation.

Why making a difference between methods and functions in Scala?

I have been reading about methods and functions in Scala. Jim's post and Daniel's complement to it do a good job of explaining what the differences between these are. Here is what I took with me:
functions are objects, methods are not;
as a consequence functions can be passed as argument, but methods can not;
methods can be type-parametrised, functions can not;
methods are faster.
I also understand the difference between def, val and var.
Now I have actually two questions:
Why can't we parametrise the apply method of a function to parametrise the function? And
Why can't the method be called by the function object to run faster? Or the caller of the function be made calling the original method directly?
Looking forward to your answers and many thanks in advance!
1 - Parameterizing functions.
It is theoretically possible for a compiler to parameterize the type of a function; one could add that as a feature. It isn't entirely trivial, though, because functions are contravariant in their argument and covariant in their return value:
trait Function1[+T,-R] { ... }
which means that another function that can take more arguments counts as a subclass (since it can process anything that the superclass can process), and if it produces a smaller set of results, that's okay (since it will also obey the superclass construct that way). But how do you encode
def fn[A](a: A) = a
in that framework? The whole point is that the return type is equal to the type passed in, whatever that type has to be. You'd need
Function1[ ThisCanBeAnything, ThisHasToMatch ]
as your function type. "This can be anything" is well-represented by Any if you want a single type, but then you could return anything as the original type is lost. This isn't to say that there is no way to implement it, but it doesn't fit nicely into the existing framework.
2 - Speed of functions.
This is really simple: a function is the apply method on another object. You have to have that object in order to call its method. This will always be slower (or at least no faster) than calling your own method, since you already have yourself.
As a practical matter, JVMs can do a very good job inlining functions these days; there is often no difference in performance as long as you're mostly using your method or function, not creating the function object over and over. If you're deeply nesting very short loops, you may find yourself creating way too many functions; moving them out into vals outside of the nested loops may save time. But don't bother until you've benchmarked and know that there's a bottleneck there; typically the JVM does the right thing.
Think about the type signature of a function. It explicitly says what types it takes. So then type-parameterizing apply() would be inconsistent.
A function is an object, which must be created, initialized, and then garbage-collected. When apply() is called, it has to grab the function object in addition to the parent.

Difference between a function and procedure?

I had a doubt
I know that main difference between a function and procedure is
The function compulsory returns a value where as a procedure may or may not returns value.
But when we use a function of type void it returns nothing.
Can u people please clarify my doubt.
Traditionally, a procedure returning a value has been called a function (see below), however, many modern languages dispense with the term procedure altogether, preferring to use the term function for all named code blocks.
Read more at Suite101: Procedure, subroutine or function?: Programming terminology 101 - a look at the differences in approach and definition of procedures, subroutines and functions.
In C and its derivatives, the term "procedure" is rarely used. C has functions some of which return a value and some of which don't. I think this is an artefact of C's heritage where before the introduction of void in ANSI C, there was no way to not return a value. By default functions returned an int which you could ignore (can still) and might be some random number if no explicit return value was specified.
In the Pascal language family, the difference is explicit, functions return a value and procedures don't. A different keyword is used in each case for the definition. Visual Basic also differentiates with functions and subroutines(?).
Since we are talking about Objective-C, there are some further issues to confuse you. Functions associated with a class or object are known as "methods" (class methods and instance methods respectively).
Also, if we are being pedantic, you don't call Objective-C methods, you invoke them by sending a message to the object. The distinction is actually quite important because the message name (aka "selector") does not necessarily always refer to the same method, it can be changed at run time. This is fundamentally different to languages like Java and C++ where a particular method name for a particular class is really just a symbolic name for the address of the block of code constituting the body of the method.
Depending on the programming language, the distinction may be not so clear. Let's take a conservative language, Pascal:
procedure indeed has no return value. It is used for operations which do not have a return value, or have multiple return values. In the latter case, multiple arguments (the return-arguments or output-arguments) are passed by reference (using the var keyword) and their values are directly modified from inside the procedure. (Note that this latter case may not be considered good practice, depending on the circumstances).
function has a single return value, and usually we do not expect it to change the value of any of its arguments (which arguments may then be passed by value, or via the const keyword). Multiple return values may be returned by bundling them into a record.
C or Java does not distinguish syntactically, so a function of return type void can be thought of as a procedure. Scala distinguished between them by the presence of an equals sign between the method head and method body.
Generally, no matter how an actual language calls its construct, we would ideally expect that
A function takes arguments, doesn't modify any state (like mutating arguments, global variables, or printing info for the user to the console), and returns the result of computation.
A procedure takes arguments, performs operations which can have side-effects (writing to a database, printing to the console, maybe mutating variables), but hopefully doesn't mutate any arguments.
In practice however, depending on the situation, blends of these expectations can be observed. Sticking to these guidelines helps I think.