Why no good speedup for Astropy parallel testing with pytest-xdist? - pytest

I'm running the Astropy tests in parallel using python setup.py test --parallel N option on my Macbook (4 real cores, solid state disk), which uses pytest-xdist to run the ~ 8000 tests in parallel.
I tried different N in the 1 to 10 range, but in all cases I can only get speed-ups of roughly 2, but I expected to get speedups in the 3 to 4 range (because running the tests should be CPU-limited).
Why are the speedups low and how can I get good speedups (using multiple cores on one computer)?
I tried the ramdisk suggestion from #Iguananaut:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'ramdisk' hdiutil attach -nomount ram://8388608
mkdir /Volumes/ramdisk/tmp
time python setup.py test -a '--basetemp=/Volumes/ramdisk/tmp' --parallel 8
The speedup is now ~ 2.2 compared to ~ 2.0 with the SSD.
Since I have four physical cores I expect something in the range 3 to 4.
Maybe the overhead for running the tests in parallel is very large for some reason.

I would suspect the SSD is the limiting factor there. Many of the tests are CPU bound, but just as many make heavy disk usage--temp files and the like. Those could perhaps be made even slower by running in parallel. Beyond that it's hard to say much since it depends on the particulars of your environment. I get significant speedup running the tests on six cores. Not quite 6x but it does make a difference.
One thing you might try is making a ramdisk to set as your temp directory. You can do this in OSX with diskutil. You can Google how to do that if you're not sure. Then you should be able to run ./setup.py test -A '--basetemp=path/to/ramdisk'. I haven't actually tried that with the Astropy tests and am not sure how it will work. But if it does work it will at least help somewhat rule out I/O as the bottleneck.
That said I'm being intentionally wishy-washy as to how much it might help. Even using a ramdisk--now your RAM's speed is becoming the bottleneck for I/O bound tests. No matter how many CPUs you have all the CPU-bound tests could finish instantly and the I/O-bound tests won't be made any faster, so you would still have to wait just as long (or almost as long for them to finish). With multiprocessing there's also additional overhead in message passing between the processes--exactly how this is being performed depends on a lot of factors but it's most likely through some shared memory. Anyone reading this also has no way of knowing what other processes are running on your machine that could be contending for those same resources. Even if your system monitor doesn't show anything making heavy use of the CPU, that doesn't mean there aren't processes doing other things that are adding to some bottleneck.
TL;DR I wouldn't make much of not getting a speedup directly proportional to the number of corse you throw at it, especially on something like a laptop.


How many parallel processes?

I am running some code in parallel by using a forking module in perl called Parallel::ForkManager. I have currently setting the maximum number of processes to 30:
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(30);
What would be an advisable maximum number of processes to create? I am doing this on a commercial grade Solaris server, but I still don't want to overload the system.
In downloading files, this really depends on
how many different hosts you're downloading from, and
how fast they will give you the requested files compared to your maximum bandwidth.
If you're downloading files from a single machine to a single machine on a local network, 2-3 is about max. If you're downloading files from 30 different servers on the internet, all of which are slow, but you have a fat pipe, then 30 might be reasonable.
There is no one universal right answer here. Unless you count "it depends."
The purpose of "downloading files" was mentioned, but in comments a while ago and I take the question as stated, to also be more general.
The only relevant measure is when you start reaching saturation in performance gains, with particular software on that system. The formal limits are huge and meaningless while rules of thumb are very general.
Let's imagine to run 10 processes and the time to complete the job drops 10 times. Increase to 20 processes and the time drops 20 times -- but for 30 processes the gain is the factor of 10. At this point we have loaded the system. Push further and the performance will degrade rapidly, and for everyone. At that point the server is overloaded, even though it allows, say, 1024 processes per user (and really ten or more times that for a server).
With a few processes per core the machine is engaged and I'd say that that is a good rule of thumb. However, it is too general. I doubt that you'd gain much in performance by going to that many processes, given the many other factors that affect it.
Accessing one web server The server's capability is the gospel. They may have posted how many requests per seconds they are happy with. Or they may have a limit on number of processes per user, say 10 or 20. If that means that many simultaneous downloads then that's your limit. But I'd be careful -- if the site is close and fast a request may complete in as little as 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. Then, with 10 processes you may be hitting the server 100 times a second. I do not recommend that. If there is no information I'd say keep it to a few requests per second. The performance and server load also depend on the content -- big downloads are different from pulling many skinny web pages. The I/O on your side may matter but I'd expect the server to set the limit. If you are going to use their service a lot why not send an email and ask what they are OK with.
I/O, network (many servers) or disk With network the performance depends on every piece of hardware in the path as well as on software. Nobody can tell without trying it out. The disk I/O is very complex. To add to trouble it is unclear whether it'd be your disks or network that is the bottleneck. I'd expect clear performance gains up to a few tens of processes, and probably fewer.
CPU or memory bound This may be easiest -- processing that can be broken up in parallel on 30 cores can enjoy close to a factor of 30 speedup (given no other bottlenecks). Going beyond the number of cores clearly leads to reduced performance gain. Concurrent (but not parallel) processing is far more complicated. If your code is memory intensive that is yet completely different.
Useful basic tools for assessing above components are iostat -xzn, netstat -I, and vmstat. But there is a bit of a curve to learning how to interpret their output and hopefully it doesn't come to that.
The conclusion is that you have to time it. Take your real application and time it running in one process. Do this 3 to 5 times and see the average (throw away obvious outliers). Then repeat with 5 processes, then with 10, etc. I'd expect that the trend will start slowing down far sooner than the 30 processors you mention. Once it gets to that the system is loaded and whoever works on it will notice. Very soon after that the performance will likely degrade rapidly. Proper benchmarking tools, like Benchmark, are far more sophisticated but this may well settle the issue. If you see strange or inconsistent behavior you may have to dig into details, starting with tools mentioned above.
What "overloaded" means is a bit unclear. I like to cap my use of resources well before other people are affected. But it may be possible to push it, in particular if you can run when it's quiet. I doubt that you'll keep having a worthy gain all the way to the number of available processors.
So there is no concern about "overloading" the server if you first time things. The performance limit will tell you when to stop. I'd say that your limit of 30 is very reasonable. Unless this is really about downloading files, in which case the web server is likely all that matters.
You should set the maximum number of processes to 60.

Best CPU for GWT compile for a new build server

When building our current project the GWT compiling needs quite a large amount of the overall time (currently ~25min overall, 2/3 gwt compile). We reserched how to optimize that (e.g. here)
however in the end we decided to buy a new build server. GWT compiling is a quite CPU intensive task so we did some tests to analyze the improvement per core:
1 cores = 197s
2 cores = 165s
3 cores = 149s
4 cores = 157s (can be that the last core was busy with other tasks)
Judging from those numbers its seems that adding more cores doesn't necessarily improve performance since those numbers seem to flatten.
So now i would be interessted if someone of you can confirm / disprove that? So 8 or 12 cores doesn't necessarily make a difference - but the individual cpu speed (mhz) does?
After seeing some benchmarks our sales tend to buy *ntel xeon - any experience with AMD? (I am more of an AMD guy however currently it seems hard to disregard the benchmarks)
3.) Any other suggestions regarding memory, IO etc are welcome
Update: When we get the new server I'll post the updated numbers...
We are using an AMD FX-8350 (#4.00 Ghz) with a Samsung 830 Pro SSD. and we've set localWorkers=4 as well as -Xmx2048m. Previously we used a Intel XEON E5-2609 (#2.40 Ghz). That reduced compilation time from ~440s down to ~310s.
So we also experienced that raw CPU speed matters most in case of a single compilation process (with localWorkers=4). In case of multiple compilation processes running at the same time on this machine a SSD improves the IO wait time which increases with the count of concurrent compilation processes.
Our current hardware supports up to 4 maven builds at the same time (each one with localWorkers=4) and uses then up to 20GB of RAM. With the increasing count of concurrent builds the build time increases. But it is not a linear increase, so we try to reduce the idle time in periods where not all resources are used by a single maven process (Java class compiling, tests, ...).
As we compared the hardware prices, we decided to buy a consumer PC used as a slave in our Jenkins buildfarm. The overall price is much cheaper than server hardware and can easily replaced with a new one in case of a hardware failure.

Can memcached make full use of multi-core?

Is memcached capable of making full use of multi-core? Or is there any way tuning this?
memcached has "-t" option:
-t <threads>
Number of threads to use to process incoming requests. This option is only meaningful
if memcached was compiled with thread support enabled. It is typically not useful to
set this higher than the number of CPU cores on the memcached server. The default is
so, I believe it can use all your CPU cores, of course if it was compiled with corresponding option.
memcached is multi-threaded by default and has no problem saturating many cores. It's a bit harder to saturate all cores on more massively parallel boxes (e.g. a 256-core CMT box) just because it gets harder to get the data in and out of the network.
If you find areas where some sort of contention is preventing you from saturating cores, file a bug or start a discussion.
Based on a this research by Intel, Memcached v.1.6 beta cannot scale well on a multicore system. Their experiments show that as core counts increase from 1 to 8, maximum throughput (with a median RTT < 1ms SLA) only doubles.
CAREFUL. This terminology is quite confusing. Memcached man page says -t option is only good up to the number of cores. However, this is odd because threads and processes are VERY different. Threads have NOTHING to do with the number of cores. Processes can definitely run on more than one cor, while threads cannot (unless they call to an OS routine, then they can thread switch and pack in more than 100% cpu usage). Threads share memory and just depend on an instruction pointer to differentiate who is who. Processes share nothing unless it is explicitly declared as shared ahead of time, and sharing occurs via the OS.
Overall, I want MORE CLARITY from the Memcached people about whether their app is multiprocessing or multithreaded and thus if it can use more than 100% of cpu.

What is the fastest way to read 10 GB file from the disk?

We need to read and count different types of messages/run
some statistics on a 10 GB text file, e.g a FIX engine
log. We use Linux, 32-bit, 4 CPUs, Intel, coding in Perl but
the language doesn't really matter.
I have found some interesting tips in Tim Bray's
WideFinder project. However, we've found that using memory mapping
is inherently limited by the 32 bit architecture.
We tried using multiple processes, which seems to work
faster if we process the file in parallel using 4 processes
on 4 CPUs. Adding multi-threading slows it down, maybe
because of the cost of context switching. We tried changing
the size of thread pool, but that is still slower than
simple multi-process version.
The memory mapping part is not very stable, sometimes it
takes 80 sec and sometimes 7 sec on a 2 GB file, maybe from
page faults or something related to virtual memory usage.
Anyway, Mmap cannot scale beyond 4 GB on a 32 bit
We tried Perl's IPC::Mmap and Sys::Mmap. Looked
into Map-Reduce as well, but the problem is really I/O
bound, the processing itself is sufficiently fast.
So we decided to try optimize the basic I/O by tuning
buffering size, type, etc.
Can anyone who is aware of an existing project where this
problem was efficiently solved in any language/platform
point to a useful link or suggest a direction?
Most of the time you will be I/O bound not CPU bound, thus just read this file through normal Perl I/O and process it in single thread. Unless you prove that you can do more I/O than your single CPU work, don't waste your time with anything more. Anyway, you should ask: Why on Earth is this in one huge file? Why on Earth don't they split it in a reasonable way when they generate it? It would be magnitude more worth work. Then you can put it in separate I/O channels and use more CPU's (if you don't use some sort of RAID 0 or NAS or ...).
Measure, don't assume. Don't forget to flush caches before each test. Remember that serialized I/O is a magnitude faster than random.
This all depends on what kind of preprocessing you can do and and when.
On some of systems we have, we gzip such large text files, reducing them to 1/5 to 1/7 of their original size. Part of what makes this possible is we don't need to process these files
until hours after they're created, and at creation time we don't really have any other load on the machines.
Processing them is done more or less in the fashion of zcat thosefiles | ourprocessing.(well it's done over unix sockets though with a custom made zcat). It trades cpu time for disk i/o time, and for our system that has been well worth it. There's ofcourse a lot of variables that can make this a very poor design for a particular system.
Perhaps you've already read this forum thread, but if not:
It describes using Perl to do it line-by-line, and the users seem to think Perl is quite capable of it.
Oh, is it possible to process the file from a RAID array? If you have several mirrored disks, then the read speed can be improved. Competition for disk resources may be what makes your multiple-threads attempt not work.
Best of luck.
I wish I knew more about the content of your file, but not knowing other than that it is text, this sounds like an excellent MapReduce kind of problem.
PS, the fastest read of any file is a linear read. cat file > /dev/null should be the speed that the file can be read.
Have you thought of streaming the file and filtering out to a secondary file any interesting results? (Repeat until you have a manageble size file).
Basically need to "Divide and conquer", if you have a network of computers, then copy the 10G file to as many client PCs as possible, get each client PC to read an offset of the file. For added bonus, get EACH pc to implement multi threading in addition to distributed reading.
Parse the file once, reading line by line. Put the results in a table in a decent database. Run as many queries as you wish. Feed the beast regularly with new incoming data.
Realize that manipulating a 10 Gb file, transferring it across the (even if local) network, exploring complicated solutions etc all take time.
I have a co-worker who sped up his FIX reading by going to 64-bit Linux. If it's something worthwhile, drop a little cash to get some fancier hardware.
hmmm, but what's wrong with the read() command in C? Usually has a 2GB limit,
so just call it 5 times in sequence. That should be fairly fast.
If you are I/O bound and your file is on a single disk, then there isn't much to do. A straightforward single-threaded linear scan across the whole file is the fastest way to get the data off of the disk. Using large buffer sizes might help a bit.
If you can convince the writer of the file to stripe it across multiple disks / machines, then you could think about multithreading the reader (one thread per read head, each thread reading the data from a single stripe).
Since you said platform and language doesn't matter...
If you want a stable performance that is as fast as the source medium allows for, the only way I am aware that this can be done on Windows is by overlapped non-OS-buffered aligned sequential reads. You can probably get to some GB/s with two or three buffers, beyond that, at some point you need a ring buffer (one writer, 1+ readers) to avoid any copying. The exact implementation depends on the driver/APIs. If there's any memory copying going on the thread (both in kernel and usermode) dealing with the IO, obviously the larger buffer is to copy, the more time is wasted on that rather than doing the IO. So the optimal buffer size depends on the firmware and driver. On windows good values to try are multiples of 32 KB for disk IO. Windows file buffering, memory mapping and all that stuff adds overhead. Only good if doing either (or both) multiple reads of same data in random access manner. So for reading a large file sequentially a single time, you don't want the OS to buffer anything or do any memcpy's. If using C# there's also penalties for calling into the OS due to marshaling, so the interop code may need bit of optimization unless you use C++/CLI.
Some people prefer throwing hardware at problems but if you have more time than money, in some scenarios it's possible to optimize things to perform 100-1000x better on a single consumer level computer than a 1000 enterprise priced computers. The reason is that if the processing is also latency sensitive, going beyond using two cores is probably adding latency. This is why drivers can push gigabytes/s while enterprise software is ends stuck at megabytes/s by the time it's all done. Whatever reporting, business logic and such the enterprise software do can probably also be done at gigabytes/s on two core consumer CPU, if written like you were back in the 80's writing a game. The most famous example I've heard of approaching their entire business logic in this manner is the LMAX forex exchange, which published some of their ring buffer based code, which was said to be inspired by network card drivers.
Forgetting all the theory, if you are happy with < 1 GB/s, one possible starting point on Windows I've found is looking at readfile source from winimage, unless you want to dig into sdk/driver samples. It may need some source code fixes to calculate perf correctly at SSD speeds. Experiment with buffer sizes also.
The switches /h multi-threaded and /o overlapped (completion port) IO with optimal buffer size (try 32,64,128 KB etc) using no windows file buffering in my experience give best perf when reading from SSD (cold data) while simultaneously processing (use the /a for Adler processing as otherwise it's too CPU-bound).
I seem to recall a project in which we were reading big files, Our implementation used multithreading - basically n * worker_threads were starting at incrementing offsets of the file (0, chunk_size, 2xchunk_size, 3x chunk_size ... n-1x chunk_size) and was reading smaller chunks of information. I can't exactly recall our reasoning for this as someone else was desining the whole thing - the workers weren't the only thing to it, but that's roughly how we did it.
Hope it helps
Its not stated in the problem that sequence matters really or not. So,
divide the file into equal parts say 1GB each, and since you are using multiple CPUs, then multiple threads wont be a problem, so read each file using separate thread, and use RAM of capacity > 10 GB, then all your contents would be stored in RAM read by multiple threads.

What are the differences between multi-CPU, multi-core and hyper-thread?

Could anyone explain to me the differences between multi-CPU, multi-core, and hyper-thread? I am always confused about these differences, and about the pros/cons of each architecture in different scenarios.
Here is my current understanding after learning online and learning from others' comments.
I think hyper-thread is the most inferior technology among them, but cheap. Its main idea is duplicate registers to save context switch time;
Multi processor is better than hyper-thread, but since different CPUs are on different chips, the communication between different CPUs is of longer latency than multi-core, and using multiple chips, there is more expense and more power consumption than with multi-core;
multi-core integrates all the CPUs on a single chip, so the latency of communication between different CPUs are greatly reduced compared with multi-processor. Since it uses one single chip to contain all CPUs, it consumer less power and is less expensive than a multi processor system.
Is this correct?
Multi-CPU was the first version: You'd have one or more mainboards with one or more CPU chips on them. The main problem here was that the CPUs would have to expose some of their internal data to the other CPU so they wouldn't get in their way.
The next step was hyper-threading. One chip on the mainboard but it had some parts twice internally so it could execute two instructions at the same time.
The current development is multi-core. It's basically the original idea (several complete CPUs) but in a single chip. The advantage: Chip designers can easily put the additional wires for the sync signals into the chip (instead of having to route them out on a pin, then over the crowded mainboard and up into a second chip).
Super computers today are multi-cpu, multi-core: They have lots of mainboards with usually 2-4 CPUs on them, each CPU is multi-core and each has its own RAM.
[EDIT] You got that pretty much right. Just a few minor points:
Hyper-threading keeps track of two contexts at once in a single core, exposing more parallelism to the out-of-order CPU core. This keeps the execution units fed with work, even when one thread is stalled on a cache miss, branch mispredict, or waiting for results from high-latency instructions. It's a way to get more total throughput without replicating much hardware, but if anything it slows down each thread individually. See this Q&A for more details, and an explanation of what was wrong with the previous wording of this paragraph.
The main problem with multi-CPU is that code running on them will eventually access the RAM. There are N CPUs but only one bus to access the RAM. So you must have some hardware which makes sure that a) each CPU gets a fair amount of RAM access, b) that accesses to the same part of the RAM don't cause problems and c) most importantly, that CPU 2 will be notified when CPU 1 writes to some memory address which CPU 2 has in its internal cache. If that doesn't happen, CPU 2 will happily use the cached value, oblivious to the fact that it is outdated
Just imagine you have tasks in a list and you want to spread them to all available CPUs. So CPU 1 will fetch the first element from the list and update the pointers. CPU 2 will do the same. For efficiency reasons, both CPUs will not only copy the few bytes into the cache but a whole "cache line" (whatever that may be). The assumption is that, when you read byte X, you'll soon read X+1, too.
Now both CPUs have a copy of the memory in their cache. CPU 1 will then fetch the next item from the list. Without cache sync, it won't have noticed that CPU 2 has changed the list, too, and it will start to work on the same item as CPU 2.
This is what effectively makes multi-CPU so complicated. Side effects of this can lead to a performance which is worse than what you'd get if the whole code ran only on a single CPU. The solution was multi-core: You can easily add as many wires as you need to synchronize the caches; you could even copy data from one cache to another (updating parts of a cache line without having to flush and reload it), etc. Or the cache logic could make sure that all CPUs get the same cache line when they access the same part of real RAM, simply blocking CPU 2 for a few nanoseconds until CPU 1 has made its changes.
[EDIT2] The main reason why multi-core is simpler than multi-cpu is that on a mainboard, you simply can't run all wires between the two chips which you'd need to make sync effective. Plus a signal only travels 30cm/ns tops (speed of light; in a wire, you usually have much less). And don't forget that, on a multi-layer mainboard, signals start to influence each other (crosstalk). We like to think that 0 is 0V and 1 is 5V but in reality, "0" is something between -0.5V (overdrive when dropping a line from 1->0) and .5V and "1" is anything above 0.8V.
If you have everything inside of a single chip, signals run much faster and you can have as many as you like (well, almost :). Also, signal crosstalk is much easier to control.
You can find some interesting articles about dual CPU, multi-core and hyper-threading on Intel's website or in a short article from Yale University.
I hope you find here all the information you need.
In a nutshell: multi-CPU or multi-processor system has several processors. A multi-core system is a multi-processor system with several processors on the same die. In hyperthreading, multiple threads can run on the same processor (that is the context-switch time between these multiple threads is very small).
Multi-processors have been there for 30 years now but mostly in labs. Multi-core is the new popular multi-processor. Server processors nowadays implement hyperthreading along with multi-processors.
The wikipedia articles on these topics are quite illustrative.
Hyperthreading is a cheaper and slower alternative to having multiple-cores
The Intel Manual Volume 3 System Programming Guide - 325384-056US September 2015 8.7 "INTEL HYPER-THREADING TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE" describes HT briefly. It contains the following diagram:
TODO it is slower by how much percent in average in real applications?
Hyperthreading is possible because modern single CPUs cores already execute multiple instructions at once with the instruction pipeline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instruction_pipelining
The instruction pipeline is a separation of functions inside of a single core to ensure that each part of the circuit is used at any given time: reading memory, decoding instructions, executing instructions, etc.
Hyperthreading separates functions further by using:
a single backend, which actually runs the instructions with its pipeline.
Dual core has two backends, which explains the greater cost and performance.
two front-ends, which take two streams of instructions and order them in a way to maximize pipelining usage of the single backend by avoiding hazards.
Dual core would also have 2 front-ends, one for each backend.
There are edge cases where instruction reordering produces no benefit, making hyperthreading useless. But it produces a significant improvement in average.
Two hyperthreads in a single core share further cache levels (TODO how many? L1?) than two different cores, which share only L3, see:
Multiple threads and CPU cache
How are cache memories shared in multicore Intel CPUs?
The interface that each hyperthread exposes to the operating system is similar to that of an actual core, and both can be controlled separately. Thus cat /proc/cpuinfo shows me 4 processors, even though I only have 2 cores with 2 hyperthreads each.
Operating systems can however take advantage of knowing which hyperthreads are on the same core to run multiple threads of a given program on a single core, which might improve cache usage.
This LinusTechTips video contains a light-hearted non-technical explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnS50lJicXc
Multi-CPU is a bit like multicore, but communication can only happen through RAM, not L3 cache
This means that if possible, you want to partition tasks that use the same memory a lot for each separate CPU.
E.g. the following SBI-7228R-T2X blade server contains 4 CPUs, 2 on each node:
We can see that there seem to be 4 sockets for the CPUs, each covered by a heat sink, with one open.
I think across the nodes, they don't even share RAM memory and must communicate through some kind of networking, thus representing one further step up on the hyperthread/multicore/multi-CPU hierarchy, TODO confirm:
SLURM nodes, tasks, cores, and cpus