What is an InstallationID in Quickbooks QBMSXML - intuit-partner-platform

I have a qbmsxml that I'm sending that continues to get a response error 2000.
<nameoncard>John Doe</nameoncard>
<creditcardaddress>1234 Main Street</creditcardaddress>
As I've been reviewing the information on creating a request, I found an 'InstallationID' tag referenced. It goes in the element like so:
My question is: What is the IDTYPE for InstallationID? Where can I get it? What options can I set it to?

I think the problem is not related to your InstallationID field at all. I think the problem is that your XML isn't conforming to what Intuit expects.
Specifically, everything in your XML request is lowercase, when Intuit expects it to be camel case. You're also missing a qbmsxml version header, and a xml version header.
Here's an example of a correctly formed request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbmsxml version="3.0"?>
<NameOnCard>Keith Palmer</NameOnCard>
<CreditCardAddress>56 Cowles Road</CreditCardAddress>
Where are you getting your syntax from? It seems very wrong... here are some good examples:


Error missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity

when saving (updating) opr delete Entities the "missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity" Error is thrown.
Breeze.Angular" version="1.1.1"
Breeze.Angular.Directives" version="1.3.10"
Breeze.Angular.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Client" version="1.5.3"
Breeze.DataService.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Metadata.Helper" version="1.0.8"
Read the Entites is no problem. When debugging breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js line 297 function updateEntityNode...
metadata is obtained by Sharepoint, etag and type as defined -> type = "SP.Data.LearningPathsListItem" as I went along the pluralsight course and blog from Andre Connell. However on line on line 301 node.$entityType is undefined and __metadata is not copied to extraMetadata. I've no clue why as I went strictly to blog an course when defining the entities. Anyone to point out how to fix $entityType? Thanks.
I've brought this to Andrew Connell's attention. He's tied up at the moment but we'll try and follow up as soon as we can.
You might help us help you by adding some information to your question:
Describe your SharePoint source. A sanitized URL will probably do.
Show us the metadata you wrote for the LearningPathsListItem
Show us the JSON returned from SharePoint in response to the successful query (you can scrap this from the pertinent traffic visible in the "Network" tab of the browser's developer tools [F12]).

JAX-WS xsi:type attributes missing

I have a JAX-WS webservice that works just fine except that the return elements are missing necessary xsi:type attributes.
<ns1:isUserValidResponse xmlns:ns1="http://www.openuri.org/">
desired response:
<ns:isUserValidResponse xmlns:ns="http://www.openuri.org/">
<isUserValidResult xsi:type="xsd:boolean">true</isUserValidResult>
Is there anyway to force this behavior?
I resolved this issue by using #XmlAttribute with the name being "xsi:type" and the value being "xsd:boolean" as shown below. This feels extremely hacky to me but it works in the mean time.
private String xsiType = "xsd:boolean";

silverstripe RestfulServer Module - get related records with all attributes

Using the Restful Server Module I do this operation:
GET /api/v1/(ClassName)?(Field)=(Val)&(Field)=(Val) - searches for matching database records
The api should get the urls of all images related to a certain product like this:
unfortunately the returned XML does not show the full information of the ProductImages. just the attributes href and id.
here the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayList totalSize="1">
<Product href="http://domain.com/api/v1/Product/9.xml">
<ProductImages linktype="has_many" href="http://domain.com/api/v1/Product/9/ProductImages.xml">
<ProductImage href="http://domain.com/api/v1/ProductImage/265.xml" id="265"/>
<ProductImage href="http://domain.com/api/v1/ProductImage/268.xml" id="268"/>
<ProductImage href="http://domain.com/api/v1/ProductImage/271.xml" id="271"/>
ProductImage has much more attributes actually which are not displayed in the xml. How to make them visible? I can see all ProductImage Attributes when doing e.g. this:
I use curl to load the urls.
In the worst case I think I have to take the ProductImage urls from the XML (e.g. http://domain.com/api/v1/ProductImage/271.xml) and do multiple calls.
many thx for any help,
You need to increase the relationDepth inside RestfulServer. You can do that by passing in the relationdepth query string parameter.
As an aside, the reason it works like this is to keep the load low on the server by not having to instantiate all the image objects. It also means bandwidth is slightly lower too.

403 forbidden error PUT request with yiirestfull plugin and Backbone.JS

I am working with REST in Yii. Therefore I use yiirestful plugin and Backbone.JS. At the moment I am perfectly able to do POST and GET request throughout REST. But when I want to update a record I alway get an 403 forbidden error. I shall explain what i've tried and how:
First of all I am saving my collection in Backbone like this:
Backbone.sync('update', this.collection);
Now I don't for sure if that's going to work but the fact is that any PUT request get's an 403.
Secondly, because I am working in a module I adjusted the URLmanager rules like this:
'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>'=>array('contentManagement/<controller>/restList', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restList', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restView', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>/<var:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restView', 'verb'=>'GET'),
array('contentManagement/<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
array('<controller>/restDelete', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'DELETE'),
array('<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
array('<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
It could be the case that this causes the problem. But I am not very digged in to this rules.. I did the same as i did by the POST request but whatever I try it still gives the 403.
Thirdly i'll provide my request information:
PUT http://pimtest.php/Yii/trackstar/contentManagement/api/SidebarWidgetsUsed/
403 Forbidden
I think a id is needed after this url but when I provide an id in the data that should be enough to let backbone recognize it's about an PUT request / update request.
I have no clue where to look further in my code.. I understand it's a complicated story so any minimal advice is appreciated!
You have two (identical) rules that apply to PUT, and as you say, they require an ID. Without an ID, none of the rules will match for a PUT request.
Either provide an ID, or modify the rule to not require an id, e.g.:
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
In any case, as you're not using id, I'm not sure why it's in the rule to start?

Referring to Dumped LinkedIn API data

Quick problem here that I don't know how to solve and thought you guys could give me a heads-up on which way to go. I have successfully pulled all my connection data using the LinkedIn REST API both in XML and JSON and dumped them (the former using the cPickle plugin). The issue is that I need to refer to a single field within the data and so decided to use XML as it seemed to be the easiest one to use by far. When I refer to the specific field in my .pickle file, it gives me the following error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'location'
However, opening the pickle file with notepad, I can see that all my connections do have their location field stored in the XML format. It's very strange!
Here's my referral code:
import cPickle
connections_data = 'linkedin_connections.pickle'
response = cPickle.load(open(connections_data))
print response
locations = [ec.location for ec in response]
I have a print function set up to show what's in my file and all of the data appears as a normal XML output using the people call of the REST API. The XML data appears as follows:
<headline>Business Development and Sales Executive at Computaris</headline>
<headers total="1">
Any help will be much appreciated.