Error missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity - rest

when saving (updating) opr delete Entities the "missing the extra metadata for an update/delete entity" Error is thrown.
Breeze.Angular" version="1.1.1"
Breeze.Angular.Directives" version="1.3.10"
Breeze.Angular.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Client" version="1.5.3"
Breeze.DataService.SharePoint" version="0.10.0"
Breeze.Metadata.Helper" version="1.0.8"
Read the Entites is no problem. When debugging breeze.labs.dataservice.sharepoint.js line 297 function updateEntityNode...
metadata is obtained by Sharepoint, etag and type as defined -> type = "SP.Data.LearningPathsListItem" as I went along the pluralsight course and blog from Andre Connell. However on line on line 301 node.$entityType is undefined and __metadata is not copied to extraMetadata. I've no clue why as I went strictly to blog an course when defining the entities. Anyone to point out how to fix $entityType? Thanks.

I've brought this to Andrew Connell's attention. He's tied up at the moment but we'll try and follow up as soon as we can.
You might help us help you by adding some information to your question:
Describe your SharePoint source. A sanitized URL will probably do.
Show us the metadata you wrote for the LearningPathsListItem
Show us the JSON returned from SharePoint in response to the successful query (you can scrap this from the pertinent traffic visible in the "Network" tab of the browser's developer tools [F12]).


Getting OperationResult when ResultUrl is not in response object?

I am turning to the community as I haven't found anything in the official documentation.
As the title says, I am having troubles fetching the operation result. I am creating an operation by calling the Project - Create REST endpoint. The HTTP call is responding with the operation reference, as the operation is successfully queued. While the operation is running (States NotSet, Queued, InProgress), I am polling the operation at an 300 ms interval. After several seconds, the operation results in a success state.
As the operation was successful, I would expect that the resultUrl property of the Operation is populated with the URL pointing to the created resource (in my case in the form of{organization}/_apis/projects/{projectId}?api-version=6.0). However, resultUrl is not part of the response of the GET call at all.
Is there anything I am missing or misinterpreting? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
The problem is not clear in your question. If you create a new project, you know its name. The URL to projects is stable:{organization}/_apis/projects/{projectNAME}?api-version=6.0
You can get ProjectState in the answer and any over information like the project URL (TeamProject).

Azure Data Factory - Error creating a parameterised mapping dataflow

I am having an error when trying to create a parameterised Mapping Data Flow. More specifically, I have the following error. Anyone have suggestions on how to fix it or what the error may be?
{ "Message": "ErrorCode=InvalidTemplate, ErrorMessage=Unable to parse expression 'body('DataFlowDebugExpressionResolver')?.Data Vault Loadb734571b6d5a414ea8387a08077f1ff1?.DataVaultSource.sourcetable': expected token 'EndOfData' and actual 'Identifier'." } - RunId: 24ee9884-610d-4061-a9be-670aeb8f1660
Thanks #Leon and #Joel for your responses. I am attaching my pipelines here for your consideration
I have found the resolution to the problem I raised yesterday. The error was caused by the name of the Mapping Data Flow (Data Vault Load).
I raised a request from Microsoft and they had the following suggestion
Spaces in name of object and parameters does not go well
Once I removed the spaces in my Mapping Data Flow name it, this particular error was resolved.
Thanks to everyone that responded.
I have been looking for going around looking for this answer it is 2021 and Microsoft still didn't add any validation or restriction for the naming of the Data Flow

how to get dictionary value from webrequest using sharepoint designer

I am trying to retrieve a value from a HTTP web service call in sharepoint designer. This should be simple. the Rest query is simple, and always returns only a single value:'MyListTitle')/items/?$select=Title&$top=1
In the Sharepoint Designer workflow, I'm setting the required Accept and Content-type header to the value of "application/json;odata=verbose
I am unable to get the value of the "Title" field that is returned by the call.
when I execute the REST query in the browser, I get the following data returned:
{"d":{"results":[{"__metadata":{"id":"af9697fe-9340-4bb5-9c75-e43e1fe20d30","uri":"'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')/Items(5)","etag":"\"1\"","type":"SP.Data.MyListName"},"Title":"John Doe"}]}}
I've tried dozens of variations of the dictionary 'query', but they always return blank.
I'm using the 'get an item from a dictionary' action in SP Designer, using item name or path values like:
and literally dozens of other variations - but it always returns blank.
I'm writing the raw response from the webRequest to the list for debugging, and it shows the value like this:
{"odata.metadata":"https:\/\/\/sites\/aSiteName\/_api\/$metadata#SP.ListData.MyListTitle&$select=Title","value":[{"odata.type":"SP.Data.MyListTitle","":"616ed0ed-ef1d-405b-8ea5-2682d9662b0a","odata.etag":"\"1\"","odata.editLink":"Web\/Lists(guid'6228d484-4250-455c-904d-6b7096fee573')\/Items(5)","Title":"John Doe"}]}
I must be doing something simple that is wrong?
Using "d/results(0)/Title" is right. Check the steps in article below to create a workflow.
It working fine in my test workflow.
I faced the exact same issue. In my case the reason was that in the API call, the header was not set properly.
As you would have noticed many times, that if you type the variables inline when creating the "Call Http Web service" action, those might not get set properly. The surest way is to open the properties and set from there. In my case when i opened the properties i found that RequestHeaders was not set. Once i set it from there, i got the desired results.
Hope this helps to someone in future, this question being unanswered till now!!
tried dump those json called from sharepoint workflow into a list. Sometimes you'll get a different format than when you called that from browser. I experienced this issue when calling API projectserver (project online). When I called it using servistate (chrome extension) it returns d/results, but when I dump the value into the list I got value and yet I used same request header value.

SharePoint REST: Field or property does not exist

I'm using REST to get data from a SharePoint library to display using the DataTables jQuery API. Everything is working fine, but I've got one stubborn field in this library that REST isn't able to grab.
The name of the field is "For", but the internal name is _x0046_or1 (not sure why, I didn't create the library). I've double-checked that this is the correct internal name using REST and by checking the code for my library view in Designer.
So using my REST call:
And I get back:
The field or property '_x0046_or1' does not exist.
Anybody have any suggestions for a different way to reference this field that the REST api might recognize?
I did as Rohit suggested in the comments, and made the REST call without the select. It turns out that the actual internal name of the For field was "OData__x0046_or1". No idea why.
Thanks for the helpful suggestion, Rohit!
In SharePoint 2013 if you name a field with 3 or less chars and then end it with a number, SP will rename the internal name.

403 forbidden error PUT request with yiirestfull plugin and Backbone.JS

I am working with REST in Yii. Therefore I use yiirestful plugin and Backbone.JS. At the moment I am perfectly able to do POST and GET request throughout REST. But when I want to update a record I alway get an 403 forbidden error. I shall explain what i've tried and how:
First of all I am saving my collection in Backbone like this:
Backbone.sync('update', this.collection);
Now I don't for sure if that's going to work but the fact is that any PUT request get's an 403.
Secondly, because I am working in a module I adjusted the URLmanager rules like this:
'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>'=>array('contentManagement/<controller>/restList', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restList', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restView', 'verb'=>'GET'),
'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>/<var:\w+>'=>array('<controller>/restView', 'verb'=>'GET'),
array('contentManagement/<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
array('<controller>/restDelete', 'pattern'=>'api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>', 'verb'=>'DELETE'),
array('<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
array('<controller>/restCreate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>/<id:\w+>', 'verb'=>'POST'),
It could be the case that this causes the problem. But I am not very digged in to this rules.. I did the same as i did by the POST request but whatever I try it still gives the 403.
Thirdly i'll provide my request information:
PUT http://pimtest.php/Yii/trackstar/contentManagement/api/SidebarWidgetsUsed/
403 Forbidden
I think a id is needed after this url but when I provide an id in the data that should be enough to let backbone recognize it's about an PUT request / update request.
I have no clue where to look further in my code.. I understand it's a complicated story so any minimal advice is appreciated!
You have two (identical) rules that apply to PUT, and as you say, they require an ID. Without an ID, none of the rules will match for a PUT request.
Either provide an ID, or modify the rule to not require an id, e.g.:
array('<controller>/restUpdate', 'pattern'=>'contentManagement/api/<controller:\w+>', 'verb'=>'PUT'),
In any case, as you're not using id, I'm not sure why it's in the rule to start?