size command in form parsley.js - forms

I am building a form using Parsley.js, but the size command does not work:
<input type="text" size="2" id="month" value=""
data-parsley-length="[2, 2]"
data-parsley-error-message="Expiration Month is Required"
data-parsley-required />
Can anyone suggest an other way of doing this, or is it a bug..

The size attribute you refers to is perfectly working. It affects the input width (the box, not its content). Try putting 10 or 20 instead, and you'll see the box size changing accordingly.
Maybe you are referring to maxlength="2" attribute, that prevent user to enter more than 2 characters in the input box? (That is working too with Parsley)


HTML Form Automation Using Ampersand (&) and Dollar Sign ($) Characters

So I am trying to automate a basic HTML form I fill out a few times each day. I am trying to open the web browser with the form completely filled out. This is often a simple task, as the & character followed by the name of the form element and a value, usually works. Where this becomes tricky is that my form elements have a placeholder that uses the $ character in its name. The code is shown below:
<input name="username" type="text" />
<input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$PasswordTextBox" type="password"
id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PasswordTextBox" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Click" />
If you look at the name of the password tag you will see the use of the $ character twice. Normally I could just type my URL into Chrome like the folowing:
The above code would normally work but it doesn't in this case. I don't know why I am getting the error but I think it is due to the use of the $ character. All I am trying to do is load my page into the browser with the above form completely filled out. Any ideas?

Autofill input type="text" field from an external link

I have a link on one page which looks like this:
and on the other page (sample-link), I have this input field:
<input type="text" name="name" value="name" />
So, when I click the link from the first page, I want to open the "sample-link" page, and autofill the name field with the "product_id" text. Any ideas how can I make this?
Thanks in advance.
You'll just have to add a tiny Javascript snippet:
if (document.location.hash)
document.getElementById('testbox').value = decodeURIComponent(document.location.hash.substr(1));
For obvious reasons you'll have to adjust the id of the text box.
It gets a bit more complicated in case you'd like to pass more than one value.
The call to decodeURIComponent() is optional, but required in case you're passing characters like spaces or non-alphanumerical stuff (just to be sure).

Chrome/HTML5: Input type number not respecting max attribute?

I have the following markup:
<input type="number" max="99" />
In Google Chrome (and possibly other webkit browsers), this will restrict the spinner's up arrow from going over 99, but it does not prevent the user from typing a number higher than 99. Even onblur, the invalid value is not removed/replaced or even a warning given that the value is invalid.
Am I misinterpreting how it's supposed to work, or is this a bug? I am using the latest version of Chrome (19 at the time of writing).
To clarify, I want to know why a number greater than the specified max is allowed to be input in the first place. I realize that it gives a tooltip on form submission telling you that it's invalid, but it seems like inconsistent behavior that the spinner will not allow you to go above the max, yet you can simply type a number above the max at any time to circumvent it.
If this is desired behavior for some reason, why is that? And is there a better option to enforcing the input range without resorting to JS?
It does work but you only see an error message (tooltip) if you put a submit button and a form into your code:
<form action="#" method="get">
<input type="number" max="99" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit!" />
It's an old question, but I didn't find any relevant answers for this question anywhere.
this behaviour is still around in chrome (version 61).
I have found a little trick that can be used in some situation.
it's relevant for those who use data-binding libraries like aurelia, angular etc.. I tested only on aurelia - but that should work also for others.
the trick relies on the fact that input of type range enforce the min/max constraints.
we simply create another input (of type range) that is bounded to the same value as the regular input, and we hide it via css.
when the user inputs something that is greater than the max value, it will snap back to the max value.
here's a demo in aurelia:

How can I remove the "0" placeholder from <input type="number"> in Mobile Safari?

I have an input field for users to input a monetary amount:
<input type="number" value="{{ order.amount }}" />
I chose the number input type because I want the number keyboard to appear when the field is clicked. I can't use type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" (suggested here) because that causes the number-only input pad to appear which doesn't have a decimal point.
Unfortunately, if the value attribute is anything but numeric (including an empty string or space), the field renders with a default value of "0":
This stinks because the user needs to hit ⌫ before entering a value.
Is there any way to fix this?
Update: I'm an idiot. Some JavaScript was validating and reformatting the field. Nevermind.
I would look at the code you are using to set the value attribute of this field (value="{{ order.amount }}"). The reason I say this is that in Mobile Safari a "vanilla" numeric field is empty, i.e. no 0 by default.
Your screenshot suggests to me that you're using jQuery Mobile, so I checked using that in case the issue lay there, but again, no default value of zero.
For what it's worth, this is the mark-up I'm using (which renders an empty number field in iOS emulators and on an iPhone 3GS):
<input type="number" value="" />

CSS design for large form - Design Advice

I have a large form that consists of all the input (text, checkbox, radio, etc...), I have them grouped together in a fieldset tag and a legend for each feildset. Each input has a label associated with it as well. My question is what is the best approach to display the information on one screen and take advantage of the horizontal real estate the user might or might not have?
I would love it to be all CSS with minimal (if any) table layout(s) as I think tables are for tablature data and not presentation. CSS3 and HTML5 are welcome as well.
Also I would like to have the ability to add branding as this might need to look like another site instead of the original site developed for.
What would be the best approach for this? I have the idea I would use li tags to do the horizontal look but I would like to break to the next line at the end of the screen (Think no scrolling horizontal but vertical is okay)
CSS Novice looking for design pattern advice
This is an example but I think I have around 50 fields
<title>Large Form</title>
<form action="">
<label for="fname">First Name</label><br />
<input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="" /><br /><br />
<label for="lname">Last Name</label><br />
<input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="" /><br /><br />
<label for="gender">Gender</label><br />
<select name="gender" id="gender">
<option value="">-- select</option>
<option value="male">Male</option>
<option value="female">Female</option>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
The first thing that comes to mind is that you want to remove the <br/> tags from the form. If you need vertical space, use CSS padding and margins since they're easier to change and make spacing consistent.
With that out of the way, other than branding (which will influence the look and feel of the form the most) the things you want to consider the most are accessibility and ease of use. Your use of labels and unwillingness to use tables for layout are a good start for accessibility so I'm not going to mention it further.
For ease of use, you'll need to make sure that each field can be tabbed to (in an order that makes sense), has a clear, meaningful label, has no unnecessary validation rules (such as forbidding whitespace in a phone number - don't force the user to clean data that can be cleaned automatically) and those validation rules that are necessary have clear, easy to understand messages that appear, ideally, as the user is entering the data rather than waiting for the user to submit the form.
Each of your field sets should be visually grouped either by colour, with a border or some other method. Individual field set should not be broken up, but different field sets can be separate from each other as long as they are contextually different (like address versus interests, for example).
Since you're already grouping field sets, you can use them as your basic unit of page layout. Each set could be floated, for example, in order to maximimize horizontal usage regardless of the user's browser width. As long as the sets are visually distinct enough and are clearly labelled there shouldn't really be any issues with that.
If consistency is more your thing, then each field set should be separated from each other vertically. That would make sure the form is ordered and laid out the same way for every user. Again, the important thing is visual consistency and ease of use. Users are used to forms being laid out vertically so the wasted horizontal space of doing it that way shouldn't be a very big concern.
Just remember: you're making something that should be easy to use and not frustrating. The position of fields should reflect that: they should be natural, grouping like fields together and separating groups of like fields from dissimilar fields. As long as you're keeping that in mind you're probably in good shape.
And don't forget to do some quick usability tests to make sure your validations make sense and are clear.
Have a look at CSS3 grid positioning. It has a clear but powerful syntax, e.g. from the link:
body {
grid-columns: * * (0.5in * *)[2];
grid-rows: 20% *;
columns: 3;
column-gap: 0.5in;
Elements use gr units to choose their grid cell:
img {
position: absolute;
left: 2gr;
width: 3gr;
You would only have to give an id to your fieldsets then set their position and extents in your style file.
One of my favorite ways to group large forms is with the jQuery style accordion. It allows you to abstract the form into key groupings, keep the form all on one page, and eliminate the need for page scrolling; all with an intuitive user interface.
A good example of this is the Barnes & Noble checkout form process.
Check out CSS Flexbox for some liquid flexibility withing you design sets. I would also recommend picking a "style" and sticking with it. Agree with Welbog.
I guess that if you have a form with 50 fields, you surely have to split it to themed tabs. Say 3 to 5 tabs. They can be implemented by Javascript.
You may want to save input data on-the-fly, because the user may need a long time to finish the form, so there is bigger possibility that he will catch a loss of internet connection or some other factor, that will erase his half-finished form, which would probably dissapoint him and leave your site.
Also consider that user has to have a place for his eye to rest, so be sure to make enough blank room between inputs.