So I am trying to automate a basic HTML form I fill out a few times each day. I am trying to open the web browser with the form completely filled out. This is often a simple task, as the & character followed by the name of the form element and a value, usually works. Where this becomes tricky is that my form elements have a placeholder that uses the $ character in its name. The code is shown below:
<input name="username" type="text" />
<input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$PasswordTextBox" type="password"
id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_PasswordTextBox" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Click" />
If you look at the name of the password tag you will see the use of the $ character twice. Normally I could just type my URL into Chrome like the folowing:
The above code would normally work but it doesn't in this case. I don't know why I am getting the error but I think it is due to the use of the $ character. All I am trying to do is load my page into the browser with the above form completely filled out. Any ideas?
Sorry if this question is a bit basic, but how can you parse form inputs in the Go Iris framework?
Here is the form I am using
<form action="/" method="post">
Username:<input type="text" name="username">
Password:<input type="password" name="password">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
here is the route and the controller respectively
iris.Post("/", TestController)
func TestController(c *iris.Context){
username := c.Form.Get("username")//Doesn't work
password := c.Form.Get("password")//Doesn't work
how do I retrieve the values in the Post request after the form has been submitted, Thanks
Based off an example on the iris github page you could try c.PostValue("Username"). The code you have may also work but I think you need to capitalize the variable names. In the html template you can see the name value is lowercased, however your context is more likely going off those the variable names to the left of the actual html like Username.
I'm trying to fill, submit, and test a web form in Play Framework, using ScalaTest and FluentLenium. It seems like it should be very straightforward, but I'm having all kinds of problems.
First, part of the web form in question:
<form class="signin" id="loginform" method="POST" action="/login">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="name">Email Address:</label>
<input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter Email Address" id="email" name="email" required />
This works fine from a real web browser. Now the problem comes when I try to fill in and submit the form:
#SharedDriver(deleteCookies = false)
#SharedDriver(`type` = SharedDriver.SharedType.PER_CLASS)
class TestWebsiteAuthentication extends Specification {
"Application" should {
"login as an administrative user on the web site" in new WithBrowser with GPAuthenticationTestUtility {
browser.fill("#email").`with`(prerequisiteAccounts.head.userIdentity) must equalTo(OK)
At that last line, I get an exception:
[info] x login as an administrative user on the web site
[error] 'org.fluentlenium.core.action.FillConstructor#1c25c183' is not equal to '200' (TestWebsiteAuthentication.scala:93)
[error] Expected: 200
[error] Actual: org.fluentlenium.core.action.FillConstructor#1c25c183
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
I've tried taking out the "must equalTo(OK)" but this just causes the form to fail on submit -- unfortunately, I haven't been able to find ANY documentation on how to do this, so I'm basically piecing it together bit by bit. Pointers to relevant documentation would be appreciated -- there doesn't seem to be anything complete at Tyrpesafe... just "teasers" that get you started, but no depth. :-(
When you write browser.fill("#email").``with``(""), all you're really doing is telling Fluentlenium to edit the template to add a value attribute inside the input tag.
On the other hand, OK is an HTTP status code, so comparing them will naturally yield false.
When you say you tried to submit the form and it failed, i am assuming you did something such as:
browser.fill("#password").`with`("myPass")"#button") // this should submit the form and load the page after login
and then tried to make an assertion such as:
browser.title() must equalTo("next page") // fails because "next page" != "login page"
one suggestion is to try something like this, Before
browser.pageSource() must contain("xyz") // this will fail
When the above assertion fails, it will print the content of browser.pageSource() to your terminal, and you'll be able to see the modifications the Fill function did to the HTML.
In my case, I observed that my pageSource() now contained the following:
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" value=""/>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password"/>
Notice how the first input has a value="", but the second input is still empty. It turns out the second one is empty because it is an input of type password, however I eventually made the form login work.
Here is a list of things you can look into:
have a database enabled in that Spec
have it populated with Users (in case your form validation connects to a DB, that is)
from what I have experienced, using browser.goTo more than once in a test will not work well with form submission (anyone can confirm?)
Hope this helps
I am writing a pretty simple plugin. I notice that when I submit a form with a text field with a value that is 2 or more digits followed by an x then followed by two or more digits that the form doesn't submit it redirects me to the index page. I get an apache error log message : [error] [client ::1] script '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/index.php' not found or unable to stat but that is all of the info I can find.
To narrow down the problem, I made a super basic form that runs in the admin section with only one field. When it is submitted it calls a javascript alert to show the $_POST value. This works all day long UNTIL I enter 00x00 or any digits really with an x between them, 123x123, 999999999x999999999 etc...
In it's intended use this field would have a dimension like 120x120 but for what ever reason the x is causing something weird to happen. Any ideas?
Here is the stripped down basic example, added to an admin menu page
echo '<script type="text/javascript">', 'alert("' . $_POST['image_url'] . '");', '</script>';
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);?>">
<input name="image_url" id="image_url" type="text" maxlength="200" value="00x00"/>
<input name="update" type="submit" id="update" value="Submit" />
I have a form and using a normal submit button with no name like this below.
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Everything works fine like it is. My question is there a way I can give it a name say random numbers like this below.
<input type="submit" name="R312321321" value="Submit" />
Then when I submit can I get the value of the name of the submit button like if it was a hidden input. I can't use a hidden input for what I'm doing. The reason I want to do the submit button this way is browser macros look for the name. If the name is always changing its harder for their macro to work. Once I get the value of the submit button I can authenticate it which I have something already created just need to get the value of the submit in php.
Thank you
Yes, this would work. However, the spec says otherwise about input names beginning with numbers.
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"),
underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
After you submit the form you will have a key value pair
[312321321] => Submit
I might have a freudian lips but i cant figure out how to send an email address to a specific url without the url encodes the AT symbol in %40...
basically i have a basic form
<form class="firstLoginform" id="firstLoginform" name="firstLoginform" method="get" action="https://myurl" >
<label for="email" >Email Address</label>
<input type="text" name="userEmail" id="userEmail" size="20" maxlength="150">
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
but i submit the form the url is gonna be like
but I NEED, for soe reason of the previous settings a ul like this
i dont have access to the page that is receiving the i wonder if i can send the email address AS IS..
No, you can't according to RFC1738, the URL Spec. The # symbol is reserved because it has a special meaning.
As Alan mentioned the URL specification (RFC1738) forbids the use of the # symbol in URLs because it's reserved for use within any type of URL. An example of this would be an FTP URL which provides the option to specify a username#host.domain syntax.
Section 3 of the RFC shows a number of cases that use the # symbol in a URL.
For this reason # along with a number of other characters can't be used as part of an HTTP URL.
No, you can't. Variables in query strings must be encoded, otherwise it isn't a valid URL.