Spring AOP: <context:load-time-weaver> Vs <aop:aspectj-autoproxy> - aspectj

I was looking for the option to profile my APIs. I found Spring AOP is one of the options to profile the methods.
There are two options in Spring AOP to configure and use the aspects:
As per my understanding first option (load-time-weaver) performs weaving at load time without creating any proxy objects. And second option (aspectj-autoproxy) creates proxy objects. Am I correct on this? I believe, creation of proxy objects may hit the performance. wouldn't it?
Which option is best to choose considering better performance? What are the pros and cons of both approaches?

Well, Narendra, first of all there are profilers for profiling software. Maybe there is no need to code anything on your own.
As for your question: I have not idea how to configure Spring because I never use it. I am an AspectJ user. What I do know though, is that Spring AOP always uses proxies (JDK or CGLIB, depending on whether you need to proxy interfaces or classes). This is, as you said, something you probably do not want for profiling. AspectJ, no matter if you use compile or load time weaving, does not need or use proxies and thus should be faster. If you are not already using Spring in your project anyway, I would not touch it just to satisfy your profiling needs. Furthermore, Spring AOP only works for Spring Beans and just offers method interception, not much more. AspectJ is a full-blown AOP implementation and much more powerful. If you are already using Spring, you have a choice of using Spring AOP, AspectJ within Spring or a mixture of both.


Quarkus with EclipseLink?

Is it possible to use EclipseLink with QUarkus? Or is Quarkus too hardly coupled with Hibernate?
We are in the process of choosing our MP implementation and we want to stick as close to the reference impls as possible
I am not seeing much information on https://quarkus.io/guides/ or even this very forum to indicate that eclipselink too can be used with Quarkus.
Any pointers on why Quarkus is tied so tightly to a specific impl (if it is) of JPA would also be welcome
You can use EclipseLink by adding it in your classpath as fxrobin mentioned. But it won't work for native image generation, nor will be integrated with the database connection pool, the transaction enlistment etc. Finally the startup time will be much longer.
The reason Quarkus focuses on Hibernate ORM is exactly for these reasons. Making Hibernate ORM work on native, making it do work at build time to speed startup time, smoothly integrating it with other areas takes a lot of time. Someone could make the same for EclipseLink with a few months of work ahead of them.
You can add EclipseLink in a class way as if you were in Java SE. But then you have to manage the transactional behaviour by code but not with annotations.

Beans, beans, and more beans...what does what?

I've recently been given a project to work on that involves writing a web application. I've never done Java EE before. A lot of resources on the web are dated and I'm having trouble figuring out what the current differences are between the various standards and Java technologies.
Originally I thought I really needed EJB 3.1 due to dependency injection, JPA, session management, and web services. I started experimenting with Glassfish but was told that we had to write the thing in Tomcat. So I've been trying to figure out what I need as well as what and how to put into Tomcat to get there. I've begun to question whether I even need EJB at all.
I want to use JFS, I think, for the MVC architecture. In learning about that I've run into both ManagedBeans and CDI, which according to some renders the former obsolete and also seems to provide all the dependency injection stuff I want to enable unit testing. I've also come to realize that I can get JPA outside of EJB in the form of Hibernate and maybe a few others. Additionally it seems that web services, which I don't know that I need anyway, come in the form of another standard I can't think of the name right now and this also can be installed independently.
My major issue here is session management and state. It seems to me that all which remains for EJB to do is provide #Stateless/#Stateful and #Local/#Remote. However, as I understand it, some of this is already exists in the form of session management in the servlet container...but I don't know how much or what the major differences are that I need to account for in order to decide if I need these things at all.
So my question is, what are the basic, essential differences that I need to know in order to decide if EJB is worth looking at or if I have enough in the form of other libraries and technologies? I've been all over google and Usenet and have not been able to find this information anywhere.
Just thought of another bit. As I understand it, the #Stateful bean annotation provides me thread-safe state saving. I'm probably not going to directly use threads, but I know Java does so behind the scenes a lot and suspect EE especially so. When I need to keep state I don't want to be dealing with threads if this already provides it.
Java EE 6 has three different ways of defining beans that are managed in one way or another:
JSF 2.0 introduced this annotation declaring managed beans in faces-config.xml. This annotation is used to access a bean from the Expression Language.
In an EE 6 container CDI this annotation is a built-in qualifier types to provide a name to a bean, making it accessible through EL.
This annotation attempts to generalize JSF managed beans for use elsewhere in Java EE.
If you deploy in an EE 6 container (If you use Tomcat or another servlet container, you can also get CDI by adding the Weld jar to your web app), then there is really no reason to use #javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean. Just use #javax.inject.Namedand start taking advantage of CDI sevices.
One of the objectives of CDI specification is to bring together the Web tier and the transactional services, making easy for developers to use EJB along with JSF in web applications of the Java EE platform.
With CDI you have the following services among others : well-defined lifecycle contexts(influenced by seam 2 and conversation scope), Dependency injection, loose coupling facilities like interceptors, decorators and events and portable extensions, which allows third-party frameworks to integrate in the Java EE 6 environment like SEAM 3 extensions
Managed beans and EJB Services
First of all CDI applies to any managed bean. Some managed beans are EJBs. When we need to use the EJB services in a managed bean, we just add a #Stateless, #Stateful or #Singleton annotation. IMO they act as complementary technologies allowing you to have a flexible and gradual development just only adding some annotations.
So, when should we use a session bean instead of a plain managed bean?
When you need some EJB features that CDI is missing : declarative transactions, concurrency management, pooling, remote or web service invocation ,timers and asynchronous method invokation.
Of course you could also get all aspects using third party libraries - but this would introduce additional complexity to your project. In terms of functionality IMHO EJB are the place to implement :
Business logic, allowing you to have a cleaning separation of busniness logic and web tier logic (implemented by "JSF backing beans" which are CDI managed beans but no EJB)
Functionality which makes most sense for components which are entrypoints to the application (endpoints for remote invocations delivered via RMI or HTTP)
Finally if you need EJB services then you need an Aplication Server (eg. GlassFish or Jboss AS) if you only need CDI services you need a Servlet Container(e.g Tomcat) plus CDI libraries.
Do you need the features provided by EJBs, i.e. security and transaction management? If the answer is yes, EJBs might be a good option.
If the answer is no, and you only need dependency injection, CDI could then be a good option.
You can also get similar capabilities with other 3rd party products, like Spring (dependency injection, Spring security, etc), but deciding whether you use one (EJB) or the other (e.g. Spring) is in many of the cases a matter of previous skillset.
In my opinion, if there are no previous constraints, going Java spec compliant is a good investment.
I would suggest you to start with the CDI and proceed to the EJB's (which is really adding one annotation on top of your POJO) if the requirements needs them (just as it was told - transactionality, web services, JMX, timers, EJB asynchronous invocations).
It's quite reasonable to develop an application in which your entry point is an EJB which encompasses your call in the transaction and allows you to define multiple entry points. The EJB then invokes the CDI beans with the business logic in them.
It's also worth noticing that the TomEE is a certified Java EE 6 Web Profile developed on top of the Apache Tomcat.

Struts2 configuration and performance

I use Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate for web site development. And I am wondering about 1 thing, I never used annotations in my web applications, but hey, what is the best way to code a web application? Annotations (I never understood how they works) or Config-files? and why? More complex applications will work faster on this?, or is something about principles?
This isn't definitive it is just what I do with similar tools.
Looking at the Struts2 xml configuration vs conventions (struts2-conventions-plugin) and annotations. The benefit of the later is that there is a lot less work. When the conventions don't do what we want we have a choice, use struts.xml which will override the conventions or use annotations which will also override the conventions. If you go with annotations on your action class then you can clearly see what is going on from one location. With struts.xml you often need to look at both the configuration file and the action to understand the whole picture.
Although I advocate annotations, the xml configuration is still good for somethings. It is a good place to set global parameters. It is still needed for defining custom interceptors/interceptor-stacks and if you need actions defined from wildcards it makes sense to have them there too. All these examples reinforce the point that it is more general configuration that belongs in struts.xml because they are bigger than any action.
For hibernate it is similar. Your entity classes and meta information are all in one place which makes it easier to understand. There was a case I had where xml was more useful in a testing situation, I needed to use the same entity classes but needed to make extensive changes to the metadata. So in that case I could simply load a different set of xml files.
With spring I use annotations for injection but wire the beans in application.xml.
Other stackoverflow posts that may be of interest:
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration
Is there a good reason to configure hibernate with XML rather than via annotations?

For RESTful services in Java, is JAX-RS better than an MVC framework like Swing, Grails or Play?

For example, Play-framework supports RESTful services like this: RESTful on Play! framework
How does this compare to something like Jax-RS Jersey implementation? Does a framework like Play run circles around Jersey because of all it's cool bells and whistles, and it does REST too?
Developer productivity is important, but so is a proper implementation. Perhaps using an MVC framework for REST only services is 'wrong'?
Note, only RESTful services, no UI components at all.
Even though it's not "wrong" to use an MVC framework for RESTful services, there are some pros and cons versus using a JAX-RS implementation.
(Disclaimer: I have only used Jersey and Play! for fun, and not on production-grade systems, so I have tailored my comments more generally to MVC vs. JAX-RS. Keep in mind that these are broad generalizations.)
MVC frameworks--at least the ones that are considered developer friendly and "slick"--typically save you from having to build a persistence layer (the model part). Most also simplify "routing" requests using either scaffolding via convention or some form of configuration. The downsides are that you have to conform to some conventions for your controllers and usually have to write a view for each resource (or build layers of abstractions to avoid rewriting the same code).
JAX-RS excels at defining the routing (using Java annotations) as well as eliminating any restrictions on the service class. In my experience, that has greatly reduced the amount of boilerplate code and developer overhead. Jersey and Apache CXF also handle the XML or JSON serialization using JAXB annotations, which eliminates the need to figure out the view in an MVC context. The downside here is that you have to figure out your own ORM or persistence layer, which could be good or bad depending on whether you're building on top of existing data or creating a greenfield system (or using something other than an JPA/RDBMS e.g. NoSQL data store).
My own personal comment: Play! is a really cool framework, but I'd choose CXF (or Jersey) over an MVC framework any day for building out a RESTful service. In my experience, this frees up the developer to focus on the logic needed for the service, and opens up options for different database approaches. Right tool for the right job.
As a rule of thumb: For Scala, use Play. For Java, use Jersey.
You can use Jersey/Scala and Play/Java; I've done both. It works. It isn't bad. But unless you have a particular reason to do that, I wouldn't mix ecosystems. Java and Scala are interoperable but they have different ecosystems, I would avoid adding Java-isms if you are using Scala or Scala-isms and dependencies if you are running straight Java.
Jersey and Play are generally close for REST services. Neither really has any killer features over the other.
Jersey defines URL mappings in annotations, Play defines them in a service wide route file. And they bundle or have varying quality of integration with different libraries for things like XML, JSON, database, testing, mocking, dependency injection libraries and app server deployment.
The Java world has JMS, Spring, JUnit, jdbi/hibernate/jpa, Jetty/Grizzly. The Scala world has Akka, specs2/ScalaTest, Anorm/slick. Jersey is a better fit for the first world, Scala for the second. You can definitely cross that, but it will be a little less elegant and might require more glue coding.
JAX-RS is a standard and implementations can be created by different vendors. Jersey is one such implementation. The other frameworks may make use of JAX-RS but are not standards. So it is not a one-to-one comparison.
I have never heard of Play before but it does look interesting, more akin to Rails and Django than Jersey. What I like about Jersey is that it can be integrated into existing Java web applications by simply adding the JARs and declaring some things in the web.xml. What I find confusing about Jersey and JAX-RS is the routing.
Play seems to make routing easier, however, correct me if I'm wrong, seems like it is an all-or-nothing framework and cannot be used alongside other servlets in the same web application.

Frameworks for Layering reusable Architectures

My question is very simple, my intention is to generate a repository with your responses so it could serve to the community when selecting frameworks for developing enterprise general purpose applications.
This could apply very well for general purpose languages such as C++, C# or Java.
What Framework do you recommend for generating Layered Architectures?
Based on you experience why do you prefer the usage of some Framework versus your own architecture?
How long do you believe your selected Framework will stay as a preferred option in the software development industry?
This is indeed an overly general question, especially since there are so many interpretations of the very word framework, and within the world of frameworks many different kinds for different tasks. Nevertheless, I'll give it a shot for Java.
Java EE
The default overall enterprise framework of Java is called Java EE. Java EE strongly emphasis a layered architecture. It's a quite large framework and learning every aspect of it can take some time. It supports several types of applications. Extremely small and simple ones may only use JSP files with some scriptlets, while larger ones may use much more.
Java EE doesn't really enforce you to use all parts of it, but you pick and choose what you like.
Top down it consists of the following parts:
Web layer
For the web layer Java EE primarily defines a component and MVC based Web Framework called JSF - JavaServer Faces. JSF utilizes an XML based view description language (templating language) called Facelets. Pages are created by defining templates and letting template clients provide content for them, including other facelets and finally placing components and general markup on them.
JSF provides a well defined life-cyle for doing all the things that every web app should do: converting request values, validating them, calling out to business logic (the model) and finally delegating to a (Facelets) view for rendering.
For a more elaborate description look up some of the articles by BalusC here, e.g. What are the main disadvantages of Java Server Faces 2.0?
Business layer
The business layer in the Java EE framework is represented by a light-weight business component framework called EJB - Enterprise JavaBeans. EJBs are supposed to contain the pure business logic of an application. Among others EJBs take care of transactions, concurrency and when needed remoting.
An ordinary Java class becomes an EJB by applying the #Stateless annotation. By default, every method of that bean is then automatically transactional. Meaning, if the method is called and no transaction is active one is started, otherwise one is joined. If needed this behavior can be tuned or even disabled. In the majority of cases transactions will be transparent to the programmer, but if needed there is an explicit API in Java EE to manage them manually. This is the JTA API - Java Transaction API.
Methods on an EJB can easily be made to execute asynchronous by using the #Asynchronous annotation.
Java EE explicitly supports layering via the concept of a separate module specifically for EJBs. This isolates those beans and prevents them from accessing their higher layer. See this Packaging EJB in JavaEE 6 WAR vs EAR for a more elaborate explanation.
Persistence layer
For persistence the Java EE framework comes with a standard ORM framework called JPA - Java Persistence API. This is based on annotating plain java classes with the #Entity annotation and a property or field on them with #Id. Optionally (if needed) further information can be specified via annotations on how objects and object relations map to a relational database.
JPA heavily emphasizes slim entities. This means the entities themselves are as much as possible POJOs that can be easily send to other layers and even remote clients. An entity in Java EE typically does not take care of its own persistence (i.e. it does not hold any references to DB connections and such). Instead, a separate class called the EntityManager is provided to work with entities.
The most convenient way of working with this EntityManager is from within an EJB bean, which makes obtaining an instance and the handling of transactions a breeze. However, using JPA in any other layer, even outside the framework (e.g. in Java SE) is supported as well.
These are the most important services related to the traditional layers in a typical enterprise app, but the Java EE framework supports a great many additional services. Some of which are:
Messaging is directly supported in the Java EE framework via the JMS API - Java Messaging Service. This allows business code to send messages to so-called queues and topics. Various parts of the application or even remote applications can listen to such a queue or topic.
The EJB component framework even has a type of bean that is specifically tailored for messaging; the message driven bean which has a onMessage method that is automatically invoked when a new message for the queue or topic that the bean is listening to comes in.
Next to JMS, Java EE also provides an event-bus, which is a simple light-weight alternative to full blown messaging. This is provided via the CDI API, which is a comprehensive API that among others provides scopes for the web layer and takes care of dependency injections. Being a rather new API it currently partially overlaps with EJB and the so-called managed beans from JSF.
Java EE provides a lot of options for remoting out of the box. EJBs can be exposed to external code willing and able to communicate via a binary protocol by merely letting them implement a remote interface.
If binary communication is not an option, Java EE also provides various web service implementations. This is done via among others JAX-WS (web services, soap) and JAX-RS (Rest).
For scheduling periodic or timed jobs, Java EE offers a simple timer API. This API supports CRON-like timers using natural language, as well as timers for delayed execution of code or follow up checks.
This part of Java EE is usable but as mentioned fairly basic.
There are quite some more things in Java EE, but I think this about covers the most important things.
An alternative enterprise framework for Java is Spring. This is a proprietary, though fully open source framework.
Just as the Java EE framework, the Spring framework contains a web framework (called Spring MVC), a business component framework (simply called Spring, or Core Spring Framework) and a web services stack (called Spring Web Services).
Although many parts of the Java EE framework can be used standalone, Spring puts more emphasis on building up your own stack than Java EE does.
The choice of Java EE vs Spring is often a religiously influenced one. Technically both frameworks offer a similar programming model and a comparable amount of features. Java EE may be seen as slightly more light-weight (emphasis convention over configuration) and having the benefit of type-safe injections, while Spring may offer more of those smaller convenience methods that developers often need.
Additionally Spring offers a more thoroughly and directly usable security API (called Spring Security), where Java EE leaves a lot of security details open to (third party) vendors.
To specifically answer the second question:
Developing your own framework gives you the burden of having to maintain it and educating new developers in using it.
The larger your framework becomes, the more time you have to devote specifically to it and the less time you thus have to solve your actual business problem. This is okay if your business problem is the framework, but otherwise it can become a bit of a problem, even for very large companies that can dedicate a group of people to such a framework.
If you're a smaller company (say ~15 developer max) this can really become a huge burden.
Additionally, if your own framework is the kind of framework that can take advantage of third party developments (e.g. third parties can develop components for JSF), then your own framework obviously won't be able to take advantage of that.
Unless of course you open source your own framework, but this will only significantly increase the burden of supporting it. Just dumping your source code on sourceforge does not really count. You will have to actively support it. All of a sudden your framework becomes their framework with maybe 'weird' feature requests and awkward error reports for environments that you have no personal interest in.
This also assumes that your framework will actually be used by external users. Unless it's really very, very, good and you put lots of energy in it, this will probably not happen if it's simply the umpteenth Java web- or ORM framework.
Obviously, some people have to take up the job of creating new frameworks, otherwise the industry just stagnates, but if your prime concern is your business problem I would really think twice of starting your own framework.
Very vague question, I'm not really sure it's ever a good idea to "write your own" at this point for a work project (unless writing your own, IS the project). If it's a learning exercise, fine, but otherwise go use one of the libraries written by people who have been doing it far longer. If you really want to get involved, read their code, try and contribute patches etc.
For .Net there is Sharp Architecture Which is a pretty popular framework for layered applications.
Here's some of the stuff I use (I don't use Sharp Architecture)
First, the infrastructure stuff
For Dependency Injection, I use StructureMap. I use it because it's way more robust and performant than anything I would or could write, and it's very well supported within the .Net community. It also sticks to being DI, and doesn't venture out into other things that I might want to use other libs for (AOP etc). The fluent configuration is fantastic (but many .Net DI Tools have that now)
For AOP, I use Linfu Dynamic Proxy. I know a lot of people that like the code weaver variety for performance reasons, but that's always seemed a bit like premature optimization to me.
For a DataMapper, I use AutoMapper. This is one where I'm on again off again. If you can do your mappings based just on convention, then great, I'll use it. Once I have to start tweaking the configuration to do special things.... to me that starts to get into the gray area where the code might be more clear with just some left=>right wrapped in a function.
Asp.Net MVC. Although to be quite honest, I'm having a falling out lately and may soon be moving to FubuMvc. Asp.Net MVC seems like it has split personalities in terms of API design (dynamic over here, static over there, using blocks to render forms, but System.Actions to render other things etc). Combine that with the fact that it's not really OSS (you can't submit a patch), and to me there's a compelling reason why the community should come up with something better that's OSS.
NHibernate, Specifically Fluent NHibernate. Sure I'd love to write my own OR/M, but at the same time I'm certain that the hordes of developers who have worked on NHibernate are way smarter than me.
Services/Distribution etc
WCF for Synchronous calls
NServiceBus for Messaging and most async calls.
Most of this stuff is OSS, so how long will it be around, well, I would imagine a good long while.
This question doesn't work very well. Selecting frameworks is difficult, and very context specific. For each selection process you might end up with a simple shortlist and a simple list of questions to answer, but those lists do not transfer well to other selections.
The number of parameters and the parameter sensitivity influencing a decision is very large, and at enterprise level a lot of them are not technical.
Currently, there are no frameworks available that are ready to support these near-term enterprise needs:
the switch for most of the workforce from pc to tablet and phone;
the switch from web client and rdbms to p2p/disconnected based storage and distribution