How do I append two Streams in Java 8? - append

Suppose I have two streams of the same type. Is it possible to append one stream to the other without converting them to lists beforehand?
Stream<MyClass> ms = ...;
Stream<MyClass> ns = ...;
return ms.append(ns);

Use Stream.concat(stream1, stream2), this will create a stream consisting of first the elements of stream1 and then the elements of stream2, if you want to maintain ordering. Also note that all applied predicates, etc. still work on a per-stream basis, they do not automagically hold for the concatenation of the two streams.


Azure Data Flow compare two string with lookup

I'm using Azure Data flow to do some transformation on the data but I'm facing some challenges.
I have a use case where I have two streams, these two streams have some common data, and what I'm looking for is to output the common data between these two streams.
I do matching data with some common fields(product_name(string) and brand(string)), I have not got ID.
to do the matching, I picked lookup activity and I tried to compare the brand in the two streams, but THE RESULT IS NOT CORRECT because for example:
left stream : the brand = Estēe Lauder
right stream. : the brand = Estée Lauder
for me this is the same brand, but they have different text format, I wanted to use 'like' operator but lookup activity does not support it, I'm using '==' operator to compare.
is there a way to override this problem please ?
If you use the Exists transformation instead of Lookup, you will have much more flexibility because you can use custom expressions including regex matching. Also, you can look at using fuzzy matching functions in the Exists expression like soundex(), rlike(), etc.

What are Builder, Combiner, and Splitter in scala?

In the parallel programming course from EPFL, four abstractions for data parallelism are mentioned: Iterator, Builder, Combiner, and Splitter.
I am familiar with Iterator, but have never used the other three. I have seen other traits Builder, Combiner, and Splitter under scala.collection package. However, I have idea how to use them in real-world development, particularly how to use them in collaboration with other collections like List, Array, ParArray, etc. Could anyone please give me some guidance and examples?
The two traits Iterator and Builder are not specific to parallelism, however, they provide the basis for Combiner and Splitter.
You already know that an Iterator can help you with iterating over sequential collections by providing the methods hasNext and next. A Splitter is a special case of an Iterator and helps to partition a collection into multiple disjoint subsets. The idea is that after the splitting, these subsets can be processed in parallel. You can obtain a Splitter from a parallel collection by invoking .splitter on it. The two important methods of the Splitter trait are as follows:
remaining: Int: returns the number of elements of the current collection, or at least an approximation of that number. This information is important, since it is used to decide whether or not it's worth it to split the collection. If your collection contains only a small amount of elements, then you want to process these elements sequentially instead of splitting the collection into even smaller subsets.
split: Seq[Splitter[A]]: the method that actually splits the current collection. It returns the disjoint subsets (represented as Splitters), which recursively can be splitted again if it's worth it. If the subsets are small enough, they finally can be processed (e.g. filtered or mapped).
Builders are used internally to create new (sequential) collections. A Combiner is a special case of a Builder and at the same time represents the counterpart to Splitter. While a Splitter splits your collection before it is processed in parallel, a Combiner puts together the results afterwards. You can obtain a Combiner from a parallel collection (subset) by invoking .newCombiner on it. This is done via the following method:
combine(that: Combiner[A, B]): Combiner[A, B]: combines your current collection with another collection by "merging" both Combiners. The result is a new Combiner, which either represents the final result, or gets combined again with another subset (by the way: the type parameters A and B represent the element type and the type or the resulting collection).
The thing is that you don't need to implement or even use these methods directly if you don't define a new parallel collection. The idea is that people implementing new parallel collections only need to define splitters and combiners and get a whole bunch of other operations for free, because those operations are already implemented and make use of splitters and combiners.
Of course this is only a superficial description of how those things work. For further reading, I recommend reading Architecture of the Parallel Collections Library as well as Creating Custom Parallel Collections.

How to use Scala to partition data into buckets for further processing

I want to read in a csv log which has as it's first column a timestamp of form hh:mm:ss. I would like to partition the entries into buckets, say hourly. I'm curious what the best approach is that adheres to Scala's semantics, i.e., reading the file as a stream, parsing it (maybe by a match predicate?) and emitting the csv entries as tuples.
It's been a couple of years since I looked at Scala but this problem seems particularly well suited to the language.
log format example:
The last field in the input could be mapped to an emum in the output tuple but I'm not sure there's value in that.
I'd be happy with a general recipe that I could use, with suggestions for certain built-in functions that are well suited to the problem.
The overall goal is a map-reduce, where I want to count elements in a time window but those elements first need to be preprocessed by a regex replace, before sorting and counting.
I've tried to keep the problem abstract, so the problem can be approached as a pattern to follow.
Perhaps as a first pass, a simple groupBy would do the trick ?
logLines.groupBy(line => line.timestamp.hours)
Using the groupBy idiom, and some filtering, my solution looks like
val lines: Traversable[String] =
val events: List[String] = lines.filter(line => line.matches("[\\d]+:.*")).toList
val buckets: Map[String, List[String]] = events.groupBy { line => line.substring(0, line.indexOf(":")) }
This gives me 24 buckets, one for each hour. Now I can process each bucket, perform the regex replace that I need to de-parameterize the URIs and finally map-reduce those to find the frequency each route has occurred.
Important note. I learned that groupBy doesn't work as desired, without first creating a List from the Traversable stream. Without that step, the end result is a single valued map for each hour. Possibly not the most performant solution, since it requires all events to be loaded in memory before partitioning. Is there a better solution that can partition a stream? Perhaps something that adds events to a mutable Set as the stream is processed?

Spark: Distributed removal/addition of elements in a set?

I am trying to convert a ML algorithm to Spark Scala to take advantage of my cluster's power. The relevant bits of pseudo-code are the following:
initialize set of elements
while(set not empty) {
while(...) { remove a given element from the set }
while(...) { add a given element to the set }
Is there any way to parallelize such a thing?
I would intuitively say that this is not implementable in a distributed fashion (the number of iterations being unknown), but I have been reading that Spark allows implementation of iterative ML algorithms.
Here is what I tried so far:
Originally used a mutable Set and removed/added elements during the loops in simple Scala. It runs correctly, but I feel like the whole code will just be executed on the driver which limits the interest of using Spark?
Made the set a RDD, and replaced the var during every iteration by a new RDD with subtracted/added element (which I suppose is super heavy?). No error appears but the variable doesn't actually get updated.
mySetRDD = mySetRDD.subtract(sc.parallelize(Seq(element)))
Looked up Accumulators for a way to keep a set of elements upated on its content (presence/absence of elements) across multiple executors, but they do not seem to allow things other than simple updates of numerical values.
Create PairRDD and then repartitionByKey say x partitions.
After that you can use
PairRdd1.zipPartition() to get the iterator over partition of rdds. Then you can write a function which will work over two iterators to produce third or output iterator.
Since you have repartition the rdd by key you need not keep track of the removals across partitions., boolean, scala.Function2, scala.reflect.ClassTag, scala.reflect.ClassTag)

How to groupBy an iterator without converting it to list in scala?

Suppose I want to groupBy on a iterator, compiler asks to "value groupBy is not a member of Iterator[Int]". One way would be to convert iterator to list which I want to avoid. I want to do the groupBy such that the input is Iterator[A] and output is Map[B, Iterator[A]]. Such that the part of the iterator is loaded only when that part of element is accessed and not loading the whole list into memory. I also know the possible set of keys, so I can say whether a particular key exists.
def groupBy(iter: Iterator[A], f: fun(A)->B): Map[B, Iterator[A]] = {
One possibility is, you can convert Iterator to view and then groupBy as,
I don't think this is doable without storing results in memory (and in this case switching to a list would be much easier). Iterator implies that you can make only one pass over the whole collection.
For instance let's say you have a sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 and you want to groupBy odd an even numbers:
groupBy(it, v => v % 2 == 0)
Then you could query the result with either true and false to get an iterator. The problem should you loop one of those two iterators till the end you couldn't do the same thing for the other one (as you cannot reset an iterator in Scala).
This would be doable should the elements were sorted according to the same rule you're using in groupBy.
As said in other responses, the only way to achieve a lazy groupBy on Iterator is to internally buffer elements. The worst case for the memory will be in O(n). If you know in advance that the keys are well distributed in your iterator, the buffer can be a viable solution.
The solution is relatively complex, but a good start are some methods from the Iterator trait in the Scala source code:
The partition method that uses both the buffered method to keep the head value in memory, and two internal queues (lookahead) for each of the produced iterators.
The span method with also the buffered method and this time a unique queue for the leading iterator.
The duplicate method. Perhaps less interesting, but we can again observe another use of a queue to store the gap between the two produced iterators.
In the groupBy case, we will have a variable number of produced iterators instead of two in the above examples. If requested, I can try to write this method.
Note that you have to know the list of keys in advance. Otherwise, you will need to traverse (and buffer) the entire iterator to collect the different keys to build your Map.