Chaining path-dependent types and instantiating them when they having different parameter lists in Scala - scala

I'm experimenting with writing more statically type-safe code by implementing a simple card game. In this game, there are several unique cards and each card has a card-specific effect which may require additional parameters (e.g., a target for the effect). A player holds two cards and on their turn chooses to play one of them, causing that card's effect to take place.
Note: most of the details in this post are from trying it out in the REPL. I have a less statically type-safe implementation written but I want to make sure that what I want is feasible before diving completely into it.
Here are some relevant definitions:
trait CardEffectParams
case class OneTarget(player: Player) extends CardEffectParams
case class TwoTargets(player1: Player, player2: Player) extends CardEffectParams
// ...
trait Card {
// the parameters to use are specific to the card
type Params <: CardEffectParams
trait Hand {
case class CardInHand(card: Card) { /* with ctor not accessible from outside */ }
// a player can hold two cards
val card1: CardInHand
val card2: CardInHand
I want to delegate the choosing of which card to play to some strategy so I can see how different strategies compare. This is where I'm stuck: I want to limit the cards you can return to the ones in the Hand object passed in the parameters, which I can do by typing it as hand.CardInHand:
trait Strategy {
def choose(hand: Hand, gameState: GameState): hand.CardsInHand
But I also want to pass extra parameters: for example, one card might allow me to target just one player (e.g., skip their turn), but another might let me target two (e.g., swap their cards). These are modelled by CardEffectParams. So I want to return both hand.CardsInHand and a cardInHand.card.Params where cardInHand is the instance I'm returning, something like this:
/* NOT valid scala */
trait Strategy {
def choose(hand: Hand, gameState: GameState): (c: hand.CardsInHand, c.card.Params)
So the first question is, can this be done? How would you represent this relationship?
I'm also stuck on how to instantiate the CardEffectParams subclasses, since each one may have different parameter lists. My first thought is to do a pattern match, but this fails because the type of the match block is the common ancestor of all possible results:
case object CardA extends Card {
type Params = OneTarget
case object CardB extends Card {
type Params = TwoTargets
object RandomStrategy extends Strategy {
def choose(hand: Hand, gameState: GameState) = {
val card: Card = /* randomly pick card1 or card2 */
/* the type of the match block is CardEffectParams, not card.Params */
val param: card.Params = card match {
case CardA => OneTarget(...)
case CardB => TwoTargets(...)
My current idea is to define a factory method within each card object that takes an hlist of arguments from which it produces the correct type:
trait Card {
type Params <: CardEffectParams
type HListTypeOfParams = /* insert shapeless magic */
def create[L <: HListTypeOfParams](l: L): Params
from which I can then do the following?
// no idea if this works or not
val card: Card = ...
val params: card.Params = card match {
case c: CardA => c.create(1 :: HNil)
case c: CardB => c.create(1 :: 2 :: HNil)
But I feel like I've gone too far down the rabbit hole. Is what I want to achieve possible? Is it necessary? Do I need to dive so deep into typing to ensure static type safety or am I missing something really elementary?

For the first question, I would replace your tuple with a type that represents the relationship
trait CardAndParams {
type C <: Card
val card: C
val params: C#Params
def choose[R <: CardAndParams](hand: Hand, gameState: GameState)(
implicit helper: Helper {type Out = R}): R
You will need to use implicits like my Helper example to drive the actual strategy implementations and ensure the correct R is inferred. This is also the more usual way to do type-level computation:
sealed trait RandomStrategyHelper[C <: Card] {
def params(): C#Params
object RandomStrategyHelper {
implicit def forCardA = new RandomStrategyHelper[CardA] {
def params() = 1 :: HNil
implicit def forCardB = new RandomStrategyHelper[CardB] {
def params() = 1 :: 2 :: HNil
def randomParams[C <: Card](card: C)(implicit rsh: RandomStrategyHelper[C]) =
But I guess you need a way to move from your randomly-generated card to a strongly typed one, and for that the pattern match seems appropriate, since it would be difficult to represent a random card at type level.
In general this kind of type-level programming is possible but hard in Scala - the language wasn't really designed for it. If you want to push this as far as it will go you may be better off using something like Idris.


Type-safety for Patternmatching on Parameters with Dependent Types in Scala

I am currently working with a type hierarchy which represents a tree and an accompanying type hierarchy that represents steps of root-to-node paths in that tree. There are different kinds of nodes so different steps can be taken at each node. Therefore, the node types have a type member which is set to a trait including all valid steps. Take the following example:
// Steps
sealed trait Step
sealed trait LeafStep extends Step
sealed trait HorizontalStep extends Step
sealed trait VerticalStep extends Step
object Left extends HorizontalStep
object Right extends HorizontalStep
object Up extends VerticalStep
object Down extends VerticalStep
// The Tree
sealed trait Tree {
type PathType <: Step
case class Leaf() extends Tree {
override type PathType = LeafStep
case class Horizontal(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree {
override type PathType = HorizontalStep
case class Vertical(up: Tree, down: Tree) extends Tree {
override type PathType = VerticalStep
In this example, given a tree the path Seq(Up, Right) would tell us to go to the "right" child of the "up" child of the root (assuming the tree's nodes have the fitting types). Of course, navigating the tree involves a bunch of code using PartialFunctions that is not shown in the example. However, in that process I want to provide a type-safe callback which is notified for every step that is taken and its arguments include both the step and the respective tree nodes.
My current approach is a function def callback(from: Tree, to: Tree)(step: from.PathType). That works without problems on the caller side, but I'm running into an issue when actually implementing such a callback that works with the data passed to it.
def callback(from: Tree, to: Tree)(step: from.PathType) = {
from match {
case f: Horizontal => step match {
case Left => ??? // do useful stuff here
case Right => ??? // do other useful stuff here
case _ => ()
In the function, the compiler is not convinced that Left and Right are of type from.PathType. Of course, I could simply add .asInstanceOf[f.PathType] and the code seems to work with that. However, the outer match gives us that f is of type Horizontal. We know that PathType of Horizontal objects is HorizontalStep and since f is identical to from we also know that from.PathType is of that same type. Finally, we can check that both Left and Right extend HorizontalStep. So, the above code should always be type-safe even without the cast.
Is that reasoning something the Scala compiler just does not check or am I missing a case where the types could differ? Is there a better way to achieve my goal of a type-safe callback? I'm using Scala 2.12.15
I'm afraid I do not have a thorough explanation on why this does not typecheck. (It seems as if for such dependent-typed parameters, the compiler just isn't able to apply the knowledge that was gained from pattern matching onto the other parameter (that was not explictly matched)).
Nevertheless, here is something that would work:
First, use a type parameter instead of a type member:
// (Steps as above)
// The Tree
sealed trait Tree[PathType <: Step]
// type alias to keep parameter lists simpler
// where we do not care..
type AnyTree = Tree[_ <: Step]
case class Leaf() extends Tree[LeafStep]
case class Horizontal(left: AnyTree, right: AnyTree) extends Tree[HorizontalStep]
case class Vertical(up: AnyTree, down: AnyTree) extends Tree[VerticalStep]
Then, this would fully typecheck:
def callback[S <: Step, F <: Tree[S]](from: F, to: AnyTree)(step: S) = {
def horizontalCallback(from: Horizontal)(step: HorizontalStep) = {
step match {
case Left => ??? // do useful stuff here
case Right => ??? // do other useful stuff here
from match {
case f: Horizontal =>
case _ =>
Confusingly, the compiler would not be able to properly check the pattern match on the step if one places it directly in the outer match like this (Edit: that is only true for 2.12 where this does not give a "match may not be exhaustive" warning - with 2.13 or 3.2, this checks fine):
def callback[S <: Step, F <: Tree[S]](from: F, to: AnyTree)(step: S) = {
from match {
case f: Horizontal =>
step match {
case Left => ??? // do useful stuff here
case Right => ??? // do other useful stuff here
case _ =>

Scala case class conversion

Is there a way to convert one case class to another when they have the same fields and inherit from the same trait, without providing a converter function (that would simply do the one to one field mapping)?
For example:
trait UberSomething {
val name: String
// these may be located in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
val s = Something("wtv")
//s.asInstanceOf[SomethingOther] FAILS
First of all never define trait members as val if they are meant to be implemented at a later point.
trait UberSomething {
def name: String
// these maybe in different files
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
import shapeless._, ops.hlist.Align
Another approach I've seen somewhere on Stackoverflow before, so apologies for stealing street cred, is to use Align such that order of the fields wouldn't matter.
class Convert[Target] {
def apply[Source, HLS <: HList, HLT <: HList](s: Source)(implicit
// Convert the Source to an HList type
// include field names, e.g "labelled"
// Shapeless "generates" this using an implicit macro
// it looks at our type, extracts a list of (Name, Type) pairs
genS: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Source, HLS],
// Convert the Target o an HList type
// include field names, e.g "labelled"
// So again we have a (Name, Type) list of pairs this time for Target
genT: LabelledGeneric.Aux[Target, HLT],
// Use an implicit align to make sure the two HLists
// contain the same set of (Name, Type) pairs in arbitrary order.
align: Align[HLS, HLT]
) = genT from align(genS to s)
// Small trick to guarantee conversion only requires
// a single type argument, otherwise we'd have to put something
// in place for HLS and HLT, which are meant to be path dependant
// and "calculated" by the LabelledGeneric.Repr macro so it wouldn't work as it breaches the "Aux pattern", which exposes a type member materialized by a macro in this case.
// HLT and HLS come from within genS.Repr and genT.Repr.
def convert[T] = new Convert[T]
This is a bit better as the HList params are nicely masked as part of apply so you don't trip yourself up.
val sample = Something("bla")
convert[SomethingOther](sample) // SomethingOther("bla")
Let's review this line: genT from align(genS to s).
First genS to s converts the Source instance to a LabelledGeneric, e.g an HList with field info.
Align aligns the types and fields of the created HList for the Source type to match the Target type.
genT from .. allows us to create an instance of Target from an HList granted the compiler can "prove" the fields and types are "all there", which is something we already have with Align.
You can do that using implicit conversions, eg:
trait UberSomething {
val name: String
case class Something(name: String) extends UberSomething
case class SomethingOther(name: String) extends UberSomething
object Something {
implicit def somethingToSomethingOther(s:Something):SomethingOther = SomethingOther(
object SomethingOther {
implicit def somethingOtherToSomething(s:SomethingOther):Something = Something(
val s = Something("wtv")
val so:SomethingOther = s

scala: how to view subclass methods with a generic instantiation

I have the following where I set information and extractors for different schemes of data:
trait DataScheme {
type Type <: List[Any]
class ExtractorMethods(ticker: String, dataList: List[Type]) {
def getDatetime(datum: Type): Date = new Date(datum(columnIndex(Names.datetime)).toString)
def upperDatum(date: Date): Type = dataList.minBy(datum => getDatetime(datum) >= date)
def lowerDatum(date: Date): Type = dataList.maxBy(datum => getDatetime(datum) <= date)
trait IndexScheme extends DataScheme {
type Type = (Date, Double, Double, Double, Double, Long)
class ExtractorMethods(ticker: String, dataList: List[Type]) extends super.ExtractorMethods(ticker: String, dataList: List[Type]){
def testing12(int: Int):Int = 12
val test123 = 123
I want anything extending DataScheme to use its ExtractorMethods methods (e.g. lowerDatum) but also have its own methods (e.g. testing12).
There is a class definition for lists of data elements:
class Data[+T <: DataScheme](val ticker: String, val dataList: List[T#Type], val isSorted: Boolean)
(implicit m: Manifest[T], mm: Manifest[T#Type]) extends Symbols {
def this(ticker: String, dataList: List[T#Type])(implicit m: Manifest[T], mm: Manifest[T#Type]) = this(ticker, dataList, false)(m: Manifest[T], mm: Manifest[T#Type])
val dataScheme: T
val extractorMethods = new dataScheme.ExtractorMethods(ticker, dataList.asInstanceOf[List[dataScheme.Type]])
A Data class should make accessible the methods in ExtractorMethods of the scheme so they can be used in the main program through the instance of Data that has been defined. For example if sortedData is an instance of Data[IndexScheme], the following works:
val lowerDatum = sortedData.extractorMethods.lowerDatum(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2010-03-31 00:00:00"))
but this does not:
val testing = sortedData.extractorMethods.testing12(123)
because 'testing 123 is not a member of sortedData.dataScheme.extractorMethods'. So my question is how can the subclasses of ExtractorMethods in the subtraits of DataScheme like IndexScheme be made accessible? How is it possible using Manifests and TypeTags? Thanks.
So you want the generic class Data[DataScheme] or Data[IndexScheme] to have access to the methods of whichever type Data has been parameterised with. You've tried to do this several different ways, from the evidence in your code.
To answer your last question - manifests can't help in this particular case and TypeTags are only part of the answer. If you really want to do this, you do it with mirrors.
However, you will have to make some changes to your code. Scala only has instance methods; there are no such things as static methods in Scala. This means that you can only use reflection to invoke a method on an instance of a class, trait or object. Your traits are abstract and can't be instantiated.
I can't really tell you how to clean up your code, because what you have pasted up here is a bit of a mess and is full of different things you have tried. What I can show you is how to do it with a simpler set of classes:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
class t1 {
class Methods {
def a = "a"
def b = "b"
def methods = new Methods
class t2 extends t1 {
class Methods extends super.Methods {
def one = 1
def two = 2
override def methods = new Methods
class c[+T <: t1](implicit tag: TypeTag[T]) {
def generateT = {
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val cMirror = mirror.reflectClass(typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass)
val t = generateT().asInstanceOf[T]
val v1 = new c[t1]
val v2 = new c[t2]
If you run that, you'll find that v1.t.methods gives you a class with only methods a and b, but v2.t.methods gives a class with methods one and two as well.
This really is not how to do this - reaching for reflection for this kind of job shows a very broken model. But I guess that's your business.
I stick by what I said below, though. You should be using implicit conversions (and possibly implicit parameters) with companion objects. Use Scala's type system the way it's designed - you are fighting it all the way.
Well, I'm going to start by saying that I would never do things the way you are doing this; it seems horribly over-complicated. But you can do what you want to do, roughly the way you are doing it, by
Using mixins
Moving the extractorMethods creation code into the traits.
Here's a greatly simplified example:
trait t1 {
class Methods {
def a = "a"
def b = "b"
def methods = new Methods
trait t2 extends t1 {
class Methods extends super.Methods {
def one = 1
def two = 2
override def methods = new Methods
class c1 extends t1
val v1 = new c1
// v1.methods.a will return "a", but does not exist
class c2 extends c1 with t2
val v2 = new c2
// v2.methods.a returns "a" and returns 1
I could replicate your modus operandi more closely by defining c1 like this:
class c1 extends t1 {
val myMethods = methods
in which case v1.myMethods would only have methods a and b but v2.myMethods would have a, b, one and two.
You should be able to see how you can adapt this to your own class and trait structure. I know my example doesn't have any of your complex type logic in it, but you know better than I what you are trying to achieve there. I'm just trying to demonstrate a simple mechanism.
But dude, way to make your life difficult...
There are so many things I could say about what is wrong with your approach here, both on the small and large scale. I'm going to restrict myself to saying two things:
You can't do what you are trying to do in the Data class because it is abstract. You cannot force Scala to magically replace an uninitialised, abstract method of a non-specific type with the specific type, just by littering everything with Type annotations. You can only solve this with a concrete class which provides the specific type.
You should be doing this with implicit conversions. Implicits would help you do it the wrong way you seem fixated on, but would also help you do it the right way. Oh, and use a companion object, either for the implicits or to hold a factory (or bot).

Implementing '.clone' in Scala

I'm trying to figure out how to .clone my own objects, in Scala.
This is for a simulation so mutable state is a must, and from that arises the whole need for cloning. I'll clone a whole state structure before moving the simulation time ahead.
This is my current try:
abstract trait Cloneable[A] {
// Seems we cannot declare the prototype of a copy constructor
//protected def this(o: A) // to be defined by the class itself
def myClone= new A(this)
class S(var x: String) extends Cloneable[S] {
def this(o:S)= this(o.x) // for 'Cloneable'
def toString= x
object TestX {
val s1= new S("say, aaa")
println( s1.myClone )
a. Why does the above not compile. Gives:
error: class type required but A found
def myClone= new A(this)
b. Is there a way to declare the copy constructor (def this(o:A)) in the trait, so that classes using the trait would be shown to need to provide one.
c. Is there any benefit from saying abstract trait?
Finally, is there a way better, standard solution for all this?
I've looked into Java cloning. Does not seem to be for this. Also Scala copy is not - it's only for case classes and they shouldn't have mutable state.
Thanks for help and any opinions.
Traits can't define constructors (and I don't think abstract has any effect on a trait).
Is there any reason it needs to use a copy constructor rather than just implementing a clone method? It might be possible to get out of having to declare the [A] type on the class, but I've at least declared a self type so the compiler will make sure that the type matches the class.
trait DeepCloneable[A] { self: A =>
def deepClone: A
class Egg(size: Int) extends DeepCloneable[Egg] {
def deepClone = new Egg(size)
object Main extends App {
val e = new Egg(3)
It would suggest a typeclass based approach. With this it is possible to also let existing classes be cloneable:
class Foo(var x: Int)
trait Copyable[A] {
def copy(a: A): A
implicit object FooCloneable extends Copyable[Foo] {
def copy(foo: Foo) = new Foo(foo.x)
implicit def any2Copyable[A: Copyable](a: A) = new {
def copy = implicitly[Copyable[A]].copy(a)
scala> val x = new Foo(2)
x: Foo = Foo#8d86328
scala> val y = x.copy
y: Foo = Foo#245e7588
scala> x eq y
res2: Boolean = false
a. When you define a type parameter like the A it gets erased after the compilation phase.
This means that the compiler uses type parameters to check that you use the correct types, but the resulting bytecode retains no information of A.
This also implies that you cannot use A as a real class in code but only as a "type reference", because at runtime this information is lost.
b & c. traits cannot define constructor parameters or auxiliary constructors by definition, they're also abstract by definition.
What you can do is define a trait body that gets called upon instantiation of the concrete implementation
One alternative solution is to define a Cloneable typeclass. For more on this you can find lots of blogs on the subject, but I have no suggestion for a specific one.
scalaz has a huge part built using this pattern, maybe you can find inspiration there: you can look at Order, Equal or Show to get the gist of it.

Best way to use type classes with list parametrized with some base class, abstract class or trait

I think it would be easier to describe a problem with concrete example. Suppose I have have Fruit class hierarchy and Show type class:
trait Fruit
case class Apple extends Fruit
case class Orange extends Fruit
trait Show[T] {
def show(target: T): String
object Show {
implicit object AppleShow extends Show[Apple] {
def show(apple: Apple) = "Standard apple"
implicit object OrangeShow extends Show[Orange] {
def show(orange: Orange) = "Standard orange"
def getAsString[T](target: T)(implicit s: Show[T]) = s show target
I also have list of fruits that I would like to show to the user using Show (this is my main goal in this question):
val basket = List[Fruit](Apple(), Orange())
def printList[T](list: List[T])(implicit s: Show[T]) =
list foreach (f => println(s show f))
This will not compile because List is parametrized with Fruit and I have not defined any Show[Fruit]. What is the best way to achieve my goal using type classes?
I tried to find solution for this problem, but unfortunately have not found any nice one yet. It's not enough to know s in printList function - somehow it needs to know Show[T] for each element of the list. This means, that in order to be able to make this, we need some run-time mechanism in addition to the compile-time one. This gave me an idea of some kind of run-time dictionary, that knows, how to find correspondent Show[T] at run-time.
Implementation of implicit Show[Fruit]can serve as such dictionary:
implicit object FruitShow extends Show[Fruit] {
def show(f: Fruit) = f match {
case a: Apple => getAsString(a)
case o: Orange => getAsString(o)
And actually very similar approach can be found in haskell. As an example, we can look at Eq implementation for Maybe:
instance (Eq m) => Eq (Maybe m) where
Just x == Just y = x == y
Nothing == Nothing = True
_ == _ = False
The big problem with this solution, is that if I will add new subclass of Fruit like this:
case class Banana extends Fruit
object Banana {
implicit object BananaShow extends Show[Banana] {
def show(banana: Banana) = "New banana"
and will try to print my basket:
val basket = List[Fruit](Apple(), Orange(), Banana())
then scala.MatchError would be thrown because my dictionary does not know anything about bananas yet. Of course, I can provide updated dictionary in some context that knows about bananas:
implicit object NewFruitShow extends Show[Fruit] {
def show(f: Fruit) = f match {
case b: Banana => getAsString(b)
case otherFruit =>
But this solution is far from perfect. Just imagine that some other library provides another fruit with it's own version of dictionary. It will just conflict with NewFruitShow if I try to use them together.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious?
As #Eric noticed, there is one more solution described here: forall in Scala . It's really looks very interesting. But I see one problem with this solution.
If I use ShowBox, then it will remember concrete type class during it's creation time. So I generally building list with objects and correspondent type classes (so dictionary in present in the list). From the other hand, scala has very nice feature: I can drop new implicits in the current scope and they will override defaults. So I can define alternative string representation for the classes like:
object CompactShow {
implicit object AppleCompactShow extends Show[Apple] {
def show(apple: Apple) = "SA"
implicit object OrangeCompactShow extends Show[Orange] {
def show(orange: Orange) = "SO"
and then just import it in current scope with import CompactShow._. In this case AppleCompactShow and OrangeCompactShow object would be implicitly used instead of defaults defined in the companion object of Show. And as you can guess, list creation and printing happens in different places. If I will use ShowBox, than most probably I will capture default instances of type class. I would like to capture them at the last possible moment - the moment when I call printList, because I even don't know, whether my List[Fruit] will ever be shown or how it would be shown, in the code that creates it.
The most obvious answer is to use a sealed trait Fruit and a Show[Fruit]. That way your pattern matches will complain at compile time when the match is not exhaustive. Of course, adding a new kind of Fruit in an external library will not be possible, but this is inherent in the nature of things. This is the "expression problem".
You could also stick the Show instance on the Fruit trait:
trait Fruit { self =>
def show: Show[self.type]
case class Apple() extends Fruit { self =>
def show: Show[self.type] = showA
Or, you know, stop subtyping and use type classes instead.