to find the implementation of execv() from linux kernel 3.2 - execv

How to find the implementation of execv() (including its path) and where is it defined in the linux kernel 3.2?
I am trying to find its implementation and write a redirection code in this file which redirects to my custom system call.


Is there way to ignore not-found system function in a kernel .sys module? so to run .sys in older Windows

I'm facing such a problem. I've built a Windows kernel mode driver using WDK11, and, in order to pass Windows 11 WHQL, I need to use new memory allocating function ExAllocatePool2. The problem is, this driver will fail to load on Windows 7.
You know, Win7 does not have ExAllocatePool2, just like a user-mode EXE cannot find a new-era API in a system DLL on an older Windows OS, so the EXE fails to run.
For a user mode EXE, I can use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress trick to dynamically detect that new-era API is not available at runtime, so that I can fall back to call older API.
I think the same idea applies to kernel mode, using RtlIsNtDdiVersionAvailable to probe for OS version, then call best available API from the system. But how to do real runtime dynamic linking to desired API?
Or, if there is a way to tell the system to ignore ExAllocatePool2 resolving errors when loading my .sys, the question is considered resolved as well.
In one word, the requirement is, I want to have a single binary to support all of Win11/Win10/Win7, and use new APIs on new OS.

How is an efi application being set as the bootloader through code?

By following this tutorial, I am able to create a simple efi application that prints hello world when executed from an uefi shell. However, I was wondering how does one creates bootable EFI image. I tried to use bcfg command in the shell and added my efi binary as one of the booting sequence. However, is there anyway to do it without the need of going into the shell?
However, if you are actually building your own firmware, you can also
look at creating a bootable EFI image and set your default boot option
to this binary. This is most useful if you are including the binary as
a part of your ROM, but it might be a little involved to set up the
filesystem so that it is seen as a normal boot option.
In this question, Nicholas Embry gave a good answer but I was unable to find any resource to explore further into the topic that he mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
bcfg, just like efibootmgr in Linux, ultimately use the GetVariable() and SetVariable() runtime services (also available during boottime) to modify the system boot configuration.
The UEFI Shell, implementing the bcfg command, is itself a UEFI application. Since its source is publicly available, you can have a look at the implementation of the bcfg command - particularly the BcfgAdd() function.
Adding on to unixsmurf's answer, I figured that it is in the specification that UEFI will automatically look for a file name/located at EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi. When making a UEFI application that is intended to be automatically loaded by the machine when booting, simply place the application at the specified path. Combining with what unixsmurf mentioned, I can make the computer load any UEFI application automatically at boot time.

Is it possible to build a basic text based shell/command line ontop of freebsd kernel?

I am interested in operating system development and have a basic knowledge of c, c++, and java. I would like to program a custom text based shell/command line that runs on top of the FreeBSD kernel.
My question is how would I go about obtaining the kernel and writing my custom environment into it, and what tools and resources would I need.
Btw. I am also open to linux, I just prefer the BSD License.
Shell is just an ordinary program, like any other. It doesn't use any special APIs. So, you can just install FreeBSD, write the software you would like to become the shell, and just set it up as user's shell, by using chsh command.

IPPL with Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR)

I'm trying to deploy an application from Matlab to JAVA.
I use Matlab Builder JA and the Image Processing Toolbox.
I create my jar file from Matlab R2012a with the deploytool on MacOSX.
When I run my JAVA program using this jar on my mac, it's OK, but when I try to run it on a Linux or Windows system, I get the error:
Undefined function or variable 'ipplmex'.
Error in ==> ippl at 48
Error in ==> imrotate>useIPP at 205
Deactivating the use of IPPL with iptsetpref('UseIPPL', false) doesn't fix my problem.
I also have done the exact same work on a Linux environment with Matlab R2011a, and it works on Linux but not on a MacOSX machine with the same error.
If anyone has an idea concerning this IPPL thing when changing OS, that would be great.
Thanks !
Java components created with Builder JA are only cross-platform if they don't depend on platform-specific libraries, such as MEX-files you create, or the IPPL libraries supplied with Image Processing Toolbox.
If you want your Java component to make use of IPPL, I think you'll need to create the Java component once on Mac, once on Linux, once on Windows, and use the version created on the appropriate platform.
ipplmex is a (platform-specific) MEX file that is called by ippl, which is a utility function that checks whether IPPL is available. I can't check this at the moment, but I think it makes that availability check whether or not you've specified that you want to actually use IPPL, via the iptsetpref command. Therefore whether or not you specify that IPPL should be used, there's still a platform-specific MEX-file being called.
Again, I can't check this at the moment, but if you're comfortable with your component not using IPPL, you might try to modify the ippl command to just return zero (indicating that IPPL is not available) without attempting to execute ipplmex. (Make sure to take a copy of your existing ippl.m file before you try any modifications).

Can we get the source code of Berkeley sockets API..

I mean the source code of sendto, recv, listen... I mean how they internally work at the kernel level...?
Of course you can get the kernel source code for the sockets API, simply download any of the open source UNIX or UNIX-like kernels: Linux, FreeBSD (Building and Installing a Custom Kernel), OpenBSD (Building the System from Source), NetBSD (NetBSD Documentation: Kernel) and probably others.