IPPL with Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) - matlab

I'm trying to deploy an application from Matlab to JAVA.
I use Matlab Builder JA and the Image Processing Toolbox.
I create my jar file from Matlab R2012a with the deploytool on MacOSX.
When I run my JAVA program using this jar on my mac, it's OK, but when I try to run it on a Linux or Windows system, I get the error:
Undefined function or variable 'ipplmex'.
Error in ==> ippl at 48
Error in ==> imrotate>useIPP at 205
Deactivating the use of IPPL with iptsetpref('UseIPPL', false) doesn't fix my problem.
I also have done the exact same work on a Linux environment with Matlab R2011a, and it works on Linux but not on a MacOSX machine with the same error.
If anyone has an idea concerning this IPPL thing when changing OS, that would be great.
Thanks !

Java components created with Builder JA are only cross-platform if they don't depend on platform-specific libraries, such as MEX-files you create, or the IPPL libraries supplied with Image Processing Toolbox.
If you want your Java component to make use of IPPL, I think you'll need to create the Java component once on Mac, once on Linux, once on Windows, and use the version created on the appropriate platform.
ipplmex is a (platform-specific) MEX file that is called by ippl, which is a utility function that checks whether IPPL is available. I can't check this at the moment, but I think it makes that availability check whether or not you've specified that you want to actually use IPPL, via the iptsetpref command. Therefore whether or not you specify that IPPL should be used, there's still a platform-specific MEX-file being called.
Again, I can't check this at the moment, but if you're comfortable with your component not using IPPL, you might try to modify the ippl command to just return zero (indicating that IPPL is not available) without attempting to execute ipplmex. (Make sure to take a copy of your existing ippl.m file before you try any modifications).


Calling pdftops does not work in Matlab

I want to use the export_fig package for Matlab. At one point this worked, but now it's broken. The error occurs here:
>> system('pdftops -h')
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libtiff.5.dylib
Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/pdftops
Reason: Incompatible library version: pdftops requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libtiff.5.dylib provides version 6.0.0
pdftops -h: Trace/breakpoint trap
But when I call pdftops from my own bash terminal everything works fine. I suppose it must be because Matlab has some bad library paths or something, but I don't know where to go from here?
Some relevant environmental vars used by matlab:
>> system('env')
If you take a look at the error message, MATLAB uses libtiff to call pdftops, but only has version 6.0.0. It says it needs version 8.0.0 or later. There has been a case where this happened before here on StackOverflow. Someone was trying to install mexopencv and has encountered the same error that you're talking about: Compiling mexopencv in OS X 10.9 with Xcode 5 and Matlab R2013b
Though this is unrelated to what you're doing, they encountered the libtiff error that you speak of. They provide two solutions how to fix this error:
Go into MATLAB's root directory, then go bin/os directory where os is the directory of the operating system you are using (in my case, it's maci64). To get into the root directory, in the command prompt do this: cd/(matlabroot). Once you're here, locate the libtiff.5.dylib file and rename it to something like libtiff.5.dylib.bak so that the libtiff libraries that are used are the ones that are default to your system rather than what MATLAB is using internally in the program.
Force MATLAB to point to the library that is part of the system rather than using the one built into MATLAB. As such, in MATLAB's command prompt, run this command:
Once you do this, you may get further errors that are similar but are with other libraries. As such, you need to keep appending these libraries in the second parameter of setenv and colon-delimiting them until you resolve the issues. You need to make sure that you're pointing to the ones on your system rather than the ones installed with MATLAB. In your case, you have to do:
Glad this helped!

Building an entirely installation-free Windows standalone via Matlab Compiler

I'm encountering a serious problem while trying to deploy a Matlab program as a stand-alone for Windows.
My end users are employees in some corporation and have only access to static computers. While they can download, unpack and execute stuff, they don't have installation privileges, so they're unable to install the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR). Unfortunately, they need MCR in order to run my deployed/compiled Matlab program. The deploytool offers me the option to "include MCR in the package", but it doesn't really do that. Instead, it packages the MCR installer, which is useless in my case as described above.
So how can I create a stand-alone application that runs on Windows out of the box, even without MCR installed and without installing it first? There has to be a way to compile this all the way down to binary...
You can't run Matlab code standalone without having MATLAB or the MATLAB Compiler Runtime installed. But it is legal to distribute the MCR to the customers to make them able to use your programs.
Alternatively you can use the MATLAB Coder to convert your code to C/C++, which is not completely issue-free, as just a subset of the Matlab language is supported.
Have a look at this question for the differences between MATLAB Coder and MATLAB Compiler.
Just ask IT to install the MCR, that only needs to happen once. After that the users should be able to execute your programs.
Note: There is a reason that the MCR needs to be installed, and can't just be executed. Therefore I don't expect there to be a 'trick' to avoid this.

Could not access the MCR component cache

I want to use CGI and Apache web server to give users access to run my compiled Matlab application (an exe file). I followed the instructions at this guide.
But, I received an error in the web server logs as:
[error] [client] Could not access the MCR component cache., referer: .../standalone.html
I am using Matlab 2012a. Is there anyway to control the MCR cache for applications compiled using Matlab 2012a? There is no more CTF file with the compilations of this Matlab release.
I believe that in recent versions of MATLAB Compiler the CTF archive is embedded in the .exe by default, but that you can change that back, either by selecting an option from within the deploytool settings, or by using the -C parameter with mcc.
The CTF archive would normally expand automatically the first time you run the component, but if you need to manually expand it (I believe there are reasons you need to when calling it from CGI, although I've never done it myself) there's a utility called extractCTF.exe in matlabroot\toolbox\compiler\arch, where arch is your OS type, such as win32 etc.
See here and here for more information.
Hope that helps!

Runtime error for MCC compiled program using parfor

I have problems running a program compiled with MCC that uses parfor. The non-compiled .m version works (no bug). When I run the compiled version, I get
"distcomp.remoteparfor" is undefined. I believe I exactly have the error described in
the following link.
However, since MCR is not installed on my machine (got Matlab and MCC),
I am wondering what the pathes $APPNAME_mcr/java/jar/toolbox and
$MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox correspond to. I found
the distcomp.jar file in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\java\jar\toolbox, but I don't know where to put it since see any path corresponding to $MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox since MCR is not installed.
Thanks a lot!
No need to install the MCR if you are simply trying to run the application on the same machine that has MATLAB. The question to ask is, HOW are you launching the compiled application? From a DOS command window? From within MATLAB using the SYSTEM command?
If you are launching the application from a DOS / UNIX command line, then the important thing to keep in mind is that the MATLAB binaries need to be on your system path i.e. just make sure:
is on your system path. Where $MATLABROOT is the matlab installation folder, and $ARCH is your system architecture. For example:
on my machine since my installation folder which contains MATLAB is:
and i am on a win64 machine.
The problem is solved. The solution is to make the program
a function instead of a script :

Is there a quick method to restore the PATH environment var settings for MATLAB?

I seem to have wiped out my path environment variable a while back. I've been slowly restoring things. I have both MATLAB and the MATLAB compiler installed. DLL's I've created from the MATLAB compiler won't run because they can't find the MATLAB compiler runtime dlls. While I did find the particular files that are my immediate problem. I'm wondering if there is a MATLAB *.bat file or command I can type that will restore my path variable to what it was after MATLAB and the Compiler were installed. I'm hoping to forestall future problems.
In case it's version specific I'm running MATLAB R2010b, I'm running a 32 bit version on a 64 bit machine.
I thought I would add that the path I need for running the compiled version was:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v714\runtime\win32
With luck, that one along with the two suggested in the answer will get me back to the original state.
restoredefaultpath might recover your MATLAB installation. Consider the use of startup.m, in order to easily undo changes to your environment.
You want to have these two directories on the PATH (I think the order is important):
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\runtime\win32
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\bin
Obviously you need to adjust the path to match your setup and architecture (those are on a WinXP 32-bit)
If you have a current software maintenance contract for your MATLAB, it may well be that the easy thing to do is just upgrade to the next version of MATLAB since R2011a is out now (unless there is some compelling reason why you must develop on R2010b. Running the software installer should recreate the default environment for MATLAB. I am, of course, assuming that you have Administrator access on your PC and have permission to install software.