I plotted the responses of two difference equation obtained from a Z transform transfer function. I used two methods and get two different results. Why?
tf = y(output)/u(input) = z/ (z^2 - 3z + 3)
Method 1, using Matlab, taking the inverse Z transform
tf_difference = iztrans(tf, z, k);
yields: y = 2^k - 1, for timesteps 'k'. This is an exponential.
Method 2, algebraic rearranging by hand, turning z^n into (k-n):
y(k+2) = 3y(k+1) - 3y(k) + u(k+1)
or equivalently
y(k+1) = 3y(k) - 3y(k-1) + u(k)
Also, for the second method, i need to specify a 'u', whereas in the first method that's not needed, only k is needed. Why does the first method not need an input signal u, only a time step?
I want to check the calculation of the laplace filter from scipy.ndimage and compare it to my own method if differentiation. Below I have a piece of code that I ran
import scipy.ndimage.filters
n = 100
x_range = y_range = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
f_fun = X ** 2 + Y ** 2
f_fun_laplace = 4 * np.ones(f_fun.shape)
res_laplace = scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace(f_fun, mode='constant')
I expect that the variable res_laplace will have the constant value of 4 over the whole domain (excluding the boundaries for simplicity), since this is what I would get by applying the laplace operator to my function f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2.
However, the value that res_laplace produces is 0.00163 in this case. So my question was.. why is this not equal to 4?
The answer, in this specific case, is that you need to multiply the output of scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace with a factor of (1/delta_x) ** 2. Where delta_x = np.diff(x_range)[0]
I simply assumed that the filter would take care of that, but in hindsight it is of course not able know the value delta_x.
And since we are differentiating twice, we need to square the inverse of this delta_x.
I wanted to compute a finite difference with respect to the change of the function in Matlab. In other words
f(x+e_i) - f(x)
is what I want to compute. Note that its very similar to the first order numerical partial differentiation (forward differentiation in this case) :
(f(x+e_i) - f(x)) / (e_i)
Currently I am using for loops to compute it but it seems that Matlab is much slower than I thought. I am doing it as follows:
function [ dU ] = numerical_gradient(W,f,eps)
%compute gradient or finite difference update numerically
[D1, D2] = size(W);
dU = zeros(D1, D2);
for d1=1:D1
for d2=1:D2
e = zeros([D1,D2]);
e(d1,d2) = eps;
f_e1 = f(W+e);
f_e2 = f(W-e);
%numerical_derivative = (f_e1 - f_e2)/(2*eps);
%dU(d1,d2) = numerical_derivative
numerical_difference = f_e1 - f_e2;
dU(d1,d2) = numerical_difference;
it seems that its really difficult to vectorize the above code because for numerical differences follow the definition of the gradient and partial derivatives which is:
df_dW = [ ..., df_dWi, ...]
where df_dWi assumes the other coordinates are fixed and it only worries about the change of the variable Wi. Thus, I can't just change all the coordinates at once.
Is there a better way to do this? My intuition tells me that the best way to do this is to implement this not in matlab but in some other language, say C and then have matlab call that library. Is that true? Does it mean that the best solution is some Matlab library that does this for me?
I did see:
but unfortunately, it computes exact derivatives, which isn't what I am looking for. I am explicitly looking for differences or "bad approximation" to the gradient.
Since it seems this code is not easy to vectorize (in fact my intuition tells me its not possible to do so) my only other idea is to implement this finite difference function in C and then have C call the function. Is this a good idea? Anyone know how to do this?
I did try reading the following:
but it was too difficult to understand for me because I have no idea what a mex file is, if I need to have a arrayProduct.c file as well as a mex.h file, if I also needed a matlab file, etc. If there just existed a way to simply download a working example with all the functions they suggest there and some instructions to compile it, then it would be super helpful. But just reading the hmtl/article like that its impossible for me to infer what they want me to do.
For the sake of completness it seems reddit has some comments in its discussion of this:
Here is a more efficient doing so:
function [ vNumericalGrad ] = CalcNumericalGradient( hInputFunc, vInputPoint, epsVal )
numElmnts = size(vInputPoint, 1);
vNumericalGrad = zeros([numElmnts, 1]);
refVal = hInputFunc(vInputPoint);
for ii = 1:numElmnts
% Set the perturbation vector
refInVal = vInputPoint(ii);
vInputPoint(ii) = refInVal + epsVal;
% Compute Numerical Gradient
vNumericalGrad(ii) = (hInputFunc(vInputPoint) - refVal) / epsVal;
% Reset the perturbation vector
vInputPoint(ii) = refInVal;
This code allocate less memory.
The above code performance will be totally controlled by the speed of the hInputFunction.
The small tricks compared to original code are:
No memory reallocation of e each iteration.
Instead of addition of vectors W + e there are 2 assignments to the array.
Decreasing the calls to hInputFunction() by half by defining the reference value outside the loop (This only works for Forward / Backward difference).
Probably this will be very close to C code unless you can code in C more efficiently the function which computes the value (hInputFunction).
A full implementation can be found in StackOverflow Q44984132 Repository (It was Posted in StackOverflow Q44984132).
See CalcFunGrad( vX, hObjFun, difMode, epsVal ).
A way better approach (numerically more stable, no issue of choosing the perturbation hyperparameter, accurate up to machine precision) is to use algorithmic/automatic differentiation. For this you need the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox. Then you can use dlgradient to compute the gradient. Below you find the source code attached corresponding to your example.
Most importantly, you can examine the error and observe that the deviation of the automatic approach from the analytical solution is indeed machine precision, while for the finite difference approach (I choose second order central differences) the error is orders of magnitude higher. For 100 points and a range of $[-10, 10]$ this errors are somewhat tolerable, but if you play a bit with Rand_Max and n_points you observe that the errors become larger and larger.
Error of algorithmic / automatic diff. is: 1.4755528111219851e-14
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.9999999999348703e-01 for perturbation 1.0000000000000001e-01
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.9999999632850161e-03 for perturbation 1.0000000000000000e-02
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.9999905867860374e-05 for perturbation 1.0000000000000000e-03
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.9664569947425062e-07 for perturbation 1.0000000000000000e-04
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.0537897883625319e-07 for perturbation 1.0000000000000001e-05
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.5469326944467290e-06 for perturbation 9.9999999999999995e-07
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.3322061696937969e-05 for perturbation 9.9999999999999995e-08
Error of finite difference diff. is: 1.7059535957436630e-04 for perturbation 1.0000000000000000e-08
Error of finite difference diff. is: 4.9702408787320664e-04 for perturbation 1.0000000000000001e-09
Source Code:
function y = f2(x)
x1 = x(:, 1);
x2 = x(:, 2);
x3 = x(:, 3);
y = x1.^2 + 2*x2.^2 + 2*x3.^3 + 2*x1.*x2 + 2*x2.*x3;
function grad = f2_grad_analytic(x)
x1 = x(:, 1);
x2 = x(:, 2);
x3 = x(:, 3);
grad(:, 1) = 2*x1 + 2*x2;
grad(:, 2) = 4*x2 + 2*x1 + 2 * x3;
grad(:, 3) = 6*x3.^2 + 2*x2;
function grad = f2_grad_AD(x)
x1 = x(:, 1);
x2 = x(:, 2);
x3 = x(:, 3);
y = x1.^2 + 2*x2.^2 + 2*x3.^3 + 2*x1.*x2 + 2*x2.*x3;
grad = dlgradient(y, x);
function NumericalGrad = CalcNumericalGradient(InputPoints, eps)
% (Central, second order accurate FD)
NumericalGrad = zeros(size(InputPoints) );
for i = 1:size(InputPoints, 2)
perturb = zeros(size(InputPoints));
perturb(:, i) = eps;
NumericalGrad(:, i) = (f2(InputPoints + perturb) - f2(InputPoints - perturb)) / (2 * eps);
close all;
n_points = 100;
Rand_Max = 20;
x_test_FD = rand(n_points, 3) * Rand_Max - Rand_Max/2;
% Calculate analytical solution
grad_analytic = f2_grad_analytic(x_test_FD);
grad_AD = zeros(n_points, 3);
for i = 1:n_points
x_test_dl = dlarray(x_test_FD(i,:) );
grad_AD(i,:) = dlfeval(#f2_grad_AD, x_test_dl);
Err_AD = norm(grad_AD - grad_analytic);
fprintf("Error of algorithmic / automatic diff. is: %.16e\n", Err_AD);
eps_range = [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-9];
for i = 1:length(eps_range)
eps = eps_range(i);
grad_FD = CalcNumericalGradient(x_test_FD, eps);
Err_FD = norm(grad_FD - grad_analytic);
fprintf("Error of finite difference diff. is: %.16e for perturbation %.16e\n", Err_FD, eps);
I have this function:
x[n] = (1/2) ^ n * u[n] + (-1/3) ^ n * u[n]
I need to do two things with this using MATLAB:
Find it's z-transform.
Plot it's poles and zeros.
I am using the following code:
syms n;
f = (1/2)^n + (-1/3)^n;
F = ztrans(f);
I get the z-transform in the F variable, but I can't see how to create it's pole-zero plot. I am using the built-in function pzmap (pzmap(F);), but it doesn't seem to work with the output of ztrans(f).
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to change the z-transform into some other form like like a transfer function model or a zero-pole gain model? If so, can someone explain how that can be done using the output of ztrans(f)?
The first bit of code you gave uses symbolic math to solve for the z-transform. You'll need to convert the output to a discrete-time model supported by the Control System toolbox.
syms n;
f = (1/2)^n + (-1/3)^n;
F = ztrans(f)
returns z/(z - 1/2) + z/(z + 1/3). You can optionally use collect to convert this
F2 = collect(F)
to (12*z^2 - z)/(6*z^2 - z - 1). Then you'll want to find the coefficients of the polynomials in the numerator and denominator and create a discrete-time transfer function object with tf for a particular sampling period:
[num,den] = numden(F2);
Ts = 0.1; % Sampling period
H = tf(sym2poly(num),sym2poly(den),Ts)
Then pzmap(H) will produce a plot like this:
I'm trying to execute a custom function within MatLab, such that x which is a vector is actually the exponent of a constant e. I've tried placing the dot in numerous places, but it keeps throwing an error which is telling me to use the . before the ^, which is not what I want to do on this occasion. Y needs to return a vector and not a constant.
x = [0:0.1:1];
function y = hyperT(x)
e = exp(1);
y = ((e^x*2)-1)/((e^x*2)+1);
I've taken the . out for the purpose of this thread.
To get a vector, you can use (MATLAB power operator):
y = ((e.^x*2) - 1) ./ (e.^(x*2) + 1);
The . operator basically means "element-wise". For example, if you are multiplying two vectors, x = [x1, x2, x3] and y = [y1, y2, y3], then using the .* operator multiplies each element by the corresponding element in the other vector, while using the * operator without the . performs an inner product (matrix multiplication):
x.*y = [x1y1, x2y2, x3y3]
x*y = error (inner matrix dimensions must agree)
x'*y = [x1y1, x2y1, x3y1;
x2y1, x2y2, x3y2;
x1y3, x2y3, x3y3]
x*y' = x1y1 + x2y2 + x3y3
Note that the ' in the above transposes the vector.
Some operators automatically broadcast because their use is un-ambiguous. Thus you do not need the . with the + and - operators. Oddly enough, the division operator does not auto-broadcast, so you need to use ./ there (MATLAB rdivide). I am not sure what it is doing when you omit the ., but it seems to be well defined and consistent at least.
In general, you can perform any operation (even one that you define) element-wise between two vectors, or between a constant and a vector, by using bsxfun (MATLAB bsxfun). For example, to perform the power operation that you are asking about, you could do:
bsxfun(#power, e, x)
bsxfun(#power, e, x*2)
This is actually a super-efficient way to do a lot of neat things, but in your case the functionality is already built in with .^.
Edit: Added some links
you may use:
expm(x) which is matrix exponential.
I'm fitting custom functions to my data.
After obtaining the fit I would like to get something like a function handle of my fit function including the parameters set to the ones found by the fit.
I know I can get the model with
and I can get the parameters with
but is there any easy way to combine the two in one step?
This little loop will do the trick:
x = (1:100).'; %'
y = 1*x.^5 + 2*x.^4 + 3*x.^3 + 4*x.^2 + 5*x + 6;
fitobject = fit(x,y,'poly5');
cvalues = coeffvalues(fitobject);
cnames = coeffnames(fitobject);
output = formula(fitobject);
for ii=1:1:numel(cvalues)
cname = cnames{ii};
cvalue = num2str(cvalues(ii));
output = strrep(output, cname , cvalue);
output = 1*x^5 + 2*x^4 + 3*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 5*x + 6
The loop needs to be adapted to the number of coefficients of your fit.
Edit: two slight changes in order to fully answer the question.
fhandle = #(x) eval(output)
returns a function handle. Secondly output as given by your procedure doesn't work, as the power operation reads .^ instead of x, which can obviously be replaced by
strrep(output, '^', '.^');
You can use the Matlab curve fitting function, polyfit.
p = polyfit(x,y,n)
So, p contains the coefficients of the polynomial, x and y are the coordinates of the function you're trying to fit. n is the order of the polynomial. For example, n=1 is linear, n=2 is quadratic, etc. For more info, see this documentation centre link. The only issue is that you may not want a polynomial fit, in which case you'll have to use different method.
Oh, and you can use the calculated coefficients p to to re-evaluate the polynomial with:
f = polyval(p,x);
Here, f is the value of the polynomial with coefficients p evaluated at points x.