when i try to add a galsshfish sever in eclipse, it shows me the error as
"The server runtime require JRE 1.7 or higher" in my mac machine, even though i have installed Java 8. Please look into below image
I followed almost all the links in stackoverflow related to this problem, but none of the solution works for me.
Please help me.
Note: I have downloaded the netbeans with inbuilt plugin of glashfish sever and its working fine.
I downloaded the GlassFish 5.0 from here because I was experiencing an issue with the JDBC connection pools in GlassFish 4.1.1 (and 4.0).
After unzipping the folder I tried to add the server to NetBeans and I received this error:
Not a valid GlassFish Server installation.
The found one potential answer here, but it didn't seem to help.
I am able to add other versions of GF into fine. Also, GF 5.0 runs, and it has fixed the previous issue I described in 4.1.1 which is nice.
One thing I noticed was that when I changed the name of the console-core file here:
NetBeans actually recognizes the GF installation! I tried to go through the entire GF installation and replace references to console-core-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to console-core-4.4.1.jar, but after clicking "next" in the Add server dialog, it doesn't advance. I may have missed something, but it's still a major hack.
I know its a late answer But it may help other new to this issue.
Rename the console-core jar file to have version name limited to 2 figure i.e. if jar name is console-core-4.1.1 or console-core-4.1.2 or something like it then change it to as
console-core-4.1 which is in the directory in my case
E:\Programs\Java + Databases\java_ee_sdk-7u3\glassfish4\glassfish\lib\install\applications\__admingui\WEB-INF\lib
In my case in the above directory jar file name was console-core-4.1.1 And I changed it to console-core-4.1. Now Everything is working fine.
Its working with Netbeans and in browser too with url
I had the same issue when I downloaded netbeans 8.02 and tried to add glassfish 5 server. After investigating for hours I found the solution. I had actually downloaded the Java EE bundle of netbeans 8.02 for installation. I uninstalled my netbeans and reinstalled using the Java ALL bundle installation file. Then the error went away.
I downloaded and installed tomcat 6.0. I am using rational application developer. I am not able to see my tomcat server in my IDE at all. I tried server->new-> and windows->preferences->server->server runtime environment but I don't find it here either. Any idea where I am going wrong or which step i missed? I know i installed my tomcat properly because http:localhost:8080 works properly.
thanks in advance!!
Will a trial license affect my servers in any way? Like only a specific server you can use with the IDE while u have a trial license or something like that?
when I click Add, Tomcat isn't there in the list of options for me to select and that is where my problem arises. I tried clicking on search and the selecting the tomcat folder but i get an error that states - No new server runtime found
I had the same issue and I followed these steps to solve it in Eclipse Helios:
Help -> Install New Software
Choose "Helios - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/helios" site
Expand "Web, XML, and Java EE Development"
Check JST Server Adapters (version 3.2.2)
Please change the download URL in step 2 according to the Eclipse version which you are using.
Hope this helps.
I got this error when I'm trying to create a Java Swing Application, by using Netbeans.
I really don't know how to fix this error. Internet did't give me a really good answer.
I Unistalled Netbeans & then reInstalled. but It doesn't work.
How can I fix this error. Thank you.
I don't have a NetBeans installation at hand, but have a look at your Java installations configured in NetBeans ("Java Platform Manager" in Tools menu?). Select the Java version you are using. There should be a JavaFX tab. I think you can disable it there, if you don't need it.
Note: If you're using the latest Java version from Oracle, then JavaFX should automatically be configured correctly, since JavaFX is now shipped with the JDK.
This is a bit of a repost but the solutions proposed in the posts I found previously did not work for me, so I thought I might just as well start a new discusion.
I have a new Eclipse Indigo and I want to install the GWT-Plugin. I am running java Runtime Environment build on a Windows OS (64 bit). The Eclipse is also the 64 bit version. I execute eclipse as administrator (but the same problem pops up if I don't).
Eclipse is told to juse java 1.6 as a compiler (since I hear there are issues with 1.7 and GWT).
So I click Help>>Install New Software and put in http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.7 as a source. This then takes forever (Fetching Children of GWT) resulting in:
"Unable to read repository at http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.7/content.jar.
Unable to read repository at http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.7/content.jar.
Read timed out" as an error.
I have tried this all day. Once I at least could read the repository but could not install because of some unsatisfied dependencies. But that was on another eclipse distribution if I remember correctly.
So generally I don't seem to have any luck with GWT.
I would be greatfull for any advice to get GWT running. thanks.
Edit googled further, found a blog entry that told me to update to java 1.7.0_04. did that. no change.
Edit2 On the assumtion, that it is in fact not my eclipse but the google servers, I used the download of the plugin (as sugested by kush in the comments). This gets me to this screen http://i.imgur.com/0qV1v.png but not that much closer to the solutiuon.
"Cannot complete the install because one ore more required items could not be found."
I have tried this with Indigo and Helios, the ruslts are similar.
This took a while (three days) but the answer is as easy as it is strange: Do not use the 64 bit version of eclipse.
I would apreciate if someone finds out what the problem with the 64 bit versions is, but as soon as I started using the 32 bit version (which works fine on the 64 bit windows) everything installed perfectly.
Anyway, hope to help somone else with this post.
I have been struggling with this issue for days now. I cannot get the GWT eclipse plugin installed on my laptop. I am using the 32 bit version of eclipse. Plus, I can install the plugin just fine on the 64bit version of Eclipse on my PC, so I know that is not the issue.
Finally! I solved this.
Had to completely uninstall JRE 7 then everything installed fine.
Since adding the Blackberry Java classes from their website into eclipse, I've had it where eclipse will randomly close, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, error or reason. Here is the environment/software packages that I am using:
Windows XP SP2
Eclipse v3.5.1
Blackberry Java Plugin v1.1.1.200911111641-15
Blackberry Java SDK
I've tried the usual steps of complete uninstall and reinstallation of Eclipse and the accompanying plugins on multiple systems with the same configuration, including one that had a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. Upgrading to Eclipse 3.6 didn't work (the plugin wont' install as it's the wrong version), nor the downgrade to 3.4 for the same reason. I also increased the heap size to 512 (system has two gigs of memory) as some research into Eclipse doing this type of thing with Groovy was resolved that way, but again, no dice. Eclipse works great when the blackberry plugins are not installed, and no entries of errors or issues in the event log are helping to show what the issue with these plug-ins might be.
So if anyone has ran into this issue, and even better, has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: An additional to my issue, autoComplete with the Blackberry SDK seems to make this extremely unstable, like almost a guaranteed crash. Is this fixable at all?
For anyone that loads this question up trying to find a solution, I've never found a fix. It seems to be a bug with this version of the IDE. If there is a fix, please post.
Did you try to downgrade Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede)? I experienced similar issues when I tried upgrading Eclipse to something greater than 3.4.2.
I think the problem is with the plugin, not the IDE. Eclipse has always been stable for me until I installed the BB plugin. Since then it crashes all the time. Since I've installed the release (non-beta) version of the plugin that was recently released I can't even get my project to build.
This could be a manifestation of this bug in Eclipse. Check your C:\eclipse directory for files like hs_err_pidxxxx.log. The file goes on to explain this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x753ba053, pid=3144, tid=5820
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [USP10.dll+0x1a053]
I've been experiencing this as well. It's completely debilitating. It causes Eclipse to just up and crash out of nowhere (and programming in a language as verbose as Java without Content-Assist is insane).
The bug has been fixed in Eclipse 3.6M7, but unfortunately I can't get the JDE Plug-in to install in the latest release candidate.
This is a known issue with Eclipse 3.5.X and has been fixed for 3.6.0
Bug Ticket link on Eclipse Bugzilla: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=283503
Looks like we are stuck with this until the next update to the BB Eclipse plugin.