Email notification upon ticket modification in Fossil - version-control

I need to receive an email notification whenever a user creates a ticket or a ticket gets updated. Fossil has something called ticket hook, which is accessible in the UI from admin -> transfers -> Ticket. I have tried the following code from here:
set project simpletask
tclInvoke package require http
query {SELECT title, status
FROM ticket
WHERE tkt_uuid=$uuid} {
set title [tclInvoke http::formatQuery $title]
http -asynchronous --$uuid&title=$title&status=$status&project=$project
I expect this code to be executed once a ticket is modified, but I don't really know how to modify it to send an email, and how I can specify to whom the email should be sent to.
Does anyone have a sample TH1 code for sending email notifications that can share?

TH1 is not able to do this on its own; it's too limited (and deliberately so). If you've got invocation of Tcl enabled in TH1 (it's not enabled by default) then you can use something like:
### THIS IS TH1 ###
tclInvoke source /some/dir/scripts/emailsender.tcl
query {SELECT title, status
FROM ticket
WHERE tkt_uuid=$uuid} {
tclInvoke send_email $title $status $uuid
Then you just need to make sure that your emailsender.tcl script (in the above location) defines a procedure send_email that does what you want. You're talking about something like this:
### THIS IS TCL ###
package require mime
package require smtp
# Where to route messages through; IMPORTANT!
variable smtp_host
proc send_email {title status uuid} {
variable smtp_host
set t [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain \
-string "state is now $status for $uuid"]
mime::setheader $t Subject "Change to '$title'"
smtp::sendmessage $t -recipients -servers $smtp_host
mime::finalize $t
You'll need to pass across more fields, insert more logic to generate a message, choose who to send the message to (a mailing list is a good start!) and so on, but that's the core of it all. You may also need to explicitly lappend the directory containing the Tcllib packages to the global auto_path; that script is going to be very specific to your configuration.
Or you could make a script that listens to that port you push a notification to using the sample script and work with that. That would be easier to abuse though; not recommended.

I just followed IFTTT approach, where we used IFTTT service to connect rss feed of Fossil scm to Gmail channel. It worked.
Please refer: --> is for email notification for New ticket, that can be modified (change keyword or simple phrase) to send email for any ticket modification.


PowerShell/EWS Send message with Delayed/Deferred delivery

I have a function that sends an email (EDIT1: from an ON-PREM mailbox) using delayed delivery, via COM objects. I am trying to write an equivalent function for EWS. I got a working PoC but it has 1 glaring issue: The message sits in the sent items folder, not the outbox, until the defer date arrives, then it sends as expected.
I'm using the SendAndSaveCopy method and I tried specifying the Outbox folder. This did put the message into the Outbox, but when it sends, it doesn't get moved to the Sent Items folder.
$service = New-EwsService # .... assume this works; My RequestedServerVersion is Exchange2013
$EmailMessage = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage -ArgumentList $service
$EmailMessage.Subject = 'outbox test'
$EmailMessage.Body = 'this is a test'
$SendOn = (get-date).AddMinutes(5)
$defer = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition(
# $EmailMessage.SendAndSaveCopy([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::Outbox)
Another thing I noticed was that if I open the message in Outlook while it's waiting to send, and I look at the delay delivery settings, it's not configured (in the Outlook UI). And if I hit send on that item, it immediately sends. I would assume that the config would be in the message and visible from the UI. (The expected behavior is the message in the Outbox list should be in italics until you open it, then it will return to italics if you hit send, otherwise it won't be italic and won't send when the defer time arrives).
Is there anyone who knows why the folder behavior doesn't match the MS doc?
The message.SendAndSaveCopy() line results in a call to the service. If the call is successful, the email message will be available in the caller’s Outbox folder. After the email message is sent, a copy of the message will be created in the Sent Items folder.
EDIT2: I ended up going with an alternative solution. Instead of queuing messages in the mailbox directly, I am exporting the Send-MailMessage parameter hash to XML, then using the Task Scheduler to execute at a later time, grabbing that object from cache and splatting it on the function call. Works great.
The docs you refer to are very old and the behaviour has changed. In Office 365, the deferred message is saved in Drafts folder until the time of sending, at which point it is sent and then saved to Sent Items.
Note that Outlook Object Model works against Outlook, while EWS works directly with the mailbox on Exchange.

Add date header to incoming email with Sieve

I'm looking for a way to do in Sieve something that I've been doing in Procmail for years, which is to insert an unambiguous date header in incoming messages that makes it clear to me -- independent of buried "received" headers from possibly multiple servers and however my mail client interprets the date the message was sent -- when my server received the message. This is how I did it in Procmail:
# First create the "date_received" variable for my time zone:
date_received=`/bin/date -ud '+2 hour' +'%A %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0200'`
# Second, insert the header containing the date_received variable:
:0 fh w
| formail -i "X-Local-Date-Received: $date_received"
I found "addheader" (RFC 5293) which will, obviously, add a header, but due to something else I read (sorry, don't remember where) I believe that Sieve won't run the "date" command in the shell due to either a limitation or an intended (and understandable) preference not to run shell commands for security reasons.
Other possibly useful information: I'm doing this through Roundcube 1.3.6, but I have a feeling (also due to something I read) that Roundcube might overwrite a custom Sieve filter set if I edit the raw code within Roundcube. If necessary I'm quite happy to edit or create a Sieve configuration file on the server directly to achieve this for all users on the server, but having run Sendmail and Procmail for years I'm unsure of the best place to do this.
As a test in Roundcube I added this at the top of my Sieve filter set:
require ["fileinto","editheader"];
# rule:[test editheader]
if true
addheader "X-Test-Header" "This is a test header.";
I didn't actually add the line "require ["fileinto","editheader"];"; I just added "editheader" to the existing line at the top of the filter set, like so:
require ["copy","fileinto","regex","editheader"];
I expect this to add ...
X-Test-Header: This is a test header.
... to every incoming message, but Roundcube won't let me save it:
An error occurred.
Unable to save filter. Server error occurred.
A search for this error returns one related result, with no solution posted.
I'm not intending to focus on Roundcube, however. Like I said earlier, I'll add this Sieve filter from the command line if necessary.
The Pigeonhole Sieve Editheader extension isn't available by default. Per its documentation, you need to ensure it's added in your list of sieve extensions on the server:
plugin {
# Use editheader
sieve_extensions = +editheader
If you want to run arbitrary scripts using sieve on Dovecot like you can with procmail, then you can use its external programs plugins, configure in Dovecot which external programs you want to allow users to use, and then the users can use the "vnd.dovecot.execute" extension to run those programs. You might be able to use this to port over whatever scripts you used with procmail.
In the general case, the purpose of sieve is for users to be able to configure their own mail filtering, while it seems like you're trying to actually do something globally for the server. Dovecot should add its own Received header when it processes the mail, which is the standard method for marking when a mail system gets a message, so it's not clear to me why you're not just using that, or what changes you want to make to its default behavior. It may be that what you're looking to do may be better handled in your mail transport agent rather than in your mail delivery agent.
Here is my sieve script that converts Received to Date:
require "editheader";
require "regex";
require "variables";
if not exists "Date" {
if header :regex "Received" "^from[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+by[[:space:]][[:space:]]+with[[:space:]]+.*[[:space:]]+for[[:space:]]+.*;(.*)$" {
addheader :last "Date" "${1}";
Note that is a stand-in for the actual mail server address, which means it only matches the header when the message was received on a specific mail server. I made this work with dovecot-
You can use date plugin. See: rfc5260:
require "date";
require "editheader";
if currentdate :matches "std11" "*" {
addheader :last "X-Local-Date-Received" "${1}";

Send email to address alternate from "To:"

I am implementing a sort of dynamic mailing-list system in Rails. I am looking to basically send an email and have the recipient receive it in this form:
Basically, the challenge is how do I send an email to an address while defining a different To: header so that they can easily reply to the mailing list or just the original sender?
Mail vs. Envelope
In emails as in physical mails (paper sheet in paper envelope), the recipient on the envelope may differ from the recipient on the letter sheet itself.
As the mailman would only consider the envelope's recipient, so do mail servers.
That means, one actually can tell the smtp service to send and email to a recipient different than the one listed in the To: field of the emails header.
Trying This Out Manually
You can try this out, manually, for example, by using the sendmail command of postfix.
# bash
sendmail < mail.txt
# mail.txt
Subject: Testmail
This is a test mail.
This will deliver the email to, not to, but the latter will be shown in the recipient field of the mail client.
Specifying the Envelope_to Field in Rails
The ActionMailer::Base internally uses the mail gem. Currently, Apr 2013, there is a pull request, allowing to specify the envelope_to field on a message before delivery.
Until this is pulled, you can specify the fork in the Gemfile.
# Gemfile
# ...
gem 'mail', git: 'git://'
You need to run bundle update mail after that, and, depending on your current rails version, maybe also bundle update rails in order to resolve some dependency issues.
After that, you can set the envelope recipient of a mail message like this:
# rails
message # => <Mail::Message ...> = [ "" ]
message.smtp_envelope_to = [ "" ]
message.from = ...
message.subject = ...
message.body = ...
Why not use the BCC header for this? Put into BCC and into TO.
There is no technical solution for this. The email headers do what they do, you can't influence them in that once the email is on the way.
I am sure, though, you can find a combined use of TO, CC, BCC and REPLY-TO that gives you what you want.

PHP Mail function used to send out unsolicited email via forms

Recently we found that someone has sent out unsolicited emails from our server. This has resulted in the server being blacklisted. I assume this is hackers using forms that have not escaped data correctly, or could it be something else as well?
We have a number of sites with their own 'contact us' type forms. I am going through all the forms and making sure the post data is being escaped. I found one form adding POST data to message without validating it first. I have just added a check before sending the email. Do you think the following will suffice, or is it better practice to escape the email post value before running it through the filter_var?
if(filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$message = $email." says hello";
$headers = "From:";
mail('', 'Subject', $message, $headers);
Should I be checking the transfer logs for header injection attacks/other attacks, if so what would I be looking for?
The best thing you can do is to check your logs to see who's sending those emails, as you probably aren't gonna check all your users' scripts.
Also, it doesn't make any sense to filter/escape/encode your own forms input (although you should definitely do it) as any of your users can user your smtp server.
Here's how you can trail your mail logs:
tail -f /var/mail/exim_mainlog
tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog
tail -f /var/log/exim_paniclog
tail -f /var/log/exim_rejectlog

How to make an email bot that replies to users not reply to auto-responses and get itself into mail loops

I have a bot that replies to users. But sometimes when my bot sends its reply, the user or their email provider will auto-respond (vacation message, bounce message, error from mailer-daemon, etc). That is then a new message from the user (so my bot thinks) that it in turn replies to. Mail loop!
I'd like my bot to only reply to real emails from real humans. I'm currently filtering out email that admits to being bulk precedence or from a mailing list or has the Auto-Submitted header equal to "auto-replied" or "auto-generated" (see code below). But I imagine there's a more comprehensive or standard way to deal with this. (I'm happy to see solutions in other languages besides Perl.)
NB: Remember to have your own bot declare that it is autoresponding! Include
Auto-Submitted: auto-reply
in the header of your bot's email.
My original code for avoiding mail loops follows. Only reply if realmail returns true.
sub realmail {
my($email) = #_;
$email =~ /\nSubject\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $subject = $1;
$email =~ /\nPrecedence\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $precedence = $1;
$email =~ /\nAuto-Submitted\:\s*([^\n]*)\n/s;
my $autosub = $1;
return !($precedence =~ /bulk|list|junk/i ||
$autosub =~ /(auto\-replied|auto\-generated)/i ||
$subject =~ /^undelivered mail returned to sender$/i
(The Subject check is surely unnecessary; I just added these checks one at a time as problems arose and the above now seems to work so I don't want to touch it unless there's something definitively better.)
RFC 3834 provides some guidance for what you should do, but here are some concrete guidelines:
Set your envelope sender to a different email address than your auto-responder so bounces don't feed back into the system.
I always store in a database a key of when an email response was sent from a specific address to another address. Under no circumstance will I ever respond to the same address more than once in a 10 minute period. This alone stopped all loops, but doesn't ensure nice behavior (auto-responses to mailing lists are annoying).
Make sure you add any permutation of header that other people are matching on to stop loops. Here's the list I use:
X-Loop: autoresponder
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
Precedence: bulk (autoreply)
Here are some header regex's I use to avoid loops and to try to play nice:
I also avoid responding if any of these are the envelop senders:
if ($sender eq ""
|| $sender =~ /^(?:request|owner|admin|bounce|bounces)-|-(?:request|owner|admin|bounce|bounces)\#|^(?:mailer-daemon|postmaster|daemon|majordomo|ma
ilman|bounce)\#|(?:listserv|listsrv)/i) {
That really sounds like something that's probably available as a module from CPAN, but I didn't find anything clearly relevant in five minutes of searching. Mail::Lite::Mbox::Processor looks like it might do what you want:
Mail::Lite::Message::Matcher is a
framework for automated mail
processing. For example you have a
mail server and you have a need to
process some types of incoming mail
messages automatically. For example,
you can extract automated
notifications, invoices, alerts etc.
from your mail flow and perform some
tasks based on content of those
but its docs are sparse enough that it isn't immediately obvious whether it provides those example functions itself or if you have to provide the code to drive them.
In any case, though, if you haven't already checked CPAN, that's where I would start if I wanted to do something like this.
My answer here only deals with bounces which is more straightforward.
Using DSN (Delivery Status Notification) identifier will help you detect a DSN/bounced message. It should go to Return-Path and not Reply-To.
Here's a sample of a typical DSN message. The header information includes the message id, content type has specific values (delivery-status) etc.
Not able to provide you any codes in perl, just my 2 cents of idea.
PS: Do note that not all mail servers or MTA conforms to this, but I guess most do.
There should be a standard way of dealing with this, but the problem is that you'd have to assume that systems that send auto-replies comply to that standard, when most the time, they just don't.
How do you get the address that you reply to? I hope you aren't using the From: header. Check the Reply-to: header first and if that doesn't exist, use the Return-path:.
But whatever you do, you will simply have to keep a log of what you sent to whom and throttle your bot to some sensible value of messages per time.