How to create pairs in netlogo - netlogo

I am trying to make connection between agents. I have created 3 breeds of agents: firms, officers and citizens ( each breed has 10 agents), and I need to create pairs. Each pair involves: one firm, one citizen and one officer ( agents are chosen randomly). I also need that all agents will create pairs.
breed [ firms firm]
breed [ officers officer]
breed [ citizens citizen]
;; then I need to create pairs, and If one agent of the pair is firm then, firm can dicide to bribe or not, if not, firm earns 30, officer earns 0 and citizen earns 10:
to go
if ticks mod 3 = 0
ask turtles
if breed = firms
if bribe? = false
set budget budget + 30
output-print (word " firms " budget)
ask other turtles
if breed = officers [ set budget budget + 0
output-print (word " officers " budget)]
if breed = citizens [ set budget budget + 10
output-print (word " citizens" budget)]
;; then go other ticks, where citizen and officer decide to accept bribery or punish for accpeting bribery....

You say “each pair involves: one firm, one citizen and one officer”. I'd call that a triplet, or just a combination rather than a pair; “pair” always means two, never three.
Here's some sample code that forms all possible triplets and then does something approximating your description:
ask officers [
let this-officer self
ask citizens [
let this-citizen self
ask firms [
if bribe? [
set budget budget + 30
ask this-citizen [
set budget budget + 10
I wasn't able to understand everything you said about what you're trying to do. But hopefully the above code is close and illustrates the principle of nesting ask in order to form all possible combinations.


comparing attributes of 2 different turtles breed

I have 2 turtles bread:
globals [ max-applicant ]
breed [ applicants applicant ]
breed [ investors investor ]
applicants-own [ ask-amount applied? industry country-of-origin funded? ]
investors-own [ allowed-industries-list allowed-countries-list no-of-applicants-funded ]
I want to perform a transaction based on whether the investor is allowed to do business with the applicant's industry and country of origin. An Investors can only perform a limited number of transactions based on the max-applicant value
In the code below, I'm trying to select an investor that hasn't reached the max transaction limit and then select an applicant that meets the conditions of the selected investor and fund that applicant:
to close-deal
let investorPerson one-of investors-here with [no-of-applicants-funded < max-applicant]
if investorPerson != nobody [
ask investorPerson [
let applicantPerson one-of applicants-here with [
industry member? [allowed-industries] and country-of-origin member? [allowed-countries] of myself
if applicantPerson != nobody [
ask applicantPerson [
set funded? TRUE
set no-of-applicants-funded no-of-applicants-funded + 1
This code doesn't run. is this the right way to design this operation?
There seem to be two problems:
See here the syntax of member?: it is member? value list, while in your code you have value member? list.
In the first of the two boolean statements where you use member?, you omitted the of myself that should address [allowed-industries].
Combining the two points above, you should have:
let applicantPerson one-of applicants-here with [
(member? industry [allowed-industries] of myself) AND (member? country-of-origin [allowed-countries] of myself)
The use of parentheses and the capitalisation of boolean operators are optional, just my own stylistic choice.
Side note: be aware that you are asking your investorPerson to
set no-of-applicants-funded no-of-applicants-funded + 1
outside of the command block that gets executed if there actually is an applicantPerson; i.e. your investors will increment no-of-applicants-funded even when applicantPerson = NOBODY.

Create links according to turtle's attributes

I have two turtle breeds (products and consumers) each with a 3-dimension list that defines their needs (consumers) and their attributes (products).
What I'd like is to have each consumer (i) look for a product that satisfies all their needs and create a link with them. If that product does not exist, I'd like them to (ii) drop the one need with the lowest value and look for a product that satisfies the other two. If that product does not exist, then I want them to (iii) look for another one that only satisfies the need with the highest value.
So say that consumer 20 has needs [0.2 0.5 0.3]. If they find a product whith exactly the same list of attributes [0.2 0.5 0.3] I want the link to take place. If there's no such product then I want the consumer to ignore the lowest value (0.2 in the example) and look for a product that has attributes [xx 0.5 0.3], where xx stands for "whatever".
Using examples from elsewhere here in SO, I have cobbled up the following code that (almost!) does the first part of the trick (i), but can't manage to do (ii) and (iii) despite multiple efforts. Would anyone have an indea on how to do this?
breed [consumers consumer]
breed [products product]
consumers-own [
products-own [
to setup
create-consumers 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
create-products 100 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
set-default-shape consumers "person"
set-default-shape products "box"
ask consumers [
set needs n-values 3 [ precision (random-float 1) 1 ]
ask products [
set attributes n-values 3 [ precision (random-float 1) 1 ]
to go
to buy
ask links [ die ]
ask consumers [
carefully [ create-link-with one-of products with [reduce and (map = attributes [ needs ] of myself)] ] [ show "how do I find a sub-optimal product by ignoring my need with the lowest value ?" ]
ask products [
set number-buyers count link-neighbors
You are overthinking the full match - just check if the two lists are the same. However, the almost match is a bit more complicated. Here is a complete example model that finds the position in the list of the lowest and then checks that the other items are the same.
breed [consumers consumer]
breed [products product]
consumers-own [
products-own [
to setup
ask patches [set pcolor white]
create-consumers 10
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "person"
set color blue
set needs n-values 3 [ one-of [1 2 3] ]
create-products 10
[ setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "box"
set color red
set attributes n-values 3 [ one-of [1 2 3] ]
to go
ask consumers [buy]
to buy ; set up as turtle procedure for testing purposes
ask my-links [ die ]
let candidates products with [attributes = [needs] of myself]
ifelse any? candidates
[ create-link-with one-of candidates ]
[ type self type " attributes: " type needs print " no matches"
let lowpoint position (min needs) needs ; note will take first if two equal min
set candidates products with
[ ((item 0 attributes = item 0 [needs] of myself) or lowpoint = 0) and
((item 1 attributes = item 1 [needs] of myself) or lowpoint = 1) and
((item 2 attributes = item 2 [needs] of myself) or lowpoint = 2)
ifelse any? candidates
[ create-link-with one-of candidates ]
[ print "no almost-match available" ]
I created the agentset (called candidates) of potential products to link to and then created the link. This makes the code much more readable. It also allows the if any? construction if no matches were found. And it also makes it easier to debug because you can put print statements reporting numbers of matches and similar. I recommend that you always do this if you are applying some sort of condition that restricts the choices.
Also, you have a three item list with 10 possible values for each item. This means there will be 1000 combinations. You only have 100 consumers and 100 products, so matching will be fairly rare.

Netlogo: Is there an `all-of` command, simmilar to the `one-of`?

Is there an equivalent of the command one-of that does all agents? So an all-of command? I need my agents to ask specific other agents to sum and report back a value. The one-of command will only randomly select one other agent but I need to select all agents on a list.
Details: I need my household agents to to ask other householdagents to sum and report back their HHwaterUse value. Each household agent will ask all other agents on their SocialNetwork list. The SocialNetwork list is composed of a Public_ID values, which is a value that each agent possesses.
Ex: So if household-1 posses a SocialNetwork list that looks like [9126 3495 4197 8771], I need all agents with a Public_ID value of 9126, 3495, etc to report back their HHwaterUse value.
ask households [
set NetUseSum sum [HHwaterUse] of households with [[Public_ID] of myself = all-of [SocialNetwork] of self]
The member? primitive should work, check out the dictionary entry for details. Here is an example where just a single household checks the sum of its social network's water use:
breed [ households household ]
households-own [ Public_ID Social_Network HH_Water_Use]
to setup
create-households 10 [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set Public_ID 1000 + random 1000
set HH_Water_Use 100 + random 50
ask households [
set Social_Network sort [Public_ID] of n-of 4 other households
to sum-social-network
ask one-of households [
show ( word "My social network comprises: " Social_Network )
ask households with [ member? Public_ID [Social_Network] of myself ] [
print ( word Public_ID " has a water use of " HH_Water_Use )
let social_sum sum [HH_Water_Use] of households with [ member? Public_ID [Social_Network] of myself ]
print ( word "My social network has a sum water use of " social_sum )
Just a note that I agree with Nicolas and Jen above- this is definitely not the best approach. Use their link or agentset suggestions instead if possible.
That worked, Luke C's suggestion of using the member? snippet did the trick. I was able to sum, all at once, the value from the list of agents.
let social_sum sum [HH_Water_Use] of households with [ member? Public_ID [Social_Network] of myself ]

Assign each number to 3 turtles

I am creating a program that creates 1,500 "scientists" (turtles), in a world where there are 1500 "disciplines".
I need to assign each turtle a "discipline" as a number between 1-500, and ensure that there are 3 turtles for each discipline.
This means that set(random) isn't appropriate. Is there a primitive I can use?
Nevermind, I think I have figured it out. Does this make sense?
to set-discipline
ask turtles [ set discipline -1 ]
let unassigned turtles
let current 1
while [any? unassigned]
ask n-of (min (list group-size (count unassigned))) unassigned
[ set discipline current ]
set current current + 1
set unassigned unassigned with [discipline = -1]
Your code works, but is very... unnetlogoish. while loops and indexes, in NetLogo, are often a sign that you're not taking full advantage of the capabilities of the language. At the very minimum, I would replace your while with a foreach:
ask turtles [ set discipline -1 ]
foreach n-values 500 [ 1 + ? ] [
let unassigned turtles with [ discipline = -1 ]
ask n-of (min (list group-size (count unassigned))) unassigned [
set discipline ?
You can check the result in the command center with:
observer> print remove-duplicates map [ count turtles with [ discipline = ? ] ] n-values 500 [ 1 + ? ]
But I would suggest taking it a step further.
Having disciplines just be numbers is a bit limiting. That is, of course, the sort of thing that you would do in a traditional mathematical model. But this is an ABM. And you have all of NetLogo at your disposal. You could make your disciplines... turtles! This would make your model much more flexible. Your disciplines could eventually be heterogeneous: having their own variables, by which they could differ from one another. And I think you'll find that replacing numbers with agents makes code more readable in general.
Here is a full example of what I have in mind:
breed [ scientists scientist ]
scientists-own [ my-discipline ]
breed [ disciplines discipline ]
to setup
let nb-scientists 1500
let nb-disciplines 500
let group-size 3
create-scientists nb-scientists [
set my-discipline nobody
create-disciplines nb-disciplines [
let unassigned scientists with [ my-discipline = nobody ]
ask n-of (min (list group-size (count unassigned))) unassigned [
set my-discipline myself
You can check that it worked:
observer> setup
observer> print remove-duplicates [ count scientists with [ my-discipline = myself ] ] of disciplines
But you know what? If it was me, I would take it another step further, and make the relation between a scientist and its discipline an actual NetLogo link. This way, you could eventually envision a scientist belonging to (gasp!) more than one discipline. Here is what it would look like:
breed [ scientists scientist ]
breed [ disciplines discipline ]
to setup
let nb-scientists 1500
let nb-disciplines 500
let group-size 3
create-scientists nb-scientists
create-disciplines nb-disciplines [
let unassigned scientists with [ not any? my-links ]
ask n-of (min (list group-size (count unassigned))) unassigned [
create-link-with myself
Don't you think the code is even nicer this way? And it works:
observer> print remove-duplicates [ count my-links ] of disciplines
What Nicolas said. But consider also this alternate approach:
to test
let disciplines reduce sentence map [(list ? ? ?)] n-values 500 [? + 1]
ask turtles [
set discipline first disciplines
set disciplines butfirst disciplines
ask is in random order, so we don't need to shuffle the disciplines list.
Or, if the turtles don't exist yet and you're free to create them as you go:
to test
let disciplines reduce sentence map [(list ? ? ?)] n-values 500 [? + 1]
foreach shuffle disciplines [
create-turtles 1 [ set discipline ? ]
In this one, we have to shuffle the list of disciplines, since the turtles are being created in who number order.

NetLogo: create a dynamic number of breeds

how can i create a dynamic number of breeds at runtime?
I want my user to be able to choose the amount of breeds.
I thought about something like
to setup_breeds
let j 1
while[j <= n_groups][
where n_groups is the number of breeds whick is taken from a slider.
But unfortunatly i cannot use breed inside a method...
Any ideas?
You need to explicitly declare each breed with the breed keyword, so the short answer is: no, you can't have a dynamic number of breeds.
But do you really need actual NetLogo breeds? The main purpose of having different breeds is to have different variables for each breed. If that is not case, perhaps you can get away with having a group-id turtle variable. To create a certain number of turtles for each of n_groups, you could just do something like:
turtles-own [ group-id ]
to setup
let n_groups 10
let n-turtles-per-group 5
foreach n-values n_groups [ ? ] [
create-turtles 10 [ set group-id ? ]
ask turtles [ set label group-id ]
; do something with only turtles of, e.g., group 2:
ask turtles with [ group-id = 2 ] [
fd 5
If you think you really need breeds, edit your question to tell us why, and we'll see if we can find a solution for you.
Side note:
I used foreach n-values n_groups [ ? ] to loop through your n groups. That's the equivalent of:
let i 0
while [ i < n_groups ] [
set i i + 1
...but arguably more "NetLogo-ish".