credic card page opened automatically - paypal

I've added this button to my site.
I wish they would open the page that asks for a credit card, and not the one that asks for the login.
script src="paypal-button.min.js?"
data-name="Magnetoterapia MF12"

user without a paypal account may pay you via credit card if you enable paypal optional:
the result looks like the figure 6 you can find here:

I did not understand.
I can do what I need ?
I made a payment, recently, it is opened the default page, credit cards.


WHMCS & PayPal - How to disable the create account from express checkout?

I am using PayPal with WHMCS. During the purchase, PayPal express checkout popup shows the create PayPal account form also below the credit card information form, and this [Create your PayPal account] form is required even after doing these changes as per the PayPal documentation.
On the other side, the WHMCS also doesn't have any option to disable/hide the create PayPal account form.
Due to this issue, my clients are getting annoyed and leaving my site without completing the purchase. How to disable the create account from express checkout?
That is the normal flow for new PayPal buyers. An option to pay without creating an account might sometimes be available, depending on many factors including the buyer's location, but is never guaranteed.
For the option of a black button to pay with a Debit or Credit Card to always be available, integrate with current PayPal Checkout buttons, which for a UAE buyer will look like this:
You can test the demo here and append &buyer-country=AE to the SDK script line (only for sandbox mode)
I know this is an old thread but incase anyone else is trying to solve it, I've just used simple CSS to hide it - using the default Twenty One theme I just added this to my custom.css file.
.express-checkout-buttons {
And it hides. I know its not the best option but it works for me as I don't need to my clients checking out via this option.

Bank wasn't able to verify your VISA while payment

I am new to PayPal integration I am testing the payment process but facing some issue while checking out. I tried all mention cards in PayPal website but didn't work any.
Error Message:
Sorry, your bank wasn't able to verify your VISA x-**** at this time.
Please choose another way to pay.
Go to the PayPal Dashboard from the account from which you created the Sandbox accounts and PayPal app. There in the Mock section in the side navigation go to Credit Card Generator. Here select the country that you have chosen while making the business sandbox account and click Generate CC.
Now copy the details of the card generated. Now go to the site where you have integrated PayPal checkout and while making payment instead of choosing the default card click on add Debit/Credit card and add a card with the details the card that you generated. You'll be redirected to a payment page, fill a random password there and your dummy transaction will be completed if everything else in the code is fine.
You need to go to your paypal developer account and then find the mock menu and then select credit card generator
Generate a credit card based on your county
Now try to add a new card on the Paypal page where you are getting error.
Enter the details of the mock card
Then again try to do that payment.
You may be asked to enter a password. Just click on the new-user/forgot password link.
Everything will work fine
I faced this similar issue while integrating Paypal with my app. What I did found that Paypal integration for sandbox account does have an issue while payment if the currency used, is other than USD.
Yes, other solution may work if you want to generate a fake credit card and add it to the Paypal page.
But if you don't want to add any other credit card to the Paypal account and use it for testing purposes, what you can do is to change the country of both business and personal accounts to USA & currency to USD, also set the app to accept the payment in USD.
It will work fine.

PayPal "Pay with Credit Card" and Item description

I have a few questions regarding using PayPal.
The first image is from an existing website, while the second is from a sandboxed Express Checkout test.
Differences between the two:
On the left side, there is an item description and quantity.
On the bottom right, notice it is Pay with my Credit Card instead of Create a PayPal account.
How do I achieve 1. and 2.? What APIs do I use?
Take note that my site has potentially many items for sale, and it is impossible for me to manually create buttons for each one.
Edited: Ok I just found the answer to 1.:
For 2., the existing website actually prompts for details such as name, and address before redirecting to the PayPal site. When I click on "Pay with Credit Card", the details input earlier do show up on the PayPal form. I also notice the existing site can accept direct credit card payments, which seem to me it is using at least a Payment Pro solution. Is that why it can achieve 2.?
How do I achieve that? Do I use the AdaptiveAccount API to create an account on behalf of the user?
In order get the credit card section to display by default instead of the option to pay with a PayPal account, you need to pass over to additional variables in your SetExpressCheckout API call.

I can't edit a credit card information in PayPal Sandbox

I'm trying to follow steps in this official documentation:
After near 6 hours of research, I finally managed to create an account from that could be accessible from Since all changes were made to the developers side, testing is more than a pain and it's harder than before, when it was not easy either.
Well, so I'm now logged into my account and I want to edit my credit card address as pointed in the tutorial:
Replace the contents of the street address Line-1 of the buyer's test credit card, with CCREJECT-REFUSED.
When I click on the "Edit" card link, inside my profile in PayPal's Sandbox page, all I get is a blank page.
Does anyone have a workaround for this bug? Thank you.

Paypal donate via credit card link

I have a non profit website that I put a donate button on that works fine.
But there are some older people who do not have a paypal account. If you hit the donate LINK and the continue, it takes you to a credit card input screen. They don't see the continue link.
Is there a way to link directly to that page, passing my hosted_button_id ?
So I want to make a second link on my website that if they have no paypal account. It takes them directly to the credit card screen.
Thank You