Snort: Reporting packet numbers - snort

I am making use of snort to match packets in pcap file against a set of rules. I want to log the results. I looked at the log file produced at var/log/snort but I want to know that which packet numbers corresponding to the original wireshark pcap file have reported matches. Which command will do that?

You can use the test logger. When running from the command line, add the option '-A test'. The alert's output will have the format
(packet_number) (gid) (sid) (rev).
packet_number corresponds to the pcap's packet number. You can use the other three pieces of information to determine the rule which was triggered.


dumpcap, save to text file and line separated

I'm trying to build a solution where dumpcap saves to text file in the format:
timestamp_as_detailed_as_possible, HEX-raw-packet
My goal is to have this continuously streaming each single data packet to the file, separated by newline.
2 questions?:
Is it possible for dumpcap to take care of fragmented packets, so I'm guaranteed each line contains 1 single full packet?
Is it OK to have another thread afterwards running and reading lines from the same file, do something with the data and then delete the line when processed - without this interfering with dumpcap?
Is it OK to have another thread afterwards running and reading lines from the same file, do something with the data and then delete the line when processed - without this interfering with dumpcap?
No. But this is the wrong approach. A pipe is actually what you should use here, i.e. dumpcap writing to a pipe and the analyzing process reading from it, i.e.
dumpcap -w - | analyzer
Is it possible for dumpcap to take care of fragmented packets, so I'm guaranteed each line contains 1 single full packet?
No, and it is also unclear here what exactly you expect. Usually there is no fragmentation done at the IP level and all since TCP tries to adjust the packet size to not be larger than the MTU anyway. And TCP should be treated as a byte stream only, i.e. don't expect anything you send to end up in a single packet or that multiple send will actually result in multiple packets.
I'm trying to build a solution where dumpcap saves to text file
Dumpcap doesn't save to text files, it saves to binary pcap or pcapng files.
You might want to consider using tcpdump instead, although you'd have to pipe it to a separate program/script to massage its output into the format you want.

NMAP save results to separate files

I was wondering if there was any way to specify a range of IP addresses and save the scan results for each to a sepperate file in the same folder.
So scan,, and they all save to a file with the file name as their IP address in a folder.
I'm working on a small screen and it would really help make the results more understandable.
No, there isn't. However, you might want to take a look the various -o options.
For example, -oM <filename> will store it in "Machine Readable" format. Another option is a greppable format. Both of these might serve your purpose because, essentially, they will save the results in a file with one line per host rather than the rather verbose standard output.

Merging two pcap files with libpcap

I already know how to read a pcap file and get the packets it have.B ut how can I write the packets into a new pcap file? I need this to merge two pcap files into one.
As per my comment, libpcap/WinPcap is a library, not a program, so to use libpcap/WinPcap to merge capture files, you'd have to write your own code to do the merging, using libpcap/WinPcap to read the input files and write the output files.
You could use an existing tool, such as tracemerge or Wireshark's mergecap, to merge the captures.
Assuming the goal is to merge two files' packets by time stamp, then, if you wanted to write your own code, you'd:
attempt to open the two files, and fail if you can't;
if the two files have different link-layer header types or snapshot lengths, fail (you'd have to write a pcap-ng file to handle that, and libpcap/WinPcap don't support that yet);
if the files have the same link-layer header types and snapshot lengths, open an output file using one of the pcap_ts (it doesn't matter which one; all the pcap_t does is tell pcap_dump_open() what link-layer header type and snapshot length to use);
and have a loop where you:
if there's no packet already read from the first file, and the first file is still open, read a packet from it - if that gets an EOF, close the first file;
if there's no packet already read from the second file, and the second file is still open, read a packet from it - if that gets an EOF, close the second file;
if you have two packets, write out the one with the older time stamp and mark that packet as no longer being there, so you read another packet from the file from which it came;
if you have only one packet, write it out and mark it as no longer being there, so you read another packet from the file from which it came;
if you have no packets, you're done - exit the loop;
and then, when you exit the loop, close the dump file. At that point, you're done.
This can be done using joincap.
go get -u
To merge 1.pcap and 2.pcap:
joincap 1.pcap 2.pcap > merged.pcap
I wrote joincap to overcome what I believe is bad error handling by mergecap and tcpslice.
For more details go to

Perl and wireshark export file dialog

I am interested in opening a capture file in wireshark and then exporting the data in "C arrays" format [Wireshark provides that option in its GUI. One can do it by following "File->Export->as C arrays file" from the main menu.My question is how can I do this in perl? Can someone help me with a script for this?
I Would like to parse each and every packet of the wireshark capture. So I thought, I will first convert each packet to an array and then parse it. Do you have any suggestions on this? My capture consists of all IEEE 802.11 frames.
If you want to do all the parsing yourself, i.e. look at the raw packet data, I would suggest writing your own program using libpcap to read pcap-format capture files (on UN*X, libpcap 1.1.0 and later can also read pcap-ng-format capture files, which is what Wireshark 1.8.0 and later write by default). No need to write stuff out as C arrays.

How can I make log4perl output easier to read?

When using log4perl, the debug log layout that I'm using is :
log4perl.appender.D10.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [pid=%P] %p %F{1} (%L) %M %m%n
log4perl.appender.D10.Filter = DebugAndUp
This produces very verbose debug logs, for example:
2008/11/26 11:57:28 [pid=25485] DEBUG (331) functions::SomeModule::Test Test XXX was successfull
2008/11/26 11:57:29 [pid=25485] ERROR (99999) functions::SomeModule::AnotherTest AnotherTest YYY has faled
This works great, and provides excellent debugging data.
However, each line of the debug log contains different function names, pid length, etc. This makes each line layout differently, and makes reading debug logs much harder than it needs to be.
Is there a way in log4perl to format the line so that the debugging metadata (everything up until the actual log message) be padded at the end with spaces/tabs, and have the actual message start at the same column of text?
You can pad the single fields that make up your entries. For example [pid=%5P] will always give you at least 5 characters for the PID.
The "Quantify Placeholders" section in the docs for Log::Log4perl::Layout gives more details.
There are a couple of ways to go with this, although you have to figure out which one works better for your situation:
Use a different appender if you are working live. Have that appender use a pattern that shows only the information you want. If you're working in a single process, for instance, your alternate appender might leave off the PID and the timestamp. You might only need the file name and line number.
Use %n to put newlines in the right place. That makes it multi-line output that is slightly harder to parse later, but you can choose another sequence for the input record separator (say, a literal "[EOL]") to make it easy to read entry-by-entry.
Log to a database instead of a file. For your reports, select just the columns you want to inspect.
Log everything, but write a filter to go through the log file ad-hoc to display just the parts that you want to see, such as only the debugging messages, the entries between certain times, only the entries involving a file, and so on.