NMAP save results to separate files - nmap

I was wondering if there was any way to specify a range of IP addresses and save the scan results for each to a sepperate file in the same folder.
So scan,, and they all save to a file with the file name as their IP address in a folder.
I'm working on a small screen and it would really help make the results more understandable.

No, there isn't. However, you might want to take a look the various -o options.
For example, -oM <filename> will store it in "Machine Readable" format. Another option is a greppable format. Both of these might serve your purpose because, essentially, they will save the results in a file with one line per host rather than the rather verbose standard output.


SAS- Reading multiple compressed data files

I hope you are all well.
So my question is about the procedure to open multiple raw data files that are compressed.
My files' names are ordered so I have for example : o_equities_20080528.tas.zip o_equities_20080529.tas.zip o_equities_20080530.tas.zip ...
Thank you all in advance.
How much work this will be depends on whether:
You have enough space to extract all the files simultaneously into one folder
You need to be able to keep track of which file each record has come from (i.e. you can't tell just from looking at a particular record).
If you have enough space to extract everything and you don't need to track which records came from which file, then the simplest option is to use a wildcard infile statement, allowing you to import the records from all of your files in one data step:
infile "c:\yourdir\o_equities_*.tas" <other infile options as per individual files>;
This syntax works regardless of OS - it's a SAS feature, not shell expansion.
If you have enough space to extract everything in advance but you need to keep track of which records came from each file, then please refer to this page for an example of how to do this using the filevar option on the infile statement:
If you don't have enough space to extract everything in advance, but you have access to 7-zip or another archive utility, and you don't need to keep track of which records came from each file, you can use a pipe filename and extract to standard output. If you're on a Linux platform then this is very simple, as you can take advantage of shell expansion:
filename cmd pipe "nice -n 19 gunzip -c /yourdir/o_equities_*.tas.zip";
infile cmd <other infile options as per individual files>;
On windows it's the same sort of idea, but as you can't use shell expansion, you have to construct a separate filename for each zip file, or use some of 7zip's more arcane command-line options, e.g.:
filename cmd pipe "7z.exe e -an -ai!C:\yourdir\o_equities_*.tas.zip -so -y";
This will extract all files from all of the matching archives to standard output. You can narrow this down further via the 7-zip command if necessary. You will have multiple header lines mixed in with the data - you can use findstr to filter these out in the pipe before SAS sees them, or you can just choose to tolerate the odd error message here and there.
Here, the -an tells 7-zip not to read the zip file name from the command line, and the -ai tells it to expand the wildcard.
If you need to keep track of what came from where and you can't extract everything at once, your best bet (as far as I know) is to write a macro to process one file at a time, using the above techniques and add this information while you're importing each dataset.

Programmatically change text config files in Linux with minimal effort

I am looking for a tool that would ease the modification of text configuration files for tasks like:
Set ForwardAgent yes on /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Append HGUSER to AcceptEnv in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (that's more complex as it does accept several params, if yours is not alread there it should add it)
Most important:
running it several times should have no side effects.
if something looks weird, it should complain (for example if you find the same line several times in a file, or if the expected syntax does not match).
Is there any linux tool that can easily be used to automate things like this?
The whole point is to be able to write these config patches somewhere so you can deploy them on several machines or on a new machine when needed.
I would certainly do this with bash scripting. Here is a great tutorial.
to change a line in a file you could do something like:
check the file exists
grep for the value you want to change - error if it appears multiple times or something
use sed to change that line
to append something to a file
check if file exists
grep to ensure it hasn't been appended to already
echo whatever >> file - the double greater than appends to a file
with each of these I would make a backup copy of the file first, just in case something goes wrong
You might want to have a look at the Unified Configuration Interface (UCI) used in Embedded Linux systems. If you have the flexibility to adapt the UCI format for your config files, this is pretty similar to what you are looking for.

How to read a file from the disk if less than X days old, if older, refetch the html file

I wish to read an html file off of the internet and cache it. Then when I go back, because I'm debugging, I don't want to hammer the servers with the numerous requests I'll need. I don't want to get my IP banned for slamming the server over and over again just because I'm debugging. So my code needs to look something like:
if ((file > days_old) || !(file exists))
fetch html file from internet
save file to disk
read it from the disk
Because there will be multiple files, I'll need to include a variable name in the file name so the file is unique and I can easily look it up again.
I just learned Perl this semester and we only learned the basics & a bit of regex, once I get this I should be mostly fine.
Use an existing module:
If you really want to implement your own, you'll want to look at the If-Modified-Since and ETag HTTP headers to determine when to re-fetch a file, rather than an arbitrary days_old number you suck out of your thumb. You will also have to generate a unique filename, preferably with a hash function, while retaining the original URL to cater for hash collisions.

How do I find the data segment of Mac OSX executable with Perl?

I'm writing a tool in Perl that needs to scan for certain binary patterns inside an executable file on a Mac OSX. To avoid getting very many false positives, I want to restrict my search to the data/text segment of the executable, excluding the code segment and a few other things. How can I accomplish this?
How about using otool?
-t Display the contents of the (__TEXT,__text) section.
-d Display the contents of the (__DATA,__data) section.
You should look at the ELF file format specification. It contains headers and tables that tell you exactly which segments live where. Parsing it is tedious but straightforward.

How can I limit file types in CGI file uploads in Perl?

I am using CGI to allow the user to upload some files. I just want the just to be able to upload .txt or .csv files. If the user uploads file with any other format then I want to be able to put out an error message.
I saw that this can be done by javascript: http://www.codestore.net/store.nsf/unid/DOMM-4Q8H9E
But is there a better way to achieve this? Is there is some functionality in Perl that allows this?
The disclaimer on the site to you link to is important:
Note: This is not entirely foolproof as people can easily change the extension of a file before uploading it, or do some other trickery, as in the case of the "LoveBug" virus.
If you really want to do this right, let the user upload the file, and
then use something like File::MimeInfo::Magic (or file(1), the
UNIX utility) to guess the actual file type. If you don't like the
file type, delete the file and give the user an error message.
I just want the just to be able to upload .txt or .csv files.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? It's not. And then some.
The simple approach is just to test that the file ends in ‘.txt’ or ‘.csv’ before storing it on the filesystem. This should be part of a much more in-depth validation of what the filename is allowed to contain before you let a user-submitted filename anywhere near the filesystem.
Because the rules about what can go in a filename are complex on some platforms (especially Windows) it's usually best to create your own filename independently with a known-good name and extension.
In any case there is no guarantee that the browser will send you a file with a usable name at all, and even if it does there is no guarantee that name will have ‘.txt’ or ‘.csv’ at the end, even if it is a text or CSV file. (Some platforms simply do not use extensions for file typing.)
Whilst you can try to sniff the contents of the file to see what type it might be, this is highly unreliable. For example:
could be plain text, CSV, HTML, XML, or a variety of other formats. Better to give the user an explicit control to say what file type they're uploading (or use one file upload field per type).
Now here's where it gets really nasty. Say you've accepted the upload and stored it as /data/mygoodfilename.txt, and the web server is correctly serving it as the Content-Type ‘text/plain’. What do you think the browser interprets it as? Plain text? You should be so lucky.
The problem is that browsers (primarily IE) don't trust your Content-Type header, and instead sniff the contents of the file to see if it looks like something else. Serve the above snippet as plain text, and IE will happily treat it as HTML. This can be a huge problem, because HTML can include client-side scripts that will take over the user's access to the site (a cross-site-scripting attack).
At this point you might be tempted to sniff the file on the server-side, for example using the ‘file’ command, to check it doesn't contain ‘<html>’. But this is doomed to failure. The ‘file’ command does not sniff for all the same HTML tags as IE does, and other browsers sniff differently anyway. It's quite easy to prepare a file that ‘file’ will claim is not HTML, but that IE will nevertheless treat as if it is (with security-disaster implications).
Content-sniffing approaches such as ‘file’ will give you only a false sense of security. This is a convenience tool for loose guessing of filetypes and not an effective security measure.
At this point your last desperate possibilities are things like:
serving all user-uploaded files from a separate hostname, so that a script injection attack can't purloin the credentials of your main site;
serving all user-uploaded files through a CGI wrapper, adding the header ‘Content-Disposition: attachment’ so that browsers won't attempt to display them directly;
only accepting uploads from trusted users.
On unix the easiest way is to do an JRockway suggested. If not on unix then your options are limited. You can examine the file extension and you can examine the contents to verify. I'm assuming for you specific case that you only want "* seperated value" text files. So one of the Text::CSV::* modules may be useful in verifying the file is the type you asked for.
Security for this operation is a whole other ball of wax.
try this:
$file_name = "file.txt";
$file_cmd = "file \"$file_name"\";
$file_type = `$file_cmd`;
return 0 unless($file_type =~ /(ASCII|text)/i)